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Will this debate ever get settled?
i have both, I like both
yeah when microled succeeds tft displays
bro stop spending money on this shit

Instagram is 1000x1000 pixels and people haven't noticed yet

Stop handing over your money to the Jews selling you this
VA got shitty image quality
>muh niggergram
Don't care, go back to phones you monkey.
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>Curved Memetors
For me, it's VA & the sheer brilliance of 3000:1 contrast ratio it provides.
Fake and gay. Enjoy your horrendous backlight bleed, IPS chuddie.
>can only use one 20 to 30 inch 5k monitor
this is much better than using 5 monitors that are full HD and also cheaper overall

almost no media we consume is even at 1080p, at most it's 720p if they would stop lying

Remember /g/oy, the bigger the number the better, now hand over the shekels. You're not a filthy uncircumcised casual are you?
Retards prefer IPS
Chads prefer VA
Simple as
My 4K bluray movie torrent said otherwise.
Stop paying for Netflix you cuck.
Ips (employed) vs VA(poor) should not be a debate
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if it ain't TN, I ain't buyin
IPS was good in the mid-00s 'til mid-10s. VA is also... shitty. But less shitty.
IPS has horrible IPS glow + backlight bleed.

On my desk I have a good TN (with almost non backlight bleed) screen and in my living room a huge OLED.
A good 2K IPS monitor from LG or Samsung would only set (You) back $300-400 dollars. VA monitors are worthless unless you're a thirdie gigapoorfag
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enjoy your low contrast ratio and IPS glow
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samsung g7 came out in 2020
thats 4 years ago since you havent had a good reason to buy a 1440p ips monitor
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I went with a monochrome CRT instead
Has been settled already, with the Samsung Odyssey G9
I own both and hate VA
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I bought a couple of va panels 10 years ago and I have checked exactly zero monitor reviews since then.
I hope you kill yourself /pol/tard
Yes. IPS is better. Here, I settled it.
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based esports chad
>lights out in the room
Get a job gamer
What does lights in the room have to do with ips vs va
Do they even make miniled VA panels?
theres neo g7 and that one AoC monitor
Terrible bait. 0/10.
It's a shadow caused the by curve.
Curved monitors are a useless gimmick that distorts image quality in return for marginal amounts of desk space.
VA monitors have crushed blacks, poor motion
IPS glow sucks, but it is perceptually minimized by viewing content in a dimly-lit room.

For me, it's IPS for monitors.
OLED for TVs can make sense, but other wise the format is unsuitable for use because it self destructs
So which is the correct image? Is the image supposed to be yellowed like on the right, or not yellowed like on the left? The color of daylight is more like the IPS screen which may suggest the IPS is actually displaying the correct colors, but I don't know the artistic intent behind the image used so it may be yellow-tinted on purpose, or the VA screen may just have bad white balance.
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>IPS has horrible IPS glow + backlight bleed.
do your homework and don't buy the cheapest stuff
IPS with ATW filter are fine
Esport chads are on 480Hz OLEDs now, get with the time.
Not setting screen brightness to an eye-searing 100% in a pitch black room also helps.
Elden Ring has a gold theme, so right is right.
What does ER have to do with that image? It's not from ER.
Fine, Shadow of the Erdtree.
It's not that either.
nah its all about that dyac 2. The only ones using OLEDs are Gaymer kids
>Will this debate ever get settled?
Yeah, it was settled with OLED
It was settled with OLED firmly in 3rd place because it's disposable, you mean. It doesn't compete with technologies which last 10+ years rather than beginning to degrade after 3 months.
yeah CRT is still the best
VA has improved more than IPS just because it is used by TV manufacturing over the years.
IPS for color accuracy
VA for blacks
Microled will settle the debate in 5-10 years.
there's your problem
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IPS has better color rendering. VA has better blacks. OLED beats both at these things but it degrades and has shit brightness. MiniLED will obliterate all soon enough.
CRT and OLED >the rest
Oled is more convenient and had more clarity but still CRT motion clarity is unmatched. Its particularly noticeable in a game like RDR2 when spinning around the camera or riding your horse in the myriad of high detail environments.
Youre not wrong, but I see oled suffering it far more quickly than CRTs. My current CRT has been used with windows daily for 20 years and has no burn in, but OLEDs are displaying it after just a few months. Even my oled phone has burn in from reading (faint vertical lines from text).
Its simple. VA for watching kino. Best contrast and consistant color. VA's only major downside is smearing at high refresh rates (even then this dissappears with quality). Movies aren't shot at high fps. Theatrical releases are still at 24 frames per second. Most local content/broadcasts range from 24-60. Only video content like YouTube sometimes reaches 120 fps. IPS for general tasks and creative professionals. Best color accuracy and changes pixels relatively fast. TN's only useful niche is gaming since its the fastest at updating its pixels. Can only be viewed from one angle and has trash colorization and contrast compared to other two.
What debate?
VA panels look nicer but have issues with motion and pixel response so they're nice for productivity or casual use but bad for gaming
IPS doesn't look as nice but doesn't ghost at high framerate/movement, so if you game you get an IPS over VA

