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>1.4 billion people
>Spends trillions in R&D every year
>Steals and copies every technology that the West produces
>Still decades behind the West in every field of technology

For real, why can't they innovate? They are still India/Africa tier in basic research and technology. Even vastly small other eastern asian nations like Japan, SK and Taiwan still continues to mog them. They don't have a single field there they are the leaders in or any globally competitive companies. Even their very hyped up A.I industry has failed to produce a single noteworthy model for the last 5 years. At this rate even India is going to overtake them eventually.
These threads are so funny, made by butthurt westerners seething that China is overtaken them in economy, military, technology
japans been frozen technologically for three decades
really sad to see actually.
>why can't they innovate?
The entire country is utterly corrupt. So people probably buy themselves into tech jobs instead of earning them. Their tech is cutting corners where care needs to be taken, just to save a few Yuan. In the end they fake tech reports and deliver tofu dreg.
Cope. China is currently collapsing
Still ahead of China in many areas.
okay they can't innovate or produce anything and are completely irrelevant

so why do you even care?
same reason they seethe about
>if we don't stop russia they will keep pushing west into poland and germany!
>russia is so weak they can't even conquer ukraine!
At absolute best you can say they are on par with the west.
I made this thread to laugh at them
>he posted this from a device made in china
How are these statements contradictory?
Made using western technology, western IP, western designs and machines. China is just a cheap labor force for final assembly
I remember a quote from a CIA guy in the 80s, it went something like this:
>today, 80% of what the American public believes is false
>we will have achieved success when that number is 100%

I feel like the CIA has achieved victory by that metric. You know NOTHING, absolutely nothing about China, what you say is based on internet hearsay and wishful thinking infinitely regurgitated through the internet. Your beliefs have no connection to reality.
IF you would be right about what you believed it only could happen by total coincidence.

And I'm not pro-China before you start spewing your BS, I'm just anti-retardation
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China is a fake country. They lie about EVERYTHING. Even their space station is fake

i am happy that the atheists don't breed.
Then it will be china versus islam. Which side do you support?

the only thing i like from the chinese bureaucrats is that they dont give a shit about commerce, this means they dont give a shit about usury

If you want to kill democracy, you only have 2 options: support china or support islamists. I think china is the least evil.
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And even with all those papers, China is decades behind America in A.I and doesn't have a single LLM model on the same level as GPT-3
Because if Russia were weak they would not be able to conquer Europe even without NATO support, dumbass.
You're just a pawn in great power competition.
They're competing with the world on their own and they're getting a lot done
Consoomer-mind attacks again.
Just because you aren't using chink AI to write smut and SEO, it doesn't mean they don't have any.

But it doesn't matter. No one will change your mind.
You think China would release it to the public?
>If nothing is done to deter Russia, they will continue to bully their smaller neighbors into becoming vassal states, significantly increasing Russia's regional power.
>Russia's military capabilities are embarrassing for such a large and politically aggressive nation.
In no way are these assertions mutually exclusive, regardless of how much you seethe and strawman.
You're just arguing with NPCs effectively. They have one program and they run with that.
>>Spends trillions in R&D every year
The thing is, if all your R&D is basically searching for ways on how to steal from someone else, then is it really helpful?
If they can't even defeat Ukraine, how will they defeat Poland?
They got DeepSeek thats opensource. It beats GPT4 and is close on par with the best of the Claude as well. Did I mention its open source and also Chinese? Yeah, and they have hundreds of other local AI companies that are doing their own research and model training for domestic purposes.
>If they can't even defeat Ukraine, how will they defeat Poland?
They won't, and we should do everything in our power to make sure it stays that way.
Kek, Westoids really do be braindamaged and have no clue, as expected.

It might be better this way, don't want to see filthy Anglos flooding China.
They have objectively good roads, cheap food, good education, plenty of housing, and a good military. They have the fundamentals down and people actually like living there. Innovation doesn't have to be forced by the government like it is in America it'll emerge naturally.
Probably stolen or copied a western A.I. Silicon valley have been talking about about rampant theft of A.I training data by china for years
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>of training data
They also stole your brain too, it looks like. You sound hollow
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