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What do you call this setup?
Based and redpilled, obviously.
why would you use wayland anything when arcan exists kek
chud-approved setup
if you want a DE instead, xfce
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hyprland is chudware? I don't use tiling wm so idk
Hyprland is what started the chudware meme when the dev was banned from FDO by some tranny for chudposting in his private Discord server.
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That's a thumbnail from an old vid of his. He's long since returned to Void and has expressed that he has no plans to ever leave it again.
DWM, artix, debian (yes, people believe debian is le based), anything suckless is chud-approved.

That's where you belong, nigga. Stay in yo hood.
*Should add that he uses Hyprland on Void, though, so it'll be interesting to see if he addresses the latest drama.
>debian is le based
Cuz it just werks, at least as far as Linux distros go.
Artix + DWM or gtfo
Quit the ebonics, nigger. I simply found his channel a while back looking for info about running Hyprland on Void. Seems like he makes decent content.
No, people complain about not being able to compile shit. Not important, whatever.
What mean by le based is that, did any Debian developer said "I do not like ppl of color desu"?
worst thread on the catalog, by far
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Indian chuds not welcome, firefox chuds only.

I'm glad.
I have a hard time get, makepkg -si things with artix. Its something I've tinkered with but never gotten used too. Found a system-d-less iso of arch with xfce that I'm using currently. I figure one of these days I'll either learn how to use it or finally try gentoo or Debian or something.
>WHAT IS ALPINE??????????!?!!?!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????????????????????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ??????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????
Breaks compatibility for no tangible benefit
Breaks compatibility for no tangible benefit
glibc is the widely adopted standard, musl is the snowflake setup
A crimson red flag.
have at it:
>WHAT IS FLATPAK???????????????????????????????????????????
Heil yeah, brother. 14/88.

What are you insinuating, archive-schizo?
Shartix shills are obnoxious newteens.
We don't need Nazis in FOSS. A constant obstacle to any form of cooperation and standardization. The reds are an irritant too, but at least they're reasonably productive when they're not tearing each other apart.
>I can expertly hide the fact that I'm a spammer/commie, boss
You do it for free, I'm assuming?
Yes, anon, I'm part of the grand conspiracy too. They've actually got me assigned to you specifically. Here's to a long and fruitful relationship.
>Last release in 2017
>Latest commit 2 weeks ago "bump version"
That project is dead in the water isn't it?
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/g/ is in a dire need of a chudware general.
>hits grey haired troon
>clicks verify
The fat retarded faggot setup.
I use MacOS btw.
NixOS + GNOME + VS Code + Rust
What do you call this setup?
I made one, ur welcome king. >>101567571
I think I might consider chudware setup. AUR is getting kind of cringe because of tranny janitors.
>NixOS + GNOME + VS Code + Rust
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I can see it
/g/ is dead.
I know. We mostly chud at /a/ and /diy/.
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>example video plays vtuber music

okay i'll install it
>when arcan exists kek
How do you even set this up?
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chud software has really fallen off huh. what happened to dwm? hyperland looks like a toy for r/unixporn users by comparison
openbox is the only wm that was ever anything more than a toy
I didn't know this existed, holy based. It's my dream software...
open box is top tier but the one i'm using is better. i can't say what itt though i wouldn't want to taint it
have you even used? you can just make it monotone borders and disable animations it looks perfect and its functional (not a shill i just like the software)
they don't release on GH and dev is split over many repos - https://github.com/letoram/cat9 just updated.
I ask again, does anyone know a distro that ships preconfigured Hyprland in their live ISO?
Surely with how popular it's become there must be one.
>Artix + Hyprland
>What do you call this setup?
Abandonware, planned obsolescence.
It's interesting but the author is a schizophrenic.
only reason that made me consider using artix is how cool the logo looks
you’re on the right track but it’s more esoteric and autistic
Same but for Red Hat.
Why would you need a preconfigured Hyprland live ISO? There's no way you could have set of defaults that would please everyone with software like that so I don't see why anyone would bother with that. Just install the distro and then install Hyprland afterwards.
You mean /g/ is back baby!
Openbox was written by a biological woman
fake, gay, and retarded
> It's interesting but the author is a schizophrenic.

