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Technology to defeat depression without changing my life?
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>without changing my life?
Is this bait?
Best advice, but that would certainly be changing his life.
Onahole if you're a coomer
Factorio if you have the 'tism
Bicycle if you're a sportsman
Powertools and materials if you like doing shit in your home
ugly outdated game
I don't have the energy to do anything anymore.
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It's taken me like 16 years but I've finally found a set of medications that I think are working to help my depression.
Alongside that, I'm trying to be healthier and exercise more. All of that combined, there are times where I legitimately feel good.
I always have to remind myself how I felt when I didn't have any of those things (major depression, apathy and suicidality)
I find it really hard to remember how I felt at certain times for comparison, so a lot of the time I'd not be able to tell if something is working or not.
Video game wise, I'd say any game that requires a lot of focus and thinking to help distract you should work, like Factorio or Civilization. Just don't overdo it since video games aren't a solution but a coping mechanism.
healthy sunlight exposure (at home), exercise, diet and 8-10 hours of
drugs are technology
Get a an old stinkpad and install Linux and make it your personality
>healthy sunlight exposure (at home)
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unpaid consensual sexual intercourse with a women (female)
Install Pokémon go
>window closed

i don't think it works like that bro
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unfiltered beer. you need nutrition anon.
Take the peatpill
FOSS, it will further your mental illness and then cure it. You may chop off your penis however
can only imagine the skinny wrist left wing faggot behind this image lmao
>Technology to defeat depression
get a dog
I’ve been on Zoloft for like a decade and if I miss one day I start to feel lethargic and depressed. So, I’ve decided to slowly ween off it and I feel much better. Wish I had done it sooner.
>metallic cartridges
>assembly line manufacturing with standardization
>self-loading repeating centerfire handgun

You're welcome.
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How do those help? Do you not have actual problems or do the drugs just make you stop thinking about your problems?
>Technology to defeat depression
No, you need the opposite. Take all your tech and throw it in the trash. Electronics are evil and keeping you down.
Magic Mushrooms
Ignore the meme answers.
Transcranial direct current stimulation does exactly what you want.
the natural way to live
stop recommending this, how many tens if not hundreds of thousands of dogs now have miserable lives because their owner bought them as a tool to treat mental illness? sad
Stop consuming stimulants be it eatable and/or informational. Go outside and enjoy learn to enjoy nature
Work out 4 days a week + at least 30 min of cardio
Don't drink or use drugs
Get at least 8 hours of sleep every night
Get a job, preferably one that doesn't make you want to rope
Eat a quality diet heavy in meat, dairy, vegetables, and unprocessed whole grains. Try and purchase high quality meats from local farms and not standard supermarket stuff, but any meat is better than none.
Take an ashwanganda extract made with ksm 66, 300-600mg a day at night after a meal
Get at least 20 minutes of sun a day or take a 2,500 IU vitamin d3 supplement.
Take daily walks
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Get buy several powerful LED bulbs for the room you spend most of your time in during the day, shoot for about 10,000 lumens of 5,000-6,000k color temperature lighting for daytime. Or 1,000 candela per square foot if you don't mind doing the math. LED corn bulbs are your friend.
Consider making a diy vitamin d light using uvb fluorescent t5 ho bulbs and using it daily if you don't go outside. Make sure to wear uv blocking sunglasses while using it.
Get a 250w ifrared heating bulb, stick it in your bathroom and stand under it for 10-15 minutes during the daytime, preferably around 10 am.
>>Get a job, preferably one that doesn't make you want to rope
isn't that kind of a contradiction in terms?
Windows 7
Office 2003/XP
Fresh air and sunlight
Some people have a natural tendency to isolate even though interacting with real life humans helps them. You also get money as a bonus.
it's less putting up with the people (thought that does get pretty old) it's more the business about having responsibilities and tasks to complete, on a schedule, every day, that makes me hate working.
I have no windows at home. I'm a Linux user.
This is /g/ not /clarke/
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solved problem
Do you have sex anon? I still get post nut clarity even after sex. It's actually worse than post-nut clarity after gooning because you have to look at what you just got done fucking and be disappointed with yourself and life. Maybe this a personal issue.
Abandon (or liquidate into precious metals) everything in mid to late spring and wander deep into the woods, preferably 3-5 days from emergency responders and stay innawoods for a year.
You will either die or come out a conquering survivor, just look up how to do basic survival shit like making rope, snares, fire and shelter.
simple as
get a GF
simple as that
I'm pretty drugs are also a coping mechanism and not a solution.
pretty sure*
vitamins (and an overall balanced diet), exercise, mindfulness, sunlight, exposure to a lot of greenery, and cutting out information overload (like spending too much time on here or watching shit like youtube/twitch all day) would solve 90% of people today's depression, though all the abstract shit like modern culture and politics will still have you somewhat on edge if you can't compartmentalize it properly
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>keeps stuff the same
>why doesn't anything ever change
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I had sex but it was a long time ago and i almost forgot what it was like but i remember it feeling much better afterwards than masturbating. Not this miserable feeling of being a fucking loser.
A scale, fatty
find a hobby that allows you to embrace total escapism from everything
everything is coping till death. some coping methods have less downsides overall
Depression doesn't exist in the third world. Curious. It's almost like....
Any suggestions? Videogames excluded.
Sometimes it's the people you work with that makes you hate work...especially if you're stuck with those same annoying retards 5 days a week for 8 hours straight. Jobs without remote work options shouldn't exist imo.
It's almost like they accept that life sucking is the natural way of things. It's also almost like they realize that crying about this to someone who spent enough years in the academy to be called "doctor" is a waste of money. They have less of that to waste than we do.
the fuck do you know about the third world, shut your cozy ass up
I already have the first three. As much as I think about a relationship I also wonder what that means for my personal hobbies and freedom.
sadly there is none
Philosophy. read Parmenides and just be yourself, you don't have to do anything, time is faks.
very certainly a personal issue
or unresolved depression
wondering about this too

