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Do you reckon you would be doing anything productive if not it ?

The same applies to chan, insta, facebook, etc...

"Time enjoyed is not time wasted"
All these years. Al this wasted time "browsing". Was it worth ?
It's not like I'm here 24/7.
Honestly, YouTube can be a great tool if you are not stupid enough to watch bloggers or idiots that just post of stupid stuff. I learned a lot of thing on yt.
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Your parents in their 30s
Yes, and no. I got my dopamine fix, and well, my life was going to be fucked up anyway so...none of it really matters
>Have been browsing since 1996 and i have nothing for it
I already bought a house when I was 25 in 2019, it’s not hard if you aren’t a loser lol
I didn't spend any time taken away from important things on this shit, so yeah it's worth it. Just see to your important things first.
i didn't waste it as it was time i wouldn't be able to use well anyways
you'd be wasting time elsewhere. just watch educational/informative stuff
Its sad because its true. My parents owned three properties when I was born and sold all of them at a loss when they separated.
>it's youtube's fault I don't have a job, money, a house, or a girl
Why do even tradlarpers blame everything on external factors? Personal responsibility. Take it.
Also fuck off to >>>/b/ or >>>/pol/. Jannies not doing their jobs doesn't mean your blogs about bullshit belong on the technology board.
I don't really watch goytube except for swedish hobo clips once in a while
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Sorry to hear that, anon
But I think it's better than the alternative of having parents arguing and yelling on each other 24/7, destroying you in the process, trust me, I know what I'm talking about...

Never marry and don't have children in today's day and age.
Recently I told chatgpt that I like to talk with him all day and he told me, that this is Ok, because talking with him is productive. So yeah anon, stop being so lazy and just start being productive!
no. waste of time.
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Seriously this goes for all of the modern and not so modern parts of the web. The issue is most people just out of evolution are drawn to highly palatable content. It does not matter if a random dude explains 8 hours how a compiler or baroque art works because Mr Beast uploaded a video.
You are already more intellectual than the average person if you don't consume tiktok and other shitty short videos so don't worry too much. If yt existed 40 years ago your parents would've consoomed it too.
The internet is easily the single most destructive invention ever. Far worse than even nuclear bombs.
>If yt existed 40 years ago your parents would've consoomed it too.

This. 40 years ago normies watched TV nonstop. Brain frying technology is not a new invention. The difference to today is, that it has become portable and highly personalized.
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The nihilism that I have internalized reminds me that nothing really matters anyway thus allowing me to rationalize these objectively bad lifestyle choices
instead I roll for genshin characters. I just can’t help but be retarded
It's trauma, they'd be staring at a wall if computers didn't exist. Bed rotting is not caused by technology or any other inanimate object
unless you have that drive all lifes come down to achieving comfort to waste away your life
in reality, the top image should say
>lets have our bank buy this house which we'll pay off the next 30 years
sometimes i wish
youtube is pretty much the only social media i've ever used outside of 4chan, and in recent years its just so boring that it takes up very little of my time most days
using 4chan is productive because i actually talk to people and hold conversations instead of just looking at random shit like you do on other sites
whenever i'm banned i just dont browse 4chan because its shit for just browsing
most of my time is spent playing old games and reading visual novels, or doing shit irl
i'm mostly annoyed that what i saw was the decline of the internet.
People binged on TV. Same shit. Before the internet took off and net speeds finally allowed everyone to stream without buffering out the ass. Aside; I pity the current generation of young adults, you'll work your whole life's away forever in debt till they put your ass in the ground. Retirement and the whole golden years thing will be a big fat shit turd for you. Think shit's fucked now? Wait 20 years. Going price for a mid size house will set you back 1 million. Inflation never stops. Land is shrinking.
>Inflation never stops
No shit, some inflation (I think around 2%) is natural because of how our money and economic system works. It would crash if it was at 0%.
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>me in my 40s
I don't give two shits about how productive I am
Source? Just curious
I fucking wish.
this. that was my childhood dream.
Before the internet I wasted most of my time in front of the tv.
Even crap like daytime talk shows cause it's the only thing on at the time.
not productive at all, but I had happy moments.
twitch in 2015-2016 was the best time of life. it's way more important that some productiveness.

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