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Uh ... Deepfake sisters?
Fucking finally. Death to all degenerates
>Deepfake sisters?
changes nothing
>nothing happens
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Nobody will stop me from doing what I want with my software stacks on my hardware.
Fuck you
Go back. Hug your gf. Wagie in your cage. Have fun on weekends. This place isn't for you.
Will not even survive cursory judicial muster
born to goon, forced to edge
they didnt say you cant do it anymore, they just said its illegal now. if you can do the time, feel free to do the crime.
>or receive
Trolling time
>make a deep nude
>jack off to it
>don't send or post anywhere
What now?
I have derp fakes of her on my pc, but they are so mid I do not even want to look for them. Bitch is crazy if she thinks her mid ass is anything special.
ticking time bomb. your telemetry will upload and they'll know. expect to be jail raped
I have been here since 2006. The fact I got a gf in the meantime doesn't disqualify me
How did you get a gf?
Ah cool. Another piece of data thats illegal to have on your hard drive.
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I'll gladly hug my boyfriend while you faggots jerk off to Janette Anne Dimech deepfakes for hours on end
oh fuck, Emma Watson is going to sue me? how will she know about my stash?
Lol cope
>certain combinations of pixels are illegal
>Senator Dick
born for porn
deserved, deepfake porn was just niggers fucking random celebrities
literal trash
Why would I make a deep fake porn of a monitor?
>Nooo i don't consent to those particular arrangements of pixels
not even that. It is only illegal in rare cases like living in America and being reported while also afmiting you did it. Just like getting a fake vaccine certificate, it is a crime, but I did it, will do it again and hell I would even admit of doing it while I do it the 3rd time. Once you reach the age of 20 you will see that some laws are more like recommendations.
Stop being a victim, grow a pair and stop making up meme excuses. You can have a normal life if you choose to. Even anime characters have jobs and personal growth.
>hug my boyfriend
>you faggots
being gay isn't the same as being a fag
I like calling people faggots despite being one. It's been stuck in my vocabulary for a while
Please explain the differenxe
AI has the potential to completely screw over how government works. This is just a cope for them
>being gay isn't the same as being a fag
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>he thinks "local" is local
Does this apply to public figures?
Bought from Saudi Arabia
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Man, now I have to make deep fakes of her but she is so mid...
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I want to only make deep fakes of white good looking young women, not some old ass Latino shit women you can go and buy 10 of in Brazil.
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one final dumb of that ugly bitch, i will go to /gif/ later for some big ugly Black dude fucking her cheap ass. Fuck this. I will make an Indian fuck her, she needs to be humiliated.
How are you going to sue every jeet with a graphics card?
>the legislation would amend the Violence Against Woman Act
So... I can still deepfake gay porn video, right?
What do you mean ?
My local models are local
Accelerationists best target politicians for greater effect.
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>being this new
This seems unenforceable
Based oldfag.
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How long before just imagining women becomes illegal?
>Would Amend the Violence against women Act
All you retards had to do was not create porn of AOC and that's the first thing you do in droves. I can't blame AOC and I hope you degenerates get your day in court, you deserve it.
Nice, how old?
>produce, distribute OR RECEIVE
So we are on cp level here, where it just has to be found anywhere near you.

Shit's wild.
Ofcourse I can blame that totalitarian little bitch.
This is still the best explanation, cpurtesy of south park...
What even is this post
Based. There's already a bunch of "normal" porn to jerk off to. You degenerates needed to be reined in already.
Her ass looks nice in this one
Im a retard phone poster
We should just ban porn completely.
>illegal 0s and 1s, chapter 62762
the smartphone and its consequences have been devastating to technology itself.
Think of all the cucks who gets off from denying themselves sex in favor of watching other have sex.
>t. NEET jealous of someone's happy life
Women like this should be closed in a room with an incel and the ceiling should slowly come down to crush them both unless they have sex and he nuts inside her.
if you look up the text of the bill you can circumvent being liable for damages by simply by making it obvious this is a fake
so add the southpark disclaimer to the beginning and add a water mark saying 'FAKE' and you're set
I can play this game. Evangelicals believe that having impure thoughts about a woman is adultery and saying things like gosh and geese are blasphemy because you blasphemed in your heart.
no we don't lmao
The actual law is slightly less insane than the article makes it sound.

