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Well that experiment didn't last long.
the needful was not done
Saar pls redesignate India as apple supply. We ceo now
Why are Indians so bad at building stuff? Their manufacturing has actually shrunk in the past decade. Maoist chinks in the 70's could manufacture better than them.
Average IQ too low. It doesn't matter that Brahmins exist when most Indians are not brahmin or other intelligent castes, and those who are are not going to work in a factory. In China even the factory drones have a reasonable IQ floor.
Gotta save the Chinese economy.
yeah man apple's doing this out of the goodness of their altruistic hearts for the benefit of the chinks, makes perfect sense
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Works for me,sirs
building shit requires quality control and india is the most chronically negligent, apathetic place on the planet
Of course not, but China has to get manufacturing back on track considering how much they're investing into it so it's in their best interest to attract foreign brands back.
That wouldn't matter if not for culture. If the education system and hiring wasn't corrupted by culture they have enough intelligent people even among untouchables to fill the factories.

China has a ton of nepotism too, but they also have a culture of intensively selective education and civil service exams (mostly rote memorization, but that's enough to filter retards). That's mostly what India lacks.

Median IQ and culture are almost independent, India just suffers from worst of both worlds.
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if you think pajeet coding is bad, witness the abyss beyond recognition of pajeet manufacturing. It makes jeet coding look deent
>physical labor = low caste. Only office work deemed as humane. Hence so many jeets studying CS for bragging that they look genius.
>maintenance = useless, as low as cleaning. Why clean up the machine if it'll dirty again
>cutting costs = no safety

jeet manufacturing is worse than chink. With same number if not more chink rekt webm accidents. The only reason there aren't many circulating webms unlike chinks is because jeets are too poor to afford it, embezzle the money from it (cut corners even worse than chinks, especially on safety, maintenance issue), and delete every single shameful accident records.
Maybe they could make it more feasible for Americans to have children and move manufacturing back here? No? Ok, back to china then.
Modi is a shit leader.
He's Thatcher but worse.
fake but I will continue to pretend to believe it, share it with everyone I know, and speak as if it were beyond question.
Do not thank me, I do this because it is the right thing to do.
Kek, this is great, thought I was on /pol/ for a second.
Even where there are no accidents.
This video was supposed to be a point of pride... like jesus, it's basically fallout level 'manufacturing'
China is at least modern manufacturing, India is pre-WW2.
no more shit particles in iphones? maybe a worthwhile purchase in 2026
>Maybe they could make it more feasible for Americans to have children and move manufacturing back here?
Cool it with the anti-semitism.
Bros... was poojeet moon landing a lie?
Even if this specific headline is fake it's absolutely guaranteed to be true one way or another.
manufacturing status: redeemed
poo in the loo
This looks almost exactly like a Vespa factory, just with cheaper robots.
>false dichotomy of chink being better at QC than street shitters
Fuck out of these two shitholes and just go with Vietnam Malaysia or any other place. Enough time has passed to tell that neither one is the better option.
Wait... Was it why you chinkshills were so butthhurt about India?
Mister Tim Cock, please sar. Do not redeem.
good morning sir
Do you ESL nigger know what the conjunction "and" means.
ESL nigerrS
Dumb fuck
remember these posts when rightoids start screeching about the left being the ones don't live in reality
Already too expensive, they had their moment in the 70/80s, when WD, Intel, etc. started putting assembly there.
I'd fathom, most people here who've never heard of Malaysia, would see that country's name for the first time on an Intel (or AMD) CPU die.
You couldn't even say it'll be politically unstable (they've been in power for over 50 years and managed to fend off three foreign invaders [FR, US, CN]), but capitalist companies don't wanna risk their means of production being seized.
Compared to China, on the other hand... also, for those who aren't aware, China and Vietnam are NOT friends, despite both being communists, as soon as the Americans left in 1975, China basically started invading from the north, and war-torn Viet Nam [actually] punched them back as well.
Pretty bad-ass, gotta admit.
t. not a Burger
Vietnam is now one of, if not the main hub for Samsung production. Cheap, skilled workers and decent infrastructure. Also much less IP stealing, less hostile and less overall risk compared to China.
Samsung literally moved there because the Chinese were too rampant about stealing and copying their business secrets.
how about moving production to USA?
Fair point, Viet Nam is probably just happy to have the business, they likely do not have intentions to copy and compete directly.
Worker's rights, more expensive, less competent, etc.
Once a company reaches a certain theshold to be able to operate globally, it is (forced, if public) to do so.
You either yourself become communist (or capitalist isolationist?) if you don't want that to happen.
You embraced this system, because you had a head-start, now that it's no longer working in your favor...
What are you on about? It's Apple who came crawling back. So much for the pivot bravado they and their fantards had a few months ago.
they're only going to move back here if they get MASSIVE subsidies like Intel did. if it wasn't for the federal government, companies wouldn't give a shit about national security and make them wherever is cheapest.
United states of Mexico welcomes all the investment from american companies
>1 minute in
>some guy literally just closing his eyes to weld

Holy shit. And he even has what I assume to be goggles on his head.
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cow poop in iphone
India Super Pooer 2030!
I thought it was year of the jeet?
Apple cant allowed to redeem the Chinese production. I have rights and be to receive the H1B for my exemplary work in Java, certified by Durga Sir. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7q3zXRuctQ8&list=PLd3UqWTnYXOnT6p6dll1oiKsDu96QGANk

He's a very fast worker. Please understand.
you speak as if chinks were not actively harmful apathetic bugs
just fucking nuke india and china already
Is it ever? Can we ever even begin to comprehend
>the needful
How can a mortal man approach understanding the elemental aptheosis of
>the needful

How may I (a mere middling IQ white man) ever hope to fully grasp or "grok"
>the needful
I require aid.

