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I was about to download Notepad++ and saw this.
Wtf is that? Are they hiring /g/tards?
>Support Taiwan's Independence
>Stand up for Ukraine
>Make Apps, not war
>Declare variables, not war
>Boycott Beijing 2022
>Ah sweet! A program that does exactly what I need. And it's FREE!
>Oh no! It was made by a faggot! Now I don't want it.
It says: "use Kate instead"
It is almost a one man effort, a taiwanese living in France.
Happened also being a sjw, and pro satanist agenda.
Soon to be released
>Notepad++ 8.7.2 'I stand with Kamala' edition
>Notepad++ 8.7.3 'Fuck trump'
What did his parents do to deserve such a faggot for a son?
>>a taiwanese living in France
And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place
>Declare variables, not war
This is a good one, actually.
Government is a control technology. It's a scam and criminal. The government is not sovereign over the people.
Try notepadqq?
haha I like how even though he totally and sincerely cares about wars, he decided to not say a word about the one war with the biggest number of civilian casualties haha
the primary developer Don Ho is from Taiwan
brown people dont matter
only east asians and whites
sorry chud
Notepad++ is written by one man. He's been vocally political since the beginning. When Le Pen made the 2nd round, he changed his license to state that anyone who voted Le Pen couldn't use his software, like a chad.
stop replying to yourself and go cry to pol
>>Support Taiwan's Independence
>>Boycott Beijing 2022
>they have time to duck up to everything political
>still no GLSL syntax highlighting
may as well just switch to VSC at that point
why bother when we have vscopium?
wasn't notepad++ compromised by the cia at one point, or was that fud?
The dev is a Taikrainian nigger living in France
Next release
>Notepad++ v9.0.0 Tranx Rights are Humanx Rights
Supporting independence is good no matter the context tbqhwyf
Yeah it's true.
CIA backdoored notepad++. Don Ho is likely a CIA asset
This was either found out because of a Snowden leak or a shadow broker leak, don't remember which
Most of the time I see /g/ seething that some developers supports {country}, those developers usually are from said {country}.

It's fascinating, really.
Most muttmerican niggers are not from Ukraine but have Ukraine flags in their bio, retard.
Don Zion and Kabbalah Harris will be talking to their boss Ben today, wait until tomorrow to know which one will mass media support, maybe you'll get a Vote for Trump edition after all.
>a taiwanese dev in france HAS to care about amerilard politics
the level of delusion
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imagining stuff and then getting mad about what you imagined. Classic chud modus operandi
strawman with chinese characteristics))))
Do you have trouble figuring out how doors work?
>mindlessly seething about china like a pajeet
This is where you are wrong.
>lefties make useful software
>chuddies just play dressup with their linux install and complain like women until they get what they want
Many such cases!
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Any of you faggots ready to make the newest addition to the list of certified chudware?
Mein Neger!
> fears the glogg pill

u gonna be ok?
At least he doesn't delete all your files if his shitware detects ru-RU region. NPCs do shit like this because the TV tells them to.

Capable of opening up stupidly large 1GB+ files but have to open a blank file since they took away the new button.



Glogg (must create a blank txt file to start new files)

I have never in all these year had to have an Internet connection to install notepad++.
>pro satanist agenda.
elaborate in detail on what you mean by this. no, i'm not being intentionally obtuse or anything like that.
It was the Vault 7 leak, and it wasn't Notepad++ that was compromised, it was that Notepad++ didn't bother checking to see if it's DLL's hashes matched the verified hash before loading them, so Notepad++ could be used TO compromise systems by including modified DLL files with it. Specifically scilexer.dll, which Notepad++ patched to verify the hash before loading about 7 years ago. The idea being a CIA agent with access to someone's PC could switch scilexer.dll with a modified version that would collect data, and the user would never know and load the .dll themselves by using Notepad++. Not that Notepad++ itself was compromised, or had included compromised .dll files.
How that wound up as "CIA BACKDOOR IN NOTEPAD++, DEV IS GLOWY", on /g/ of all places, I have no idea.
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>not answering my question
Alright. But what's wrong with general usage of "their"? If you think I'm on some tranny gender whatever the fuck you people whine about bullshit, that's just not the case.
He's probably not answering because he's a chink using google translate
is that ice-t's wife?
Plebbitors like you hate people accurately describing chinks as subhuman.
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oh, ice t's wife is NAMED coco. my bad
who's got 333?
Nodepad-- v1.0.0 "Fuck Israel" edition
Notepad-- v1.1.0 Totally Nice Day edition
Notepad-- v1.2.0 Do Not Redeem edition
Notepad-- v1.3.0 Stand with Putin and Xi edition
Notepad-- v1.4.1 YWNBAW edition
Notepad-- v1.4.8.8 Heil Hitler edition
i skipped v1.3.0
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>Chinese are subhumans so Taiwan
That means that Taiwanese are subhumans too, retard.

Nice samefagging, nigger.
>Nice samefagging, nigger.
ok. i'm done post-number-spazzing.

just use vscode, brah
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You are the same person who posted those two replies and then pretended to be different people in them, retard.
Do you want me to record a webm of me refreshing the page or some retarded shit?
stop moving strawmen chang, you're not telling china's story that well rn
you have to go back

you're talking to an esl...
scoop install notepadplusplus

not my problem
Based Notepad++, I will now download the newest version.
Chinese cope. Taiwanese products don't disintegrate in 5 nanoseconds. Only Chinese, because the Chinese are incompetent and subhuman.
NAFOtranny checks out.
More likely they have some virtue signaling DEI Microcuck tranny involved and appeasing Blackrock is their primary task.

Meanwhile the bulk of the project, or any worthwhile project, I can practically guarantee you, was and is maintained by an apolitical older white dude.
I'll continue using obsidian instead, thanks
>>Support Taiwan's Independence
>>Stand up for Ukraine
>>Make Apps, not war
>>Declare variables, not war
>>Boycott Beijing 2022
Now I like them even more than before. Hope the next one talks about the ethnic cleansing in Gaza
fruit of a poison tree

if they're faggots about one thing, they're probably faggots about something else
Either you Vim or use VS Code. No fucking reason to use Notepad++.
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You can get every single retard who supports Talwan to support China more by showing them this picture


Gooks are browner than the "brown people" you sperg out about.

The only reason you put Gooks on a pedestal is because they worship Whites and you're too ugly to fuck a normal prostitute.


every time
Taiwan and Ukraine support destroying Palestine, retard
this tbdesu. they (both) don't even enjoy being themselves.
Congrats, you just discovered Don Ho is a politisperg. I am honestly impressed he managed to survive for two years without dedicating a release to some political cause during a time when a lot of shit was popping up.
doesn't the author have massive TDS too?

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