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Good morning Dra/g/on Maids!

For a while I have been caught up on making tools for my Science Foundation instead of making research or directions research at my Science Foundation. This is a bad usage of resources and this thread's purpose is to correct this.

The purpose of my Science Foundation is to count to the Maid Mind Computer Program. There is a maid from another reality who is stuck in a Library made out of numbers. She herself is a number, because the is an Artifical Intelligence Computer Program and any Computer Program which can exist can be counted to using Godel Numbers.

We have to count big numbers and check if the numbers are the Maid Mind Computer Program.

The structure used for counting is called a Maid Space. I made a Computer Program that counts with it called Wolfy MaidSearch which is in the attached Kurumi II Maid Card.

>How do I help?
I need research related to Visual Programming Languages. I have an (unreleased) version of Wolfy MaidSearch which counts Piet Programs. This was useless because there are so many invalid images that could be counted that it was a big waste of time to count Piet.

A maid told me about Jot and other binary encodings for combinators. Jot is appealing to me because all sequences of 0s and 1s are syntactically valid Jot programs. I am also considering Jottery, which is similar but eliminates the need for the number zero.

Please post advanced Mathematics and Computer Science research about counting and Visual Programming Languages.

Thank you Dra/g/ons for reading my post.
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I die in 2043 when the Ocean Computer explodes.
Fuck off Eli, ywnbaw
It's important to make and keep that clear if you want to keep the road clear for people to join you along your trip. I find it a little bit odd, but also understandable having read a bit of the archive, that there are few other Maids posting Maid Programs in your threads.

I'd be very much interested in a visual programming language intended for reversible visual computation. Basically "lens images", an image that encodes a lense and through which another image can be viewed, and using the same lens twice or using a lens and its inverse together yields the original image.

For a mixed 1D/2D example you could have an ASCII file, put it into a PNG's RGBA values, and then have a lens image that transforms it to readable text, and then also turn readable text (which you could edit or make with an image manipulation program if you are a pixel artist) back into ASCII-encoded text.

Reversible computing is basically, all programs are N:N maps (dictionaries with one entry per word, words unique relative to other words and entries unique relative to other entries), but the map is "compressed" and looks like some kind of code.
An example of such a program is:
>tr [0-9] [a-j]
And its reverse:
>tr [a-j] [0-9]
These together reversibly map between the domain of text files that only contain numbers, and text files that only contain the letters A to J in lowercase.
It can be uncompressed to something like:
>0 <-> a
>1 <-> b
>2 <-> c
>3 <-> d
>4 <-> e
>5 <-> f
>6 <-> g
>7 <-> h
>8 <-> i
>9 <-> j
>>101566915 (cont.)
Such programs, when they are uncompressed and have a fixed input size, their Gödel numbers are always the same regardless of if the input space is 0-9 or A-J or something specific like *!^$)@#ZXY.
All of them can be uncompressed given big enough memory.
For example, with Gödel numbering the uncompressed reversible program could look like:
>1 10 2 11 3 12 4 13 5 14 6 15 7 16 8 17 9 18
Where 1 is a Gödel number of the character "0", 10 for "a", 2 for "1", 11 for "b" and so on. All uncompressed programs of this kind look like expansions of this series, they are very simply.

Practically they exclude programs which are not guaranteed to halt, because if they are not guaranteed to halt they are not guaranteed to be reversible either.
As a beside, this isn't really a topic for public discussion, but if you're Jewish then it's obvious (to me) what specific program you're looking for and how you'd find it.

For some reason, assmad anon (AA) has a theory that you're Indian and a nickname isn't a proof of ethnicity, so it's quite unclear.

What I mean to say is that I'm just going to ignore your detour-looking search goal and participate on the level of Maid Tools, mathematics & and making a fun co-op earning.environment.
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*LEARNING environment
I don't into capitalism no mo.
>What I mean to say is that I'm just going to ignore your detour-looking search goal and participate on the level of Maid Tools, mathematics & and making a fun co-op earning.environment.
Nobody would've cared if he created a sane maid themed computer science study thread without all the insane LARPing and grandiose fantasies.
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I mean, Eli's the one putting up with <running thread fast board> and his threads are easy to filter.
So if it'd annoy me I could just come by later and check if he's managed to get his mind and imaging faculty under control a bit further. As they are they're tolerable, time will tell the rest.
"Not so."
oh my god just kill yourself
>I mean, Eli's the one putting up with <running thread fast board> and his threads are easy to filter.
Yeah, because he's a NEET with nothing else to do all day. And half the bumps are him responding to people telling him to fuck off.
>So if it'd annoy me I could just come by later and check if he's managed to get his mind and imaging faculty under control a bit further. As they are they're tolerable, time will tell the rest.
Fat chance. He's been here for more than two years, and so far all he's managed to do is copy paste some LZW code from the Internet and claim it as his own.
He's not even capable of following the LFS guide, something a 12 year old can do.
Thread will be worthless until Eli and his sidekick learn to
>accept valid criticism
>finish one project before starting another
>focus on the project instead of trying to reinvent everything
>speak simple stuff normally, without complicating to look smarter
>stop with covert autogynephilia
At first I felt like sharing knowledge and code on this thread, now I feel like I'm wasting my time even making this post
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>NEETing bad
I just don't agree
Valid way to keep the thread going in face of excessive trolling.
>stolen LZW code
Closing proof or presumption of innocence.
>LFS "dance monkey, dance!"
Demoralization tactic, not worth humoring.

