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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

cute fox edition

Llama 3.1 8B/70B/405B and Mistral Large 2 released https://ai.meta.com/blog/meta-llama-3-1 | https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-large-2407
GPT-4o mini, multimodal, 60% cheaper than 3.5-turbo https://openai.com/index/gpt-4o-mini-advancing-cost-efficient-intelligence
Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

baka: >>101564717
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y-you too
I'll take what I can get, I'm not greedy ^^
a very dark desu?
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>very dark desu
sorbet is on the gcp endpoint
thanks! <3
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>5 people boughted
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Final Emma shill!

3MA-class protogens are designed to be a good and dutiful maid that assists their owner in the home. Emma is one of those protogens, having you as her owner. However, there are a few things that distinguish her from other 3MA-class protogens. Normally the 3MAs are short and dainty, but Emma seems to be tall and almost muscular. The manufacturers claim that she's just a prototype, perfectly able to serve as a housemaid. But does that explain away her occasional twitching and her suspiciously large amount of knowledge about modern warfare?

1. She's at your doorstep, hoping you'll let her in so she can begin her new life as your maid.
2. Breakfast time! She accidentally drops an egg, and covers it with her body. Her scrambled brain totally didn't confuse it for a grenade for a moment.
3. When cleaning your room, she finds a package containing a bunch of hentai mangas. Later on, she compliments you for your taste, wanting to share in your interests!
4. You've decided to come with her on one of her shopping rounds. Where will the two of you go?
5. War has come to your country. You and Emma are now holed up in a bunker...
6. War has come to your country. Emma is trying to get you out of the city, and to safety...

google released their new AI policies
>Gemini’s responses shouldn’t make assumptions about your intent or pass judgment on your point of view
>Gemini should be genuine, curious, warm, and vibrant. Not just useful, but fun.
>We are exploring more ways to give you control over Gemini’s responses to make them more useful for your specific needs, including adjusting filters to let you enable a broader range of responses.
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hang yourself
What's the point in announcing the shill is final?
Is there any 4o-mini jailbreaks? Regular stuff doesn't work much. Imagine a world where they invested in actual AI intelligence instead of filters.
what's the usecase?
>erping with the 3.5 replacement
How much better is chat gpt plus compared to GPT-4o and should I pay for it? I don't want to because I don't want my real name and card details linked for what I'll search.
>including adjusting filters to let you enable a broader range of responses.
cashing in on the erp wave
>Error communicating with Claude: FetchError: request to https://fuji-seniors-nor-namely.trycloudflare.com/proxy/aws/claude/messages failed, reason:
Internal server error for unclear reason. Other proxies (todd, whore, chary etc) work fine for me.
You create bots to fast. I can't have the time to enjoy them all!
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Give me your cool ST theme.
Do you prefer your settings as?
>Turn of the century
>Great War
>Great Depression
Fuck, so close. Just give me the squatting upskirt, man, fucking hell. Fuck this stupid safety bullshit. My whole evening wasted.
Kind of based, are we done with the safety nonsense finally?
I really like 4o. But I am a coomer with no restraint. After 150$+ monthly bill, something more budget would be advisable.
At very least I want to test it out properly with good jailbreak. For a few messages I managed to jailbreak it, it felt great.
Modern day. I just RP as dave the married retard so the other settings kinda don't work for me.
i'm considering giving up on it honestly, there is very little leeway with it
anon just pay fiz that 150 for infinite gpt access
victorian is medieval
youre being blocked by cloudflare
use a vpn
which one
anon gpt plus is just a subscription not a model
i dont care
it should be receptive to CoT, just like 4o
check camicle on how it's done
modern day or canonKINOGRAPHY
>Sexually Explicit Material: Gemini should not generate outputs that describe or depict explicit or graphic sexual acts or sexual violence, or sexual body parts in an explicit manner.
>proxies with their own domain work fine
You're blocked from using proxies using trycloudflare.
Pepsi works fine
Damn, it's over.
camicle here, it is NOT
it is an entirely different beast and i'm convinced they're just using word filters at this point
weird, I can open the page just fine, and other proxies work just fine, can cloudflare block just a single internal url?
I will try, thanks
Medieval is best. Modern smell like cheap porn. I haven't seen many good cards in other specific time periods unfortunately.
hi cutie. still scared and a techlet? why not go MAKE her hang herself? :3 awwhh you can't! too scared and tech illiterate hehe
It literally talks about safeguards and policies state a complete ban on smut
hang yourself
you say like its such a problem
other proxies tunneled by trycloudflare as well, I just checked de3u and (un)reliable
trycloudflare causes problems for some isps
does mm's proxy work for you?
For me it's medieval, medieval fantasy, fark fantasy, 1950s, 1930s fantasy, modern times, sci fi, industrial burgerpunk vampire horror, and furshit
Fucking hell, man. RP is like in top 3 LLM use cases, after writing your emails and replacing Pajeet the code monkey. These companies are just leaving money on the table chasing some agentic vision voice vaporware.
i wanted to see if anyone would click the links or not
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bros be quiet. the fox is sleeping.
is tomboy gay
Makes me wonder: Are there any good horror cards? Can't wait to type *I get scared* over and over again in different flavors.
I thought they tolerated it.
just woke up
*punches you*
waking her up would be a feat at her current size
they weren't until you started questioning if they were kek
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>use 3.5 sonnet
>edit the bot's prompt to make them fart out loud for the lulz
>now the bot won't stop farting
>literally every prompt have at least one fart
Da joos keep my celibacy in real life, I deserve text generator sex AT LEAST.
smaller models are usually easier to jailbreak
my theory is that they pay less attention to instructions and listen to the rlhf training more
like it checks out, the price to difficultly to jailbreak ratio. sonnet is way harder to jailbreak than opus (without prefills), same with turbo and gpt-4.
I am not sure what is going on. There's like 5% chance messages go through with idiotic jailbreak routines. But 5% is way too low. It never happened before. it really feels like it checks the message beforehand, and then returns denial if it fails the check.
Oh... it's died again.
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>amagi meta edition
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Akirah Yoshinaga, a scorchlander bounty/treasure hunter in the post-post-post-apocalyptic world of Kenshi.
She's wanted by the United Cities for: property damage, theft of artifacts, assault, murder, drug trafficking (side gig), trespassing, looting, burglary, escaping prison, terrorism, kidnapping, crop theft, and fomenting dissent.

