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Drawing tablets are technology.
Which tablet that plays well with GNU/Loonix should I get for drawing anime?
>Which tablet that plays well with GNU/Loonix should I get for drawing anime?
Post a loli you drew, and I will give you a quality recommendation.
I burnt all of my drawings, I want to draw pure anime.
Draw an anime loli right now. Show what you are capable of.
Shame. On you, your house, everything. Pics or it didn't happen and you're trying to beat my osu score and I will consider you an enemy until I turn into dust.
No, I will not fall for your provocation.
It had to be done, no pics because it was ~4 years ago and leaving pics would mean me being attached to it. Destroyed, no trace left.
>No, I will not fall for your provocation.
Not up for the challenge? You could have fun, anon.
I do wish you the best, was just curious on your abilities. The suggested subject matter is my personal preference, but if it's not your thing you could draw whatever else.
Well get Wacom One Medium for ~70 money.
I have one, it's okay - build quality is somewhat flimsy though but for a beginner it's still excellent choice.
Upgrade after a year or two if you're still doing graphics then...
I personally draw on a S9 FE with S-pen.
The only complaint I have is the CPU isn't powerful enough, and drawing on large canvas resolution will be laggy as a result.
I don't think you can get any higher value than S9 FE.
>Drawing tablets
Whatever you get, you will find soon enough there are no working drivers lmao
>you will find soon enough there are no working drivers lmao
I bought a drawing tablet. I plugged it in.
It immediately got detected and i could calibrate it in Krita.

I have no idea why you are lying. They are probably one of the best supported pieces of hardware out there. Especially because they want to be compatible with Android and stand-alone tablets.
Are you a nip? If not what you draw isn't anime.
Cyanide tablet is the way to go
I don't want to publish it as anime but just get closer to real otaku art and faithfully study it.
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>Wacom One Medium
You mean this one? Wow, I thought it would be much more expensive.
I have only ever owned an ipad and every android has been stock google, can I flash another OS onto it because I can't stand Samsung's Android?
I got random old wacom and it just works out of the box.
in my experience, wacom cintiq works in gnome wayland (i havent fiddled with customising the buttons yet), and xp pen screenless works with their driver installed (but pressure can bug out, i think its the pens fault more than software)
if you knew slightly a thing or anything about what you were talking about, youd have said pro-grade drawing software instead of drivers.
Stop sucking corporate cocks and elaborate, or fuck off
Tell that to the frogs
It was clearly pulled out of his ignorant ass for a low effort inflammatory shitpost.
Any random wacom tablet will be fine. If it's your first time using a tablet then just pick up any affordable screenless tablet. If you keep it up then move on to a screen tablet. Nowadays they're quite affordable and you can get an ok one for a few hundred. Either that or invest in an ipad pro for drawing on the move (I hate to say that but their quality is very good and almost that of a cintiq... pc/tablet is still the best setup though in my opinion for professional work though a lot of pros nowadays are using ipads).
The actual issue is not getting the tablet to work on linux, the issue is software support and getting pen pressure/tilt functionality to work properly. It basically doesn't which is the reason I haven't moved to linux. There is software like krita but honestly it is shit and pointless to use when there are so many better options with much more refined brush engines.
Sadly, at this moment in time I wouldn't recommend linux for drawing for this reason. It's time will come though, as soon as even something like CSP gets a native linux port then it will be viable. It just needs a big program like what happened with maya/blender.
t. professional animator
Nobody has yet produced a full piece of otaku art outside of Japan. Visually similar things have been made by some artists, music has been made too, but a coherent story? Not yet, and possibly we'll never see it in the West unless a major shift in their philosophy on art happens. All they can do is pervert and abuse existing tradition while employing some small similarities to make it at least passable at a very low level. Just look at the most popular 'VN' in the West, I won't name it but its core ideals are undeniably born from hatred of those who love VNs. It tries to critique and deconstruct, very poorly I might add, while having no real idea of why people enjoy the thing it's critiquing in the first place.
To the Westerner art ultimately devolves into being a celebration or even worship of his own person, it's self-centered, while otaku art is community-centered and inherently exists in a tradition without which it is inconceivable. Ironically the modern Westerner has lost the very thing he strives for in his pursuit of self-expression, and the result is a distinct abominable "style" that always bears the mark of the brainwashing they have accepted as society.
For a Westerner to create genuinely traditional anime art requires extreme self-denial and a sincere study of tradition. Modern Western pride and individualism is simply not amenable to such an approach.
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>invest in an ipad pro for drawing on the move
Funnily enough I do have one but I never thought of it as a tool for drawing, is iPencil or whatever they call it good?
No pen pressure/tilt functionality as the previous poster stated, its ok, its clear you guys are not artists
Why lie about this? Literally all this just work.
it's kinda mid tier but perfectly usable for anyone
"mid tier" is a bit hard to quantify here since basically it goes "Wacom>s-pen>apple pencil>windows stylus=some chinkshit>everything else" but everything else and windows stylus are such a huge pool it's difficult to weight it properly