It actually targets
>any person that knowingly produced or possessed the digital forgery with intent to disclose it, or knowingly disclosed or solicited the digital forgery
>any person that knowingly produced the digital forgery
So producing, distributing, and deliberately downloading ("soliciting") deepfakes would all be illegal, but if someone emails you one out of the blue, you can just delete it and be fine (or even keep it, as long as you aren't possessing it "with intent to disclose it").

I think it would even still be legal to download a deepfake LoRA (only pics are covered by this, not models) and generate a bunch of pics for your own personal use. The law only covers production when "such production is in or affects interstate or foreign commerce or uses any means or facility of interstate or foreign commerce". I know everything is interstate commerce in the current year, but it seems hard to argue for that when you're running the model on your own hardware, saving the pics to your own local disk, and nobody is paying anybody for it.
Can I get a deepfake of her being violated while the bill is rejected?
>>any person that knowingly produced or possessed the digital forgery with intent to disclose it, or knowingly disclosed or solicited the digital forgery
so me?
I will still do it. Bitches need to suffer.
they'll pass the bill into a law and then let the supreme court eventually kill it so they can cast them as legislating from the bench while simply protecting first amendment rights
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>violence against women act
but they can't even define a woman
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I bet you kiss girls faggot
I have 400 celeb fakes on my PC.. am I going to have to delete them now?
I saw a video of the vote but was shocked at what happened right before. Is it normal for Congress to engage in orgies like that?
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It's completely unenforceable and a violation of the 1st amendment especially in regards to public figures.
okay so you post a deepfake on /r/eddit and now they have to arrest thousands of people
>I dont believe what my holy book says
Not the own you think it is
So in your view identity theft and slander aren't real then
Anon? We're setting you free.
It's been 30 years since Taylor Swift died, and forensic analysis has shown that she did indeed swallow cum while stroking off multiple dicks. That image you had wasnt a deepfaked, you are free to go.
We have out best people digging into this stuff.
epic esl babble
is he cute
desu the real issue is that they'll use this to shut down real images by claiming they're "deepfakes"
Upon closer inspection, although this video of Scarlett Jo licking cum off the floor is legitimate, the logo of the porn company was deepfaked into the corner, so Im gonna have to arrest you. Huh? Watermarks aren't deepfakes? Thatll be up to the jury to decide.
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How is identity theft relevant? Take AI out of the equation and the same legal issues remain. For it to be slander it would need to be declared as proof of infidelity publicly by someone with name behind the statement. Even if it's known to be fake, claiming it's real isn't a slander if done anonymously. As long as it's not a public figure, and it's not targeted in an attempt to harm such as distributed at a place of work it's not illegal to produce pornography of someone.
all gpu drivers since late 2022 watermark images for this very reason. it's the biggest honeypot of all time and it will be selectively enforced by whoever controls the FBI in coming years.
> retarded feminist spends like two years making a law that does nothing because she thinks a man fantasizing about a woman is exactly morally identical to rape
>the retarded christcuck, who the feminist would murder if she could get away with it, proves once again why his Church cannot be trusted by siding with a mortal enemy out of temporary convenience
oh they are real, i just do not give a shit about them.
So then the Russians make it and the US can go pound sand?
Deep fakes are no different than literal puppets
If I make a puppet that looks like you, and then record it doing naughty stuff is that illegal too?
Why is it any different when it's just a digital one vs a physical one?
Christians aren't cucks. Cuckoldry is a exclusivley secular concept that is incompatible with the christian faith, just like newage, antisemitism, lgbt, communism, nazism, degeneracy, anger, lust, humanism and matrialism.
This. It's their plan in the event that Kamala's swinger party photos get leaked. Claim they're deepfakes then arrest everyone who posts or sees them.
send link anon, don't leave us like that
Okay, but what's the crime being committed here?
It's not their real naked body but someone else's, what's the problem here? Just pure defamation trial? Will it even cover men being deepfaked or is it one of these laws where the only victims are women and the only criminals are men?
those AOC deepfakes go crazy.

i should stop jerking off to this shit.
What if i photoshop? What if I photoshop every frame of a porno ?
this is a wood thing.
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1981 prediction:
>hacking will be illegal, but the real world will be really safe

