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What will all ddg and brave tags do now?
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Not my problem
Great, so when we search for things, we will be presented with AI bot posts from Reddit.
>retarded question
>twitter screenshot
rajbot at it again
>don't have to manually block shitddit results now
Holy based
Why are you using the Aboriginal Regional Arts Alliance?

What is Araa Google is homosexual when I search for it

A privacy-respecting, ad-free, self-hosted Google metasearch engine with strong security that offers full API support and utilizes Qwant for images, and DuckDuckGo for auto-complete.
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anon im sickened by your shill
>Official instance
>United States
Yeah let's route all of our data through that surveillance program run by the US National Security Agency!
take a hike Vatnik. Russians are not entitled to, don't deserve nor do they expect freedom of speech. Why would a western organization help them? They deserve being marginalized and silenced. It's working pretty well, not in small part due to how incompetent Russian propagandists had proved to be.
>search a tech question
>blindly click the first link that looks helpful
>it's reddit
>it blocks my connection from a VPN
>every fucking time
Thank God it's over
not reading your drivel, nafo troon
> DDG in 2018: Google is bad because it puts you into a "filter bubble"
> DDG in 2022: DDG is good because we put you into a filter bubble
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And nothing of value was lost.
filthy dumb gulaghomo scum
then what do you do about Russian disinfo? It literally shits up everything with the firehose of falsehood, to where most people cannot find the truth even if they want to.
you dumb nigger nsa can't directly spy on us citizens. that's what the other four eyes are for.
> what do you do about $Countryname disinfo?
You can ask this question about any country.
The answer is always the same: get your info from different sources, take everything with a grain of salt.
Then take the next step and stop caring about geopolitics, go touch grass and get on with your life.

In any case, a company that promises not to filter, and then starts to filter aggressively, is a company that does not deserve my trust.
npc dogwhistle
Obvious honeypot
This post glows.
>pay to get tranny propaganda
I suppose if they're paying for tranny propaganda from netflix they might as well pay for tranny propaganda from leddit
Just visit facebook and go see what people like and use it especially the older 50+ 60+ guys. They are being completely brainwashed by porn and disinformation. The internet is dying and is just a tool to spread hate and guided misinformation now.
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>ddg for auto-complete
So it uses Bing with an extra layer of jewish censorship?

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Total DDG Death
Kek. It's been more then 2 years and you dumbfucks still haven't launched le Grand Offensive touted even by Greta Thotberg. Kys.
can quora and pinterest block them too? then maybe we'll have a search engine worth using without their shit popping up.
>the firehose of falsehood
thats my porn name.
> The internet is dying
> Just visit facebook
You are a part of the problem.
No, I'm not going to visit that cesspool.
All these faggot tech companies are holding a monopoly the issue most retarded goy cattle won't switch from the main brands. Google basically made us train their Ai so did many other companies. You know what the worse part of Google the searches actually give shit results now. I'm using yandex mostly but I don't love it. It's the best option for now.
You are retarded dude, everyone deserves access to all info and freedom of speech. Slavs on both sides are equally as evil.
Again retard they are the same thi6as Ukrainians....
>not using 4get
back to your containment board >>>/k/
What about western disinfo?
K glows so much I belive it's radio active. I wonder if they still have that recruiting thread up it was up for over a year.
maybe instead of being haunted by phantoms you should kill yourself in your closet
Fuck you ziggers. You're so retarded that didn't explain in what way affects the privacy to marginalized orcs.
kys ziggers.
And that where we come in, the smart ones at least and figth the propaganda. With actual truth.
You're a psychotic piece of shit who's as bad as what he hates, no different from the /pol/ election tourists who killed this website. You're against freedom of speech and thinks information should be regulated by an 'official' source.

I can't wait until Hiro pulls the plug on the place.
what is this even supposed to mean? How does that relate tot facebook being an absolute ai cesspool of disinformation and hate.
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I'm only there from time to time for Quake related info. Everything else is a waste of time and/or gay. Doom subreddit is gay and Godot.... well self explanatory.
Can't you incorporate Google results into your own search engine's? Google is basically a glorified Reddit search at this point anyway.
you are a meat puppet
for now, use uBlacklist
are this idiots trying to get in trouble in the EU?
bc that is how you get in trouble with them
i'll continue using Startpage
damn now they'll have less opinion presented as fact that's crazy i wonder how they'll survive that
Maybe the Google AI is trying to help us explore new science by encouraging us to leave our kids in a hot car and drink our own piss.
I have a thorough awareness of Russian history in the past few centuries, and of what people under muscovite violence, exploitation and economic neglect have suffered.

reddit will shoot itself in the foot by doing this. they get the so called "unique visitors" through search engines. this is like reverse SEO. they will continue to retain their userbase for a while but will eventually lose momentum.
Is it really bad for globohomo if they filter out people who don't use google?
you don't know shit kike
I wonder what mental gymnastics is required to punish a site because they told non-Google crawlers and scrapers to fuck off.
monopolistic positions man just that
and i was thinking into google being punished not reddit
Reddit results are the worst answers on the internet. I have them blocked from kagi results. If I want something specific to reddit I can either go to reddit, or use Google's front end to reddit. Which is google.com and use site:reddit.com. Seriously both websites a lre shit tier.
Google wouldn't be punished because they aren't the ones restricting access to Reddit results, they are willing to pay Reddit so their crawlers are allowed to index Reddit.

