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>Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
- FAQ https://archive.is/UVQkn
- WIKI https://wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers
- NEWFAG PYRAMID (Updating) https://inviteroute.github.io/graph or https://inviteroute.github.io/sheet/
- SPREADSHEET https://hdvinnie.github.io/Private-Trackers-Spreadsheet/
- TEN CURRY COMMANDMENTS https://pastebin.com/raw/dBbdE73M
- TEN NEON COMMANDMENTS https://pastebin.com/raw/Ud2pGYaE

Use >>>/g/ptg as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

>Remember the following:
>Read the OP before asking a question.
>It doesn't matter if you use the same username in different trackers, the staff still share your IP with each other.
>Staff is reading, being /marked/ is NOT a meme.
>Don't ask for invites, it's private for a reason.

Previously on /ptg/: >>101518444
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for me, it's AnimeFriends
Give me one reason to use trackers over usenet.
1 - Not being a paypig
2 - More older content
3 - faster content, since content is first released on trackers
to get into better usenet sites like OMG and .in
How does FL compare to IPT and TL?
Do I need FL if I got IPT and TL?
I like more FL since there's actual quality control.
- Easy economy
- Good internals. PlayWEB, PlayHD etc
- A lot of uploads from PTP/BTN/HDB
- Clean up. Single episodes are deleted after season packs.
- No shitty bit starved encodes
- Limited slots. Only the best versions for each slot are kept (SD,HD,UDH,HDR,DV etc)
- Well seeded, fast speeds

FL is like a HD tracker that also has other stuff (general)
Which countries have the best erotica movies on KG?
It needs to be sensual
I use both. Usenet for faster downloads. Trackers for content that isn't available on Usenet.
You probably consoome too much capeshit if you can get everything from usenet.
We don't use shit trackers here. Ask on plebbit
I grinded the shit out of red because I didn't want to paypig lol
you pay with your time and dignity

Trying out some lower tier trackers made me appreciate RED and GGn a lot more.
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Kino van ...
you really love cocks, don't you?
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poonited cannot be serious
Who said you cant download a gazilion single episodes on BTN? You can
There's no clear cut between abusing the class system and simply downloading stuff though, and jannies won't ever be in your side.
Abusing LOL. I have never seen anyone get banned for downloading stuff on tracker. Its ratioless too
here from /ng/!
I like your mascot :D
no need idea what these threads are about though
(and yes, I read the OP! I just don't understand the technical language lol)
you shouldn't redownload large torrents for traffic stats on btn.
This is a thread about private internet clubs for brown people
has anyone here used the iptv service from the guy on the btn forum? whats it like
Is btn worth it for anime. animebytes is kind of messy in terms of organization, and it doesn't work very well with sonarr. Also would like to get fan dubs quickly and the animebytes bot only grabs official subs for currently airing shows.
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i'm white (and a woman)
yes, BTN is slopcentral, not even AB nor nyaa can match the impressiveness of BTN
genuinely, if all you care about is watchable episodes with bare minimum organization BTN is the go-to
I only download anime from AB when it's shows made more than 5 years ago
I'm poo (in the loo)
Damn. Guess I gotta rank up on RED or AB. Reqs for BTN are kinda crazy.
20 bucks for an AB account? Anyone?
I'll do it for 200
an AB account is priceless
You are brown and you will never be a women tranny
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>Had a high ranking user of a PT offer me an AB invite on IRC
>Reject him because I can just use the recruiter
>Month later and still nothing
Is being /pure/ really worth it...?
She is a real woman. I can confirm
It's "better" but its kind of a meme now. Its the easiest way to get into the good trackers.

What people get scared of is tree bans. If ur fine with that risk than go ahead. What I can say is I've gotten invites from irc friends from to a couple of trackers and have been fine for 3 years. YMMV though.
I don't really know them, we've talked a bit but that's all. I only debate it because they have a 8 year old account and a high rank, but I'm worried about tree bans
Will sell you an invite for 50$

Send me an email if you are interested:

How do trees work anyway? Let's say you were invited to AB from a friend, but then from your own efforts got an official recruitment to BTN. Are you forever /impure/ from that one invitation, and if tree-banned, you'd be banned from both AB and BTN?
How, they are easy to get?
What tracker and what rank? At this point I can only really help if I know more.