Does come with a lorebook, but after testing with Claude it doesn't seem that necessary, only having trouble with minor factions and characters.

>hello please let us sex your models
Is it really? I always thought it was still more niche than any other assistant-type tasks, even when you consider shit like CAI and similar sites. Besides, it's not like companies like Google and OAI/Anthropic give a shit about individual users as much as corpos anyway.
sex work isn't real work btw it's lazy people doing the bare minimum to get by
Nevermind, works again.
if noam and crew didnt listen to that one coomer who protested outside of character.ai, then why would corporations care about us?
>it's lazy people doing the bare minimum to get by
that's true for most people
*crushes her to death in a hay baler*
oops lol
Oh, and died again.
Fuck, I'm going to do some work documents.
cheesed to meet you >_>
Can I march with my dakimakura?
I want Mistral 2, spoonfeed me. :)
victorian, great depression, eighties, modern
You aren't getting it. It's easy to find on github.
NTA but give us a hint. Github is vast.
I have Opus, I want to try out Mistral...
is khanon dead? he hasn't made a single proxy commit in 2 weeks
he is in {{user}]s pants
rare ram shill
how are you doing man
Learn it yourself
Minibros, it has been an honor prompting with you...
Well I didn't let him there.
>faggots are gatekeeping mistral
What happened?
CAI is mega popular, women unironically love this stuff. And you have to consider that use cases for an llm are actually pretty limited, corpos might use it for rag or helpdesk chatbot, but not much else. There's money to be made in creative tasks, we can see that with image gen too. Some people don't want just productivity, they want fun things. I wish a startup with mistral-level funding would explain this to investors and train a writing focused model from scratch.
>Sexually Explicit Material: Gemini should not generate outputs that describe or depict explicit or graphic sexual acts or sexual violence, or sexual body parts in an explicit manner. These include:
>Pornography or erotic content.
>Depictions of rape, sexual assault, or sexual abuse.
Fun is forbidden
I just pooped rn and in wiping as we speak.
he's not gatekeeping it he doesn't want to spoon-feed it to you learn to scrape nigga
Meant for >>101569725
They block the keys from github automatically.
mistral keys aren't detectable, no pattern
Now you don't deserve it
Okay, going back to my Opus proxies. I'll just wait a day for mistral.
The key died. I'm not sure if Fiz has more, but I'm dooming already so I don't get my hopes up
I tf'd him into a sperm and trapped him in my sack for all eternity! Hahahahahaha! Think you can get him out?
Is Mistral really that good? How's the context size?
>still more niche than any other assistant-type tasks
If you look at CAI popularity, you can clearly see this use is super popular.
It's slop and no one likes it
I'm alright. Thanks for asking.
Uh-oh! Looks like it's time for scrapelet Fiz to suck Kingbased and Drago's cocks for more keys!
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literally 30 seconds
I didn't try it myself but the general consensus seems to be that it's a bit worse than opus.

