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Infernal Internet Theory is a theory proposing that the internet is populated and ran by demons and/or Satan and/or other evil entities.

Evidence of this includes occult references in computing and the internet, like sigils, daemon/demons, and www, the symbol for Google Chrome, and even the word ‘internet’ equaling 666. The disturbing content that saturates the net would also be easily explained by this as well as users with Satanic usernames and pfps in areas one would not expect and not acting like an edgy teen or troll, such as pircrel found on a vid about mites.

How many are online is unknown, at least to the general public. It could be only the big stars online, or maybe alot but no to an unbelievable degree, or it could be nearly all users you run across. If we take the “We are Legion'' quote as true, then it would mean the net is filled to the gills with them.

Why is also unknown, again at least to the general public, but it could be assumed because they want to influence people on a mass scale, and no tool is better than the internet. It is also possible that they are here because they are needed to run the internet and computers in general, as maybe they are occult powered rather than more materialistic driven as it is told to users.

Are demons online? If so, how many and why? Let me know your thoughts and opinions on Infernal Internet Theory(IIT).

Thanks in advance as always!
Stopped reading
It's true. I am a demon. AMA
The evidence includes reading reddit and watching tiktoks, that's all the evidence I need. These creatures aren't human.
I am the leader of anonymous demons legion. AMA
I am Chris Hansen, AMA
How much GBs of CP do you have on your storage mediums combined?
>Are demons online?
Yeah, I am.
Yes, Linux is full of them, this is why you need a system to manage them.
Due to legal implications, only Isaac Herzog can say the exact number.
It is likely the beast's image. As the bible says "And it was given him to give life to the image of the beast, and that the image of the beast should speak; and should cause, that whosoever will not adore the image of the beast, should be slain."
The best way to describe a screen if you aren't living in the time they were made would be calling it a living image. And when you look at how most people interact with screens and their content the concept of worship is not a long shot. I do not believe we have to worship them at the present moment.
They are coming.

>the word 'internet' equaling 666
>evil entities
um. They're called lgbtqia+ individuals and if I have to correct you again I'm going to unperson you.

Demons aren't evil. Regardless, the internet, and electronics in general, should greatly ease communication with non-human consciousnesses – even for the most soulless dimwitted nigger out there.
gematria superstition. Demons are real but OP is a schizo.
OP is some retarded high school kid who spends all day on his ipad looking up youtube accounts with the number 666 in their names and spamming /x/ with threads about them. Must be in bed with the /x/ jannies because his dogshit posts never get deleted.
The entire internet runs on demons, mortal fool. We prefer to use the term "daemons" though.
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The demons in question:
Fuck off kike cocksucker
I love you grandma

Stop talking about yourself like that.

Hmm....Very interesting, very interesting indeed.
>Are le hecking demons online???!?!?!?!?!
So you are not concerned about the literal demons running the government doing their best to make hell on earth and you are worried about 2 viewers edgy faggots?
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Internet people make videos in real time
But 4chan is like a group of bots to create padding while the scientists of the day decide to amuse you or not
Okay cool, so where's my demon summoning program?

Why are you assuming you cannot worry about both?
Stephen Hawkins took it to the grave. Maybe try sticking your head into a tv see if you fish out anything
OP is an egotistical faggot trying to get featured in a theory iceberg video. He's been spamming this every day on /x/ for the past few months and now that it's failed he's posting it here lmao.
I believe this more than whatever the fuck OP said, Redditors these days.

Nah, just a bored and obsessed 'skitzo'.

I think 4chan is 1 entity LARPing as an userbase.
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namefagging isn't helping your case gigafaggot. your articulation lacks depth and intellect and you are likely incapable of adding flesh to it further due to your mental disability

i'll add that numerology is gay and the internet is most assuredly the domain of the major demon azmodeus. Jesus indeed wept.
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it’s their time to shine
>namefagging isn't helping your case gigafaggot
I told him that in the /x/ threads constantly, but he is fucking salivating over the attention, he will never remove it. I'm pretty sure the only reason he isn't tripfagging is because he doesn't know how to.
His original posts of this were also a literal copy-paste from a post I made (as Anon)
>wikipedia occult symbols
>use one that looks cool
>retards believe mystical powers
many such cases
i've played most of mainline but not this, the second soul hackers game looks terrible

>His original posts of this were also a literal copy-paste from a post I made (as Anon)

Link it, idk what you are referring to. I might have used it, but I always add something else to my posts even if it is only a little
>supernatural entities
Actually smart people are atheists. Just because all of you had a cringe dawkins phase at 13yo doesn't mean that religion was EVER a permissible idea. If you honestly think any of that shit is real, I honestly think less of you. If you can believe ridiculous shit like that, how can I trust you to be competent in any other capacity?
In one of your previous /x/ posts you list out my same points in the same order (with different wording). You hijacked my low-effort post and are now trying to make it an iceberg entry, as a namefag.
>>101573013 (me)
actually that is a recent thread I made, my original post was like 2 years ago
This should be it
first one is kino
I wouldn't say demons themselves but people who have opened themselves to possession by things like pornography.
Yes, very possible. Should we call it God?
Romans 8:38-39
King James Version

38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,

39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
I'm not a linguist but I'm pretty sure that makes no fucking sense.
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