if you care about having both then you shell out for an OLED and then deal with the burnin in 5-8 years
IPS glows
VA smudges
TN fades
OLED burns
CRT is the winner
CRT is the best for kino, only oled comes close. An actual HD TV is peak for watching any pre 2005 film. Movies before then look worse above 1080
>that pic
It already has been. Like a good all around display that does just about anything well? Get IPS
Want something REALLY fucking bright and with good contrast (with local dimming on) and has terrible VRR problems? Get VA.
and niggers post unironic le ebin shit post troll posts
only valid option, everyone else can tongue our anuses
>Literally ANY monitor thread
>[random contrarian opinion about panel X Y or Z]
No idea about the AoC monitor but the Neo G7 has a whole range of issues, even if the tech could be good it's not which leads back to IPS miniled being better just because it effectively exists
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Miniled IPS doesn't glow nearly as much, you can get small glowing, the most noticable case of this is white subtitles in a dark scene but outside of worst case it's pretty great, it's my trade off of choice out of the options available
Bought a miniLED IPS very recently and can confirm this. Sadly in my personal case the local dimming (576 zones or whatever) is just annoying enough on sites like 4chinz that I'd rather turn it off. Doesn't help that the contrast difference is only 1100 vs 1400, not like I could tell the goddamn difference myself.
Mine is 1152 zones and I agree, for desktop usage/web browsing I leave it off but watching movies especially dark ones it feels incredible, the difference is insane. I'm happy with it, I'd like an OLED but I use static elements a lot so it's just not an option yet
This thread made me waste an hour looking into old CRTs. I miss those things, I forgot how comfy they were. Something about the glow makes them feel like an old friend.
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>Mine is 1152 zones
That Neo G7 thing? Was thinking about getting that one, but the VA downsides were way too much for me to bother, otherwise I would've gotten it for the better HDR (and firmware).
Thing about the local dimming is that I'm too lazy to turn it on and off whenever I need it, so I'd rather just keep it off and call it a day. I'm used to not having local dimming period anyway, so fuck it I guess. What I will say tho that I'm even more interested into a decent OLED screen now, not just for the colors and contrast, but especially for the per pixel dimming
>but I use static elements a lot
Main reason why I went for yet another IPS instead of some kind of OLED... though the price difference is a nice plus too :^)
the videos encoding has as many artifacts as that VA panel
Nope this one
Been great for me so far, no complaints at all. Like you said the local dimming zones are still noticable on webbrowsing so I just use it for media but it's been great
Go fucking figure the IPS with 1k zones doesn't exist in my region.. Also my fucking god does that thing get bright in SDR and HDR, holy shit. Instead it eats shit (without dimming) at Black Uniformity.
Didn't exist in my region either but I got it for even cheaper than that on Prime Day and just ate the import fees. And yep the only small nag is switching between dimming and not. Browsing/productivity/OS stuff - dimming off and don't notice IPS glow. Media (games and movies) turn on local dimming for insane blacks for a non-OLED. Baring in mind too almost all OLEDs are actually purple and not black unless you have a perfectly blacked out room, one more reason I couldn't go OLED because the room is semi-lit during the day
Doesn't help that my monitor has insanely retarded firmware problems, making using HDR a tat of a goddamn pain, making me think about returning it for a cheaper model without HDR period. Might as well save some money when I don't wanna use it anyway or something. Doesn't help that I have trouble with the games I tried in HDR, not able to tell much of a (worthwhile) difference.
>the room is semi-lit during the day
Yeah I imagine that can be a problem, makes you wish they'd fix brightness for monitors like LG/Samsung did for TVs.. but alas here we are.
I like VAs because burn-in is non-existent and I play games far more often and for far longer than I watch shit.
I will only buy IPS until something like microLED arrives to replace it. With IPS I know what I'm getting. If the panel is fast enough and I can't notice any horrible backlight bleed it's fine for me and I'll enjoy the image quality for years and years.
I accept your concession
Its incredibly cozy to have a good CRT TV around. When you turn it off and static field your hand around the glass.
m2, ips is better
no, it is slightly blurry vs ips, can't notice it unless you used ips
no. when consoomer anons post they recommend some good buys
IPS monitor because good VA panels aren't used in monitors.
VA 1,500+ zone miniLED TV because that's where the good stuff is at.
OLED? For phones and consumer whores.

