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>contributor does series of tests on various versions of Transmission using controlled network environment
>finds that Transmission has been slower than it should be for a long time, especially when a Transmission client connects to another Transmission client
>another contributor becomes interested and investigates
>new contributor makes code changes and demonstrates his new speed results compared to the earlier tests and Transmission is now 2X faster when connecting to libtorrent-based clients
>will have a PR up that will be merged into the upcoming 4.1.0 release
Looks like Transmission is finally starting to catch up with libtorrent thanks to new devs.

>Here is a test from the changes I currently have. You can see that it easily reaches 120+ MiB/s download now.
>This seems to be hammering Transmission's session thread so hard that I get no updates at all from the WebUI during the download. So the GIF recording is taken from qB's UI.
Damn, boyee
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> trans mission
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>trans mission
Everyone uses qBittorrent fuck off tranny
tranmssion rarely goes above 3mb/s for me, sometimes it does jumps and then quickly slows down again, while qbt is 11mb/s stable, wonder if this is the same issue
>not using qbittorrent
couldn't be me
Transmission has always felt slow to me compared to qbit. I still use it sometimes because of it's minimal ui
>Looks like Transmission is finally starting to catch up with libtorrent thanks to new devs.
good, it really fell like it was getting outdated
So I made the right call avoiding Transmission since forever and just sticking to Deluge 1.3.15?
Weird, it just works on my machine
I'm not reading that essay
Don't care, qBit just werks
kek saved
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You get what you fucking deserve
>C or C++ rewrite, almost as efficient as rtorrent and can scale to thousands of torrents
>not bloated like deluge (literally python) or qbitmeme or java clients or abandonware
>actual remote GUIs that can map paths and open files
If it works, it works
>someone took the time to draw this
the irony
> qbitmeme
Do you cum when your dad fists you?
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stallchads always win
>someone took the time to draw this
where do you think wojacks come from
As long as they don't increase resource usage, that's cool. I don't really care about speeds, but I care about RAM and CPU. It's the only reason I use transmission.
Deluge is only good because it uses libtorrent. The rest of it is garbage.
You know qBittorent is a C++ program, right?
Trash client. Needs third party software to fix basic features like searching for torrents that got deleted from the tracker
That is always improving. Its a minimal bloat client.
Libtorrent is trash
They should rewrite in rust
They should use a different word here because 4.1 has almost zero sense of forthcoming urgency.
I've been stuck merging potential PRs by hand for years. Literal years. 4.1 just became their 'oh yeah not now but later' version that's ballooned in scope to a comical degree.
All C++ torrent clients will eventually become rust clients

Transmission and qBittorrent will become rust someday. It is only a matter of time.
I started using Transmission two days ago due to Qbittorrent constantly freezing on me when I try to select a directory to save the file into. I may have to make Transmission as my default torrent client if Qbittorrent is forever broken on my Linux pc
will left wing faggots ever realize chud is not an offensive word, it sounds like some gay sci-fi fiction shit like cyberpunk had with choom
its also entirely single threaded and the whole interface will hang during heavy operations
Yep. This is their number one issue. Once Transmission becomes multithreaded, it will be tied with qBittorrent for speed. There are literally only 3 open source torrent clients these days.


This will take a lot of work. Maybe a rust dev will end up doing it.
damn I knew trannymission was bad, but didn't know it was this bad.
Wouldnt matter in my cucked country for speeds, we have the worst internet speeds on earth.