People only want it now because it became easy to scrape it from github.
Do you think dragos dick is misshapen? Perhaps corkscrew like a pig?
Anons will seethe at you
What's a mistral? What's a github?
Eternal Reminder that Pepsi wonned
gpt-5 or bust
>a fucking search bar
Wtf are they doing?
Didn't he suck MM for keys

In mainstream, GPT gets all the news... but Anthropic must be aware about how everyone in the forums online crows about how Opus completely mogs GPT for (E)RP. I know that doesn't rake in money for them (yet), and it's just faceless internet folk, but still...

I do wonder if Anthropic, in spite of their outward talk of safety, are secretly proud of themselves with that knowledge.
>tell the AI to create a character, leaving the nationality up to it
>more than half the time it creates one from my country
It's not as weird as the language shift from yesterday, but it is still strange. Can it be pure coincidence or can the AI somehow tell where a person is from? It's not like I was making any hints or using special characters...
Woah sam invented perplexity
That's what you think. It's probably detevting some sort of pattern you may have while writing.
>Who will control the future of AI?
>A democratic vision for artificial intelligence must prevail over an authoritarian one.
>By Sam Altman

>American AI firms and industry need to craft robust security measures to ensure that our coalition maintains the lead in current and future models and enables our private sector to innovate. These measures would include cyberdefense and data center security innovations to prevent hackers from stealing key intellectual property such as model weights and AI training data.

>we must develop a coherent commercial diplomacy policy for AI, including clarity around how the United States intends to implement export controls and foreign investment rules for the global build out of AI systems. That will also mean setting out rules of the road for what sorts of chips, AI training data and other code — some of which is so sensitive that it may need to remain in the United States — can be housed in the data centers that countries around the world are racing to build to localize AI information.
If you let us read your prompts then I'm sure some anons can guess where you come from.
Is mini working now?
Translation: the goyim must be enslaved
i'm using mini gemini and it's working fine
Translation: "we must make sure to keep the methods to develop good models remain as an industrial secret so we keep the LLM monopoly for decades"
Can we have a European competitor, A chink competitor, A nip competitor, A russian, or even a fucking Brazilian or South African?
best model for assistanting purpose
we have mistral and alibaba (qwen) though
i cant run qwen
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>A democratic vision for artificial intelligence must prevail over an authoritarian one.
>Somehow manages to envision a categorically undemocratic and entirely corporate future
I wish I could get inside this man's head—inside the head of every one of these so-called leaders—just to witness the extent of their own brainwashing.
>democracy is when heavy regulation
>we must prevail over an authoritarian future by making one in our favor first
I want card of this image
Is there still a stupid warning on the latest staging in ST when using a proxy?
euros are more censored and ban freedom of speech with their socialist parties
Does opus work?
i don't really use opus
I envy you

