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>all your internet activity is logged somewhere and can be traced back to you
The NSA can, yeah.
The complete annotated encyclopedia of anon's 4chan posts.
In europe this is not so well received because every attempt to legalize it has so far been overturned by the european court of justice
In other words, they know about it, but would cause the biggest shitstorm ever if they pursued it because they would be ignoring the highest court in Europe.
So jayy interests me less
rajeet@kali [~/anons/frogposting_niggerfaggots] cat 101564171 | grep -i child porn | wc
137 429 3850
its more compliacted than that
once a law is ratified by the EU the constituent countries implement it at their leisure
sometimes never.

for example:
mate de coca (dired coca leaves, you make a tea out of it) is forbidden in the EU and most of its constituents since decades.
not in belgium tho
i can import mate de coca w/o problem.
Who says it's my Internet activity? Lots of people have my WiFi password.
How when browser useragents change, internet IPs are dynamic, LAN IPs are dynamic, you can spoof pretty much anything, most people now browse the internet on their phone so you're on dozens of business wifi and cell towers, etc.

There's literally no way to associate anything to a single person.
moot will retvrn and castrate every frogspammer
Not sure that a text could be considered as cheeze pizza
there's no problem with that if you're not a terrorist or a pedophile
what are you're guys internet history?
in mine they will find countless refreshing /g/ catalog, some reddit browsing, porn sites, hackernews
gave up on opsec when i realized that for any given post they could read aloud in court, i could say with confidence "i have posted something worse"
>implying they could ever prove it was your post to begin with
Eve, wife of Maciej Nowicki, artificial hyperintelligence
>artificial hyperintelligence
yo what?
Kinda funny how to crack down on everything e-cig related but allow that. Fuck the pedo cabal that is Belgium btw.
Anyway to counter this that doesn't involve living in a cave or moving to another planet?
most of the things I post on this website are contradictory and building a profile of me from it is going to be difficult
>he calls blacks subhumans
>but he watches bbc porn
>he wants all trannies to die
>but he watches tranny porn
FBI agents must be so confused
Just wait until encryption is broken in the next decade or two, and all your activity, shitposts, location data, and darkest secrets are all exposed to anyone who wishes to search for it..
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they used to shoot every newspaper to microfilm too, idea is not new
i was thinking earlier on when i was in a shop and saw a CCTV warning, back in the day they had to delete tapes and re-record over them because the alternative would be far too expensive and unrealistic.

soon enough every single second of footage will be recorded forever (and i imagine there are probably third party services that some larger businesses use to keep a perpetual storage of footage today), both the digital and much of the real world will have a permanent record.
Kek. So true.
Have you considered not downloading kiddy porn, then?
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>all the jav incest porn I watch is being tracked and laughed at somewhere
some 4chan, some porn, some subreddits of specific video games I play, and countless thousands of posts about how israel and jews deserve genocide. pretty standard stuff you'd find in the internet history of any young white man, really.
>we must spy everything you do everywhere you go to have 100% certainty that you're not le heckin pedo! think of le children!
yeah bro I'm sure they're doing this to protect children
we dont deserve moot
>ignoring the highest court in Europe
they don't have to because it just rules in favor of their corrupt shit institution anyway
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you just realized this?
That's one fucking long way of saying "no".
good thing I don't spend most of my time online being racist and posting frogs
IPv6. Every device gets its own IP address that is unique
it's only "long" if you're a retarded phonefaggot, and it's a simple way of saying that the government doesn't give a shit about you and only exists to protect the elite, many of who are known or suspected predators themselves and the protection extends to covering up their crimes.
not using it lol
can't wait to count how many times a typed nigger
If you're on a mobile device and you leave your house, you likely are
Why don't you guys get a job at the NSA to ensure your protection? The pay is good too. I did it for my country and joined the AIVD.
Wouldn't hosting a private VPN server work for this?
Hosting it where, in your house? Great, all the DNS requests are linked to your house's IP
Log it yourself as well.

