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File: haikubasescreenie.png (614 KB, 1920x1080)
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repeated screenshots
with an absence of input
yet, the hugs go on

In this thread we communicate about the development and usage of the Haiku operating system.

Haiku is an operating system designed for easy desktop usage. It's inspired by the now defunct commercial operating system BeOS. Haiku shares many similarities to BeOS, for example its built in graphicstack and design philosophy: Sane defaults. Meaning it's easy to install and use, no tinkering required.

- Easy to use and install (Graphical installation and graphical configurations)
- Support for most soundcards, network adapters, trackpads (Drivers taken from FreeBSD and OpenBSD)
- xlib and Wayland support
- Many linux/BSD software available on Haiku! Examples being almost all KDE software (Kate, Krita, Konsole), GIMP, VLC/mpv. (Haiku is POSIX compliant). Other examples are most opensource emulators and less demanding browsers as Falkon (blink), Ephiphany (GTK), dooble (Qt)
- Multithreated - Multiprocessor
- Elegant graphical environment (Tracker) including a snap and tab feature.
- Under active development, so gradual noticeable improvement as more ports and contributions are made
- Lightning fast

- Lack of hardware acceleration,
- Lacks popular software, examples being Firefox (port in progress) and Chromium
- No security
- Bad power management, no hibernation mode
- Under active development. It can have issues with some hardware compared to GNU+Linux for example

>Important links

>inb4 cuck license
sorry forgot thread subject, it's /hug/ - Haiku User Group
To make up for your fiasco, why not make a new screenshot in more contemporary 4K resolution and with more applications going?
I don't have a 4k screen. However next screenshot I will fill the screen with applications, according to your advice.
I want nothing to do with anything inspired by jeff Beos
>the hugs go on
Oh right so you're a MLP loving tranny?
How the hell do you change operating systems? Ive been trying to abandon windows for ages but I can't, the computer's rigged not to let me.
Oh no, what will we do now ?
Haiku looks super cool and will overtake MS and Apple as the desktop of choice
2025 - year of the Haiku Desktop
The fact that you're thinking about disgusting mlp trannies while I'm talking about hugs says a lot about you.

You just stop pretending that it's hard to do so. Just go use the operating system you think is better then windows. No "beginner distro" nonsense, that's treating it like a child's swimming lessons. Doing that will just cause you to forever be stuck with the mentality that it's an impossible task. To stick to the Haiku topic, if you switch from Windows to Haiku you will quickly realize that Windows truly is a bloated mess, so try it out.
I can't. My damm computer won't let me, i follow all the steps but nothing happens.
Is there a way to RDP into a Haiku machine or VM
Have you done the following:

1. an external storage medium, preferably an USB with more then 4 GB
2. a working computer with an internal storage medium, for example an SSD or HDD
3. a computer capable to boot from EFI
4. a network connection

Steps, (this guide presumes you want to install 64bit Haiku with EFI boot using an USB)
Step 1: Go to https://haiku-os.org, infront of you there should be a big download Haiku button, press it, scroll down and you will see a list of location. Next to it there are two buttons, one to download 64-bit, press the 64-bit iso link (it's blue and says iso, the 64-bit is the right one) and let it download.

Step 2: You want to download software which is able to flash (install all the files of the iso) onto your USB, examples are balenaetcher or rufus for Windows, rufus is the better of the two. You can download rufus on https://rufus.ie

Step 3: After downloading and installing rufus you want to open it and plug your USB into your computer. Open rufus and leave everything default. However make sure that under device your USB is chosen and not another external device. Next to boot selection there is a select button, after pressing it select the Haiku iso and press start. It will start flashing, once it's finished you unmount the USB from the system and reboot your machine.

Step 4: Enter your BIOS, while booting the key you press to enter it should be on screen. On most devices its F12 or Del. Keep pressing said button till you're on it. This step varies from system to system, but you should likely change the boot order in the boot section of the BIOS and put the USB first, or you can just boot from the USB there.

Step 5: Your machine now should be booting Haiku from the USB. You should see a menu which asks if you want to install or try it out, choose install.

Step 6: You likely have no disks setup at the moment. Setup one, this will wipe your Windows system. Choose Disk, Initialize and then GUID, write cha
this has become boring, just follow these instructions: https://www.haiku-os.org/guides/uefi_booting/

Ive done everything you just described here before we started talking but it still wont let me switch to another OS.
Why are you using a tabbed browser in an OS with its own tabs?
You want me to have multiple browser instances open? Your question makes no sense, but would be cool if the Haiku browser opened a tab in the window tab for every webpage
One browser instance should have no problem spawning multiple windows, and the windows shouldn't have any problems knowing which windows have been unfocused for a while just like tabs. Your reply drips with complacency and mediocrity.
Even braindead Linux ricers can figure this out.
You do realize that every new window created by the browser wouldn't be attached to that window. One also can't remove the tab bar on the browser I'm using anyway. You likely don't even know the browser I'm using. You're talking about a system which you likely never used outside of a VM and a browser you never bothered with. Your reply doesn't drip mediocrity, I find it well written actually, but your existence certainly is one of an eternal complacency.
Will it run on my Phenom II? I don't want to go through the hassle of trying it
That is at least uplifting. Care to be more specific? Most of my serches end up in reddit and are just as useless as one could expect.
>finally get decent Nvidia drivers on Linux
>move to Haiku
>wait for Nvidia support

https://discuss.haiku-os.org/t/instruction-of-using-haiku-remote-desktop/9442 it's not ideal like a x11vnc but it works atleast. Though you can connect to x11vnc servers from Haiku
Thanks. I saw that but found two discouraging issues:
1: it is for connecting fromone Haiku machine to another. I had hoped to use my RDP client om my 4K screen Win10 machine
2: HTML5 is almost an alternative, but there is a problem:
>or use the HTML5 client which is not documented in that page (or anywhere else, as far as I know).
don't these instruction work? https://discuss.haiku-os.org/t/instruction-of-using-haiku-remote-desktop/9442

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