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Why won't 4chan add support for mp4 with audio uploads? Nobody on the internet uses webm anymore.
because omg there might be screamers and we don't have the technology to automute videos apparently
iToddlers BTFO!
This is a feature, not a bug. Audio is accepted on >>>/gif/ and >>>/wsg/
fuck off daiz no one is using your meme format
look at the file size
this fucking question again?
it's because of mpeg royalties, this is answered 1000 times a week, newfag
>nobody on the internet uses webm anymore
yeah except a little hobbyist site nobody knows about called "YouTube", you should check it out sometime
>20% less than mozjpg
wow.... very impressive for a codec that's 1000x more complex and that came out 30+ years later... sure daiz
>no lossless jxl transcoding
>no lossless cropping/rotating
>no progressive decode
>worse generational loss, while jpeg transcoding can often be lossless (can even edit parts of the image while keeping the rest lossless)
kys, not switching to tranny codecs anytime soon
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This kills the JXL trannies
...how does that prove that mozjpg isn't only 20% bigger? can you even fucking read? I didn't mention jxl at all (except for the lossless transcoding of regular jpeg files which is a pretty big fucking deal but yeah let's pretend that lossy converting all jpegs to avif is a better solution, oh and if you change your mind the only way to get your original jpegs back is of course yet another generation loss w/probably bigger filesize than the original jpeg
sounds great doesn't it?
You literally have worms for brains if you think mozjpeg can achieve good quality below 0.5 BPP let alone 0.15 BPP.
yt-dlp defaults to webm when you download (usually)
Stop helping OP and let's talk about AVIF instead. Ultimate the cocksucker motherfucker OP is wasting an entire fucking thread for what could have been a very simple question is /sqt/ but this cocksucker motherfucker thinks he's better than us.
what does AVIF stand for?
>4mb top limit
>no sound outside of a couple boards
>no mp4
4chan is still stuck in 2014
I have no fucking idea now that you mention it. We jokingly refer to it as tel-avif all the time though.
We recently got VP9 once hardware acceleration for it became plentiful. Now we wait for the same thing to happen with AVIF.
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A Video Image Format?
audiovisual infrafetterence
shoo shoo daiz!
because you need to be restricted from uploading tiktoks with blown out nogthump
Reddit niggers
You need help man, only one of those posts came from me.
Don't care about compressed shit
Anything other than png is for poorfag storagelet bandwidthlets
>"The internet should be a bloated slow mess..."
>"Because... it just has to be okay?"
one too many! And your little friends also count for me so 100% daiz faggotry detection.
no use case for such low bpp
at acceptable bpps, there's barely any difference
no daiz we don't care and you are already talking about avif on every other thread, shut the fuck up already
is this a serious question??? are you that retarded?
it's av1 in an heif container... combine the two and you get avif
how can you not get this
you should get an aspergers test
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What the fuck.
Двaч and 2chan have mp4
Unfortunately I get moonrunes fucking captchas and I can't funpost on those sites. I just use webmch.ru to watch the videos that get uploaded instead.
based, shills cope and seethe
It's bandwidth that's expensive NOT storage you smooth brain. EVERY SINGLE website on this planet would happily switch to 100KB max image sizes and 100 kbps max video bitrates if their users could tolerate it.

Obviously with ancient JPG/H264 this is impossible.
yeah use reddit buzzwords and pretend everyone but you is the shill and every newfag will believe you, daiz
I don't see why any format isn't allowed so long as it follows filesize and metadata limits
hw accel. It's why mozjpeg never took off, the original jpeg hw accel on trillions of modern day electronic devices can't decode jpeg images encoded with mozjpeg.

Webp for the most part is google holding a gun to your head because AFAIK it never got hw accel.

Reminder these posts and all other AVIF shills posts come from Daiz who is narcissistic and greedy.

If you shill for AVIF, then you're a retarded newfag who were groomed by Daiz and you should therefore not get mad when someone calls you Daiz.

He stopped using his trip code after someone looked into an archive and discovered that he's behind every AVIF shill post, something that he genuinely didn't expect anyone to do because 4chan is full of newfags who don't know what an archive is or can't do any research.

Expect lots of samefagging from the narcissist.

Also, he's probably not getting paid by Google.

