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CHUD-ware general!
Post chud-approved software and such other things.
>what is a chud
Umm, google it?
>chud terminal emulator
ST from suckless
>chud tiling vm
DWM from suckless
>chud distro
Arch or Artix, alpine, gentoo is chud approved.
>chud wallpaper
Billions must post their wallpapers ITT.
Newsboat is also chud-approved.
Finally. Tranny free computing using OpenBSD with fellow chuds!
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So TRVE bestie...

Have you read the bible anon?
I can code semi-competently in C. Better than chud titus tech anyways! (he also uses dwm)
GNU Emacs chud reporting in.
C for lower level implementations. Lisp for high level concepts. Just like God intended.
with the correct buffer
Post 10 lisp programs. My setup is mostly C. (nsxiv, dwm, etc) btw.
>what is a chud wallpaper
Any wallpaper not common used by normalfags.
Cannot have 3D people. 2D real life people is fine THOUGH.
I'll post a single snipped since I'm still learning Lisp
Chud-ware of the week award goes to nsxiv.
>how chud?
Extreme chud. See the C anime girls and frogs included in the repo. If gitlab is sold, I might need to reduce their chudness rating.
Minimally chud software that could be made chudder.
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Post your
M-x spook
, emacsir.
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Threadly reminder that one must watch their chud lolicon anime, shotacon hentai, using mpv.
>el paso law enforcement anonymous
All right, which one of you works for el paso pd?
dick sucking lips
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>chud distro
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Chud world. Gnu is my chud.
RSS feed program.
You better not ask what RSS is, zoomer.
Someone needs to make a Guix derivative with a package repo size that rivals NixOS.
I would remove arch in favor of tinycore. Trannies often use regular arch and since the real chud hardly ever updates his hardware, tinycore would serve us well.
Arch is rightful chud clay.
Arch is based. No CoC, no troon take over, no BLM or LGTBQWTF+ schizophrenic shit.
what about this?
Notice how that doesn't mention things like minority status, otherkin, gender, trans, etc.?
I want a coc that only recognizes furries or the kigurumi people or something else batshit insane. Just take the coc to the extreme.
>t. archuds
I use antix... hiding in plain sight.

Plus, it runs on my r60 chudpad
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What chud anime do anons watch with their chuddingly gay setup?
Archud is chudware, archud users are dead weight, simple as.

Fuck you commie.
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Do chuds share the same opinion?
Richard Stallman Segs
Is this really better than feh? It doesn't look like it has inotify support which is really nice for eg POVRay.
I see anons recommending dinit over openrc as the init system for Artix. Any particular reason why?
install systemd
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Non-chud use case, can't comment.
I use it for displaying xmp sidecar files of anime cunny.
Alpine is run by troons
ummmmmm sweatycel, thinkpads are insecure and libreboot lacks microcode updates. you're going to get hacked by evil russians. you should use macbook instead.
OK, current objective, steal a fagbook.
suckless is tinkertranny shit albeit
This is the most retarded low effort general I've ever seen
And yet somehow it's more active than the BSD general. I've just accepted that /g/ is terminally retarded. At least it's fun and they're not all gay!
BSDM is a meme
>mom, I posted it again!
Is Artix the last bastion?
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>Billions must post their wallpapers ITT.
As you wish Lord Hitler here are some chud papes courtesy of our friends over at /qa/
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They are troons, but not yet taken over, they keep a low profile for now, still prepping and writing sane commits. I will need to find something else like it when they start pushing in 2 years time.
do you ever stop thinking about trannies?
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Ahh, I remember that.
use Newsraft, it's even smaller
Chimera which alpine 2.0 is also run by a troon, give up and submit to GNU.
The core dev team is the same group of european mean since the beginning. Packagers like the conill tranny don't count.
Pollymc is the chud minecraft launcher
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Ultimmc is, THOUGH.
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No, but it's a strong one.

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