you need to expose yourself to your own nuclear fusor

>Get a 250w ifrared heating bulb, stick it in your bathroom and stand under it for 10-15 minutes during the daytime, preferably around 10 am.
would this really work? if so, why? how does this make you feel better than, say, taking a hot shower?
Drugs, TMS, Biofeedback
You probably just lacking vitamin D
I hate myself, and my life is the same. I’m a loser; an embarrassment. I’m ashamed of myself. I will never have a good-paying job that will allow me to live independently. Because of that, I will never have a loving, healthy relationship with anyone. My life is already almost halfway over. Winning the lottery is the only thing that could turn my life around.
Hearts of Iron if he's a chud.
Anon knows what he's talking about
how come almost no one suggests books to cure depression, to improve social interactions and so on?
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Here he is
No one here can read
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Is weed technology?
I know a guy who always kept his windows closed regardless of the weather.
>books to improve social interactions
Those aren't going to work, that is something you should have learned as a child, now you will have to actually go out an socialize and yes you will face your worst fears if you piss someone off. That's the way it is.
>go out an socialize
I can socialize just fine, but I don't go out that much, and I have trouble talking to women. it's difficult for me to show interest, because I'm shy and insecure, and get nervous af and avoid talking because I don't want to fuck it up.
I don't really like talking to people just because though, feels like a waste of time to me. so maybe a book would motivate me to get out of my comfort zone and do random shit
mind you, I'm almost 40... might be too late for me to change.
You don't necessarily defeat depression, you learn to manage it. To manage it, you will need to make changes in your life. What those changes are will depend on your circumstances.

How is your physical health?
How is your emotional health?
How is your social life?

It would be better if you asked a professional, be that a doctor or a mental health worker. Asking for help is a good start, which is what you've done here.
>I have trouble talking to women
*to women I like.
btw, I'm good looking... but yeah, I suck at talking to women I like.
>without changing my life
Of course the fucking frog poster is incapable of the least bit of effort.
When you talk to women, what do you talk about? How does it make you feel? Do you have any ideas why you feel that way?

To get better at it, and more comfortable with it, you'll have to try it more.
>I don't really like talking to people just because though, feels like a waste of time to me
You will be talking to them to get sex.
What if I don't enjoy anything?
halogen bulbs
red light therapy
beef organ pills
air and water filter
lottery or crypto, higher chances with the latter depending on your strategy
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
>Powertools and materials if you like doing shit in your home
>without changing my life?
none. if you don't change your life you stay depressed. if you want to change then the most important things are having a clean diet, getting sunlight, exercising and finding a purpose/passion.
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