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>not windows
> windows
stopped reading after that
it was poopos not mint, disregard that I suck cocks
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Why won't they fix this?
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imagine fiddling around in the console just to fix the mouse pointer
doesnt that shit have a virus
>still outdated
i mean there was only one word left to read
i just downloaded mint last week , fuck
>give Flatpak permissions to system files
Any chance one could just symlink system files to where Flatpak wants to find them?
Seems like a more elegant solution to me.

Also, that issue exists, but it's entirely cosmetic, I have everything at default, the cursor changes from a thick black triangle to a thinner black triangle, I don't care.
I wouldn't have known, I stopped reading
You can upgrade in a few days if you don't want to reinstall.
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But I like KDE though...
Wilma dick fit in yo mouth, lil bitch?
it's called a terminal.
>smartest KDE user
*Oh wait, that doesn't work, I forgot.
I set up flatpak Steam for someone, and symlinked the Steam folder to another drive, and I had to set permission to access that drive as well.
It still appears that Cinnamon is the same old disgusting flat soulless uninspired slop as always.
Btw I use Garuda. Do the neeful please and add much colors and lovely musics to Mint sir.
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I don't want colors, it just needs some depth.
kinda bulky but i love simple grey window borders with sharp corners
sudo apt install kde-plasma-desktop
I do :)
That's Windows 95/98 tier stuff, man, it's hipster. Mint is made to have the broadest possible appeal. Minimalism is the most beautiful and enduring style in history. Minimalist items from hundreds of years ago could fit into a modern home, while the stereotypical "antiques" look stupid and like a retirement home.

Jesus look at brutalism, lol, or Bauhaus buildings.
>Windows XP lookalike

Wake me up when they ditch GTK2/3 and actually decide to make something look modern and feature rich for once.
When is this superior product gracing the mintupdate software? It's still showing 21.3 rn.
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will downloading the .iso from the website include a botnet, like old times?
What features do you want?
It's not a terminal, it's a terminal emulator.
>install KDE on top of GTK-based desktop
uhh sounds like a bad idea
better stick with kubuntu
Better window tiling for once, Windows 11 has the best tiling of any OS there is, the drop in tiling feature at the top of the screen is incredibly useful, and I haven't seen any other Linux distro do the same.

File management is also trash on most Linux distros, Mint included.

Honestly, Mint is fine as it is, but the horribly outdated looks, Kernel, compositor and libraries, makes it a no-go for me, which is a shame because it is close to be good if the devs weren't so adamant on making their DE so repulsively old.
If a symlink was enough then it'd be piss easy to break out of the sandboxing
there's scripts on kwin that allow you to kinda imitate windows tiling. the most useful one, snap assist, was never ported forward, unfortunately.
A fork based off a fork. I want to like Mint, but I can’t get over the fact they still rely on Ubuntu for packages for their main releases.
Video games?
Don't care, still using Arch.
6.8 isn't old
you can use LMDE if you're too lazy to get stuff working on Debian
I am stil on leegma, should I upgrade?
something that happened over 8 years ago that they can't let go
It's ancient history
the problem with flatpak resizing cursors has been noticed by me since 2020.
>systemd shit
Enjoy your rootkits & STILL no games. (fucking why? switch to bsd if you want to be a chad nogamer with a kewl .sys... linux is just windows for fags.)
>STILL no games
I don't understand
No Wayland
If they allowed for something that bad to EVER happen, it's unsafe forever. I would guess that it's being shilled so much because some group has backdoored every mint user and they're talking about it on some hacker forum and shilling it here to get more victims. Like the unsecured remote desktops of the last decade but much worse.
i was gonna install mint yesterday but waited til wilma was released, havent used mint since they had kde, kinda sad they dont have a version. i mostly use my pc to browse, listen to music and game, should i go with cinnamon or xfce? i dont mind either, its been a while because ive been on w11/ arch kde so long i just want a "just works" comfy install now
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Sorry I don't support Palestine so they said I can't use it, I think I will be sticking to Arch and Hyprland
Wait until Linux implements that but it just leaves a bunch of dot files everywhere, not something I use tho
Clean installed it instead of waiting for upgrading to get rid of random shit
Pretty damn smooth
>does what he is told
in a year it will be
if Mint devs dedicated time to properly testing more recent drivers and kernels so people could use them without extra work, I'd feel more comfortable recommending it.
is there even a third party program for linux that does this?
>in a year it will be
This is the Ubuntu HWE kernel, it updates.
>changelog: some fixes, *muh security bullshit*, much more!
can modern operating systems stop updoooting like 20 times a month
im 98% sure xattrs can do it