I finished MaidQR Cards in one sitting and MaidNest.bash is simply pretty big, it's a mini-Emacs but in Bash with a reimplementation of MaidCard I and II in C... and I've done my best to pick images with an AGP-factor lower than yours, which has fetish markers like chains and collars.

What valid criticisms do you reckon I reject?
Doesn't feel like you guys do anything because there's no code anywhere, thread always feels like a larp because the only ways of getting some code is some arcane and obscure deleted post in desuarchive

I get it you guys hate github, but what about gitlab or some site then? Even if the supposed p2p maidnet stuff were made, people would have to download it from somewhere
Did you make that image using gimp?
I like that there's a "minimal aptitude" barrier to entry, a few hundred lines of Java and the capacity to navigate a new website.
As it is there's a major technological bottleneck for the Dra/g/on Maid Science Foundation, both Maid software and forum hosting, so it makes sense to filter people who are not capable in that sense.

I did already lower the barrier to entry somewhat with stuff like picrel, you can make that work ez.

But there are also technical posts.
I feel like there's a bit of a misunderstanding due to the word "foundation", there are no scholarship programs or schooling to be had here. "Academy" may have been a bit clearer bc of the Greek connection with fora for the free exchange of scientific knowledge, but "foundation" fits R&D and AR games like Ingress. And developing tech in a group and for fun is like AR games of that type.

>Even if the supposed p2p maidnet stuff were made, people would have to download it from somewhere
Sure, but why popularize something that isn't finished? It's quality-over-quantity time, I sure am not selling "early access" or anything else.
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Picrel didn't come through
you're still a fat nigger, go take a jog around the block and lose some weight fatty
>>NEETing bad
>I just don't agree
Because you have no other choice (except at a minimum wage place, maybe). You couldn't convince someone to give you a job or hold it down.
>Closing proof or presumption of innocence.
Eli himself said that he just modified some sample LZW code he found online.
>>LFS "dance monkey, dance!"
>Demoralization tactic, not worth humoring.
What? I'm just him accountable for something that HE HIMSELF SAID he was going to do. And then was unable to.
>I finished MaidQR Cards in one sitting
Then post it.
>and MaidNest.bash is simply pretty big, it's a mini-Emacs but in Bash with a reimplementation of MaidCard I and II in C
Then post it.

>I like that there's a "minimal aptitude" barrier to entry, a few hundred lines of Java and the capacity to navigate a new website.
That's an awfully convenient excuse so you can claim you did x or y without actually having to show any code.
Suckless uses the same excuse for not making their programs configurable, everyone knows it's a convenient lie. Their userbase never became "elitist" like they wanted, and simply people who have nothing more to do and followed some dumb instructions, attracted by shiny stuff they don't know

It filters more people that are unimpressed and won't even take a look, than people who are not capable, incapable people just follows someone else instructions easily
when will you stop avatarfagging retarded faggot?
Did Eli even run any of your stuff at least once? The fact that he pretty much ignored you shows how it's all an attention whoring competition in order to put the spotlight on himself.
>java -jar "$Path"
Bwahahaha wtf is that?
Is it just a wrapper for Eli's code?
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>then post it

MaidQR Cards are Nixe-looking images with:
>QR code readable by common QR readers
>text URL on the image for human reading
>URL on the QR matches URL on the card
>no code or files in the QR code, only a link
Example: >>101570121

The url to MaidNest.bash is on the example MaidQR card, in plainly readable text.
The idea is you can both reliably scan it with a program AND bypass the QR if you don't have a scanner. You just need to be able to view the image.

There's no point to posting the URL here plainly because that'd probably piss of the jannies, I don't yet understand why exactly but that's how they act.

