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>open my youtube song playlist
>mandatory ads every song
how is this acceptable
skill issue, I don't get any ads
Brave isn't blocking them. What is going on?
Install Grayjay
>download yt-dlp
>run "./yt-dlp [playlist url here] -x --audio-format mp3"
>upload all the songs to my vps
>ask my trusty large language model companion (running offline on my rtx 3090) to write a simple mobile-friendly webpage that plays all the songs with a loop and shuffle button
>upload the page to my $5/month ovh vps
>music streaming services
>not owning all your music and playing it independently of an internet connection any time you want
Have you considered paying to not listen to ads?
>paying to listen to piracy
Why shitpost?
>--audio-format mp3
You're either converting Opus or AAC to MP3 which is retarded.
>he has an iPhone
Why? I want small files that are compatible with everything. "mp3" is sovlful and other combinations of letters aren't
Haven't noticed that, I just use revanced on mah fone and ublock with every list on mah computah.
Just install the Firefox and the uBlock Origin and get all of the filters.

If you have an iOS mobile device, just install the Ad Guard and get all of the filters. iOS users are the only people who aren't allowed to use the uBlock Origin.
>my youtube song playlist
Sorry, whose server is storing the music and the playlist and your account?
i had youtube premium for almost two years because of that bullshit
i wish i knew you could get a big discount by paying through the browser site and not in app on ios
they have an annual version to
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Bow to your god
I got sick of youtube randomly nuking songs from my playlists so I switched to local music and I forgot how fucking great it is just to have a personal library.
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Everyone should be obligated to use the Soul Seek so that they can truly own their music.
I like going through my uploads page and seeing people that downloaded songs I shared
I need to get around to doing this, I just have a small playlist I've downloaded with yt-dlp and typically use youtube or spotify with adblocker.
best I could do is 3.99 per month
everybody always pissy about them but it works and it has less downtime than other players when google breaks everyone shit. I prefer newpipe UI honestly but its always fucking broken to the point that i can barely use it.
I like that it also supports other platforms like Rumble or Spotify. Ideally they'd implement a way to look up YouTube Music albums, replace the music videos from playlists with proper YTM uploads and I know this is close to impossible, but have it support the algorithmic music suggestions since I tend to use YTM/Spotify for music discovery like that to later yoink it to keep locally.
They have a spotify plugin to get spotify for free in the works, its on their github but it isnt available in the app yet.
Actually it is available in the app, at least on my end. I installed it, logged in and it works. I got the app from their F-Droid repo.
The current ceo of youtube has been winging it by saying put more ads on it, every couple months and it's been working for him.
I just use pipepipe and it's free.
no sympathy for stupid niggers that get ads
no sympathy for stupid niggers that get ads
no sympathy for stupid niggers that get ads
no sympathy for stupid niggers that get ads
no sympathy for stupid niggers that get ads
Just get a subscription. Not only you'll get no ads on youtube but also enhanced bitrates AND youtube music is included!
>download my music from youtube
>no ads
git gud
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Download/convert YT songs/playlists to MP3:

Properly tag your new files and autosort into folders:

Use your favourite music player. I recommend:

Sometimes if a song or playlist isn't from any official album, you can just use the built in tag editor with AIMP to manually tag them, which only takes a few extra minutes.
>small files
...MP3 uses the same (if way shittier quality) or more storage space (if slightly less shit quality)
>compatible with everything
even the first gen iPod supports aac, devices that don't support aac are extinct, stop ruining your music files for this dumb retarded excuse
does the spotify plugin require logging in or does it work even if you don't? I want spotify without the fucking ads
It requires login but it doesn't have ads. Also no algo queue if you want that, but you can listen to albums or playlists just fine.
>UBO on
>ad blocking DNS on
>hosts file ads blocking on
I still see the damn ads for the first time in decades.
ff+UBO still se ads
This ship is a solid 0/10
I pay for youtube premium as well as pockettube
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Revanced Music Extended doesn't have this issue LOL LMAO EVEN
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>open my youtube song playlist
Use RiMusic instead.
still ads pop up
>--audio-format mp3
Just do -f bestaudio
It's 2024, all players can read m4a and opus
>"mp3" is sovlful and other combinations of letters aren't
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Nah, this is.
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>using youtube for music
>not using ff+uBO and Revanced
>paying for youtube
Can someone confirm:
>www.youtube.com##+js(json-prune-fetch-response, playerAds adPlacements adSlots playerResponse.playerAds playerResponse.adPlacements playerResponse.adSlots, , propsToMatch, /player?)
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Didn't read the thread but why do zoomers use youtube instead of flac rips???
Looks neat but maybe a bit too busy. I'll try it out though
You can customize the UI. It even has an option to look just like ViMusic. Make sure to change the song cache from 32 mb to something more. I love the download option and better lyrics providers.
>last updated 2 years ago
is it dead?

bro idc about owning my own music. i just want to listen without ads
I think it just doesn't need updating. Because it works fine for me.
ive been using inner tune but kinda buggy sometimes
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not my problem

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