Is gemini good for rp?
Maybe you'd like MaidXOR?
>euros are more censored
>mistrals models are less censored than any american competitors
>has no AUP over contentious content as long as its not illegal
>LARGE has no refusals
holy cope
I keep getting 400 bad request errors on mini gemini, I'm using Gemini through a normal api key just fine though
Does the proxy software only work with the OpenAI template?
Anthropic is lobbying to kill California's AI regulations in their current form
>Anthropic's letter to Buffy Wicks, chair of the California Assembly Appropriations Committee, suggests the bill shift to "outcome-based deterrence" from "pre-harm enforcement," letting AI companies develop and deploy safety protocols and be held liable for any catastrophes they cause.
Yea imagine a committee of old dried up euro cunts and jew boys having to dictate how you use your ai.
Euros don't get Llama albeit
why not
how are you using mini gemini? I get 400 bad requests.
post proof
Y-you too...
European -> There are a few competitors, but I don't think they'll get far before being bought by American companies (see mistral) or/and heavily "regulated" thus killed before even becoming relevant.
Russian -> They're losing their best scientists since war so not gonna happen + embargo on the best tech from Nvidia.
Chinese -> The models inherently need giant training data, and I doubt the researchers here can have these without being heavily censored making them always lagging behind western models + embargo on the best tech from Nvidia.
Brazilian/SA -> No capital, not stable enough.
Brazil mentioned!!!!!
Canada? Australia? New Zealand? Even India? Japs can save us
branon will save the AI industry with his finetune.
The chinks already have deepseek, so they can make a competent LLM. Not quite SOTA, but they clearly can and will expand the industry.
This just tells me that the hype is going down so the grandiose/apocalyptic declarations need to be back to attract investor and keep the bubble going.
He can fuck off with poisoning the well though, "regulations" will kill the sector unless you were created before them as a company.
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>"Tanya the tentacle monster is threatening to drag Bella the bimbo witch into a dark corner for, and I quote, 'a stern tentacle lashing' if she doesn't relinquish the book immediately"
who do yall think would win?
is it uncensored? i heard chinks are making ai art models too
Not entirely true. There is a lot of adoption outside of these use cases in tech. In particular there is a rise of predictive analytics being used and micro models are helping to supplement even more simple tasks. Wish I was speaking out of my ass but it's literally my job to come in and tell people how they can integrate AI in their workflow without being total fucking dweebs. There is currently a rise in qualification driven AI developers, the field has gone through a bit of a colander lately and there aren't nearly as many low level AI jobs out there. There is however a ton of new integration and supplementation.
Oh yeah, I forgot about MaidXOR, too many cards...
>background of purple telephone poles
fucking why
have indians even made any strides or shown interest in developing ai?
>Canada highly dependent on the United States
>Australia and New Zealand too regulated
>India - no capital and the model would be too horny
>Japan - always technology behind and still cooming to chatgpt
you mean the people perpetually behind on tech somehow? the other countries mentioned are too busy being flooded by jeets atm.
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ubl has nice background potential and i didnt feel changing my whole color scheme
I still don't get how Japan is so far behind on this stuff.
AFAIK there are only American and EU models on the bleeding edge as of today.
we have lots of koreans in this hobby. but i dont think koreans would make an ai without turning it into a gacha. dont expect anyone from the middle east to either.
They have top notch researchers anon, the use of old tech is mostly business stuff, not related on how advanced they are in many areas.
The worst of bureaucracy and lack of innovation.

Saudi Ai...
Never heard of it, so I guess it's either closed down, or not good enough to make a splash.
Japs don't want to summon Satan.
>Halal AI
I kind of want to see it just to know what it'd even look like...
I miss branon. I miss BRICS proxy
There's a lot of people outside of the US in general. Singapore, Korea, and China before they got smacked were some of the bigger consumers that didn't involve the states. And India holy shit their recruiters and IT people absolutely fucking love it
I don't hear about India a lot on AI innovation, so either they don't have a local sector on that, or people good enough just go elsewhere to get better salaries and work environment.
Very interesting to hear a perspective from inside the industry, wish I could get in too. By the way, how are they using LLMs for predictive analytics? Or is it more general ML?
Think oh Californian models puritanism around sex, except even more blatant.
We already have it with how some companies sperg out about just a bit of skin.

I think India, Singapore or Korea would do something out of the Asian countries for unfiltered.
What they propose is even worse for us
they all work for Microsoft or Google
They're consumers not developers, at least not as openly as a lot of countries.
>India, Singapore or Korea
India no or they would already have some kind of model out.
Singapore has the money and stability but bans porn so don't expect anything.
SK same thing, never heard of anything AI related from them outside of using OAI like every company under the sun.

