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It's very difficult! Can anyone recommend me something to learn this?

Yes, my IQ is only 110, but I don't want to give up because of that
just look for books about it. Its really rather simple and useless for 90% of people now. There is no need to create logic circuits when you can just brute force most of the problems with a few microcontrollers and some of the shittiest code you have ever seen.
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Look at your fucking picrel, retard !
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Just do redstone contraptions. If 8yo kids can get it, you should be able as well.
Try nandgame.com out?
Just look for computer organization that basic logic is very simple.
>It's very difficult!
Dude, basic logic like your picrel is trivial. I explained it in a few minutes to my 13 year old when she how computers knew how to calculate.

One thing I will say is that your image greatly complicates everything. There are only 3: not, and, or. There's a 4th (xor) that can be built with the other 3, but is so important it merits its own name.
There's a videogame called "Turing complete". Give it a try
You and I both know it's actually bald 30 year olds doing boolean logic in redstone.
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That's pretty based.
But the reality is that majority of redstone engineers on yt are people around 20yo. I did most of my redstone builds around that age too, but it advanced so much I have literally no idea wtf is even happening anymore. Shit go complex really fast with observers, 0-ticks and exotic blocks.
Actually this is how I first learned binary logic making Minecraft calculators and such as a kid.
I remember getting filtered by division though, grim.
I learned via wiremod in Gmod, but redstone definitely refined my skills.
All of these are just different cocks with or without precum.
Who cares about schematics? Verilog will do it for you. You do shit like
a <= b + c;

Instead of caring how an addition is performed by chaining half-adders, each which contains a couple of logic gates.
Learn boolean algebra. logic gates are useless if you don't understand what they represent if you connect them. Also, the standard us notation for logic gates is straight up cancer. I like the one we use in Germany.
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>It's very difficult!
No, it's not. It's the easiest logic there is.
take the nand to tetris course and download the accompanying book. you can find it for free via google. think there's a github pdf.

there will be exercises you can do that will help you remember how logic gates work.

afterwards you can experiment with minecraft redstone if you think it'd be fun.
Yeah sure, here you go:
function logicTable(...table){
return (A,B) => !!table[(!!A)|((!!B)<<1)];
var AND=logicTable(0,0,0,1),
console.log(AND(true,false)); //false
console.log(XOR(1,1)); //false
console.log(OR(0,true)); //true

Hope this helps!
>There is no need to create logic circuits when you can just brute force most of the problems with a few microcontrollers
If you want to be pajeet tier.
>how can I learn this
By using it. Download a logic simulator and make shit, or if that's too clinical, fuck around in a game like Minecraft that has logic as a game-mechanic.
redstone computers in minecraft are just incredibly simple implementations of legacy processor architecture mostly limited by scale and mechanics and blocks in the game. You could hand draw on paper very large Minecraft circuits.
>CPU design
How do I get started? I'm convinced I could implement a non-pipelined fixed-width instructions CPU with only registersm and code in SRAM separate from data (call it Harvard Architecture). That's a relatively simple exercise in Verilog.
But pipelining breaks my mind. I know how the concept works, but how the fuck do I implement it?
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That's if you only consider torches and dust. When you start to use various properties of blocks, it becomes more akin to actual electronics. Sure, in principle you can find a specific set of logic gates that will effectively perform same computation as any redstone contraption, but it's structure will not really reflect how does the contraption actually work. Things like analogous signal, quasi connectivity, items/entities/storages/physics, delays, sub tick evaluation, wireless shenanigans, etc have no intuitive equivalent in logic gates.
logistic gate
or do what they do IRL and just write your own VHDL synthesis toolchain and spark "the" VLSI revolution, in minecraft
buy a counterfeit Xilinx FPGA from aliexpress and write verilog or schematics in Xilinx ISE

Verilog compiler/generator/builder baritone script questionmark? someone do it
Logic gates were easy for me and my IQ is only 116. The boolean expressions fucked me up though.
They're not even that expensive, I got this one for under $200 and it works perfectly
Cant all of that be made with and and or?
or do you also need negation? or maybe minus too?

x ^ y = -| (x & y)
where x and y are bits
that formula looks wrong retard-sama
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>he didn't grow up with little big planet
it gives the wrong answer when both are zero
the real formula is
(x | y) & -(x & y)
>zoomers need more than the NAND gate
if you cant implement OR using only NAND you dont belong here
Learn about boolean algebra and Karnaugh Maps for simplifying circuits. It's actually pretty easy once you wrap your head around that and you start seeing patterns.
You can't make negation with ors and ands.
>counterfeit Xilinx FPGA
What the fuck is that? Actual Xilinx chips which didn't make QA, were stolen from trucks, or maybe even the trash?
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Greetings young magician!

Solving this task will take your life.
You will find the binary system and its logic not only in computer science. If you are allowed to recognize this, you will follow this passionate curiosity all by yourself.

By the way, if you are a woman, sorry but this is only intended to be understood by men. So no grlis.
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Go look up Stephen Wolfram and A New Kind Of Science if you want to get more of a gut feeling for what's really going on...
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Next is implementing the common and simple digit reading perceptron, where you hammer out a pixel drawing of a digit with blocks and 3 days later the minecraft contraption lights up the corresponding neuron on the output side.
Circuits can be built with only nand gates

>how the fuck do I implement it?
Unironically, draw out your datapath. Once it's on paper, you will then know how to implement it, especially if you know the concept.
What does a computer programmer need to know logic gates for?
I suggest the book Boolean Algebra by Halmos & Givant. It has lots of exercises.
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Learn how to use Karnaugh Maps
K-maps are surprising useful, especially during a fuck-up situation where you need to do a metal only ECO.
Dont listen to people saying it's not important, you need it very much to save lives after everything is on fire.
It's much faster than 3 days.
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Buy this game my dude, it's great for learning logic gates and their combinations
I learned from one of those zanny "edutainment" games in the 90s or early 2000s. I think you were supposed to build a blimp? They had this thing where you could wire up a bunch of electronic widgets and one class of them were all the basic logic gates.
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Virtual Circuit Board is better
It's also not a game
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The Incredible Machine?
you literally only need to know not, and, or, xor

others are derived from these
The orange one is wrong, right?
This is useless knowledge nobody designs In logic Gate anymore
It's like programme In assembler

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