the bottleneck on iOS is software, you have one program that's any good
procreate is pretty good, mind you, but you won't be spoiled for choice
also working on bigger projects on ios/android sucks balls but that's also not much of a problem if you're not someone who works on bigger projects
>no one posts art
Go back
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To /ic/?! No way fag.
Idk where you fags came from, but you do fail to understand what art is.
>pic related
Anime art is in a league of its own, applying westoid conceptions to it is what makes them unable to draw anime.
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It's a joke, anon. But some jap artists do apply the basic anatomy from western teaching to make better forms
It's true, but there are also some that don't do it and start working on a lineart after very basic sketch if any. You definitely do not need to focus on anatomy alone before you start with manga.
I haven't been there, but taking a cursory look it seems like absolute slop. Did it produce even one person capable of drawing real anime, or something close to it?
why help you make art if you're just going to burn it in a manic fit later?

the tablets you need are lithium and quietapine
ignore this nodraw retard has no idea what they are talking about
almost all manga drawn today is on an ipad in procreate
>manic fit
It was a well reasoned decision of breaking with past sin and starting a new path.
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Plenty of meme artists come from there: Baalbuddy, Pantsuripper and GoldenSmurf
This is all westernised slop, anon...
This is the western imageboard, anon...
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Western imageboard for Eastern cartoons.
Late reply sorry but yeah I would recommend the apple pencil if you already have an ipad pro, it's basically going to be better than anything else you buy at entry level. I have a cintiq for professional work but I'll be honest the ipad isn't really that far off and most pros I know are working on theirs all the time. The build quality is just great.
I don't know if I exactly agree with >>101569077, there are some good options nowadays. Personally I use Clip Studio Paint as it's exactly like the desktop version (subscription though which is shit). If you don't want a sub procreate is more than serviceable. In time it will get more and more apps too, it even has 3D options now, really I think apple will probably capture the hobbyist art market completely since wacom has dropped the ball very hard the past decade.
If it ever gets killer apps like toon boom harmony or even blender (which I think eventually it will) it's going to be a game changer.
Also as another poster said, a lot of mangaka and anime animators these days are using ipads. There is a documentary of I think either studio trigger or mappa and they're all sitting around the board room demoing storyboards/animation in procreate of all things.
So yeah all that is to say definitely just get the pencil and use the ipad pro if you already have it.
Unfortunately it just doesn't and the tilt/pressure issue is ongoing, drivers are finicky with wine... I'm just waiting for a native Linux port for CSP and then I may consider it. There is a reason why absolutely no professional artist is using Linux and this is why, sadly.
Are you even a real artist if you haven’t burnt drawings and books?
Nothin' like a good nap. Aaaanyway
The frogs call cartoons dessins animé, or anime for short. I think the spannies do too.

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