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Based if true
this wouldn't have happened in Rust!
I predict rtorrent will be the first torrent client to be refactored to rust because it is simpler than Transmission and qBittorent.
There are 2 reasons that Transmission has lagged behind qBittorrent:

1) Transmission has only been on Mac and Linux until they got a Windows port in 3.0 while qbittorrent has always been on Windows, Mac and Linux

2) When uTorrent turned into a botnet, everybody promoted qbittorrent as the successor, so it basically swallowed up most of the uTorrent userbase, thus becoming the most popular torrent client and thus getting the most development.
I predict you're a manual breather
it's the backends that matter, and libtorrent and libTorrent (rtorrent) have always been the gold standard.
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What CLI torrent client should I use now.
>Looks like Transmission is finally starting to catch up with libtorrent thanks to new devs.
There was never any need to. Transmission has worked perfectly for years and unlike libtorrent-rasterbar clients it actually fucking works properly.
What about ktorrent?
Transmission is rock solid stable but it is not multithreaded like libtorrent so you can't say there are no pros and cons for each of them.
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>uses 'tracker' wrongly
kyle, we told you to not download these files.
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>he's actually aware of the stalled issue that the qBittorrent has that will never get fixed and he still uses that objectively shitty torrent client anyway
You're dumb.

I guess you could say that your brain's development has been stalled since you were a child!
Real niggas know the EMABF8 is a much more reliable piece that's usually kept much cleaner
$ ldd  /usr/bin/ktorrent | grep -i torrent
libKF5Torrent.so.6 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libKF5Torrent.so.6 (0x00007f14d0c07000)
looks like libktorrent is completely unrelated to libtorrent or rtorrent
I'm not the anon you were replying to, and yes, seems to be unrelated. I wonder if it's still supported though... KDE loves ditching its applications and rediscovering the wheel.
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Awnser the question, chud
what blocklist can I use to block india?
>1) Transmission has only been on Mac and Linux until they got a Windows port in 3.0 while qbittorrent has always been on Windows, Mac and Linux
What kind of cope is this? I used transmission on windows literally over a decade ago.
>4 buttons
It's shit, you can keep you AMABDIAL8. I real drinking fountain has a bar across the front.
>looks like libktorrent is completely unrelated to libtorrent or rtorrent
So there's actually 4 major open source torrent libraries. Interesting.
Transmission tard
I wonder if libktorrent could be used to make another torrent client that actually works on Windows, Mac and Linux instead of stupidly being Linux-only.
>I used transmission on windows literally over a decade ago.
It hasn't been that long, and the Transmission Windows port is still not as stable as the Mac and Linux one that is almost 20 years old now.
anon... no idea how, but we've been able to use most linux software on windows for a long time. people would compile it and port it in different ways. IIRC at some point you could run KDE3 as a whole on windows.
Not the same as an official port, anon.
sure. but I guess the point the other anon was making wasn't whether he used a port, but that he was able to run it on windows.
well, that's my point anyway. you could do that without VMs, WSL and similar shit. which means there ARE ways of running lInux programs on windows.
>but that he was able to run it on windows.
who cares if 0.000001% of torrenters are able to run Transmission on Windows when it was Mac and Linux only? You think that's going to matter at all compared to an actual official port?

The actual original point is that if there's no Windows port like qBitorrent had, there's no users and no users means no continued development. That's a big reason why qBittorrent surged ahead of Transmission, as well as the fact that uTorrent users fled from uTorrent to the nearest clone when uTorrent botnetted itself.
>It hasn't been that long
Here's a download for version 2.04 for Windows from fucking 2010, and the description suggests there were Windows versions even before this.

Not official, not even popular. Can't even run it as a Windows service like you can now. Just stop being retarded, anon.
The earliest version of the sourceforge page in the archive already had 8000 downloads. How many people actually use Transmission on Windows today?
One of Transmissions big selling points is that it although it lacks a lot of QoL features (unless 4.0 finally fucking fixed it), it can handle thousands upon thousands of torrents with zero issues and be stable. I had rTorrent start crashing at around 3K torrents and I can use almost 7K torrents on Transmission with zero hiccups.
never seen the stalled meme in the last 5 years of using qbittorrent. is it a running meme on here or something?
>How many people actually use Transmission on Windows today?
Nobody knows but probably much more since the official homepage got the preview version for Windows. Very few people are going to use a 3rd party build of a torrent client not meant for an OS compared to an official installer.
>One of Transmissions big selling points
The biggest selling point right now is that you can install it without a UI on a Windows PC and it will run in the background forever, which you can access with one of the many 3rd party or official WebUI. It's pretty near. Uses almost no CPU and starts as a Windows service with no indication it is there unless you look at the task manager.
>words words words
The left can't meme