imagine being a r*ddit typer and saying others are retards
Imagine mass-replying and contributing nothing to the conversation while still implying others are retards.
What should I use for lowest possible brightness? It hurts my eyes at night when it's too bright.
CRT is flawless
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CRT burns your face
reddit spacing
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>b-but burn-in
Just buy a new one.
>b-but burn-in
Just buy a new o--oh wait you can't LMAO!
yeah, TN
>because good VA panels aren't used in monitors
Feels like OLEDs have a similar problem, even if just in the brightness department. Don't LG and Samsung TVs easily reach the 1k nits area, while monitors are usually limited to 400 (for HDR) at most?
Samshit is known to have shit monitors no matter what tech they use.
heavy, can't reasonably mount
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just swap a new tube.
plenty of dead monitors with non burned tubes
Every crt display I come across, I make sure to shatter on purpose so they don't get used by people like you.
I have a 34" 2K ultrawide monitor (curved) and the only issue it has is slight ghosting during some scenes in videogames when displaying darker colors, but it's barely noticeable 99% of the time, no ghosting outside of vidya.
My previous monitor was 1080p IPS and while there's no ghosting, the monitor is bright with brighter colors, it's like there's too much light and i only noticed how bright it was when i switched to VA (which has way better image quality and colors).
IPS might not be good for the eyes if it's that bright imo.
I went from almost 100% brightness on IPS to 13% on VA, even though the VA has even better colors after i recalibrated it (settings for colors close to real eyesight vision).
Otherwise the big difference is the price for ultrawide monitors, 399 euros for VA and 800+ euros for IPS.
Oh and for those who don't know, 34" VA's have to be curved otherwise the extreme right and left screen edges would become darker for the eyes, curving it negates that and IPS doesn't have that "problem".
And i believe IPS can have light "leaks" with dark colors inside and outside of videogames on the edges of the screen (happened to me on a laptop).

So VA vs IPS only depends on what compromise you're willing to make, but both have advantages and disadvantages.
>this thing was too bright
turn it down?
Movies are 720p DVD, 1080P bluray and 4K (but you have to denigger your CD's because of the Intel fuckery), only streaming is mostly 720p, it goes to 1080p at most if you spend more.
But higher resolution is worth it for gaymes.
It was either too bright or too dark, like there's no inbetween, i don't know if it's an IPS thing or just a problem from my monitor, i gifted by now but the one that uses it doesn't notice how agressively bright it is compared to a better monitor lol
IPS aren't known to get hyper bright like VAs, but the better ones can still get pretty darn bright, too bright even. The Acer XV275K is a good example for this, it either being too low for the day, or too damn bright for the night. Once you turn on the "max brightness" setting for example the lowest brightness is still 106 nits.
Can't say I had this problem with my cheap ass 1080p LG Ultragear for example, where brightness 21 results in 100 nits, with some headroom up or down.
It's a family member that originally gifted me the IPS monitor, he didn't tell me the price but told me it was pretty expensive at the time (9 years ago), so maybe it was naturally too bright like you said.
Tbh the only time i'll ever upgrade my VA monitor would be if i ever switch to 4K but i don't think it's worth putting 1300 euros for a 4080 or 2300 euros on a 4090 GPU as well as 1200 euros on an OLED monitor that will kill itself after a while.
I hope for a future with new technology that isn't oled and cheaper GPU's, in the meantime i'll stay with 2K ultrawide and a xx70 or xx70TI.
>so maybe it was naturally too bright
Who knows, only one way to find out really. Check the model and the prices on release, see what info you find.
Only reason I switched from 1440p (IPS) to 4k (IPS) recently is because I had a bunch of money to waste and felt like an upgrade, plus I already had a 4090 ready to go for 2 years anyway.
OLED already has some interesting advances coming up, even stuff that's available in TVs but not in monitors for some reason yet, like the whole lenses shit LG and Samsung are pulling for brightness. Then the whole microLED fuckery that's hopefully becoming affordable tech in the next 5 years.
>and cheaper GPU's
Making those things sadly only gets more expensive, so I doubt that will happen anytime soon. Gotta keep that status quo up too
fuck you will do with your money? All of it will go to the government anyway when you die.
a bit redundant since they allready do that at the scrapyard, but enjoy your lead poisoning
Intel CPU's went from i7 cpu quad core at 420 euros 7 years ago (my old i7 7700k) for gaming to i5 13600k 6 cores bought for around 300 euros (bought it at the end of 2023). The i7's aren't even worth it for gaming anymore because there isn't a lot of difference between i5 and i7 (purely for gaming performances).
CPU's are more powerful than ever and gaming only needs at most an i5, so why does Nvidia GPU's prices only inflate with time ?
It's not like PCB or memory modules + soldering are expensive, if intel could get better performances on their processors and lower the price, what excuse do they have at Nvidia ?
>13th gen
Panel type is a very small part of why a panel is good or bad. There even are good TN panels.
At this point it's not much more than a marketing gimmick for pseuds.
Issue with the CPU part is that console games are still balanced around the Xbone and PS4, meaning laptop tier 8c8t CPUs. This is (hopefully) bound to improve (worse optimization) once we hit native current gen (PS5) games that use the 8c16t's properly... if they find a need for it lmao
>so why does Nvidia GPU's prices only inflate with time
Really? Because they can get away with it, they own the damn market.
>It's not like PCB or memory modules + soldering are expensive
The making of the chips itself is getting insanely expensive, more as time goes on, packaging is becoming more complex and expensive too. BUT this doesn't justify their insane pricing, not to this degree at least.
>what excuse do they have at Nvidia
They don't need one.
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The 13600k isn't affected by the recent degradation problem, also it's very powerful, very good DDR5 RAM compatibility (currently using two 16GB 6400mhz CL32 sticks) and doesn't consume tons of power (4 or 5 watts idle and not much when gaming because it's not going to 100% usage, far from it) and it can be cooled with a simple thermalright air cooler for 40 euros.
I don't get why people are upset about this CPU, it's so cost effective and powerful for gaming.

