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Explain to me how X is bad again? They're the bastion of free speech, even more than 4channel ever was. Its been THE anti-Ieft platform ever since the great Elon Musk gracefully bought and saved it from bankruptcy and debt from mismanagement of the radicaI Ieft ownership of before and he will go down in history books as one of the most greatest people to have ever lived and even more so on his future Mars colony.
>They're the bastion of free speech, even more than 4channel ever was.
>can't even say faggot without getting filtered
Do you really need an explanation on the downsides of social media?
>Explain to me how X is bad again?
It's outdated and insecure. Use Wayland instead.
Even if this was real, lefties on twitter enjoyed more lax security terms for years. If you think a social media as big as twatter can be impartial with it's users in this day and age, you are delusional
(((right wing accounts)))
lemme guess:
wall streets silver
that malasyan fag
that plastic surgery faggot
and the other right wing grifters
It's controlled opposition. They present us with something that's safe to them while shadowbanning actual right wing content. It's actually more dangerous than if they were to outright ban us because then at least we'd know and retards (like OP) wouldn't fall for it.
Doesn't Musk censor people he doesn't like?
Yeah. Leftists, like you.
Weird behaviour from a self-titled free speech absolutist imo
Look, it's not free speech of a leftist does it
Wa waah
I mean bastion of free speech or not you just get bombarded by blue checkmarks. They start showing up in your notifications and you follow a few. Then you view their posts
how dare they! only the left is allowed to do that!
social media is normie mindset made manifest.
You're using a small blurry screenshot because users here would be able to tell that code is fake
buy an ad Elon... and pay your child support for your 20 kids
kek you can get muted for several weeks for saying "kill yourself"
nice thumbnail retard!
Those guys, not you, are allowed to say slurs with impunity. That's not freedom, it's the exact opposite.
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>"corporations are radical left"
lel. Weak bait.
Explain to me why I should care at all about lgbt facebook
social media has trained a neuron in them to ignore anything negative about it

Elon Musk should be killed for being such a cancer on society. It would make things significantly better
Because privileging users for having the "right" politics is still, ultimately, unfair and immoral.
>b-b-but the left!
Two wrongs don't make a right. It's bad when the left does it, it's bad when the right does it.
Being so tribal that you abandon the idea of universal principles is a race to the bottom.
It was never the bastion of free speech
The study which deemed Twitter as more right wing leaning before it was bought is still crap however
I assume it was done by people who are already pretty left
love that you guys are having to resort to spamming this hoax to annoy people here, because it's such an obvious fake that you can't even get dem-aligned media to touch the story
Didn't rightoids complain when leftoids did it
Free speech as long as you don't critisize elon musk for being thinskinned crybaby or tesla for being crappy and overprized. Everything else is fair game.
Maybe in the US but German electric cars are shit
The right has given up on letting principle-less leftoids hold them to their own principles. This is wartime economy, principles are on hold until the enemy has been wiped out.
Then you don't have principles retard, you're just as unscrupulous as the leftists you criticize

Also you're not the one in control, it's the establishment right, the same ones who want to suppress all criticism of Israel.
>Then you don't have principles
All electric cars sucks for now. It will likely improve in the future, but definitly not tesla, but don't tell musk this, or he will ban you. It's like asking Alex Jones why he is a doppelgänger of dead comedian Bill Hicks.
Then your complaints about others acting in such ways are worthless
those leaks are literally fake news created by an anifa tranny
all fields all the time
I dont even think the screenshot is real because you can say jew on twitter its not a slur
You forgot Rhinofag, Marbleboy, the cringe "chad" guy, the jew empress, many assorted gay guys...
And the worst part is, the other side somehow is even worse because with chud freaks at least you can still insult and mock them without MAJOR repercussions
When did the West become great? When we were a homogeneous society in which any dissenting opinions led to social exclusion, for centuries few had a say and everything went well.
Since every idiot, whether left or right, can cosplay that he is important, our society is falling apart.
No matter if left or right, the whole fucking internet should be nuked and with it every idiot who calls social media a human right.
you restrict speech here, yours been restricted there.

i see no evil. kind of equilibrium

some biden fan banned me here for explaining number symbolics, or maybe it was antisemitism word, who knows. those are filled with politics, mine was only a small drop
make your own twitter
Blindly holding on to principles in this way only serves to destroy what you value in long term.
>We are bettee than leftoids because of our principles
>*gived up principles*
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There's value in sticking to your principles
This is probably because the left keeps trying to report them, and their automated system would pick it up due to the sheer amount of reports, so they just whitelisted them
The point is shielding those who are against those principles from negative consequences of what they believe only emboldens them and makes the principles even harder, if not impossible to uphold.
Spineless faggots, the lot of you. At first sign of not everyone following your principles you just give up. Pathetic.
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This is probably fake but I'm just going to believe it and repost it anyway
>i can't call someone a nigger, only donald trump can
>free speech
ITT: leftists
>controlled opposition
6th reply told the truth. You can disregard the rest of the thread.
the right wing has absorbed all the idiots and outcasts of the world, let them be

mitt romney 2028 lets make it happen boys
This. It's been obvious for years, but this leak proves it beyond a shadow of a doubt. All of these accounts are run by semites.
They are
>free speech is when I can but you can't
why are westerners like this
Stop watching Hollywood movies. Wild west is not coming back, you are not king Arthur and there is no "final battle" incoming. There is no war either
>Explain to me how X is bad again?
Because it's social media
This is not real but it should be.
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This who "leak" is fake. That being said, I wish it wasn't because it benefits me and I don't care if its "fair" and I don't care about your "free speech" if it does not align with my views. I want my opposition to be silenced.
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Technology can be used for evil.

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