Even then its still a risk. No matter what their rank is you could potentially get tree banned. If I were you since its just a waiting game with AB I'd wait for the recruiter to get through the backlog. Maybe reach out to your irc friend about this instead of 4chan. They'd prob be more helpful.
Yeah, I'm just an impatient autist, I knew when I originally turned down the offer it was safer, so might as well keep waiting.
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Also, IPT and TL as alternatives when the trackers above are down

Recommend me better alternatives, specially for movies and tv
trees work by using their roots to suck up water and nutrients from the ground, and also from the leaves through photosynthesis
Hope it helps!
ooooooooohhh that makes sense
I'd say, most likely no
you'd probably get banned from AB if your friend did some invite trading
but the only way to get banned on both is if you get personally banned
Poo pooing on the toilet is pretty gay bros
Can I breed you em*ya
is gamersriseup trans or cis female?
Any self-proclaimed females that use PTs are trans
Trans. She's p nice though. Why tf do you care? I just assume everyone on the internet isn't real.
you'd only get banned from all the cabal IF one of them claimed (regardless of truth or evidence) that you were an invite trader.
>no HDB
>Are you forever /impure/ from that one invitation
If that "friend" turns out to be a trader you will be banned from every other tracker.
ggn tracker working again or still fucked?
Certified works on my machine
Best path to BTN? I'm in all the trackers that the invite route site says they are recruiting from. Just gotta start ranking up on one of them
I miss spaghetti................
Me fucking too anon
i oined that anime lovers club posted earlier but there were no torrents whatsoever when i joined
The one that you enjoy using the most. It is harder to rank up when you hate the content.
So Desitorrents?
Too much work to get in for a secondary tracker
Lmfao. No. It'd prob be AB or PTP
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isn't (s)he dead
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>mfw neither AB nor nyaa (nor AnimeZ nor BBT) have a raw or an actual good encode of an anime
this is what I get for liking butler anime
captcha STAT
yes, it is a shitty cult that exists to powertrip like that, and they've been allowed to make themselves gatekeepers of torrenting
thats why he joined tik
Still no tik invite offers on kg.
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so tasty ...
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Nine more days until the KG donation drive starts. I'm so excited!
Path to jptv? No invite threads on any cabal trackers.
JPTV is piss easy to get into, I signed up with a screenshot of 1 cabal alinged tracker in good standing and got in within 5 or so minutes. Just apply.
Did you write your answers in English or Japanese? I don't want to seem cringe.
>he doesn't make his own encodes
Is it me or is HUNO currently the most underrated tracker? I like it.
There are many like you sir
HUNO is pretty comfy though.
Its trash.
it's not trash. it's comfy and easy to get content.
JP, of course
Billions of trash trackers that are better. No one cares about x265 memery
>No one cares about x265 memery
the fuck you talking about? people love x265 and HUNO also does Web-dl and remuxes
It's got lots of content and its growing.
Beat it, Prakash. Go proselytize on redturd
Where the FUCK is the HDB recruiter on BHD.