I'm sure AMD is content with the current pricing because they're also expensive but maybe intel GPU's will change the market one days, at least they give lots of memory to their cards.
>maybe intel GPU's will change the market one days
At the very least they're giving people affordable options in the low to mid range segment, something that Nvidia has completely given up on, AMD isn't far away from it either.
>at least they give lots of memory to their cards
Again, sadly comes down to what they can get away with, which seems to be a lot.
Too low res, too small viewable screen size despite the size of the entire device, low brightness, really bad static contrast (doubly so if there's any ambient light at all). They have their uses but have been superseded in many ways, though not all unfortunately. Practically speaking I only ever really keep around a 15kHz TV set for old 320x240 or 320x200 games, those really look much better on an old, low-res CRT than whatever fuckery you attempt to perform on them to get them on a modern screen.
it is probably affected just less.
Yeah, I got a mini-LED monitor too and the improvement is huge. There is some haloing but it's way, way better than the backlight bleed & glow of traditional LCDs. It comes with its own, new set of issues though, like being able to tell when individual zones light up or dim, which to me is really visible on shit like regular computer programs but only very rarely noticeable video games or just plain videos.

To me mini-LED is an upgrade, but it's still a 3 steps forward, 1 step back sort of affair. We still don't have the "right" display tech that does it all correctly.
Why are /g/tards like this. Why can't you autists just realize each have their own use case and excel at different things
The issue isn't even the whole "apples are better than oranges!" bit, the issue is that people are completely incapable of having a civil conversation anymore. Having a difference preference or opinion is fine, provided everyone is able to accept the others point of view. If people prefer TN, fine by me, same for VA, IPS, OLED, CRT or some weird Plasma fuckery. Doesn't mean that I like these techs myself, but I'm still able to discuss the ups and downs of each technology and have a friendly conversation to hopefully broaden my own horizon while at it.
because different panels work better in different lighting environments. are you 12?
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Riddle me this, contrarians that are just going to shit post.

LG 27GR93U-B (450€) <- Panel is similar enough to the Acer one, but without any (real) HDR
ASUS XG27UCS (500€) <- Slightly more advanced feature set, but no detailed reference through rtings.com
Acer XV275K P3 (650€) <- The best display out of them all that also includes local dimming (HDR), but has a god awful interface and firmware problems across the board

Slowly but steadily feeling like I should just get the LG one, then go for another 4K display whenever MicroLEDs are a thing, or OLED maker start giving monitors lenses or some other shit to improve longevity (and brightness) like with TVs. While the Acer one is a nice IPS overall, the annoyances surrounding the firmware are quite a bummer, making using HDR a hassle.
the display hierarchy stays the same regardless of the environment
Oled looks better than va which looks better than ips which looks better than tn
CRT chads won
Well...you got three of the words right
I have 3 years old HP V22 TN, it is still going strong
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I have a 1000R curvedboi and I love it a lot
No, because like with anything everyone will have different opinions and always disagree with each other.
AKTUALLY its 1440x1440
My 4k IPS monitor is 8 years old. Is there anything worth upgrading to or is monitor technology still ass?

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