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Is there still a point to dual booting, or can all the use cases be handled now by running Windows in a VM with some kind of GPU passthrough?
WSL made dual booting obsolete. Linux is a Windows app now.
I remember trying to do the gpu passthrpugh meme and giving up, cant remember why

Why not just use wine/lutrix/proton?
Unless you're specifically trying to play Ubislop or use Microsoft apps, there's pretty much nothing that doesn't work through wine nowadays. You might encounter a tough app that doesn't work out of the box, but create a bug report and Linux's top autists will fix it before the Windows installer finishes uploading all your personal data.
Can Bill Gates please stop shilling his crappy wares here please?
Linux is a server os, trying to make it usable as a desktop is only a hobby thing
Nah, I want Linux as the main OS. It doesn't shove new useless crap down my throat with each new version. Retarded tabloid tier news that pop out when I mouse over the wrong place, animations, some 3d paint thing trust I still don't know what it does, some Xbox gaming crap, antivirus that slows down the computer... Modern Windows is just a very bad experience for me, the last version I didn't actively dislike was 7.
>Linux's top autists will fix it before the Windows installer finishes uploading all your personal data.
I need to dual boot because of Unreal Engine for work. It's slow enough already without running is a VM.
pretty much
You can prevent it from doing forced updates, you know.
On my old rig I was running Win10 version 1607 up until cyberpunk 2077 released
Skill issue
Literally works on LTSC without any problems
>Is there still a point to dual booting
not since WSL was released
That's only useful for the minority of people who want linux functions but still insist on using windows for some reason, most of us just want windows programs to work without actually having to use windows.
If you're using the VM for gaming, some multiplayer games won't let you play in a VM. There's ways to bypass it but it's a cat and mouse game
kute kot
you are an absolute moron
Linux is a kernel
is it possible to play gacha games like Genshin this way or run mobile emulators?
Where can you find these bypasses?
have you tried using WSL? It's buggy as fuck.
There's only a few reasons you would even need to use windows.
DAWs+VSTs and pozzed video games that require rootkit windows access come to mind.
Neither of which you'd want to do through a VM.
+ systemd + libc + kde its an os;)
Cheat forums. Most often they are paid exploits but some games have free exploits. As always you risk being banned if the game has other ways to detect tampering besides client detection.
>Linux is a kernel
That viewpoint is deprecated. It's an OS now.
>Linux - with the added trust of Microsoft
Couldn't there be obfuscation of the vm implemented into the host instead of the guest though?
Bill Gates?
Are you going to ask for Balmer to shut up next?
MS was taken over by a Poojeet years ago.
Most anti cheats out there are looking for obfuscation/where's Waldo in the big cow stack. The trick is to blend in instead. For example to bypass Gameguard/Xigncode you install a driver with the cheats but the driver is signed with a stolen Microsoft cert to seem legit and go through.
>cat and mouse game
only normies say this, just change your strategy
Microsoft continuously patches exploits, adds more bloat with more exploits, and pretends its a fact of life
its not a cat and mouse game, youre just playing it wrong
Proton made dual booting obsolete. Windows is an Linux package now.
Bugged piece of shit, slow as fuck filesystem access so you have to copy the same files twice and keep them in sync.
I never was able to have my old Photoshop CS2 work in Wine neither with any Linux distribution and never got any reply on Wine forum. I won't buy/pirate a new version and I already tried all free alternatives, so yeah, unfortunately, dual boot with Windows7, though not very convenient. :(
Same for music. I never was able to have my old E-MU audio card working on any Linux distribution, and I like my old Cubase which would not run well in Linux anyway, so again, dual boot with Windows 7.
I tried Winapps by the way, in order to have Windows 7 "inside" Linux, but I had errors then errors then errors then errors then gave up.
when was that? i last used CS2 in wine back when gimp 2.7's single window mode was new (so about 13 years ago), i remember wanting to demonstrate to someone that it too technically used multiple windows
Gates stepped down as CEO but doesn't he still own like 40% of the company or something?
Idk about that particular chink-shit, but Android apps can run on Linux. There are multiple ways to do it, so do some research. Waydroid is cool because it integrates apps so they launch and run like desktop apps, but there are other options.
Nah, thanks but I don't actually want to run Windows. I'd just like access to some Windows programs like Word, Photoshop and a couple of games. The OS itself doesn't appeal to me at all. Windows 7 was at least tolerable, but 8+ is just terrible.
More like 20% after the divorce
I started trying over a year ago and gave up a few months ago.
Needs Wayland, which will hopefully be usable by 2035.

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