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File: gameplay AI.webm (1.48 MB, 1280x720)
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1.48 MB WEBM
How close are we from prompting a videogame?
How close are you to committing suicide, Cris?
That thing he posted makes me want to commit suicide desu.
AI slop now on video games

Hope all of you kikes burn in the oven
File: kof gameplay.webm (572 KB, 1280x720)
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>posts slop
>YouTube UI elements are also AI-generated
The hell? Is this really AI-generated from scratch or just vid2vid?
Is it finally available?

what's the OP image about? it looks like it'd be a fun generic game. Like was it made with stable video diffusion? how is that video possible
File: 25 April.png (712 KB, 1138x653)
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712 KB PNG
game name? a link to itch.io?
It's a mockup.
looks better than 100% of the AAA slop the corpos make, portably for 0.0000000000000001% of the budget too lol
Kill yourself Cris
Fagitone is a Cris sockpuppet confirmed.
That already exists bro I saw it on HN
It's just a video
This is what it feels like to be high on shrooms, or pretty drunk.
You could probably prompt a basic game now if you already knew gamedev enough to prompt individual components, but you'd still need to manually edit a fuckload. Complex multifile systems are probably a decade or more away.
Back to /3/ cris
gamers will care the least about AI in video games since 99% of the playerbase is just wannabe game designers and they'll care way more about having a chance of designing a game
I hooked up with this guy on tinder once who was a gaymer and he kept insisting on me teaching him how to code so he can become a gamedev! I tried to teach him the basics of C and he just gave up and said he's just gonna use unity and unrealengine. I wonder where he's at now
Why are you gay?
Dating a guy is like highschool love but with taxes. You're not expected to be a provider, most of the stuff is 50/50 and guys are just cuter. The only negative is how many fags are hedonists just looking for dick
>guys are just cuter
Do you have no attraction to women, whatsoever? As a man, you should not feel this way.
You can be real good close friends with guys, without kissing or fucking them, you know?
>Do you have no attraction to women, whatsoever?
I could technically jerk off to women or have sex with women without having an autistic meltdown unlike some gays but I just can't imagine myself in a relationship with one. It just boils down to innate preferences
>I just can't imagine myself in a relationship with one
Not a single one? It may be hard to find a quality, available woman, but there's a few out there.
Are you under the age of 18? Gays exist you retarded faggot.
Zero, Claude-3.5-Sonnet is more than capable of writing an entire Minecraft clone for you that runs in browser

> https://websim.ai/c/baqSl81dCtg0CJRmI
It's from cris, obviously he never finished and just used that screenshot to bait on multiple boards
"prompt designer" or "prompt engineer" will be top paid IT jobs in the future.
screencap this.
Field will also be dominated by woman because male technicalities just get in way of understanding task on deeper level through emotions and feelings.
Google genie had 2d platformer generator, so in 1.5 years we will have 2d platformer generator and top down games like NES/snes games

Then probably will start with 3d game generation, but we have to improve 3d setting generation and character sprite generation,
Don't you wish to start a family some day?
I understand that they exist, but I don't believe homosexuality is good for humanity. It should be discouraged, and I wish to believe that some people can be steered away from it.
As close as full self-driving cars.
Just 2 more years, I've heard.
AI will probably get to the point where it can churn out "tutorial games." Where you run around with a 1st or 3rd person camera and do the simplest of things like shooting enemies that just walk at you and collecting coins.

I can't really see it getting more in depth than that because game design is abstract. It makes sense as you're doing it, but it'll be hard to articulate exactly how you want game mechanics to work to an AI. Like, try asking AI to work out a Super Smash Bros type combat where damage taken equals more knockback to enemy attacks and getting killed when you're knocked back really far. It'll probably explode trying to figure out what the hell you mean.
for now all it can do is generate gameplay footage. Badly, of course. Don't get too hyped.
not close at all
proof that it's generated with a single prompt?
fuck off my board cris
It's a mockery
>how close are we to [insane far-off thing]
>posts literal garbage
reminds me of lsd dream emulator for the playstation
is this faggot ever going to make anything? holy shit.
>tfw AI will make a full game before cris does anything besides shitty art
fat tardlet
websim can only do singular prompts
stay mad
Why not just generating photorealistic scene if there is no difference in GPU power?
The absolute state of /g/
This has to be cooked. I typed in 'Minecraft' into the search and it generates broken garbage for me.

Still quite impressive but nowhere what's claimed here.

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