for a gigantic image collection you're better off using some dedicated program
it updates once every 6 months
Systemd is one of the best pieces of software in Linux period.
Really? did they change that for this release? 21 was still on the original 22.04 kernel the whole time iirc
You won't have to worry about much since it's using HWE, not LTS anymore.
Installing a tkg kernel is also trivial, if you happen to upgrade your entire PC every single month.
As for drivers, For AMD just use kisaku, not sure how nvidia is handled. Though I've heard that it is really just as simple as using the driver installer to grab proprietary drivers.
Of course it's smooth it's Mint, legitimately the best desktop distro that's only avoided for hipster or crossdressing reasoning. Have you found anything new yet?
How about not naming it after someone's fucking grandmother

Fuck off Marge
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Those tags only work in JPGs, how are you tagging lossless, Anon?
>inb4 what's lossless
They made it the default for this release. On 21 you could still use the HWE kernel by clicking view > kernels on the updater, or by using the Edge ISO.
Not really, basically what that allows you to do is add multiple tags to any file and being able to do advanced tag search even outside of the file manager. You can search for files using multiple tags and excluding them using arguments and also use that on the start menu search and such. It's more advanced than what Dolphin has for instance which is frankly not any more useful than just looking up files by name.
However, it's really slow. It's unable to handle many files with different tags in the same folder without taking a while to load them. It is very likely the reason why it wasn't enabled by default on all files, and it only works with jpegs (don't know if there's other formats as well) unless you use this Metadata software which enables every filetype to use these attributes.
I did this on Windows and I regret it. It basically made so I can't reverse hash search my images on 4chan archives, because adding tags modifies the hash and removing them doesn't leave you with the original hash.
Font rendering. Previously I enabled subpixel rgb manually, but now it's set up like that by default. However I find ubuntu fonts to be a bit lighter.
I had to disable this flatpak verification shit that I don't care about.
And pipewire being installed by default is good of course.
And now there's no Kernel manager in sight. I don't know where the fuck it went.
yeah i think you're better off using something like hydrus, which is non-destructive by design.
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this pisses me off, about 2 months ago i did clean reinstall all my workshop computers from 20 to 21.3 because fresh NVMEs and it was the most buggy mint i have ever ran, Password protected zip files dont extract in nemo and my mac air has this wierd minutes long loop on shutdown. Still waiting for HDR support.

Mint devs you are getting Sloppy
I prefer not to rely on a third-party clusterfuck looking program, I just use the filename for tagging.
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Is it possible to set scroll length in Mint 22?
>password protected zip files
You might mean RAR files. They removed the unrar package by default because it had some security vulnerability, that's probably the cause. 22's version no longer has the vulnerability so you can safely install it, just do sudo apt install unrar
This has to be ironic, nobody is this retarded, right?
isnt KDE the only HDR compositor?
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how do I get such a beautiful UI without resorting to a tinkertranny OS/distro where nothing works
its not terminal emulator its GNU/Terminal EMulator
i miss this kind of color scheme as well. it worked in dark and lit environments.
Wasn't the issue actually in Ubuntu?
install peazip
Why would you install Mint in the first place if you want KDE. Installing KDE on a Mint install is retarded. Either go with Mint or go with a distro that already comes with KDE.
>Linux Mint hacked
>Debian backdoored by xz
>OpenSUSE backdoored by xz
>Arch backdoored by xz but happened to be safe
>Fedora repos hacked
>Ubuntu Russianized
Just use Windows.
>mint hacked
website was compromised in 2016, zero incidents since
>debian backdoored by xz
stable (what any normal human being should use) wasn't, only testing
>fedora repos hacked
>ubuntu russianized
an installer translation on some interim release had shitposting on it, big whoop
Not really, at least for now. There are some workarounds (imwheel etc), but it's not quite the same.
Yes in terminal. ChatGPT can tell you how.
>Touchpad and clit works out the box on thinkpad

