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When will privacyfags take a truthpill and realize no one gives a shit about their data and info since they are worthless NEETs living in their parents home, apart from advertising bots who's ads you filter with adblocker anyways
At this point it's just an attention seeking with endless >botnet >spyware shitting in every thread
ive been saying this for years
what a cute girl
i wish I could touch her hair

- Jake
i use free software only, privacy is side effect
Posting here about MUH PRIVACY instead of trying to actually enact change is nothing more than virtue signalling.
Dumb newfag who doesn't know what "all fields" even references.
I want some privacy with her
I'm monitored by several intelligence agencies and I'm neet. I don't even care any more I just go about my normal business. I don't do anything illegal online and it makes me laugh they have to comb through mountains of porn and films looking for hidden messages.
Get back to work wagecuck.
Your """truthpill""" completely fails to understand the importance of privacy.
Yeah but consider this:
Meds. Now.
It doesn't hurt you and so I'm curious why it matters that much to bring it up.
You've made a critical mistake where you equate
>My data isn't individually important
>aggregate data can't be used in ways that harm me
>I'm monitored by several intelligence agencies
How do you know this?
If no one cares about my data, why are they trying so hard to collect it?
About 2 years ago I was subtly approached by several of them. Then I had daily contact with them and now it's back to sublte communication. Certain agencies have been keeping an eye on me for quite some time now, I don't know what I did to attract their attention but I got the polices attention for associating with certain people, I guess it just spiraled from there. Before you get a tap on the shoulder there will be subtle things that they will do, I guess noticing this is a precursor to you being approached. Details are important in this lifestyle.
and this
If they don't care then why are they tracking me. Checkmate.
>no one gives a shit about their data and info
Cool, then there's 0 reason to bitch when you don't get it, huh?
whats going special agent Kaben
>they don't care
>but they do care
Do you realise what you're saying here?
it's just used to shill ads you might be interested in, which you block anyways
there isn't a grand plan where someone will take your info and use it to commit a crime or something
besides, unless you are into cp or something, why would you care if someone tracks you, they can't dig any dirt on you right?
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data hoarding and adblock-blocking industries directly contradict your statement

denounce the talmud and the illegitimate state of israel NOW
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>"When will privacyfags take a truthpill and realize no one gives a shit about their data"

>normies in Finland "didn't care about privacy"
>some of them go to therapy
>all their stories, history, details and info was digitally recorded "safely" and "security" by "trust me bro government and companies"
>turns out the security was shit
>company gets hacked
>now there is a search engine where you can find people's full data and read their personal stories and secrets with full name, address etc.
>some of the people did kill themselfs or other people killed them

>normies in US "didn't care about privacy"
>some of them buy Apple products
>all their stories, history, details and info was digitally recorded "safely" and "security" by "trust me bro government and companies"
>turns out Apple (and Meta) sold their data to hackers
>Apple also sells user data illegally every year to third party

>normies "didn't care about privacy"
>some of them give their stories and data to AI model training because "models don't have actual data"
>training was too fast and poorly made so all their stories, history, details and info was possible to prompt out of that AI model without losing most of the main details

Some shop uses camera records locally and that is fine with government, users etc. Well, those cameras were actually connected through US so now all that data is in that spyware counry forever. People leave tiny "useless" details and data to different places and then some random turbo autist does 24/7 reverse engineering, gets some car model out of the blurry instagram picture, gets one card details based on the red stripe because it matches to some picture on advertisement, then gets five serial numbers and figures out that missing one has to be that serial number in that card in the picture. Then gets their register plates, home address etc. and robs/kills the person or something.
while i know OP is baiting, there are people who genuinely think this way, usually seem to be american, usually seem to be left-leaning as well.
So? I got nothing to hide because I'm not a criminal.
Look I care about my privacy but I'm realistic; nobody gives a shit about my porn,movie,music, or e-book collections other than me. In this modern day we're living in now hell that's all tame. If you haven't downloaded something illegally in this modern era "WTF is wrong with you" is the first words outta most people's mouths anymore. Your more apt to be a wack job if you don't download anything in other words.
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Uniroinically this is schizophrenia
How did they subtly approach you? What was it like?
>When will privacyfags take a truthpill and realize no one gives a shit about their data and info
if nobody gives a shit about me or my info they could just not collect it in the first place, but they don't do that.

I object to them knowing anything about me in the first place, whether or not I wind up seeing the ads they attempt to serve. Because they're ad companies and I hate them.
Yeah, just like nobody gave a fuck about Barneyfag, right? After all, he just liked to do a little shitposting. Nobody cares to dox some random guy online.
I don't want people I don't even know having information about my entire being. Emphasis on "entire". Giving up is for LOSERS.
Exposing a single man's private life is a tragedy. Exposing millions of private lives is business.
>muh privacyfags
ok commie
They found him barneyposting on reddit, didnt they?
Try to read his post again.
> le if you're not doing anything wrong you don't have anything to hide logical fallacy

Setting aside the fact that the people stealing your data would have you literally killed if you even got a peep at their data it comes down to two things:

> 1. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes
You don't know the ways in which it could be weaponized against you. If not now, then in the future. We have a right to privacy and anyone wanting to trample that is up to no good. Just look at Israel and what they do with the Palestinian's privacy.

> 2. You don't have a right to my data
Even if it's only ever used to "shill ads" so what? No one ever said you have a right to my information and I don't want to see your ads. If you want to use my information to train your ads you should put out an open call for volunteers and then people who consent to participate in this little exercise of yours can consent to helping you in exchange for payment both upfront and ongoing for their services. The fact that you think you can spy on me and steal it means that you're an unlawful individual who should probably be placed on supervised probation and not allowed to participate in these fields.
It's consent. I don't.
They gently touched my testicles. Felt pretty nice.
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>no one cares about privacy
Well, no one cares about you're opinion.
they're pedophiles though
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They only care when their neoliberal programming demands them to defame the People's Republic of China.
It can feel like that, they have to get messages across to you while you're potentially being watched.
Personally, I had another country trying to recruit me, possibly be my home country got involved so they couldn't come up to me and introduce themselves directly. So I was being watched closel. I tried to brush it off as paranoia at first but then a few of them told me who they were which is a big no no but under my circumstances needed. My country tried to test me in a few scenarios but I was already meeting with glowies all over the city so they were showing me things on the fly about how to communicate and stuff. My experience was wild but I don't think that's the typical experience for a potential recruit. I can't say too much but it's a lot of none verbal communication because you're potentially being watched so they can just walk up to you and tell you things, I've got a head full of hand signs for several different countries.
I poison my data and literally never say or input the same thing about myself twice, and I have never ordered anything using my real name (its possible with package lockers)

As a black woman with 2 children it's really important that nobody can use any information against me
Another deleted comment another day in jannyland. What did it say?
>with 2 children
Give them back Taneesha
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>As a black woman with 2 children it's really important that nobody can use any information against me
>*smashes your phone*
kill yourself
Nah, he posted this not thinking much about it and it predictably came back to bite him in the ass.
>doesn't understand the importance of threat modelling
that's mean
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Strange psyop fren
>no one gives a shit about their data and info
If that were the case then why are they spending billions on tracking and spying on people? It's not about if they care personally but they will use the data for targeted ads and training their AI models. I don't want them to make money from my data, fuck capitalism.
i care about my privacy regarding all the insufferable nosy people IRL who want to know everything about everyone around them

i dont care about my privacy when it comes to large corporations collecting statistical data. i can only dream of my
>no one gives a shit about their data and info

I've had my account information leaked online in the past and people have tried to use it maliciously.

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