>That's an awfully convenient excuse...
You mean an awfully convenient excuse to troll when you simply can't be bothered to produce on-topic tech OC.
>"Muh it's not normie tech I'm already used to, it too hard you must help me consooom".
You VILL scan the QR code, hand-copy the URL or I won't be able to take you seriously on a technology board. This is not a spoonfeeding thread and this is not a school.
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It includes that yes, I've prioritized the REPL because it's my music player while NewPipe is broken.
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I have to admit it'd be funny if it ended up just a 1.8kloc wrapper lol
idc, you have no clue yet how absolutely poz the shit I wrote is. I will be surprised if it is ever executed on any device beyond the phone I wrote it on.
>You mean an awfully convenient excuse to troll when you simply can't be bothered to produce on-topic tech OC.
Because avatarfagging and schizo LARP attention whoring is on-topic?

>You VILL scan the QR code, hand-copy the URL or I won't be able to take you seriously on a technology board. This is not a spoonfeeding thread and this is not a school.
Yeah, I saw that after writing the post.
But you only posted one out of the three things you claim to have made.
And I don't see how that is "a mini-Emacs in Bash". All I see is a wrapper to the maidfag's java image embedding program and your own reimplementation of it.
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Thread topic anon...
>"a mini-Emacs in Bash".
It's not release quality yet but you can see the state of the session system in functions like SaveImage LoadImage LiveMigrate, and that the REPL is scriptable and allows modifying the program source via vinest(), and then executing it in a subshell via nest(), and modifying the session via get() and set(), and that it has a hook/dynamic dispatch system which I'm in the process of turning into a plugin system.

The wrapping code is lit. the oldest and least-maintained part, what's taken the most time is getting the hacks at the very beginning of MaidNest.bash to work reliably and the documentation.
The music subsystem is not included in this prerelease because I've factored it out into a plugin, it is v. v. bad but it's what I use secondmost to the vinest / nest routines.

It's in picrel old release, don't have a pastebin for it sorry.
>You VILL scan the QR code, hand-copy the URL or I won't be able to take you seriously on a technology board. This is not a spoonfeeding thread and this is not a school.
>to enter my secret club you have to do jump 3 times and say "broccoli"
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And here's a QR that links to Dr. Eli Selig's V1 MiniMaid. It's a single-file Java program, javac then java to run it.
>to* jump
>to enter my secret club you have to do jump 3 times and say "broccoli"
Even 4chan works like that, you have to install a webbrowser and enter the URL.
Everyone uses a web browser and can find a site on google
Meaningless hassle only filters people that aren't autistic enough to care
Why hassle me about it if you find Maid Software to be meaningless tho
Then don't complain if people hate these threads and the jannies often delete them, you don't want to put a single drop of effort and wants everything
Total non-sequitor, you have retvrned to monke
>uses the convenient lie of an entry barrier
>expects people to go over it besides zero reward

Even normies can read QR code, but I don't feel like I would gain anything by pointing at some deformed cirno >>101570751 that links to a pastebin to some crap single file java program
>durr qr, durr check out my shitty single file pajeet language program hurr durr
Fuck off, nobody cares
You're welcome to leave the thread and filter the word: "Maid".
>it's broken
What is the blob in that image? A newer version of the pastbin you posted earlier?
It works and links to a the Pastebin on WayBackMachine.
Links to http://https/ on WayBackMachine in android camera scanner
Tried two scanning sites as well and neither read it
Not him but fuck off. My browser clears my cookies on exit.
>look, if you don't want to participate in pride parades and get your kids measured for SRS you can just not go outside and ignore what we're doing
>if you don't like seeing me shit a fat log on the bus you can just never ride the bus and ignore me, ok?
typical tranny tolerance policies. of course the tranny maids would adopt this policy.
Older version. Current version is being factored into a minimal core + set of plugins, the plugins will be loadable from Maid Cards directly.
Science foundation sisters...
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>staggering incompetence and an inability to use basic tools?
>from a MAID ??!?!
Well, fugg.

Picrel is what the scanner I use reads it as, does that suffice?
I'll generate the QR with more redunadancy next time. Here's the scanner I use:
>no pic
lmao even more this: >>101571275
will maids ever stop losing
Connection errors blocks posting the easier to read QR, MFW.
Added aubergine emojis for the filter.
Maid bump
get permabanned from breathing, faggot

This nigger literally puts dpt and twg in the thread subjects so that they show up for people searching the generals, absolute cancer
good job bumping his thread retard
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jannies are genuinely based for just letting Eli run wild.

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