Waiting on a response for 6 weeks and counting.
any private tracker that has proper japanese audiobooks (not that ero asmr crap) and doesn't just reuse the ones already on nyaa in the collection?
Stop hyping up this sekrit americuck club which is totally unnecessary if you have PTP and BTN. Absolutely not worth it if you have to work your way up. BHD is a better choice when compared.
sent ;)
Yeah there are some people who upload a lot on MAM
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I hate trannies, but I have a soft spot for gamersriseup. His HDB recruitment thread specifically said that requesting an invite with invite privileges disabled is not allowed, but he invited me to HDB anyway. Dumb troon didn't even check kek.
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Are -EA encodes actually good? I never download them since I can't cross-seed them and they're usually much larger than the alternatives.
*dies in a pointless war while the politicians enjoy the finest meals in their palace*
They're alright desu. Sometimes another release on PTP beats them. He never bothers to redo another encode from a newer source if it gets released. Just grab his releases from HDEncode if you want to watch the film but not have it in your mind that you can't cross seed because of exclusive tag.
It looks good enough to my eyes. And plus, they're usually the only release for any worthwhile film.
there's at least a couple verified girls on myspleen who got recruited via archive.org banning, makes sense in the context of it being about collecting vintage/camp and not quality
BTN has lots of mommies.
Holy fucking curry. Not only did it not have the first encode I looked for (nor any 1080p encode for the movie), it's in split archives behind DDL websites? How do you live like this?
MAM has real biowomen but they are all (probably) over 50
French bros of /ptg/, where can I find the 'Le Grand Robert' offline dictionary from 2005 to download? It's kinda old and I know nothing about french DDL or torrent websites
that's a pdf I want the windows application from the dvd onii-chan
It's pretty standard for a "good" iptv service. The default channel layout is what you would expect. The EPG it comes with is pretty good. If you are switching from some shitty alibaba guy then it's great, otherwise, I wouldn't consider it a game changer or anything.
fuck BTN and their stupid rules
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I'm working on it actually (only like an evening every 3 weeks though). Not sure yet if I care enough about that anime (seems like a hayate ripoff but with he is my master shit budget) to do it too but maybe.
>Watching encodes instead of Remuxes
Good morning Sirs, have you poo pooed today?
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Joshua ...
why is this general so dead
Nothing is happening
Everyone got into Cabal, so private trackers got boring as fuck
kuchi are you here
because ab recruiter wont let me in once he lets me in this place will become alive as im a very active and important user
you will only post on AB, not here
I'm close to reaching King rank on BHD. How long do you think the PTP and HDB recruitment threads will stay open? Hope it doesn't close soon.
>Inactivity Rule: To avoid account deletion you must login at least 1 time every 60 days, and you must download at least 1 torrent every 90 days. Simply keeping torrents seeding long term will not protect your account. Do not rely on inactivity emails, we often do not send them.
for what purpose
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so that you donate, baka
why are fansubbers so gay now, they never sub the openings
because they just steal from crunchyroll
but crunchyroll translations suck
and they are gay faggots
yes but that's their source
Don't join curry trackers like avistaz poo in loo sir
>giorgino is still uploading german erotica to KG
Based or gooner?
Might not be a popular take but romaji karaoke makes me mad, wish they'd do hiragana or furigana. CCS is the way I want everything to be (that's why I did furigana on mine, but I'm not sure I'll ever get around to karaoke timing). Still happy to see karaoke at all though.
Really hate that their donator privileges are a subscription instead of being permanent. Who the hell is going to pay every month for a Z tracker.
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just buy the lifetime vip
You must be a braindead retard to give $200 to a tracker, let alone a curry one
avistaz is the best tracker for asian kino thougheverbait
I just made an account on FL due to the new event they are hosting and wanted to know how do i get a good ratio?

I have been trying to make an account for almost 1 and a half years so it's a pretty big thing for me.

I was wondering if I should like upload some torrents I got from other public clients, is that a good idea?

update: after ≈24h my ratio is 0.03 is it good?

Instead of trying to climb the tracker ladder, we should put the effort into making curry trackers more desirable
If it gave you a legitimate account, I wouldn't mind paying $200 to get into PTP or KG
Honestly all the retards that ask that on FL of all trackers should be banned. FL gets so much activity on old content all the time that it's hard to fuck your ratio there.
ok capeshitter
Stick to TPB, jeet
keep defending Pass The Poopcorn and karagarga.india capeshitter
thepooobay is more your speed, sir.
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Why has the Anime of the Fortnight been the same for almost 3 months
Hello Sirs what is the best Bollywood tracker? Thank you
Desitorrents Sir, I'm Power Pooper there
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when tf will bib open up recruiting again
Blutopia sir many Bollywood movies there
Yet another upload to a smaller tracker of a movie that doesnt have any version in ptp.

Their minimum ratio is 0.7 so you need to download freeleech content you don't want to get more upload.

Or you just seed what you already have and see what happens, the site isn't that useful for torrenting in the first place.
On qBit 4.3.9... why would I ever want to upgrade? I can't even think of a single feature I would want... except for being able to change the favicons... still haven't been able to do so... Anyone here have any ideas on how to improve our qbit torrent client? Any features you'd like to see?

There's nothing exclusive to BIB in all my years of having tried it. They have the same poorly OCR'd, non-proof-read epubs as the rest of the internet. You'd think they'd have some sort of rating system but BIB is a ghost town.
and ptp has 100,000 more movies that your poojeet tracker doesnt have

No surprise there, how are they going to get good content if nobody can join the site in the first place?
yes, but when someone requests something that can be found in ptp, i'll just snatch and fill that request.
funniest thing is that we have exclusive rules and no-one fills requests in ptp when we have something that ptp doesnt have.
we always ban those users who leaks shit.

and its not pajeet tracker, its nordic.

Exclusivity rules are pøo löo
Why you heff to be mad?
lmao wtf are you on i still generate upload on 2 year old filelist torrents. if you just seed what you leech like a normal person you literally dont need to worry about ratio on filelist. i have literally never downloaded a freeleech just to gain ratio on filelist.
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You are brown now thoughever
anyone know what happened to the anime/manga nzb site that was in btn's invite section?
it's not there anymore but the site is still up
>I just made an account on FL due to the new event they are hosting and wanted to know how do i get a good ratio?
FL is so easy to get a good ratio on that you have to be a retard to fuck it up.

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