Where do you get that vibe from? I've idled the Discord long enough and haven't seen anything close to that.
I tried arcan. Not only the author is a schizo, it's so poorly documented that I did not understand how I could fire a Xorg/Wayland program. I went bored trying to do that and I got back to KDE.
Frankly I have more hopes of hyprland turning into it's own wayland/xorg compatible display server than Arcan doing something, specially because hyprland is way better documented. Arcan author, meanwhile, has been deliberately secretive for some reason with his little project.
His blog writings ramble too much, too much weird metaphors, etc.
Not schizo, but he isn't right on the head, or at least he doesn't know how to express by writing.
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>lua trash
Why not use a real programming langauge?
>braphog + chudcel
>me, a systemd GOD, watching alternative init peasants fight over which tranny distro is more based.
suckless is tinkertranny shit albeit
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Reminder that this shit is full of sussy hook-loading, dormant memory and IPC exploits. You might ask why I'm not reporting them and my obvious answer would be his insane narcissism and unfounded self-absorbancy. He thinks he's some sort of coding god on IRC when he obviously isn't, or just go read his comments on GitHub if you don't believe me.
>abuses trampolines
>custom malloc implementation
Reminder it does nothing to randomize memory accesses, it reads and writes object files at /tmp. This was needed to implement hyprland trampoline abuse. If you don't know why this is bad, you shouldn't bother with it really.
If you want to pull a Theo de Raadt 2.0 you have to earn the title. That guy is borderline schizophrenic and drove countless people away from OpenBSD including me but at least I can respect his programming skills and attention to detail. The guy is borderline schizophrenic and drove countless people away from OpenBSD but at least I can respect his programming skills.
oof I fucked up the last line copy-pasting from my text editor but you get the gist
>You might ask why I'm not reporting them and my obvious answer would be his insane narcissism and unfounded self-absorbancy.
I will presume bad faith and I am call you a jealous tranny without tech skills.
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>install hyprmeme
>there's fucking nothing, even a cursor
>super+q does nothing
I have more to do instead wasting my time configuring this shit
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Just paste in some tranny's prericed config, what's the problem?
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No bad faith is needed when it's all a self-inflicted harm.
>install dotfile
>can't do fucking nothing on keyboard
This shit is just a meme
>Verification not required.
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As a Qubes Qonnoisseur myself, I would call your picrel insecure.
He doesn't report anything because those were reported and fixed months ago.
>ipc exploits
ipc is on a socket owned by the current user and intentionally gives full access to the compositor same as any other wm with it.
>trampolines and malloc
are an OPTIONAL feature usable by plugins that already have full access to the compositor.
>no answer
Arcan is vaporware.
I use this exact same dotfiles on artix. It seems like you might have the wrong keyboard layout set. If you pulled directly from the git repo, you may need to change it to "us" in dotfiles/hypr/conf/keyboard.conf
It's set as "de", but it wouldn't have been an issue if you used the auto install that's included

If you're using Artix, the one thing you will have to change is in dotfiles/hypr/hyprland.conf, you'll have to remove "--systemd" from the last line for the environment (since, you know, no systemd)
You may also have to put "exec-once = pipewire" in the autostart.conf if you don't have a service for that already.

Can supply my own dotfiles later if you're still having trouble, these dotfiles are pretty good, and don't want you to knock it too fast
Pulling directly from the repo isn't a bad thing, I do that now because honestly his update system is ass and will remove your config if you aren't careful. But I recommend installing using his install script first (sets up environment and symlinks, etc) and then moving to a git pull setup for updates.
anything not using systemd is legacy
Works on my machine
You just install the package, anon. Then there's a folder somewhere where you just drop the DEs. It's been a while since I've used it so I can't give you specifics. I think there's a guide for setting up durden, which is the only arcan DE worth using.
I did in Void. Now how do I fire a Wayland/Xorg app on it? Supposedly Arcan is a gift from heaven and it's fully compatible with both stacks.
You install the waybridge package and it should all more or less work. When I used it, X applications would crash fairly regularly and it had difficulty swapping into and out of fullscreen.
Gonna try it other day. But sounds like the guy of hyprland will pull out his own display server before Arcan becomes something more than the vaporware of a rambling guy.
What is gcompat
Not reliable
I dunno, I was impressed with how functional it was for being written by a single schizo in his free time, especially with how many other things he's also working on. The biggest problem for me wasn't the bugs, it was the nearly complete lack of documentation, with what little documentation there actually is being hopelessly out of date.

I wish I could have figured out pipeworld and cat9, the workflows in his videos seem really compelling, but (at least at the time) there is literally zero documentation at all for either one, the only resources are the videos on his blog. Trying to figure out two completely different shells with no way to know what features are even implemented or what the syntax is is such a hilariously pointless task that I uninstalled it and went back to spectrwm.
Lack of documentation definitively will kill any chance of adoption of his project. Say anything about Wayland or Xorg, but those at least have their shit documented.
I use cat9 daily but in a window on my KDE desktop so I don't get all the features.