Before he got called out:

Getting called out:


The reason he responds so quickly is because he uses a bot to notify him and ChatGPT or something similar to automatically spam threads. There are posts on /a/ posted well over a decade ago mentioning how creepy he is:
isnt daiz the guy who owns fakku and was at war with /a/ or whatever
Kill yourself, Daiz
>account terminated
What was the video about? Also you seem obsessed with whoever this fag is, I've seen your pasta before. Are you like his biggest admirer acting tsundere or something?
He's not wrong though.

t. Could not get 4 smart TVs to display jpeg images encoded with mozjpeg. I got so fucking angry because I had converted like hundreds of family photos and deleted the originals...
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No, he's a friend of Jacob Greedy who owns Fakku. He's been an employee there since day one while lying about it. Both him, Jacob Greedy rest of Fakku were at war with old /a/. New /a/ is full of newfags who simp for Fakku.
>10 years ago
The so called image format that Daiz wants you to use

Supports only up to x4000 pixels

Gets beaten by JPG

Encodes slower than JXL

Decodes slower than JXL

Only produces a smaller file size than JXL if the image quality is extremely pixelated and blurred (below 0.4 bpp)

Note that over 90% of pictures on the internet are above 1 bpp

Doesn't have preview decoding

Can't convert back to the previous format without degrading the image quality (JXL can)

Is a video codec using HEIF to roleplay as an image format

Let that sink in
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i'm so fucking old now bros. it feels like all this shit happened yesterday. where did the past decade go?
Here are Daiz's main arguments against JXL:
- You're supposed to like AVIF because Google supports it
- You're supposed to hate JXL because Apple supports it despite Google funding its development and Apple supporting AVIF
- You're supposed to hate JXL because of a patent that has nothing to do with it
- You're supposed to hate JXL because he claims Apple put malware in it
- You're supposed to like AVIF because it reduces bandwidth and electrical costs and Google will make more money
- You're a corporate bootlicker if you prefer JXL because it's faster, smaller and less resource demanding than AVIF
- You're supposed to like AVIF because every video will be re-encoded to AV1 with a BPP that is five times lower than the average BPP, computing power is free and people like to count pixels
- You're supposed to like AVIF because he claims JXL will never have hardware acceleration
- And you're mentally ill if you disagree to anything
What the fuck are you talking about? I don't see any pixilation in >>101568366 and that's at 0.2 BPP.
such a shit decade as well man
Kill yourself, Daiz
What am I supposed to be looking for exactly? If I didn't know any better you could convert that to a PNG and I would believe you if you said that was the source image.
Does Google pay you to shill or do you wish they'll notice you and pay you, Daiz?
see >>101574841
You sure like to see a lot and samefag, Daiz

I wonder who it could be that's always samefagging and posting "see these AVIF shill posts"

>Searching for posts that contain ‘see’ and with the username ‘pixdaiz’. 442 results found.

Shit man, you have this fag under a microscope. Have you doxed him yet so you can send him your love letters?
>tfw you forget to take off your tripcode and switch up your posting style but newfags are too dumb to notice anything so you double down on it

Accelerated Vraphics Interchange Format
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Hmmm I can see why you're so infatuated with him. That's pretty good for an av1 webm that can fit under the current 6MB file size limit. Do you have a link to more?

Not muted tho
All the tiny thumbnail preview vids are webm, have you guys never been on porn sites?
Yeah, y'all prolly not thinking about the tech behind it, I guess, heh.

Get exposed as a samefag

Get exposed for doubling down on samefagging because newfags are too retarded to notice anything

Double down on samefagging

Daiz moment
I'm serious, you know him pretty well. Does he have any other av1 webms?
This honestly. It's funny whenever I share a webm and people in a group chat inevitably start complaining it doesn't work for them.

It's frustrating however because the same is true for my boomer family, so I do need a quick and easy method to convert to MP4 on my phone
I'm serious, Daiz. Why haven't you called the cops on yourself? Because you can't rape kids and samefag on 4chan in prison?
...where did I ever mention storage or bandwidth costs? wtf?
most websites (such as xvideos) still use h264 for that
no idea why pornhub decided to go vp8 for preview vids when the rest of the site uses h264, makes very little sense to me
How you are supposed to use AV1 with mp4? With webm you can.
hypergay luddite cuckold board
take your meds, schizo
by... using it?
av1 is fully supported in mp4, even youtube serves av1 in an mp4 container, what are you talking about
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The US government does not have enough funding to change the current setup. In the mean time just host your own altchan and link to the thread with your files.

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