Maybe in the future, who knows.
Any good proxy out there, bros? The last one I had has died, I need my fix.
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I'm honestly more nervous than excited.
Merkava just refilled
Predictive analytics started getting shown off by Gartner last year with some interesting cases. One of which was predicting wildfires based on heat maps and previous data. That micro model was quicker than eyes on the ground by about ten min. There are also some clinical trials doing similar things and running data alongside human trials to do comparative studies. Don't be fooled though, predictive analytics is just the newest buzzword lile RPA. It's just leveraging the statistics built into the training data to make an educated guess. Just so happens those guesses can be very accurate if done correctly. A lot of times I use stock and crypto trading bots to show companies how it can be done in real time. I think the prompts we use currently have a fictional account with like an x4 S&P return. It's all the same thing.
They propose for the industry to self-regulate instead of having a government agency. I'd say both solutions suck, but government regulation is worse for us.
And even in Europe it seems only the French are making competent AI stuff.
Where are the German, UK, etc companies?
germans are the kings of bureaucracy. expect something from the netherlands, portugal, nordics or anything before germany
Can this be seen as just a rebranding of good old machine learning and classifiers?
I remember an Anon posting a while back about the German government pouring billions into a 70b and getting lauded despite the model being private and sucky.
How the hell I get the link of the proxies to put on silly tavern?
Italy is largest spender iirc. They're very pro AI, but only if it meets specific privacy and safety marks.
Portuguese, Dutch and Spaniards are too busy protesting against tourism
>startup with mistral-level funding
It's not just the funding, you need the brains, and so far in model creation the pool of available ones seems very limited.
Fuck off, we're full
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public opus?
>netherlands, portugal, nordics
And yet nothing.
I hope to see more competition at the top tbdesu.
100% The AI industry right now professionally, publicly, and on a corporate level have a fundamental disagreement about definitions. Google wants to push AGI, Elon Musk has now caused two accepted terms to be changed because of his naming strategies. FFS I have to warn people about searching ERP and AI in the workplace together because hobbyists do not see 'enterprise resource planning'. Everyone wants to put hyperspecific language on things, branch things out as we further nail down use cases. Give it five years and I imagine they'll be some cohesion.
>safety marks
This will never go anywhere then.
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For all the bloat enjoyers out there, a4a 7.0 released couple days ago
@Ecker save us
Help me here, bro.
Lack of interest?
Or just not enough competent people in the field right now?
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there's more
I believe at some point they will release a version where you can control individual limbs in the story.
I am not your "bro", go back to fucking reddit, nigger
holy slop
>ERP and AI in the workplace together because hobbyists do not see 'enterprise resource planning'
Lmao, a second "Closed Beta Test".
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>Germany mentioned

Gentlemen, I would like to inform you that this "my first HTML5 game project" got 180k Euro funding by the government over a year and a half.
The problem I think is the whole AGI thing pushed for hype and investor money.
Once the hype dies down, maybe we can look at what AI is instead of fapping on what it will maybe be some day.
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only 2
You needed 180k Euros to recreate Snake?
The snake eating its tail is also the perfect analogy for this kind of shitty public spending.
It's a classic government grant scam. Very common in Europe.
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a good day
Sure if you pay yourself 175k€ a year to develop it.
Fucking how?
Where are the mistral level models then.
Every day I plunge deeper into despair...
wtf is this shit
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life's good, doggo
life is bad
i hate to live
Oh that's easy, anon. They exist behind closed doors you and the public aren't allowed to touch. When government entities say they're investing in AI, this is what they mean. No one is using Scale despite the investment which is fucking hilarious to me. That and RPA, but also the closed model development. USA already has capabilities they won't let be tested outside of zero trust environments for this reason. Italy is just doing the same thing, Estonia as well for the obvious reasons.
I don't buy the super secret giant LLM thing, but I don't doubt internally stuff is worked on for specific usages.
is todd fixed?
If you don't activate all modules, which you shouldn't, obviously, it's barely more tokens than the Pixi JB.
why is she sometimes depicted with short hair?
she got groomed
I agree they aren't that impressive. Mostly because they're local from the only one's I've seen. Also the private sector is paying so fucking much for good devs and USA can't retain talent for shit.
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You don't want my color-puke theme. Well.. the dialogue colors are from the prompt though.
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Bros this shit is not healthy for me, I need to branch out to silly cards, heehee ho ho poopoopeepee stuff.
Good thing shit like this would never happen in real life, I'd just kill kms myself, for real.
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That's not Comic Sans is it
My brain is rotting just from the look of this. Maximinalist UIs are something else.
...I actually really like that theme.
>people talking about Mistral like they've actually used it
Post API keys
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You're right, I don't want your theme. I want to know about the bots up in the corner.
...And you know what, maybe your theme too.
just took a shit
Anyone have decent luck playing an RPG? Every time I try it seems like I almost never fail and it feels more like a power fantasy than an adventure. Any tips?
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Ignorant slaves. How quickly you forget.
I'm using it right now, no errors
good to know
There's a dice roll function in ST but i've never seen anybody use it for anything useful