>literally everything you do online is becoming illegal, while in the real world lawlessness reigns
Yes, just like firing guns in certain directions is illegal, certain combinations of letters are illegal, etc.
It's not 1980 anymore, anon: just because something involves a computer doesn't mean it's open slather.
This is true.
so this site is gonna get sued to hell for /b/ and /gif/ posting deepfakes?
i think the Trump hoard has moved on to Facebook and other sites
hopefully 4chinz isn't on their hitlist anymore
code is code, if it's open source you can see what it's doing.
you can also monitor network traffic. there's no "secretly all local AI is monitored" taking place.
So this only applies to women? Fagbros we win again.
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>nooo you can't make deepfake porn because... A PIECE OF PAPER SAID SO!!!
>Antisemitism is a new-age secular tradition
>The Catholic church specifically has a prayer for the "treacherous Jews" to turn to Christ that has been part of the religion for 1900 years before Vatican II said perfidum in that case meant "nonbelieving".
>It's still canon to Christianity that the Jews are responsible for the death of Christ.
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this, AI should be destroyed.
I hate women so much its unreal
>certain combinations of letters are illegal
The absolute state of this world
>nooo you can't murder people because... A PIECE OF PAPER SAID SO!!!
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interesting. gonna fap the bitch coworker of mine tonight.
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hold on a second...
The comparison is that you are creating a convincing portrayal of someone else, so in this regard an ID/Bank account and in the other a porn video. The eeffect is irrelevant
>certain combinations of atoms in a molecule are illegal
What is the source of this image
This isn't the own you think it is. White European civilization did just fine for thousands of years without outlawing certain molecules. All busy-bodies projecting their spiritual poverty and lack of agency onto the rest of us should get the rope.
i fucking love that video and his reaction.
>mhm. interesting, a grenade. guess I'm gonna blow up. *BOOM*
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I WILL make deepfake of my high school & college crushes and there's NOTHING AOC, the congress, Biden or GOD ALMIGHTY can do to stop me.
Post her picture and I'll rub one out to her too. Maybe we can meme this into reality.
Pain and suffering are more influential than pleasure and self control. That and accessibility is the point he is making and what you failed to grasp.
Put an extra finger/mole. Is not them anymore so is legal.
>satanic kikeslop is bad not because it's pure evil but because it's le violence against women
I hate this world
People have been creating "fakes" of other people ever since the personal home flatbed scanner and MS paint's been around. Nobody's said jack shit about it in all that time. Another big fat nothing.
does this require all deepfakes to have watermark saying it's deepfake or only recognizable people?


Is she the one talks shit about White supremacists despite being one herself and tries to hide it by mixing English sentences with common Spanish words?

>America is trillions of dollars in debt
>America is facing a huge illegal immigration crisis while Kamala compares ICE to the KKK.
>Americans can't afford houses
>Americans can't afford cars
>Americans can't afford education
>Americans can't afford rent
>Americans will soon not be able to afford food
>Drug overdose epidemic killing
>Constant gun shootings
>109 people got shot in Chicago during 4th of July weekend alone
>Constant race riots
>Constant anti-Israel riots
>Abysmal army recruitment rates
>Unhealthy American diet and food
>Abysmal pandemic preparedness
>Brink of WW3
>American Secrect Service just embarrassed themselves in front of the world

The Senate and Homeland security unanimously decides to tackle nudes. You won't be able to coom without 10 lawyers present.
Collapse when?
wtf is this word salad?
Don't care, not a mutt they can come look for me. I've actually never made any porn with Ai but now that ik it pisses them off I'll do it and do it some more just in case. Fuck the establishment all they do is steal taxes from the coomon people while they give blow job to their overlords.
Here's an idea - deepfake AOC sucking off a man wearing a shirt emblazoned with the words 'deep state'

Such an image is clearly political speech. Can it be made illegal?

>captcha: VP H HAG
all this unenforceable shit will do is provoke the retards into making even more AOC porn
>Dick Durbin
Based and share I'll help you spam it all over social media
She's ugly but at the same time would
You are not a real Christian
What didnt you understand