Bye fedora
I have no intention of switching to mint but I will try it out since I've never used Cinnamon befo
Welcome to Mint. Once you """test""" Mint there's no turning back. I mean, what are you gonna do, use Gnome or a barely functional "spin"?
Use KDE?
its all debian...
debian with xfce?
i think he meant that fedora rawhide exposed users to xz, which is like saying that a beta test exposed users to a bug
sadly debian stable is very difficult to recommend to a new user, it lacks basic things that people who arent comfortable using the terminal will struggle with
Spins are barely maintained junk. Kubuntu is nice but feels heavy when I used it, and I had issues with the gesture support.

KDE Neon is probably good because it's actually the main "thing". Like Cinammon for Mint, where Fedora Cinnamon is absolutely garbage and comes installed with applications that don't even open and crash.
Debian lacks things people comfortable with terminal want also. You would need to program your own software just to fill the hole of features. 99% of distros are shitcans for desktop, Linux is a server OS really.
Into the trash it goes
>Spins are barely maintained junk
idk what you mean
>KDE Neon is probably good
I haven't tried it, but seeing it broke everyone's systems when it updated to 6.0 and seems to have no basic graphical utilities like a driver manager and no codec option during install, I'm less inclined to try it.
For example install Fedora Cinnamon spin. There are things that come preinstalled, including the package manager, that just instantly crashes. It's junk.
I read about a million years ago that a million years before that fedora's repo (or maybe just a mirror) was hacked. But I may be wrong. Do not believe what you read on the Internet.
Nah Mint's website was hacked years ago. They didn't update their version of PHP, if I recall. The iso was replaced with a hacked one and there were a few hundred downloads. The OS itself wasn't hacked, but the website was.
>I haven't tried it, but seeing it broke everyone's systems when it updated to 6.0 and seems to have no basic graphical utilities like a driver manager and no codec option during install, I'm less inclined to try it.
You forgot to add that full disk encryption has been broken in KDE Neon's installer for 6 months and continuing.
Mint needs to drop Cinnamon, Mate and Xfce and just use Plasma.
fuck off and install kubuntu
"distros" are mostly debian with a DE preinstalled. the point of a distros is to provide something that 'just werks' skipping debian bureaucracy to add requested features by default(like flatpaks, graphics drivers etc)
fedora is like the herpes of distros, everyone had and you realize you are better without
so that everyone's computer use like 50gb installer + 4gb of ram in idle?
>not using the MATE or XFCE versions
>50gb installer + 4gb of ram in idle
Does Debian have touchpad gestures as good as Mint? I installed Touchegg on other distros I was trying and it was never as good as Mint, which comes with a smooth volume up and down gesture (not just xdotool-ing to a volume key that goes up in big increments).
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You can use any terminal program in a DE, but not the other way around, what are you talking about?

Apart from that, Debian literally is a server distro, the 2nd most popular known one, technically *the* most popular, since Ubuntu is a derivative:
Oh I thought you were talking about Ubuntu spins.
>A bunch of shit brown everywhere
I meant there are features you can't get by using a terminal, because it's software that I think might be Mint only (or Cinnamon only? Not sure).
Yeah, I'm retarded, I should've read the post preceding, I thought you meant to say Debian is a shit server OS.