What do the transmission developer forum members call themselves? Trannies?
man you guys are really obsessed with troons
when you go to get your car fixed, do you start giggling uncontrollably when your mechanic says "transmission"?
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>no answer
stay an incel
>best torrent client just improved
>what should I use now
gee I wonder
I used transmission at the height of my pt gremlin seeding phase and I eventually had to switch to qb because it took fucking ages to do anything with 100+ torrents waiting to seed. Just adding/removing a torrent would freeze the program for half a minute.
Mechanics have been making "servicing my tranny" jokes for decades, anon.
The guy who taught my auto/transmissions class in highschool even cracked them.
>And remember class, a tranny has an input and output shaft.
Works on my machine
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Transmission easily saturates my 600 Mib/s downlink, so it's quite fine for me at the moment. Didn't even realize that it couldn't do gigabit.
Nice, always fun to see the stuff I use improve.
Imagine if rtorrent didn't have a shit TUI and even shittier RPC
well now it will be even better when you get the 4.1.0 update
2 new devs joined after the 4.0.0 update came out and they are making lots of optimizations and fixes to the libtransmission code so 4.1.0 is going to be the best release yet.
transmission is worthless until it gets dark mode
>transmission is worthless until it gets dark mode
Qt bug blocking that. Also affects qBittorrent on Windows.
>affects qBittorrent on Windows
it does. you had to force it with an extra windows command to get it to do that. it works on transmission as well.
Neither qBittorrent or Transmission have dark mode on Windows unless you force it with an extra command on startup.
Uh oh trannysisters, what is our response? Qbitchuds cannot win again...
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>dark mode
Remember when people wouldn't talk about troons when we discussed Transmission, a well known Linux and Mac torrent client on /g/?

I remember.........
no extra commands, i just installed a theme
something that isn't possible afaik on transmission
qBittorrent supports themes.
>something that isn't possible afaik on transmission
Not in official clients but you can either force dark mode on Windows with an extra command on startup or just install a 3rd party frontend with dark mode like mine. This is what my Transmission looks like.
Transmission-qt works just fine with the Breeze-dark theme for me.
>Transmission-qt works just fine with the Breeze-dark theme for me.
Dark mode for Transmission only works on Linux. This is a Windows problem.
Oh, I see. No one cares about Windows, though.
you use black text on white background for your terminal too, right?
>No one cares about Windows, though.
Lol anon are you blind? Look at how many Winfag babby ducks are on /g/ asking dumb questions. A bunch of them just proved to you that they are on Windows because torrents are a topic for people who don't know shit about tech.
You have a womanly sense of humor, which means unfunny, I give you that.
>not using qbit
>Less than 50 words
Weird way to flex your illiteracy, but okay
I tried out the webui before and it made my PC freeze sometimes when its downloading something
> easily reaches 120+
And before? I'm using my Teansmission docker all the time and easily get 90MB/s
Mentioned in the Github thread
You have to have a shit PC if it freezes when downloading torrents
/qa/ lost thougbeit
Keep coping about it, chud
Haven't used that shit since the 2016 ransomware incident.
Whatever, it’s fixed.
Still my favourite torrent client to run headless on my NAS.
>imagine the reee if a month ago you tried telling some autist that tranmission is shit or slow
>imagine the mental gymnastics to bury the new knowledge that they were wrong all along