Saars, our response?
I thought we would be the next Superpower?
How the FUCK is it possible that jeets can't build shit that literal Cambodians can do
>poojeets cant even follow directions to assemble a phone

Why doesnt apple move to vietnam like samsung did?
You require meds.
Chinamen might be bugs but remember that bugs can build consistently and at scale.
(allah forgive me for uttering this word) Indians are not deserving of their country.
Can't compete with Chinese manufacturing prowess. And you must've missed how samshit and japs crawl back to China after their trilateral summit a few months ago.
Does that mean I can stop sniffing new iPhones now?
can there be a more evident proof that american capitalists sold the rope with which they wil be hanged?
>Despite these efforts, Indian factories still face many problems. They rely heavily on parts from mainland China, which affects both quality and efficiency. Also, Indian factories have low iPhone yield rates (only about 50%) and hygiene issues, including high E. coli levels.

>Indian factories have hygiene issues, including high E. coli levels.
Brahmins are retards too, it doesn't take intelligence to be a priest. Kshitryas are the kings and governors, ruling requires you to be less retarded than the average retard.
Oh thank fuck, I was worried about upgrading to the iphone 16 in september.
> An iPhone factory in India run by a Taiwanese manufacturer (Wistron) was vandalized over the weekend after workers there claimed they were not being paid their wages, prompting Apple (AAPL) to launch an investigation.
> (thousands of iphones were also stolen)
> Apple has put an iPhone factory in southern India belonging to one of its suppliers on “probation” after facing protests over poor living conditions that involved cases of food poisoning and poor quality living facilities.
> The decision to put iPhone assembler Foxconn on notice was taken when sit-in protests had broken out after several cases of food poisoning were detected in factory employees.
if you want an ultra blackpill wait til you find out whats happening in indian drug manufacturing
>pajeets couldnt be assed to even produce the generics they got licenses for
>lied on studies to get the license
>skipped all FDA guidelines
>get investigated and sued
>fda investigates all the pajeet companies
>find pajeets in sandals with unwashed hands manufacturing insulin
>pajeet execs leave pajeet companies
>come to US and do same thing with US generic manufacturers
>literally entire generic pharma supply compromised by pajeets
>pajeets celebrated in india for being business savvy
When reading Atlas Shrugged, it reminds me of Indian culture
>Cutting out the source
Gee, I wonder why.
I'm surprised nobody mentioned the actual reason in this thread: India recently lowered their import tariffs, so it's more profitable to simply make it in China and import it rather than use Indian labor.
dealing with the han is probably better than dealing with poo
why won't they just move to colombia,brazil or mexico.
Finally someone with sense. These untermensch have been here long enough
Lmao truly subhuman
I have a love/hate relationship with Indians. I hate that they are taking over, but I love that they are sticking it to corpos. The rulers treat people like theyre disposable, churning through them until they finally found a people they cant get rid of, the Indians. It is the natural outcome.
They dont give a shit. They value their own happiness above productivity; dont have work ethic. Its a favorable adaptation to the modern scam based economy.
>tfw some of the brands of the drug I take buy their drugs from india
fucking hell... I'll have to start checking the origin of these pills.

you can google that phrase and you'll find a bunch of different sources, faggot
theres literally a part of the book describing some european doctor switching all his patients off of indian made drugs and seeing massive results in their treatments. theyre not even honest about how much active ingredient is in the pajeet generics.
i dont take any meds rn but i avoid anything indian made now
india pooperpower any day now saars
The Chinese have way more stem degrees than India. India is too religious and lazy to get anything done they just spend their days meditating and watching bollywood.
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Learn to read, illiterate moron
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That would have to mean most of the work being automated. Don't me wrong though, there are a lot of factories being built in the US right now which I can post statistics of if you want.

People don't appreciate just how much richer Americans are compared with the rest of the world. You just earn too much for sweatshop work
>What the study did not do was identify a particular culprit responsible for Google Search's decline. More recently, Edward Zitron in his newsletter article, titled "The Man Who Killed Google Search" took care of that in no uncertain terms. He identified that man as Prabhakar Raghavan, the senior vice president responsible for Search, Assistant, Geo, Ads, Commerce, and Payments products. Zitron, though, describes him as "a computer scientist class traitor who sided with the management consultancy sect."
>hires poojeets
>a race with no long-term thinking
>they do "metrics up, fuck everything else" needful
>it all goes to shit, literally
many such cases!
people need to stop thinking indians are real asians
Is this the new commercial for android poopcake?
Right after China.
If American quality engineers weren't holding their hands, the Chinese wouldn't know how to pick their noses.
Apple needs to just drop a dime on full automation and bring it back to the USA.
>retard thinks China is still a backwater country
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Why can't they just make it in the USA?
because they do it for less than 7.25/hour
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