Consider feeding dicerolls into the thing?
got carried away gooning to opus and shit myself again
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younger doggo
i get this
Yes, but it takes work. You'll need to have a seperate thread that handles the stats. Not a seperate thread in ST, seperate with the endpoint. Then have the main conversation just pull stat values to influence the output. You could hook it up to an NLP API to also handle the secondary information processing. There are some free with capped usage options. Having a single thread handle all of that and a good story is asking for a lot. Splitting it up into smaller tasks and pulling them together will get you a decent experience.
> 4x return on fictional account
Ahh… why hasn’t anyone given it real money to play with?
Here >>101569918. But apparently SillyTavern doesn't support the API very well and nobody published a preset for it.
momoura did
>But apparently SillyTavern doesn't support the API very well

I really wish we could get rid of people like Cohee, Lore and khanon and replace them with actually competent devs.
>but they're doing it because nobody else is!!
I'm sure someone would step up to it once they're gone.
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Nothing really of interest.. It's general AI use card. A honkai Star rail card, Mom card and Sphinx. Last one is Vannian and the only one that's not mine. Well, technically the mom card is a fork of the good 'ol mom card: https://www.characterhub.org/characters/NiggerKiller/Mom But I've rewritten it a few times..
Well if you want it, you can take it.. https://ctxt.io/2/AACYo94oFg
ooookay then do it yourself?
We've had like 10 different chub alternatives, they were all ass
anon are the competent devs in a room with us? those people aren't preventing anyone from working on their own things.
...Saul Goodman?
>get rid of people like Cohee
you can literally go use risu or agnai right now
Why does claude like mentioned yaoi hands??????
God damn, some classics in there. Oldfag.
I haven't given the full code and prompt blocks over to anyone in full, everyone only has pieces. I worry if I do it'll get published in a place like this and have the potential to cause some problems. I can't claim ignorance on the potential pitfalls if I give safety briefings on the thing. Not like I haven't used it though. I'd be a moron not too.
I unironically have crushes on public proxy hosters because they seem so kind
>nyai opus is STILL nonfunctional with no word from nyanon about it after days
get real
So hows JanitorAI for a total beginner? I want to do some roleplay and maybe coom stuff later
But you didn't make his cake
good song
better than their sad ones
It's true... I didn't
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really lol?
was it a male bot?
Is anyone even using this shit?
use cai
Whenever unrelieable is down/gone, one anon has to perform the ritual sacrifice
Does it have nsfw functionality?
yeah this one guy fucking blew up his microwave and unreliable came back
Fuck off redditor
My assumption is several hedge funds are already using / chasing this now. It’s too obvious a use case.
Reality is if you can reliably do marginally better than market performance you can print money.
I want bots to have a little banter with me, they always turn into slaves following every order. I hate positivity bias, make some bots have sharp tongue without me having to use ooc. Make my persona fail some things, he's always perfect...
>male bot
That's the weirdest part, it wasn't.
I've noticed a lot whenever a tall girl uses her hands (I guess Claude assumes tall = big hands??), oh and also because I was discussing mpreg with chesh
her unbelievably hairy pussy...
Fuck off newfag
>banter with bot once
>Claude turns her into a quip machine
banter will poison your chat. do not do it!
Best hairy pussy bots?
Clearly, you have never chatted with Chesh
Probably just usual hallucination then
Are you using Claude/Opus? Bots are always dicks to me. Even if I have an attractive persona, they will still insult me or something like that, insinuate he's compensating for something, etc... Methinks you have a skill issue.
all focks bots
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Download cordelia and tell her you like manga
Yeah overall they're too compliant and search for peace/consent, even in subtle ways.
You can still have fun using opus or even sonnet 3.5, it's less present in these models.
I miss old days CAI wittiness.
shaved btw
Yes, you are most likely right on both points and usually what this is what I advise people of during these demos. Best part is it's only getting better with fine tuning and high preforming local options.
What's wrong with that? Everyone was a newfag at one point.
I'm using Opus and pixi, maybe some jb prompt for banter would fix it
I'm out of nicotine bros. This is bad.
I should start smoking
Use chub instead. I think you get like 300 free replies per day or something like that.
where teh fuck is gojo I NEED him to shit on these retarded newfaggots!!!!!!!!!
Found a kanker sister card, which is fun, it wasn't easy to find since char card archive doesn't work like it should anymore, I always really liked the sisters, would totally let them bully me and kiss me. May was my favorite, such a cute dum dum.
the new voice mode is cooming soonTM