It would be extremely fucked up if the EU ever said Reddit must allow anyone to klep their shit if they are publicly accessible. The logical extreme would be EU enforced DDOS attacks
your logic is backwards. google is abusing a monopoly position if it pays so the competition lacks access to a valuable resource. and that is punishable by law, and has been in the past
and remember now EU is pushing interoperability against corpos closed gardens more than ever.
but i wont deny that the response will be slow as fuck, most probably
Google has a monopoly on everything at this point. they are honestly just the worst I cant wait until someone big comes along and sues them.
>search engines universally return some nonsense bot-generated thing and a bunch of unrelated things
>now you have to go to google to get results from reddit, which irritatingly is the only place to have even a shred of a chance of getting relevant search results
Nucapitalism strikes again. Line must go up, start charging money for access to anything at all.
Unless there is something on the contrary, nothing stopping other engines or companies from paying to access Reddit
The logical extreme would be requiring large websites to enforce equal standards of rate limiting across all search engines regardless of size.
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tbf only google brought up r*ddit results incessently. because their search is so shit without it
what is the best search engine?

i've been using startpage, but that just uses google results and google results are absolute dogshit

brave search isn't great, DDG is pretty shit too

honestly yandex seems like the only half decent one of those i've tried
So if I need results from reddick I will just google it? My default search engine still be ddg/bing/brave?
I tried to use it once years ago but it kept blocking me because I made too many searches.
The solution is to break up google, making the indexing a service separate to the search engine, and allow all companies equal access.
Based. i never used the [search term] reddit trick anyway.
>And nothing of value was lost whatsoever
How do they manage to do it?
>search for reddit posts on google
>tell it to only show me results from the past year
>top result is from 6 years ago and doesn't answer the question
>second result had no replies
Reddit's API isn't worth paying for, hope google cancels it
fuck ivans
>charging people to see user generated content
extremely jewish.
Your image has nothing to do with privacy. You showed an example of censorship, not privacy violation.
>privacy respecting
lol. lmao even.
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Concidering how often I google "[subject] reddit" when I want to get some "real people" opinions on ie, product rather than SEO spam I actually wonder if it is Google that is in need of reddit. (and is already paying for it rather than being the chosen one).

(Although I also known companies have caught on to this and these "real people" are become less and less real by the minute)
>No Redshit cancer in out search results.
We keep on winning, Brave lions.
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Literally this kek. It even reads like an ad.
>Only based and redpilled users search with Araa!

>I'm only there from time to time for Quake related info
Please fuck off and die poserkun. No one cares you consume le epic retro games. If you want people to care, learn Trenchbroom and make something good.
This is more of what Google has already been doing for years.
Using their massive amounts of money to corner the search engine market.
This is very important for one other reason, this should help Google win the coming AI helper-bot race.

Google's search engine is terrible, and so ChatGPT and other LLM chat bots have skyrocketed in popularity as a (often) better way of finding information than using contemporary Google.
But, much of the world's more niche information isn't going to be found on Snopes or some legacy media website, it will be found on Reddit (and Wikia)

Google has snatched Reddit's results for their AI training.
This will make Google's Gemini - once it isn't complete dogshit - the go to bot for most pieces of niche information.

But, this may not take.
You see, there is a core problem with LLM chatbots - that none of them have full access to the whole of the internet's data.
If more companies grab up exclusive rights to various websites and training data, then no individual service will have full understanding of a broad range of queries.
Which, if the war for chatbot domination intensifies, could make using *any* LLM chatbot LESS efficient and useful than using Google directly.

It's going to be interesting to see if one side can win this war, or if they will reach the mutually assisted destruction of making LLM chatbots useless.
you’re bleeding out your ass, putinovich
Google is 90% or more of the search engine market, by doing this move Reddit has barely lost any average user numbers in exchange for a continual payment of ungodly proportion from Alphabet.
I think this only helps Reddit.
literally nothing will change for me
It was 4gettable™
good riddance
I don't look for answers on Reddit anyway, just product reviews. And now I'll just not do that.

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