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Bing couldn't kill it
Google has been dead for like 2 years now.
Bing already does this THOUGHWITHSTANDING
This is actually what AI is going to be big for. Everyone thinkgs it's going to replace programmers or make entire movies or dumb shit like that.
What AI is actually good at is ingesting large amounts of information and presenting relevant pieces of it to users in an interactive way. I hope OpenAI isn't the one to do it, but AI is going to completely replace our current search engines
an openAI search engine will be even more neutered and shit than google's
would be cool to have a pure regex search engine like the old days but i guess you can't crawl anymore, cucked by cloudflare and all that shit
>What AI is actually good at is ingesting large amounts of information and presenting relevant pieces of it to users in an interactive way.
so... make entire interactive movies you say?
>llm with access to internet and a python interpreter
oh my god it's literally skynet
AI is not very creative. Yeah, it can create images, videos, and audio, but they are very soulless.
>local running around gpt4
>losing to 3.5 sonnet
>they announce, fucking search where only 10000 people can even use it, if they want to, every attempt at ai search has flopped
LMAO, its so over for this company (openai)
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>let me just searchGPT it
I'm still waiting on the real time voice chat update
>What AI is actually good at is ingesting large amounts of information and presenting relevant pieces of it to users in an interactive way
Uhhh... that's just Google's now decades-old search engine?
Yes. But it's better at it than google search is, it's more interactive. That's why I said it will replace google search.
It's unironically over for google. Even if it's shit it's still gonna be better than whatever the fuck google is doing right now.
How many watts per search, it's not replacing shit if it takes 100w to search for the title of a movie, if you scaled that up to Google levels it'll end up needing the power of china to replace Google search. This AI hype thing is fucking retarded we don't have enough power to replace everything with AI.
There's no way it's cost effective enough to stick around without some seriously deranged monetization scheme
that's Bing, but it didnt' last long, I was using it since day one and the results are just as bad as the regular search engine, just presented in a pretty way

if they can improve that, then it's ogre for google and bing
I think they discovered most people were using chatgpt for their regular online searches, so it's better to put it out there with ads like google to make some actual money and not just wait for people to pay for a subscription
You might be right about that, I haven't considered how they compare in terms of cost. But if the costs are similar I really do think that AI will replace google search.
The way it's going they need to build nuclear power stations next to data centers, meanwhile places can't keep the lights on. It's never fucking happening till you can run a full home assistant AI on a consumer GPU that uses a few hundred watts per hour, and even that will overload the grid.

This AI bubble and everybody buying into it is fucking retarded, I'm shorting Nvidia.
NPUs are already a thing, they're dropping the load to consumers as soon as possible
OpenAI is technologically bankrupt since its inception.
They weren't the ones to come up with GPT and despite years of being "AI leader" they still haven't come up with any other architecture than the overused GPT. It's already past the point of diminishing returns, why can't they focus on something new?
bing is a cluttered mess, there's just too much shit on the page at once, you don't know where to look
microsoft fails at design miserably
Everything I've read says it has to be fractions of a penny. Running some expensive model on every query won't ever beat that.
Copilot is extremely bad in bing, I don't expect searchGPT to be any better
Brave search has had this for months and it's actually useful unlike googles implementation and this one
kys shill
why would I use an information retrieval system made by people obsessed with the "ethics"(censorship/thought restriction) of their software?
chatgpt already lies and links to references that don’t contain the supposed information, and googles ai results thing was the joke of the day just a couple of weeks ago. which AI is actually good at this? writing a summary they can mostly manage, but for searching we had better tools in the 90s
>and it's actually useful
it's pretty terrible though
>it's not replacing shit if it takes 100w to search for the title of a movie
>few hundred watts per hour
Search engines are going to be worthless in a few years when 99% of the internet is ai generated clickbait
> join waitlist
is openai just constantly doing the two weeks meme? They are all hype everything interesting is being done by others while they promise so much and deliver next to fucking nothing.
expect it to be even worse than joogle, openai's "AI" shit is extremely pozzed.
>in a few years when 99% of the internet is ai generated clickbait
>in a few years
I don't see how sites are gonna accept that and allow openai's crawler. If you check the promo video, it directly answers the questions and doesn't even show links unless you click a specific icon or scroll to the bottom. The original publishers win nothing from this, so they'll just block the crawler. Or am I missing something?
I hope the nudi...shit stuff is suggesting we can search for porn
no one is paying a subscription for search
unless its a super huge platform with lawyers and the technical means consent is optional
Google are the best at the search game and they still need to cover the front page in sponsored content.