You think a judge will understand downloading a LoRA? Are you retarded?
Chad energy
American "intelligence" on display. Read a book and eat a vegetable sometime, fat orcs.
are there entire committees in America that try to come up with acronyms for bills?
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>the most encouraging and uplifting thing men would ever hear
>being used as an own
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>Constant anti-Israel riots
Really tried to sneak that one in there like nobody would notice.
Get back on the plane, ashkenazio devilspawn
I don't get this
What reaction does the author want me to have?
I love it when degenerates can't freely express themselves. AI porn faggots belong in mental institutions.
Well, actually, the software to do so might be illegal now. You know how these bills are always hundreds of pages. A new thing everyone has to go out of their way to comply with that sounds simple in principle but is horrendously complicated to try and actually pull off in practice, and a new executive agency, or an expansion to an existing one, to oversee compliance.
Most likely way this is going to go down is all models that can produce nudes are going to be illegal.
Been warning people forever this is coming. I actively teach policy makers about AI, there was a huge interest in this, copywrite issues, and csam generation. Expect AI to get more crackdowns. There's tons of motive behind it but everyone will tell you they're trying not to have a repeat of social media.
It's a response to a similar looking strip where a man/men says pretty much those exact line to women and is seen as a creepazoid.
Surprise, sex is a man taking something from women and when women can reproduce all by themselves (not exactly) that's even more true.
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The State only exists to further its own interests.
Would you ask a plumber to install solar panels?
calm down, jigsaw.
I will keep making and sharing AI art only to make you seethe, artfag.
>We shouldn't solve problem A because we can't solve problem B!!!
>can get pregnant
>No more 4g limit for files on FAT volumes
I'd want to marry her and make her pregnant. She seems nice.
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2008 here. Was a newfag back then and forever will be one.
About time we did something about AI slop
will this actually pass? There are already laws making non-consensual deepfake porn illegal. Why do they need an extra law?
same reason they needed millions of laws to spy on your computer in the 90s and 00s even though child porn was already outlawed by the 80s.
this just makes me want to watch deepfake aoc porn of her getting drilled and creampied by a huge white dick
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troon or faggot
Hopefully this one is serious, unlike that pathetic "TikTok ban" that resulted in jack and shit, in that order.
Having a job != personal growth
Surely deporting all the mexicans will brink down the cost of food.
>>American Secrect Service just embarrassed themselves in front of the world
And you can thank your "God-given freedoms" for it.
All the vaccine certificate was for was getting into nightclubs over here, so I didn't really felt a need to go out of my way to get a fake one. I guess they realized that there's little chance of pushing it too heavily, and went with an easy way to get the turbonormiest of turbonormies jabbed.
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usecase for deepfakes?
What is the bussy phrase for use case?
She vill child trap you and you vill not be happy !!!
How'd he get them to look so soft instead of swollen?
Do you think she's seen the videos of her?
Ok, where's the aryan AOC pr0nz @
my fellow newfsg that has been more than a decafe here, remember infinite cumdumpsters? hoo lee shet
This is not an issue on arch
>infinite cumdumpsters
Man it makes me miss being underaged b&.
>it makes me miss being underaged b&
You feel nostalgic for last week?

Huh, what do you mean by that?
Defamation, cyberharassment, fake news.
Every Government agency should require only the best for a particular role. The "problem" with that is that doing so necessarily creates what eleutheromaniacs would describe as a "tyranny," so the American government knowingly lowers its standards to avoid this label that totally means something, guys.

I am the poster you are replying to. I don't think the US should have a large military, be the police of the world. My recruitment segment was meant to be about the state of gen z. If the US was invaded normal people can not defend the country, nor will they be willing.

What does that have to do with "God-given freedoms"?
Again, thank your "God-given freedoms" for that.
Is it not self-explanatory?

Freedom of expression, free speech, creativity, and pissing off people who love tyranny.
The concept is a lie invented by people who despised the concept of a "Government" while trying to for their own. The competency crisis is a product of eleutheromaniac propaganda being the top-down norm for over two centuries.

You are saying people who hated government caused the government to be filled with incompetent people because they liked freedom?
It's a natural consequence of attempting to form a Government based on a shared skepticism of Government. If what you value most is freedom, then you value the unqualified making decisions, such as political decisions in the form of voting.

