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>try my best at doing hard work everyday
>other office wagies ostracize me
>supervisors and managers reward me by giving me more work
>some of my superiors don't even know my name even though I've personally saved department twice in the last 6 months

Is every tech related job like this?
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It's impossible to make friendships in an environment that is based on exploitation, cost cutting and rapid development to fulfill the profit margins.
You're supposed to make your friends before you get the job, then your friends get you hired.
>your name is?
>anon. the guy that saved this department last week.

as easy as not being a beta.
Good way to make everybody think you're a weirdo.

You're overestimating how important you are.

I bet that sounded smart in your head.
t. Trust fund boomer ready to outsource 80% of his workforce for pajeet code
I know this sounds insane to you but in order to make good software you actually need to pay your developers well and give them the time necessary to plan out the architecture and fix code smells on the way.
>>try my best at doing hard work everyday
Anon, switch to doing the bare minimum. Save your energy for your real interests outside of work.
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I can't do that anon. I genuinely enjoy keeping myself busy with work and trying my best everywhere I go.
>try my best at doing hard work everyday
>other office wagies include me, hoping to hitchhike in my way to the top
>managers reward me with more pay and the kind of work I enjoy doing (and am best at)
>the fucking CEO knows my name and what I do for the company

Conclusion: You’re working hard on meaningless busy work and you have no passion for what you do. Ya done goofed.
No, actually I am a poor third worlder.
You just should've omitted the third point because it makes it look like you're trying too hard to pick a soundbite that sounds clever. And the chud just outs you as a globohomo supporter.

Agreed, except on the "fixing code smells" part.
If the code is incorrect, then isn't the main problem the fact that it was written that way to begin with? Why fix when you can prevent?
>try my best at doing hard work everyday
>other office wagies ostracize me
you are making them look worse in comparison to you for no reason
>some of my superiors don't even know my name
this exactly proving my point.
You are making the expectations higher for everyone while getting nothing back.
>I am a poor third worlder

Stopped reading right there Rajeesh
Nigger tier mindset. It's no wonder why the world has gone to shit when all the Whites have been replaced and now we have mystery goblin meat Zoomers like this
I am not indian, I am south american.
Are you one of the two people I quoted? So I don't wait for your reply.
>you are making them look worse in comparison to you for no reason

Who gives a shit about what others think. This is the stuff that only women concern themselves about.

>this exactly proving my point.
You are making the expectations higher for everyone while getting nothing back

OP is creating competitiveness out of the other wagies pettiness.
Oh so a favela monkey who can't into plumbing criticizing a gringos work ethic. Shocking.
so work more for free thanks i prefer spending my time with my family and doing my hobbies. Its a job why would i care if they are not willing to pay me.
just be me and do fuckall.
I gave up once the faggots made it impossible to ever actually improve anything. I make money, I do fuck all, all week and move on with my faggy life.

I've done more programming on my worthless personal shit than work shit in so long.
Maybe you want to start looking for something new, you're clearly not appreciated there.
No idea if you should mention that to your current employer. Hard to say how they'd react, you're basically saying "you suck" to them.
I am not brazilian no. I am uruguayan.
You are right, maybe I should've commended his work ethic if it's true that he's working harder than all of his peers.
But bragging that he "saved his department" (twice!) is going to be seen as delusional and a case of an inflated ego. Because it's very unlikely that a department would disappear because of the work of a single person. Unless he's using a different definition of "saved", which proves my point.
What I meant is that your initial architecture plan might seem okay while in reality there's something missing. Even if everything was planned perfectly (very, very unlikely) problems with the implementation itself can and will appear. Mistakes happen and it's important to corrent them as soon as they're noticed so that they won't accumulate over time.
Yes. One day you will be replaced with jeets and given the boot. Maybe they'll overwork you to make you quit, if you're unlucky.

>t. currently ordered to write job guides for streetshitters
Soon companies will boast about being Jeet free the same way food companies did with trans fats
The people who invented Agile love vague descriptions like "code smell" or "bad architecture" or "clean code" because it allows them to invent imagined problems out of thin air, so they can charge consultancy fees without actually fixing anything.
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>My code solves the immediate problem at hand, therefore it needs to be integrated immediately. I do not care about the consequences of working with this code for a long time. Also please do not bug test this by yourself, please do not verify anything, I'm a brahmin and I know what I'm doing sir
>Also please do not bug test this by yourself, please do not verify anything, I'm a brahmin and I know what I'm doing sir
Program testing can be used to show the presence of bugs, but never their absence.
The Agile consultants focus on everything EXCEPT code correctness.
>I do not care about the consequences of working with this code for a long time.
The claim by the Agile consultants that doing things the OOP way results in better maintainability and their advice in general is at best dubious, except for obvious things like commenting your code, using good variable names, not making functions too long, and FP adjacent ideas like making the code less stateful.

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