I never needed anything other than a quick read of this https://github.com/letoram/cat9/blob/sub/README.md#use

and pressing F1 for when I forget the differences between ! !! !v etc.
never had a single reason to move away from i3
Is there a compatibility layer or translator to make systemd unit files work with runit/openrc/s6 or something? I get I could just create the daemon myself, but if there's a quick tool to do the job, that would be great
Configured the correctly layout here and still having the same problem. The another problem is: there's no mouse cursor.
None of these keybindgs works
The only thing I could think of it maybe the install gotten a bit fucked since he recently changed the structure of his gitlab just a bit. Instead of configs in "~/dotfiles/[configs]" it turned into "~/dotfiles/dotfiles/[configs]"
It could be possible that the symlinks in your .configs folder is referencing the former rather than the later, therefore not actually referencing the configs.
I guess if you're already having this many troubles, may be best to just use something else for now. But I recommend trying it again if you want. Just make a backup of your existing dotfiles and try installing again.
>use musl to be le cool and not like all these glibc npcs
>has to use flatpak to get software anyway as nothing builds with musl
>to be le cool and not like all these glibc npcs
Alpine Linux is an independent, non-commercial, general purpose Linux distribution designed for power users who appreciate security, simplicity and resource efficiency.
Alpine Linux is built around musl libc and busybox. This makes it small and very resource efficient. A container requires no more than 8 MB and a minimal installation to disk requires around 130 MB of storage. Not only do you get a fully-fledged Linux environment but a large selection of packages from the repository.

Binary packages are thinned out and split, giving you even more control over what you install, which in turn keeps your environment as small and efficient as possible.

pretty much all you need except proprietary software is in the repo
kek you made the fag start seething in the trannyland discord
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Luke's Myth Trannymaxxing.
>muh dunning kruger
>is literal dunning kruger
every single time
>If you want to pull a Theo de Raadt 2.0 you have to earn the title.
i see the point you're trying to make, but vaxry is the epitome of "good enough" "whatever works" featurebloat spaghetti chef. there's no comparison
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That's a lot better than when I tried it before. I think I'll give it another shot.
Vaxry would not get so much hate if he wasnt constantly flip flopping between being "based and redpilled" and apologizing (badly) at every moment.
Why are people recommending dinit over Openrc as of recent?
Is it that much a difference that it's worth it to swap init systems?
Distro: Artix
DE: Hyprland
Browser: Librewolf
Password manager: keepassxc

my chudstack
Im sticking with openrc, dinit is good but openrc has been around longer and has support from multiple distributions.
unstable newteen fad made in c++. they shill it because it boots marginally faster. but the developer is cringe and woke so it's not even chudware aka offtopic
this, if he stuck to his guns against drew and the other FD fags he would have come out on top in the long run
initially going against the hivemind then buckling under pressure only makes everyone hate you
He could also not being a le based and redpilled larper to begin.
Frankly, both would have worked.
replace librewolf with ungoogled-chromium for peak "just werks" and minimal trannaige
what are you even doing on this board if you don't see the value of containers

containers and RFP are the only reasons i'm using librewolf. firefox is a janky memory leaking pile of shit otherwise
Why would I need containers when I block third-party cookies by default and can just use profiles to have simultaneous accounts logged in at the same time
I've never heard of dinit, but I've heard a lot about runit, heard it's quite popular for people that choose their own init systems (I've only used OpenRC however)
dinit is the fastest init system and managing services is easy
because containers are FAR more convenient than maintaining different profiles with completely independent settings
you can also have a different proxy for each container.
don't even try to argue this. go back
>because containers are FAR more convenient than maintaining different profiles with completely independent settings
>you can also have a different proxy for each container.
foxyproxy exists

but enjoy your mozilla slop i guess
oh chuddy's mad
First I'm hearing of dinit and might just give it a try after using runit for so long
I use dinit, it's pretty good. I never tried runit to compare though
I'll happily switch over to artix if my gayming necessities can be fulfilled (mostly emulation and war thunder)
I dont get why when you enable a service in dinit it starts it as well? Shouldnt "dinitctl enable" be similar to enabling the service for the next boot, not enable and start in one command?
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.
What sort of emulation, i like ps1 games and duckstation works from the appimage. Even got a current model bluetooth xbox controller working with some help from the aur.
>I seriously hope you guys don't do this.
Only when necessary, what do you do when you have a kernel update?
I don't know what gaming services depend on systemd, so switch over whenever if you feel like it
Haven't tried dinit yet, but that behavior sounds more desirable than having to first enable the service and then start it. Having it start immediately makes more sense.
I must be missing something because there is "dinitctl start" as well. Im not using it anymore, back on systemd but when i did use dinit, it was fast an I had no issues running artix. The only reason I left is because i need a system that uses systemd due to education material im currently doing with IT.
I game on Artix without issues
I mean it makes sense, if you enable a service it most likely means you want to start it as well
i can't find chromium on its repositories
what was the original thread
add the omniverse repo to your pacman.conf, it has ungoogled chromium
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>posting unsolicited nudes is free speech
can't make this shit up
Holy kek
What are troons obsession with spreading nudity and obscenity everywhere? And their vivid obsession with being called a women after being offhandedly referred to as "dude" and "them". What a strange person.
Even more glad I use this chud distro now
What is the most chud init system? Runit?
all the ones Artix supports, else they wouldn't make it into the chud distro
(I like dinit)

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