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File: PowerShell.png (138 KB, 1972x1475)
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(and more)
I'd have the latter
Based and true, but actual patricians are proficient in both .ps1, .bat and .bash.
it's bloat for sub-wits
>Get-Alias -Definition Hate-Niggers
> hn -> Hate-Niggers
Better yet
>Get-Alias -Definition Get-Alias
> gal -> Get-Alias
I’m a Linux fag but I use pwsh at work and it’s got a lot of nice things. For example I’d say Linux needs to make ‘jq’ a built in tool
Retards treat it as a shell akin to bash or whatever. Read the Monad Manifesto. You’ll understand what the fuck this thing actually is
What's jq for? Jelqing?
It's pretty neat but it's M$ so that's a no. And I used to be a Redmond fanboy.
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I had to look that one up.
it's still shit. not even defending bash or whatever.
start cmd
The shell for actual tech professionals. I.e. not me. /g/ is nerds being "sysadmins" on their Arch "server".

I've found that standard deviation curve meme quite accurate for Windows vs Linux. Where on the left is moron caveman people like "Windoes go brrr", then all the Linux nerds, then pro IT admins on the right using Windows.

At least when I worked in central London in IT, I worked for a major architecture firm with multiple floors, we had this SERIOUS big time admin guy with Star Wars tatts come in. He'd just open PowerShell and do some Kung Fu and fix major issues myself and the other IT pros had spent a while trying to fix in various ways. Being a major firm in a competitive area it wasn't like the other employees were scrubs either (I was because I was an apprentice then).

There's a serious valley in knowledge levels in proper big time IT. Hopefully one day I will be as good of an engineer as those guys or the Red Hat Linux people.
>or the Red Hat Linux people
They're good but holy shit I pity them for the DEI lefty shit they have to put up with.
you're a fucking moron. it's always the opposite.
winshitters don't even know how windows works and I have demonstrated it multiple times anywhere I bothered working.
Yeah the guy knew very well. We had some shit Windows server running a large chunk of the business and he was able to manipulate it very easily. We were a multinational architecture firm so had to serve overseas workers who had flown out to global projects meeting clients etc. It's not "winshitters" hired to be responsible for being admin of that kind of magnitude.

Most of the time Linux nerds are just showing off party tricks, and things that literally just don't even exist or come up in an enterprise environment. The apprenticeship educational portion taught tonnes of shit that just literally never came up in a real enterprise setting.

I also used to know an autistic guy who worked for Google (until being fired for inappropriate conduct anyway) who used Windows machines for remote work at least.
My boss randomly made me start messing with an API for some software we use, and since IT wouldnt let me put an IDE on my laptop I’ve been using powershell to write basic scripts. It’s kinda cool but there aren’t many resources for what I’m trying to do, any kind of error sets me back days as I try to figure out what I messed up.
>but there aren’t many resources for what I’m trying to do,
What are you trying to do?
I find that if you kinda already know what you're looking to do, or know how to do in another similar lang, GPT is actually really good at powershell.
I think its cuz GPT has all the bajillions of microsoft help forums about powershell in its training set, even ones that have since become inaccesible cuz MS took down the domain.
Powershell is cross platform bro. But yes it's good for scripting in enterprise environments.
>what are you trying to do
Export some documents from our software with a POST, I keep getting a 400 error and no matter what I change there’s something wrong with my json
I’ve been tempted to use AI to solve it but haven’t done it yet. I want to solve it myself
It's very verbose, to the point of near uselessness. I suppose if I was a fulltime Wintard I might end up learning it, but as it is I try to avoid it. Being able to configure Windows servers without the GUI is nice though, I suppose.
Also if I just have to write a little script to automate something I can do it in batch like 100 times faster.
The fact you can't just click on a .ps1 and run it like .bat is really fucking stupid. Not sure wtf they were thinking.
Too drab for anything else than professional work.
>It's very verbose, to the point of near uselessness.
This is the most common criticism given by people who have little to no experience with it.
It's just bad. Windows version has ridiculous bugs like slow downloads because of their shitty progress bar, the whole perl-esque bullshit like functions without parameters (muh Params()) gross ass kebab capitalizations everywhere and absolutely full retard default aliases that are nothing like what they alias:
fuck too many to list.
Let's not forget pipelines that objectively don't work correctly so you end up spawning cmd /C if you're working with anything not in powershell.
My biggest complaint is ultimately that windows is fundamentally broken such that you legitimately cannot spawn a process with arguments in a way that guarantees nothing fucky doesn't happen. pwsh still shuffles around some of their escapes because of this shit.
pwsh, like all modern, supposedly not botnet .NET aids requires you to install more shit, but at least it sort of works, since around 7.4

Ultimately, it might be portable, but I have not seen a single fucking person show me a pure source build of pwsh that works on Linux. FEDora is pretty good at keeping botnet shit like this out of its repos, like Google DartVM. Guix also doesn't package it which should be condemning.

Also jannies fix your shitty faggot site and remove your faggot retard WAF. This is a fucking technology board, I'm going to type strings that look scary you FUCKING FAGGOTS
I did say I was experienced with it, I barely use it. Anyways, as far as I'm concerned it's still a negative. Just tooling around doing shell stuff is hard enough, let along actually trying to write scripts. On my wagie workstation I have a shortcut to launch it with sane aliases for stuff because otherwise doing anything takes eons.
It does some cool things; being able call .net, despite how much I hate .net, makes doing some crazy things very easy. It feels very hacky though and you have to stretch e.g. multi-threaded scripts for proper windows.
Also, I really hate dealing with objects. Sometimes I just fucking want to grep text. It's like using a cannon to kill an insect, far too powerful and unwieldy.
*didn't, fuckoops
It absolutely sucks kys
It's to protect normal users from accidentally running scripts they didn't intend to run while they were just trying to open their family photos.
bump !

/pol/tards and reddit typers

classic duo
rejecting bash is a cardinal sin
get back to the roots, you fucking nigger
I love powershell. Data types are a nice thing, too bad there are multiple incompatible types for a table and which one will a function output is a diceroll. I actually fucking hate powershell.
Command names are stupid
>reddit spacing
Idk. It's a tad weird on Linux. Windows has nearly 400 more modules for working with the system. It's not in the Debian or Fedora packages. I've had to do
sudo pwsh { gc <file name> }
to access some system files.
But being able to use the .NET libraries is really, really nice. I always liked the string editing tools there more than something like awk. Any math expression is easier to write.

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