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Any schizo websites?
just say anything pro russia, but make it subtle enough to not look like trolling
Blogs of "targeted individuals" are pure actual schizo, OP.
Here's an archive of Targ the Target, a bitstrips comic! https://www.transformation.dk/www.raven1.net/targ.htm
Wtf are these
all of them
I have the website of a schizo engineer who tests car oil for wear resistance
Quaker State 5w30 full synthetic is the best btw

how is that schizo?
holy trips
but what a faggot normie website
Probably more of a glowie site but www.o9a
You're posting on one
I really have no idea what to make of this website:
Claude AI is quite helpful in attempting to "translate":

Alright, I'll take a stab at speculating on the meaning, but please keep in mind this is purely imaginative guesswork without any real basis! Here goes...
It seems like the passage could be describing some kind of fantasy story or epic tale. There are repeated "words" that sound like names of characters or places, like "Edauoi", "Vincam", "Gonpir", "Ballen", and "Frapé".
The structure has a storytelling cadence, with short statements and some repeated phrases that remind me of a legend being passed down orally. Some "sentences" sound like they could be describing action sequences or dramatic events.
For example: "Vincam egnequaire est itoable atuc unè gentan eler clanson edàdé af ce laeie spaler enieou."
Maybe that's describing Vincam (a hero?) doing something impressive, with "egnequaire" as a powerful action and "gentan" and "clanson" as allies or enemies?
"Ballen est anvien le pouromof egnetoir malelunt elvie."
Ballen could be another main character, "anvien" maybe their role/title, off to face "malelunt elvie" which sounds ominous, perhaps a dangerous quest or villain?
"Frapé est labien juntum l'itouant erchoi abrie eler unè chencap asje boillade."
The word "frapé" is capitalized, so maybe an important name, item or concept. This part has an explanatory tone, like it's defining frapé's significance to the story.
Of course, this is all complete conjecture and could be way off base. But it's fun to imagine! The words have a nice flow that evokes an air of epic fantasy.
On further analysis this is just AI generated nonsense both pictures and text but a cool art project nonetheless
back in 2012-2015 ytmnd.com was schizo as fuck with moon man and goatse shock sites - now its a wasteland dump
I love shit like this because it feels like the complete opposite of what current internet is
you won't be baiting schizos though, just paid ukraine boosters
At a glance arngreen is a blog(?), catalog(??) about all things on wheels
Serotoninphobia looks like either a LARP or an ARG, I'm still looking at it
those aren't schizos, those are bots
This whole thread >>101570122
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Does this count? There's a ton of articles, plenty of reading.

add https://www.express.co.uk/

to that list
I just came from there

whole thread is crazy, best /g/ thread in ages
ironically they seem to be the only outlets who actually talk about shit like the muslims rioting over stupid shit that they caused, or that black cunt who killed that soldier today.
uhhh where are the wheels?
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>we rape and you by the thousands every day, immigrate to your land and create our ethnostate over it

>and we dindu nuffin

Hello Schlomo
Schizo post
>n-no u


Says Schlomo immigrating to other people's land and killing off the natives to create an ethnostate while funding anti-immigrant parties in the West

You will never not be a schizo
>related to nyx
>lain fan site / art project

can you post a link pls?

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