Not sure how chatgpt can make any money with ads, their queries are most likely a lot more expensive.
Your worthless codemonkey clickityclacking job will be gone and you will be replaced you filthy street shitting pajeet NIGGER
you niggers say that every time but there's still no good alternative to it
maybe it'll be searchgpt
This is retarded.
The appeal of using ChatGPT instead of Google was not having to manually sort through the information, creating a regular search engine where you still need to manually find what you're looking for isn't doing anything Google already is.

Microsoft tried to kill Google by using their massive marketshare of the PC business, and they failed.
>But what if SearchGPT is better than Google at being a search engine
I have no doubt it will be, if OpenAI isn't run by ants, they'll realize the key to obtaining marketshare would be to build a search engine which won't be manipulated by SEO and ads.

But, that already existed. Many times people have made new search engines, far, far superior to Google. But they always failed.
Because to make money with a search engine you need ads and combatting SEO is an endless losing battle by the search engine team against every business on the planet.

Google has the marketshare, OpenAI won't be able to break their hold before investors drop out and they have to abandon this search engine.
Nah, that won't work.
AI can help shorten the creation progress of a film or game or whatever by providing quickly accessible assets (though, that kinda already existed with stock images and open-market online assets.)

But AI is terrible with consistency and isn't very creative.
It could be used for cheap advertisements, but not films.
NVidia will fall the least when the AI bubble bursts, since NVidia actually sells a real product.
With OpenAI and all of the billions Apple, Google, Microsoft, and Meta have spent in AI development, they have never made 1$ back, since they haven't monetized it.
Really you can't monetize it, the cat's already out of the bag, people won't pay to create AI images or music, even if they do - it would have to be a small amount to sell.

The only way for AI not to collapse is if they actually achieve a real artificial intelligence, and we don't know if that's even possible, and we have no indication at all that LLMs are a way to reach it even if it were possible.
Frankly, for searching for academic matters, no search engine has beaten my college's library website.
Even if you're right that it's better, it would still be difficult for OpenAI. They'd have to make money from it through ads or something, deliver results very cheaply, deal with lawsuits, get a lot of people to change habits (despite Google being the default search engine on Android and iOS), etc.
This is like smart version of an appliance except for Google and it's gonna be shit just like all smart appliances.
more vaporware, just like sora and the voice interface.
NPU's are just weaker GPU's, originally it was created for mobile phone to save power because photos and facetime needs to be color corrected or some shit.
When you need to run a LLM or image generation, it's faster to use the APU's because processing graphics is not much different than processing AI work, it's just a bunch of matrix multiplications from what I understand.
You might think that asic's could massively increase AI performance, but in reality something like GROK is just storing everything in sram (the chips have L3 cache that's like 256mb large, the highest end AMD 3D V cache has like 100mb max, this memory is much much faster and LLM's are massively bottlenecked by bandwidth, but AI image generation and maybe video generation is massively compute bottlenecked, anyways so groq needs like 50 chips connected together to run a decent model and it isn't good for chat bots because it runs like 10x faster than you can read, it's cool if you need the speed for summarization or coding but that's like $50k of hardware, sram asic's aren't cheap).
Just to remind you NPU's are never going to be good for LLMs unless they are like 3gb large, because it's bandwidth bottleneck, my 4800 ddr5 ram sticks have like 60GB/s bandwidth, but my 1660 TI has 300GB/s, and running a L3 8B Q6 model uses 2TK/s on my 12100f runs at like 2-3tk/s with zero context, while my 6gb 1660 TI runs at like 6-10tk/s (I personally use colab T4 16gb which runs at like 20tk/s and prevents me from wanting to buy a better GPU since I need to buy a 3090 or 22gb 2080 TI for a decent upgrade over colab since vram is everything, also tempted to use vast.ai for renting).
The real problem with NPU's is that they aren't cuda, and I don't think they automatically work with the GPU, so most runtimes are probably going to select only the NPU or GPU (and it doesn't matter for LLM's because of the ram's memory bandwidth bottleneck, they would run the same speed, maybe one will use less battery).
don't care unless it works with piracy and helps me find large quantities of niche fetish pornography
>most searches are repetitive
>most searches are spread over a very shallow search set
openAI can just cache the queries trivially. sure there will be some autists generating truly unique and random searches but they can be detected and (depending on the monetisation philosophy at play) - selectively boosted to a premium query/throttled so bad that they give up.
I saw this coming when they acquired that vector database company.