I think we're on the same page, yeah, I could install Gentoo, but fuck that, I got other shit to worry about atm.
Probably, one day, I'll try LFS, but for now, I just need something that works and works and works and works, and doesn't look too different over time.
t. Terminal-only Debian on /hsg/, LMDE on desktops+laptops
Not distrohopping.
It's a command prompt
If you enjoy running a home server, you might want to research Fedora CoreOS. It's like Flatcar but maintained by a serious company. Depends on what you do with your server, but generally people will use docker or podman, and CoreOS is designed ground up for this.
I should check out containerization and virtualization, yeah, but Debian is pretty much a sealed deal for me for physical servers, or, put in other words, I'm firmly in the apt/dpkg camp.

I once tried out Manjaro once after installing Arch just to try out LibreWolf as it came into being and was initially only available on the extended AUR, and once almost went with Tumbleweed, but was then turned away by the EAR in their licensing terms.
Ever since, I've avoided any distro that isn't first and foremost community-driven.

For the noobs out there: Those are basically the big three, Arch, Debian and Fedora, 99% of distros in use are either these or derivatives thereof, including Ubuntu (Debian) and RHEL (Fedora).
*The 1% are things like Void, LFS, Slackware, nixOS, and maybe they are more like 5% IRL.
Fucking hell it was actually unrar.... thank you for actually solving my problem. Have a based day.

seem so but im not going back to kde, and there is some wayland and hyperland schism now

and now 22 has switched audio servers from pulse to pipewire too so who knows where this all going

i actually installed peazip when i found the bug, it werks but its clunky, id rather extract shit with a right clickmin nemo, thanks.

nigga i tried kubuntard almost 20 years ago, tried mint once and been on it for 15. Just werks

Talking bout hooping, has anyone Tried Devuan + Cinnamon ? whats was your experience like ? asking for a fren.
Nigga I don't care what you did, I'M not distrobooping
wilma? what the heck is wilma?
I have Nobara KDE that is nicer to use than current stable Pop OS, but once the Pop OS alpha comes out next month I might switch to Cosmic.

Not that interested in Cinnamon desu. Just looks like a less flexible KDE but if it's polished enough that's okay.
I never got the chance to ask this but what is the difference between Mint and Debian? I'm not intro distrohoping but I always wondered how different they actually are when it comes to features and usability
the mint distro is ubuntu base packages and cinnamon desktop, ubuntu distro is ubuntu base packages and unity desktop

debian isnt a distro as such it is a base of packages and Linux mint maintains LMDE (linux mint debian edition) just incase ubuntu goes full retard one day. LMDE is good but the user experience and installer isnt streamlined as mint but i think they should have gone the whole hog with a system Dless base and gone full Devuan.
thanks based anons
That's exactly why freetards hate it, idiot.
What's with all the niggas on this board lately?
I hate summer btw
>Just use Windows
LOL Windows 11 ships with code written by fucking Jia Tan
Mint was hacked, Ubuntu purposefully put adware into their shit.
Wilma... I need you...
is it just me or is it sluggish? compared to fedora on kde its struggles to run 1080p youtube, running an i7 thinkpat t480
are you sure you can't do that already? isn't this what Baloo (KDE) is for? Baloo is like 10+ years old...
Noice, gonna replace my Xubuntu. It's getting bloated so I need a fresh install
This. I guess they can keep Cinnamon if they want, but they should offer Plasma + Cinnamon.

No point in Mate and Xfce, really. They're not bad but just not "complete" enough for a beginner, and neither does Mint try to be a system for super low-spec computers.
>open source
Pick one. These programs are made by amateurs (also the reason they're shit).
>outdated shit
install CachyOS
You "guess" they can keep the superior DE? Plasma feels like sluggish cinammon to me. It's hard to distinguish between the two.

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