Aww sorry I didn't understand earlier. I didn't believe this level of stupidity was possible.
>OUTPUT:"lol stupid"
>implying we are jealous of wagies 40 hours a week
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Those laws always target poors and plebs almost never establishment and people in power who fuck kids, take drugs and even murder on daily basis. They make laws only for us not for themselves and no matter where it is, China, Russia or USA, everywhere is the same.
>They make laws only for us not for themselves
That's how Government works, yes. Otherwise, you have the Second Amendment, which does away with the concept of a Monopoly of Force, and thus the very notion of a functioning Government.
Won't stop the AOC porn train. She's a public figure which means any parodying or deepfaking of her that doesn't amount to impersonation is perfectly fine and I will continue to brutally batter my meat to those shitlib teddies.
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you joke, but when it comes to murders, it is starting to be the case that 50%+ of them go unsolved. Its not only games, software and hardware that is degrading but also society itself which makes it so people who hate to solve murder cases are also becoming idiots. In most cases, murderers are idiots and they do not think much or know how to hide a murder and the reasons are too clear, but it really is starting to be the case that any murder with any thought put into it and done in more subtle and invincible way is starting to be impassible to solve. Hell I may even have some things to say about this given that I may or may not put sleeping pills in the coffee of my boss, which means that at some point i have considered questions like "what if i microdose some acid or some shit too in the coffee too?" I understand also that there is a toxicology report but you cannot really prove that it was the work coffee that got the lethal substance... and because i still ahve not done much you cannot even use this 4cahn post as proof of murder.
Basically: yes, the constitution is as effective as protecting you against murder as it is against deep fakes. The real protection is just not having people wanting to kill you. Same with deep fakes: a loving loyal woman will not have her husband make a deep fake and then kill her. A bitch on the other hand will get he punishment she deserves and no law can protect her.
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One thing I'm curious is how do you prove an image is a deepfake from a given person rather than a lookalike? I mean, there are people who look alike in the world. Even before the current generative AI wave, there was a site that allowed you to search for porn actress that resembled famous actress and singers, or even people you knew in real life.
they can't even enforce piracy, let's see them TRY and enforce local diffusion ban (will be pretty easy if everyone switches to shit windows copilot PCs)

The only one who cares is AOC. She wants people in prison for it.
Not really.

>There are people who literally go out of their way to downplay their rights
>hile in the real world lawlessness reigns
It's safer in the real world than its ever been. Murder, rape, etc are at historic lows.

Definitely not.

Bunch of factors making statistics bullshit. Crime is a young man's game. As you have a populations dwindle crime per capita goes down, but since crime is done largely young on young the same experience of crime remains. That and DAs, judges, politicians, police departments bullshit their numbers in every way possible.
Looking forward to everyone on /r/ going to jail along with the burger mods
>I don't think the US should have a large military,
It's an avenue for social mobility. They'll hire anyone capable of being productive.
>can't stop thefts by yourself
>can't call the police

That's gross and shouldn't be allowed.
Nobody needs fake porn to express their opinion.
Sounds like it has a jew problem
So deepfake porn is now equivalent to child porn?
>oh, those proofs of me, the POTUS, doing heinous shit?
>those pics and vids are le AI fakes, and that's muh foreign psyop
>no, you may not use that AI
>no, we have no means to prevent actual foreign agents of chaos from using it
>no, you still may not use it, not for any reason, and that's a good thing, actually
>a-aaand those proofs are definitely fake!!!
*schizo hat on*
Did they just invent it to be able to claim plausible deniablity, and banned it as soon as it was done?
Post a pic of your mom and sister pls

Gross is not a argument. Asserting the word should is not a argument.

People found gay marriage, interracial marriage as gross. You want prison for that too? Jail is a gross experience to the human condition and obviously should be used for only serious crimes. What is gross is the US incarceration rates.
General laws against identity theft and fraud don't need special caveats for AI or deepfakes. This law is specifically about deepfake pornography which is only tangentially related.

>We need incel porn addicts in prisons

Don't forget to identify as a woman when ya'll get arrested.
>Gross is not a argument. Asserting the word should is not a argument.
It is an argument. Anything that can persuade is an argument.
Just don't be a porn addict

Oh, sorry. Let me clarify. I meant a argument worth a damn.
You understand public displays of obscenity are already banned under completely different laws.
>People found gay marriage, interracial marriage as gross. You want prison for that too?
That's great
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Those are null and void if you just say you are having a drag show.
>illegal in US
who cares, "piracy" is also illegal but there are still torrent and file sharing sites. cat is out of the bag and no amount of trash legislation can put it back in
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>outing yourself as a windows fag

Relationships are down in the toilet. Now you won't be able to coom without 10 lawyers present. Fuck this society.
>wasting electricity
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Forgot image and I didn't mean to reply to a post.
wait so I just have to get a tattoo and they cant draft me?
>Defiance act
Oh my... what a time we live in
kek just don't be in muttland and you'll be fine
my gpu is from 2009 lol

If oligarchs want you dead, you will be killed. Same way if unhinged masses wants you in prison, you will be in prison.
Scientists recover them 10k years later and assume it must be male beauty standard of our times.
I don't understand how anyone can find her attractive.
But for all those coomers, hope they make more deep fakes of her as it seems to piss her off a lot.
>They'll hire anyone capable of being productive
I'm not sure you've ever met anyone who was in the Army.
>Nothing will st- ACK!
Mou Shindieru.
>cat is out of the bag and no amount of trash legislation can put it back in
Animal control exists for this reason.

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