Search + RAG is essentially Perplexity's entire business model. I like Perplexity and hope the best for them but OpenAI will probably eat them alive with this.
>when the AI bubble bursts
AI bubble isn't gonna burst for atleast 5 more years.
NVIDIA doesn't have enough capacity to fulfil demand rn - even big tech companies aren't getting enough GPUs.
What happens once hollywood/video games and other content production industries start in on the AI race? They will want GPUs too.
NVIDIA is the golden goose rn.
>Search LLM finds your niche porn
>instantly queries copyright LLM to see if you get to have access
>copyright LLM screams denial and additionally sends a cease and desist notice automatically to the free porn hosting website
it is going to get FUCKING GRIM for free tier gooners online.
I'm already running my queries with the new Llama 3.1 locally, it's not that resource intensive, and if I had a part of my system dedicated to it, it'd be even less noticeable, and this is just the start of it.

Video and image generation is different, but this topic is about search engines.
how I use Google today:
"<search text here> reddit"

I use chatGPT for everything else, so yeah, it might be over for Google search.

Now they we need a decent Youtube alternative
>it might be over for Google search.
it's been over for google search since the pandemic. anyone with a brain is using tiktok or other social media sites with built in LLM recommenders to find info on topics relevant to you.
>anyone with a brain is using tiktok
bro, Tiktok is literally digital drug that rots your brain

it's the main reason younger zoomers and gen alpha are retarded
Probably won't index academic papers
I only use llama 3 for fucked up porn scenarios (llama 3.1 has not been uncensored yet), like
L3-Stheno-Maid-Blackroot-Grand-HORROR-16B-GGUF, and it's fucking retarded.
I can't trust any models I have ever used that fits in 16gb of vram, they are all stupid and error prone. I use EdgeGPT for japanese translations, and it works like a charm when it doesn't have include too much porn content or refuses and suggests bing translate.
The superiority of 24gb / 48gb dual gpu / GPT AI's is huge.
>AI bubble isn't gonna burst for atleast 5 more years.
You are mad by believing investors will be that patient.
With the rate that the whole online space is realizing that AI is going to be a bubble, lay investors will pick up on this and demand to see if these tools have actually made any money or progress towards AGI.

Like, look, I'm not saying that this year or even next that investors pick up on the economic uselessness of LLMs, but it will happen far quickly than 5+ years.
I mean, how long did NFTs or 'the Metaverse' last?
Censorship will be even worst that Googles
I hope so. Imagine having to explain what search booleans are to this thing only for it to forget every time you close the window
i've been seeing coordinated words like this for like two months now
the source is from which, reddit or discord?
binary question
pagerank bros
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Googler here. Non-threat. Doesn't bring anything new and won't change people's habit to "Google it."

We didn't talk about ChatGPT, OpenAI, or SearchGPT at all today.
How long until bots overtake Reddit too and ruin internet search for everyone?
Google has been such shit, it's about time
Next, AI browser
Next, AI OS
Next, AI android waifu
Dont worry bro we have Redis cache




How fucked are Android users?
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Fuck off
The only browser I use
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I guess this is why chatgpt seems to be down

it's from 9gag xDDDDD
just because tiktok has brainrot on it doesn't mean the search also surfaces brainrot you retard.
>Food delivery apps are STILL burning money
>Hotel replacement apps are STILL burning money
>AI? nah everyone is gonna wise up
we are in the age of market capture and rich dudes demanding plebs be brought in line, once some company proves that an AI application has the potential to be the next google search/facebook investors will throw unlimited money at it to capture human attention.
LLM is the ultimate human trap too - you can find an infinite amount of interesting content coz the llm will literally form a feedback loop with you.
just look at tiktok and youtube - these are early examples of what a feedback loop can accomplish. kids literally are being generationally trained to only watch content that interests their retarded little minds instead of watching content that is interesting in itself.
skibidi toilet has dethroned star wars.
>some California faggot AI tells me what to think vs. some California faggot search company shows me what to think
New boss same as the old boss
"Searching for that is culturally insensitive. I can't let you do that."