>FBI Agent: Anon, could you explain why you visited this terrorism website?
>Anon: *whips out own logs* Agent, could you explain why your logs have various discrepancies which suggest they have been edited and falsified?
>FBI Agent: *sweating profusely* ...
>implying any of this matters if feds plant CP on your computer, or say you are a nazi for posting on 4chan
my mobile 4G data seems to assign random, recycled IP(v4?) addresses. if they were unique and device specific, i wouldn't have to go through that annoying routine half the time i try to post, where i'm informed of a 3 day ban i never earned expiring in 2017.
I don't think these paid niggers really understand how the mind of a socially retarded autistic moron actually works.
Even other socially challenged niggers can't fully understand it since the experience is uniquely personal.
A friends/family members house. Maybe a work place. You probably don't even have to host it, there is ways to use other peoples computers to surf the internet as well.
IPv4 is going to be the xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx only made of numbers, IPv6 is 8 sections of 4 hex each, separated by a colon (0-F). IPv4 on wireless network will be a bit random, yeah. But IPv6 addresses are device unique. I think the first half of the address is the network address, and the second half is the host address. But the idea behind IPv6 is that every device in the world has it's own unique address, because we're "running out" of IPv4 space.
Also, IPv4 is still in use, and IPv6 is gaining more support and integration daily. You probably have both an IPv4 and IPv6 address on whatever mobile network you're on. It's a better way to track everybody.
He's not joking. The NSA has a server farm in Utah where they're literally archiving every piece of encrypted web traffic they can get their sniffers on. The intent is to hold on to it until advances in hardware or cryptography make decrypting it practical. How they intend make use of it when (or if) it's decryptable is anyone's guess. I don't think they've thought that far ahead. They are archiving it though. US tax dollars at work.
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>tfw you fuck up at your DevOps job and accidentally lose anon's DB
I'm sorry anon. Now nobody will remember your danbooru fetishes from 10 years ago. Like dust in the wind.
>He doesn't encrypt his dns request
lol, lmao even!
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i use russian spyware, the western three letter jew can cope and seethe all you want
"damn this guy really hates niggers, look at thi--- what the fuck"
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If I say it, I mean it.
This is why you poison the data they receive with random horse shit from time to time.
I'd say about 5% of what I post is actually true. Maybe 15% is true adjacent. What will they do when they go through my posts and find demonstrably untrue garbage all over the place? I've been playing the long game
They wish. They don't have enough of anything to do that, plus I don't post anything I don't want them to know. Here's a useful link for Americans:
I want to see my nigger count.

whos to say there is not some black site having made just enough advances with quantum computing to make getting started feasible
If you clear your browser history, site data, and image cache there is nothing they can do.
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not him but
i imagine they'd be using that for adversaries
Wtf that's me except the BBC porn

2) those who can't read so there is no meaning to writing it down
>literal mouthbreathing retards with smartphones: "IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO HAVE REAL INTERNET PRIVACY!! DON'T EVEN BOTHER!! AMAZON IS TOO POWERFUL!!"
>anyone with 20+ years computer experience: "not really, actually y-"

literal dumb fucking zombies
all zoomers should be drafted
Reality: the logs are too expensive to maintain with their original high granularity and must be compacted and archived if not outright dropped. Some actors have realized they can regularly generate a bunch of automated garbage traffic to make activity monitoring impractical from a cost perspective.
Doesn’t your ISP keep a record of it? You hear about shit getting subpoenaed. Do ISPs have compressed text files for every customer?
>he doesn't use an offline local llm to prompt "illegal" stuff that glowniggers would seethe at but would never find out about
tranime spammers are more likely to have a CP stash.
tranime spammers are already on estrogen
racist frog website if you're not happy with it go back to MyAnimeList
I don’t do anything illegal though. I just don’t want people knowing my online personality. I’m not gay and I don’t like trannies or beefy black men.

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