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you guys do use version control right?
that's actually a bit insane. How do you create a, presumably, functioning game without knowing version control?
controlling version is very intricate and difficult kind saar
Everyone did this in the golden days
I don't use version control because, I only write scripts not programs.
VCS != backups
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>I’ve never written games more complicated than Tic Tac Toe
t. C# Unity script kiddie
What the fuck?! you scared my for a sec, I thought I was posting on >>>/v/.
No, I'm not writing games as a script.
And no I don't use C# or Unity.
>script kiddie
I thought this means someone who uses scripts not writing themself.
I only do backups. I don't need SVN or git.
this, what does not understanding vcs have to do with not having the source code anymore?
>Notice your code is trash because of shit design
>*Sigh* I'll change the architecture, I guess
>1 week of design changes and monkey code later
>Nothing works any more
>Can't revert/reset because no git
>Give up because you lost interest and are despairing
you just write the game?
What? i am complete noob.. but i would program something, save it in folder 1.. then i would make some modified version save it in folder 2

so you tell me these fags modifying the folder one, WITHOUT HAVING BACKED UP ANY PREVIOUS VERSION?
it's one thing to not have "version control" but surely you want to have the source code of the finished game on a disc somewhere? anywhere, a fucking DVD or something
I had my own gitlab in HS hosting my shit privately and on top of that had backups of my machines. How can these retards be so dumb?
uncomment+copy/paste is pretty powerful. Also undo buffer is usually pretty big.
i'd be happy and proud to print it
Management doesn't pay you to spend time on version control
>we do not have access to the source code anymore
You can do that if you are a student, but this is a full proper 3d game made by a game studio company. A bit crazy.
there must be a pajeet in the team that left with the code and the assets and who's now asking for a ransom
yea that's what I mean, it would have at least some sentimental value even if I didn't really need it anymore
for me it's "my thing 1.0.zip"
Grow up and stop playing video games.
Japanese still don't know about it
Grow up and stop using 4chan.
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>Released Dec 14, 2015
>Barely 8 reviews and the last comments from the community page are from 2016
They just made a retarded excuse to kill the servers of a long dead game. Why not just say "The game has been dead for nearly a decade now. We're closing the servers"? It would be a lot more sensible to say that than to just make bullshit up about not being able to update it due to lost source code. The former happens all the time and it's not like anyone playing the game at this point cares about bug fixes or updates, if there were even people playing it which looking at the charts here:

there weren't really. It might be true but this seems like a weird lie to cover their asses or something.
I mean, I'd script zipping the project folder every day and saving them all somewhere, or do that manually if I'm not scripting, but I suppose that is a custom form of version control, really.

Crazy insane they pulled through, if they had slipped only once and lost the data, that game would probably have never been released.

Love the candid honesty.
Even better to make it free and say use at own risk.
Anyone who claims to not having the need ever to have VCS has a super high chance of them doing projects that are not complex enough to need VCS. Weather app? No. Tic tac toe? No. Hello world? No. Twitter clone? Yes. Solo devving a game with complex mechanics? Yes. No not bing bing wahoo or snake xenzia or simple fps.
galaxy angel rules
Do you think they had fucking SVN servers full of 6502 ASM at Nintendo in 1985? Do you think when Valve wanted to use the Quake engine for Half-Life, they just forked John Carmack's GitHub repository? How the fuck do you retards even function?
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back then, they were built different and had their own custom version control schemes. Now it's just jeets who use chatgpt to push shovelware and don't even bother with git
No, but they kept daily snapshots.
post less, lurk more.
No ;)
I do, but sometimes I wonder if I'm not just wasting my time.
If my code is broken for whatever reason I just go and fix it. I don't think I've ever had a reason to go back in time.
Early id just chucked floppy disks at each other across the room. They didn't even have network shares for most of their game development.

And "functioning" game is a low bar. I once had to create a plants vs zombies clone at university with XNA (don't ask) for an assignment and I did so without version control. I don't think git was available yet, though, it was long ago.
I do, but I don't technically need it. I love using git though, it's great being able to have a proper revision history of essays, assignments, or passwords.

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