This will literally never be a thing.
Will be crippled by DEI and ESG policies. Kys kikes.
Will it finally be AI search that is not shit like bing and that even worse google AI spam at the top of all pages now
How many Sora videos exist outside of their marketing materials?
it takes time to make gpt4 and dall-e censored, they don't want to make the same mistake they made previously which let people make use GPT4 for erp or Dall-E making characters in lingerie, because sora lets people upload custom images, which is WAY more powerful than text to video.
Unaware people on facebook are already going crazy for "Why don't pictures like this ever trend?" just imagine what type of crazy shit people can do with AI video.
But it's probably mostly a copyright issue, they probably will prevent people from making nintendo characters or copyrighted TV shows to avoid getting sued. I wouldn't be surprised if they did the same thing as runway gen 3 alpha which is to prevent people from using image to video and force people to use prompts (which are easy to censor).
lol I’ve seen the attempt. We are in no danger.
People think Google search is worse than ever because it returns normie site results. The blackest of black pills is: that’s because that’s the only content left on the internet..
it's getting to a point where I'm considering local trips to the library instead of searching anything on the internet
>in a few years 99% of all books published are ai generated
haha, it's so over
how do I summen sucubus
So they going to pívot in a few years
Honestly I only use Google for basic shit if I really want to look for something I use yandex
>implying implications
Have you seen the current state of Google image search?
It only returns shit AI articles
I don't know how expensive it is to run 4o-mini at scale from a wholesale perspective but the cost of running a "good enough" model is trending down, and id imagine the point of this thing is to run in a more efficient way through prompting tricks too e.g. some caching of results for identical searches or identical subtrees of searches (e.g. an agent that reports to the main search agent on the objective content of a page likely doesn't need to be re-run on an unchanged page even if your main agent is tailored per-user and per-search). or just actually bothering to optimise the token count of preambles (from looking at the chatgpt sysprompts this clearly hasn't been a priority in the past, but maybe if they plan on scaling all the way up to a search engine...? especially as there shouldn't be as many multi-turn chats so the sysprompt is a higher % of the context). either way this is inevitable and desu unfortunate. net is gonna be filled with AI-generated shite and the only way to sift through will be an AI, probably that's only a slight exaggeration
Thoughbeit, thoughwithstanding, etc is from the sharty
nta but can you expand on this? I've never installed tiktok and probably never will due to privacy but I'm interested in you apparently hijacking its search power for personal benefit, I know there's more on there than twerking zoomers and cat videos with AI voiceovers but it really finds you useful results for what kind of stuff? news, diy, learning, Wikipedia type content? all of the above?
>search hitler did nothing wrong
>copilot says, "It might be time to move onto a new topic."
>search google
>get results
I think search engines have some time left
One of them has the decency to tell you are now the latest addition to a certain list, the other hasn't
>Microsoft has decency.
Since when?
There are two in strawberry. There are also three r characters in strawberry. Someone never read his Jurassic Park.
If a post is signed with any of those it means you can ignore it entirely. I've never seen a good post have them.
Gemini already does this, though?
Embrace the future
I bet it won't allow you to search pirated stuff.
>oh please, give us even more data, please please please
good search needs indexes and up-to-date data.
Every relevant website is using anti-bot shit nowadays. So, there is zero percent chance of this ever succeeding.
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>search for something
>Sorry dave, i can't do that for you because the content you're searching for is banned/censored/fake news by fact checkers
it does not hitherto althoughbeit
I use Google Search about half as much these days.
Google censors stuff too, its just less strict
Perplexity can survive if Claude APIs provide more features/value
They have been trying to diversify from the start but they have not grown enough to handle all these with a small team
What do you use for the other half?
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If you thought Google search was getting bad because of paid search result placements, AI search will be astronomically worse. We already know that people are being mislead by AI because ChatGPT/Gemini are trained on reddit troll posts and AI-generated garbage how-to articles. Just wait until AI starts curating what is and isn't objective, factual information because of direct donor pressure. BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street, and other big capital holdings companies will be the sole arbiters of "truthful" information by proxy, throwing around money to promote their fake truths over all other information.
not him but i switched to duckduckgo as my browser default search engine.
google results simply dont get me anywhere when i really need to do a "proper" search
You know DDG gets results from Bing?
perplexity already does this and doesn't require an account
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>Chatgpt, show me the best loli porn. Thanks.
>Spend billions of dollars and burn billions of fossils to create an inaccurate version of Encyclopedia books, i.e. A to Z.

Holy fucking shit I hate techbros and stakeholder capitalism and silicon valley juice.
>implying its not gonna be aligned as fuck
Ya no. Wait till the EU shits all over this and says a big no and fines the fuck out of it
kek the EU just won't get it
does anyone has this meme with that timw traveller who warned us about openai restricting access to public information?
Also China.
It's from basedjak dot party thoughwhilst
Can't wait for this to be announced as "a few weeks away", then more than 2 months later still not have access
Or maybe it'll be like Sora, and never see a fucking release
Or maybe it'll be like memory and not be available without a US VPN

Yeah, it's really over for Google, isn't it? (it is, but not for this reason)

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