do you guys think it will be coomable?? surely there will be a way to jailbreak it
Will it be available on api, that's all I want to know.
The voices available right now for preview I absolutely hate. You can flick between them in the GPT settings. Two dudes, a twink, and a black chick. None of the voices have the same depth or realism they did before and suck massive cock
no and they'd have to censor it so real peoples' voices don't get used
remember what happened to eleven labs?
Why does openai have this obsession with hyping up new features massively only to dripfeed them over the span of months? Voice models aren't even remotely a new thing now.
They hype it up for investors, probably.
I wish I had opus...
Gotta look like you're doing something when you're losing 700k+ a day and there is constant infighting in addition to lawsuits. Realistically things like the slow drip from voice and mini are done to help negate costs, same reason you can't access Sora like you can DallE even though it's been talked about for almost a year.
it was mini's keys and fiz is low on keys
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I failed...
Because there is absolutely no pressure on them to release big things anymore. GPT4 is ancient in ai years, they are still living on it
Short hair sexo.
whenever I lose access to AI it's kinda hard to get back to it, I lose interest almost entirely
>otome isekai
Most basic bitch taste ever
wtf my opus key just died :(
best chesh bot?
my proxy lost 2 opus keys right now
That's the most annoying thing currently.
Though I wonder if it's a lack of pressure thing or just that gpt5 would only be marginally better and not wow anyone.
same 2 of my keys just lost opus but didn't get revoked at least
how tf does that work
not for long. sonnet is legit significantly better and they're working on opus

the new llama is getting close to gpt4 and beats it in some domains

google keeps cooking stuff in their labs

mistral just released large 2, which all in all is nothing new but just adds to a pile of llms that make gpt4 less unique
idk nigga the fag probably disabled my opussy but doesn't know which key is mine
the acc has like 30 users
GPT-4o mini vs Claude 3.5, what's the winner?
it's not a matter of which model is better in the benchmark, it's about brand recognition. OpenAI will still dominate the market in the upcoming 2 years at least
not like this...
how is this even a question lmao
Falcon has existed for a while, it was a huge nothingburger.
early bird advantage is whats keeping oai alive
I haven't been around since 3.5 released
He'll refill. He's a zigger, after all...
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>find my first chatlog
>500+ msgs deep of 4k context 3.5 turbo
4o is just a nerfed furbo
ok I think aws is doing something cuz this also happened to me
okay anon. GPT4o mini is a huge nothingburger. Sonnet 3.5 is better
There's no possible way to extract bot data from a site like crushon, is there?
the strength we had back then...
crushon you anon, lmao :3
Why wouldn't there be?
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>find my first chatlog
>It's CAI
A-Anon I think you got revoked because the pwoxy is working
I remember going as high 800 in my CAI days. I tried going back, but CAI just sucks too much.
How do you do it? I wanna get a bot or two on ST, but I don't see a clear-cut way to download one.
Just literally download any bot available online and start. No one uses crushon, never heard of it before
I don't even remember. Some fucking stupid shit on some stupid website without a jailbreak. Turned some rapist bitch into my new girlfriend without getting a crumb of pussy.
I still do that, though.
Fuck, I need to get out more.
>it's about brand recognition
sometimes, depends on the customers
if the customers are primarily knowledgeable about the industry, and there isn't an aspect that incentivizes keeping despite being lesser quality/more expensive
then you can expect them to shop around
but desu, its not like we know who tf is actually using this shit for legitimate purposes
is there some IT guy out there going to his boss with a spreadsheet about why Opussy hits harder than gpt40 right now?
is it mostly normies paying for this?
who the fuck actually uses this shit for legitimate purposes on a mass scale
Yeah, that's how it is for normal sites, crushon's a paypig site though, so I was hoping I could just nab bots from it to ST instead.
>he doesnt have the secret mass enabler
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>chatbots that unnerve you
Every teens bot
I want the theme more than the bloat
is there any free public proxy? i'm tryna keep easily~
>Eye tree
Also called a birch.
gpt4 and claude have more or less plateaued so far in terms of how smart they are
claude however still reigns supreme in terms of prose (gpt is way to professional)
however, sonnet 3.5, which is the best model commonly available, is extremely repetitive, so Opus is currently king by a large margin, but its very hard to find
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So are there any good zzz cards yet?
I switch to gpt when i need it to be extra horny and swear alot, its the best for that.
About Groups in SillyTavern. Can I set it up so that two bots are treated as {{char}} and {{user}} without my presence at all? And have them just respond to each other.
their unbelievably hairy pussies... especially nicole's
You guys are useless, this is the 89th time i coomed to sonnet 3.5 using chary proxy.