and here he is
ye, buddy, whatever.
>Still my favourite torrent client to run headless on my NAS.
I love that I can run it on my router without the need for a NAS.
yeah, transmission shills are really rabid for some reason
all popular software has rabid fans, anon
That was just because of their shitty hosting. Not the software itself. Same shit happened to Linux Mint.
except transmission is obviously and now evidently lower performance, drastically fewer features, got hacked and distributed vulnerable builds, and yet they defend it
see what i mean? >>101585904
all because muh "qstalltorrent" that might have been a legitimate issue with some versions like a decade ago. libtorrent 2 is literally perfect. if it doesn't work your config is wrong
>18 years old
>Still looks like absolute dogshit
It's really impressive that qBittorrent's UI has not improved at all since its initial release.
So what? It is popular for a reason. It runs on every small device, is fast enough for most people, doesn't need features for people who just want to torrent, and only their site got hacked. The software itself is safe. Why are you so dishonest?
Libtorrent 2 is really buggy and causes systems to hang. The Dev is trying to rewrite large parts of it to fix those major issues. That's why most people stick to libtorrent v1
The qBit UI has definitely improved. Even 5.0.0 beta has added more improvements. Just not in the way you want. You seem to want a total UI change.
this may be the only site left on the internet where chuds genuinely recoil at the term instead of owning it, laughing, and saying the nigger word. 4chan receives ungratefully the table scraps of more enlightened cultures.
i've literally ran libtorrent 2 builds ever since they started releasing them. less memory usage. faster speeds. never ever stalls. no system hang whatsoever
bet most of the issues are caused by crusty 20 year old configs autists refuse to look revise. start by making advanced settings the libtorrent defaults
I didn't even know what chud meant until some troon on /g/ called me one years ago.

There's issues all over qbittorrents pages where people describe how libtorrentv2 made their system hang and that is why the qbit devs stopped using v2 by default and rolled back to v1 until arvid can fix v2 with a total restructuring.
i quickly looked into the issue tracker. can't find any comment from arvid about restructuring jack shit
IN FACT, exactly as i predicted, one of them was about having non-default file pool size. another was an archbaby running a non-lts kernel (lol) and a kernel upgrade fixed it. everyone knows non-lts linux kernels are unstable piles of shit. sad state of affairs
Stop lying you fag. Arvid admitted he went about v2 the wrong way. He and a bunch of users detail it here. This is why v1 is still used by default instead of v2

i'm not lying. he does not say he will refactor jack shit. he's just going to keep perfecting it
i get all the benefits of memory mapped IO on my spinning rust drives, none of the supposed negatives. fix your scuffed ass systems

wait! i just remembered a real bug i experience: once in a blue moon qbittorrent will crash. that's every other month. nothing else. i don't blame it too much because i'm near OOM a lot of the time so there's a lot of swapping going on
>you're not responding to my ad hominem in the way I want you to!
I look like this
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>You have a womanly sense of humor, which means unfunny, I give you that.
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why do you even need to say it? Chud is awesome. Easily my favorite meme. I proudly identify as a chud and I will continue to proudly identify as one. The chud folder is my biggest one now because of all the top tier OC
It improved. Then regressed again.
Imagine caring if somebody calls you a chud.
they all copy each other anyway except transmission which leans way too hard into minimalism
qBT's interface is nearly indistinguishable from deluge, rutorrent, uT, etc
Transmission is meant to run on every device like a router, PI board, or firewall appliance.That's why they refuse to bloat it. They might end up changing the compact UI to a classic style now.
>transmission 4.1.0 going to be the best version
Meme magic works itself
But 5.0 is already planned on the issue tracker...
The world is healing as it progresses.
Wrong, stupid fuck. He admitted that v2 has issues.

Made up, i've never had this issue in 7+ years with thousands of torrents and 2 instances.
Will updoot
Not really
A total UI change is the only way to salvage qBittorrent. Even the icon for the program is terrible.

All they've done is change icons. That doesn't fix the UI.

>qBT's interface is nearly indistinguishable from deluge, rutorrent, uT, etc
All of those programs have far better UIs. Deluge doesn't look great either but at least it's not actively distracting and cluttered like qBittorrent is.
open source was a mistake

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