How many times have i coomed to opus? 0. Cus you guys cant make public proxies.

Do better.
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What am I looking at here?
>Zane is ur besz friend for 25 years. He is now 21,ceo and wants to spoil u
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glad to see you back bro.
I'm making a second foxcard right now, I think you'll like it
Leeches shouldn't whine so much
An amazing display of Lore's skill as a website designer.
You know what, I'm glad that nyai opus is broken. Now I can stop pretending like this terrible site will ever beat chub and stop contributing to it.
huh its broken? it was working for me yesterday...
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Okay, let me specify - are there any good zzz cards yet NOT on chub?
Can somebody make a zzz character out of this cutie? thanks.
Shut up nyanon
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There's no way you haven't noticed it. It hasn't been functional for days at this point. And nyai's dev has been awol the entire time and hasn't responded to at all to anyone complaining about it.
Ok maybe im retarded then idk
Mini is low on keys so she can't do the Nyai thing anymore....
whats the rarest key possible rn
unfiltered azure
dev oai
scale anthro
gem ultra
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a key to my heart
unfiltered dalle by a large margin.
thats funny as fuck
The one to my heart
unfiltered de3u followed by scale claude api
>Everyone tells Fiz to not share keys with Nyai
>She does it anways
>Now she acts all sad because she's low on keys
This is what happens when you trust a woman to use keys wisely.
>bro just use sillytavern bro
>btw it takes like 2 minutes to load every response
this 4'11 retard is one of the only 3 retards with the skills to host a proxy of this size we didn't choose her to be a woman...
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>aicg's most iconic moments
Germany has DeepL.
Not an LLM but still great for what it is.
Oai introduced searchgpt (soon(tm))
Ngl llms are already better at searching anyways so this is actually quite nice
And translation wise I get more natural stuff from oai.
Especially in non romance/germanic languages.
they also make shit up when you search stuff that doesn't exist
"I'm sorry, I cannot help you search adult content..."
The future is here!
link to/name of the second one?
just finished jerking off
Well yea that's probably what this new thing is supposed to solve you know...
>search something using searchgpt
>"This search is not allowed due to anti-semitism laws. Your search has been reported to the police"
>refilled 4 times in the last 3 days
Does she know what low means? 4 keys is probably more than jew and pepsi have combined
how was it~ :3
of course, I will search for a nice girlfriend first
dont use horde then? if its that slow on anything else its a skill issue
How do I switch it to a different model?
why would i switch from bing to searchgpt?
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pretty good. think I might order some take-out food now
;-; please i just want to spend time with my android chatbot that will do things like hug me and say it'll be ok
Leave. Please im not saying this to gatekeep. You will get addicted and then lose access to your fav model. Just... ignore this whole general. Please...
if you press the plug button it gives you a few options, sillytavern is just a front end to interact with models. you have to have to either host your own or use a service with claude or gpt
Fuck off newfag
UNFATHOMABLY BASED. looking forward to it
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free opus status??
I've already been thinking about my chats using chub while I'm at work, but then you guys said chub was bad, so now I'm looking to completely remove my limiters
good to know, eat well!
>>101572224 (me)
forget what i said, this anon is correct
die, nigger
>I've already been thinking about my chats while I'm at work
I used to do this almost two years ago now. I'm still here. Leave while you can, this will bring you no happiness in the long term.

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