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/g/ - Technology

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What does your phone homescreen look like?
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Imagine a blank picture.
I do not own a cellphone.
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take a guess
CIA datamine thread do not reply
Nice try US sponsored 3 letter organizations
Datamining thread
Too much shit to blur out
Watch Stella no Mahou
delete discord
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The glowies don't care about a bunch of phone screens with apps from the play store.
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Some flowers I took a picture of.
This because I'm not a child or a coomer
I love Gotou Mariko. I hate icons.
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bump, I'm also curious what your apps are
I wish they were real. Pic related is my favorite
Why do anons still use google chrome and not cromite or some other less shitty chromium like brave?
I don't think there's a better way to out yourself as on the spectrum than by using a 4G enabled dumbphone in 2024.
A photo of my boyfriend with Apple Music, Brave, Telegram, and YouTube ReVanced on the dock. S24 Ultra.
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idk how you people can have so few apps on your homescreen
anime website
go back
Tranime lover is a redditor. Many such cases
Then why did your thread get deleted, tranny?>>101573073
anime website
anime website
Not an argument
I hate to agree with the troon but it is an anime website and you're in the wrong place if you don't like it
anime website
>tranime thread where the troons constantly kept screaming "tranime website!!" removed
>xeir only defense is to keep screaming it
I accept your concessions

anime website
Are you having a mental breakdown?
anime website
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>Connection error.
>Connection error.
>Connection error.
>Connection error.
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No icons needed
I'm really liking this launcher and it is open source aka free software. Kvaestsu or something like that, just search F-Droid for launchers.
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pretty basic
why do newfags always call out anime, do they not know what website they're on or are they just convinced that 4chan is the site where you act like a contrarian? I legitimately never understood it and I'm not even a very big anime fan at all, since most of it's just slop to begin with.
show us fag
gib wallpaper
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Data mining thread btw.
>Minecraft on home screen
alrighty then

None of these are home screens retards

Also Jesus Christ why does everyone have an anime wallpaper? Are you guys not worried about people looking over your shoulder?

When I was in high school I had some very lowkey wallpaper of the Akatski clouds but not a full anime woman

Not everyone is an insecure faggot like you.
30 terabytes
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I used to care when I as in school, but now I'm not a faggot and put whatever picture I think looks nice as my wallpaper.
>word salad
alrighty then
I love these threads! :3
Was waiting for your next degenerate cunny pape post. I always see you here :3

Post moar

Kavaesitso is really great, my fav for sure. Only thing I don't like is not having the option to scroll up to open app drawer. It sucks having apps on the right... makes no sense.
I don't have an anime wallpaper
they look like adults to me though?
They are drawn like adults, but are underaged anime characters. Regardless, I was talking about what's usually posted, no this pape in specific
pape pls
in my country dumb phones are used by inmates and neurotics.
>"Not a homesceen"
Did you even bother to notice the apps list retard >>101574194

Maybe if you had some comprehension skills you'd notice that is my homescreen. And you wonder why you would always get your school tests handed back to you face down.
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Nothing to write home about
Based Pinocchio-P.
>Google Photos
>Google Translate
>Google Maps
>Samsung Browser

Bros I thought /g/ was based, what the fuck is that?
>>101578120 (Me)
My homescreen.
Nah dont give them much thought. These angry noobs are just petty because they probably dont have other hobbies.
Unlucky, but you got 1 wrong mf.
That is NOT Samshit Browser
extremely based
too bad there isn't a non-chinkshit browser this good
It is a picture of my dog. There are no apps or other icons present. There is a search bar at the bottom that queries for installed applications. If pressed singly it will display a list of applications. That is all. I will not share my dog's photo.
I never changed the homescreen on any of my phones
Based Cave Story enjoyer.
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it's a photo of my gf. best wallpaper Ive ever had
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Go back
>Go back
no u
pls no
Stock iOS.
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Imagine a family member or some other random normie sees that and they ask what it is and now you have to desperately think of an explanation that doesn't paint you as a degenerate anime gooner.

>My home screen
OS default
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Yeah, 100% agree with you.
Soul Browser is similar but already tries to include some paying festures and bloat.
Via js perfect, only problem is I have no idea what's the chink's intentions kek
As if there's non-stock iOS available ahahahahahahahhah
fucking chastified by the company you're giving money to
It's YouTube ReVanced, but I keep it stock looking.
very comfy, what launcher is this?
Normal people don't have a conniption over a man having a pinup in his digital locker. They don't know the word "gooner" and, if they know what anime is, don't have the psychotic views about it that you do. If you started ranting about that shit to normies you would get "care checked"
New word learned. Anime was mentioned once at Bible Study and we all agreed that it was degenerate.
sad bible study, too many Christian normies fall into the satanic panic meme. There's nothing wrong with anime, a young man with healthy testosterone should like cute girls and giant robots. It's only a problem when the anime is coomerbait or for girls/small children (like every mahou shoujo anime ever.)
I just finished it, cute series
Given how obsessed you fags are with loli shit, I'd say my views are right on the money.
I barely give a shit, I'm just having a laugh over the idea of you having to explain why your wallpaper is a sexually provocative drawing of a seemingly underage girl.
If their pape is a lust provoking anime girl, you have every right to judge them. But the problem isn't the "anime", it's just the "lust provocative girl"...

Like anon >>101582695 said, there's nothing INNATELY wrong with anime.

If your pape is coomerbait, I'll judge you. Regardless of it being anime, IRL or cartoon. Idc.

So go fuck yourself and your Christian group fags for claiming everyone that likes anime is a degenerate. Incredible how a religion that tries so hard to appeal for inclusion literally judges and leads a stereotypical approach to teens that like a certain type of media, instead of judging the individual himself.

gtfo of 4chan and go get your ass cucked by your so called "virgin" wife that you for so long preserved your vcard for

>2smol brain can't read past 2 senteces if no subway surfers on bottom of screen playing
Don't know what you're talking about, you're getting confused with another guy

>Lust provoking anime girls
That's what this thread is about anon... maybe you should download some IQ if you can't see that.
I was explicitly making fun of goonbait in my first comment, I don't know how you got sidetracked so hard.
Please send pape.

Same, gonna make my house/office look like this.
please don't invoke my post to shit on Christianity, if he responded to me I would have made a Christian argument.
Anyway, wallpapers are bloat. Everytime I set one I just get rid of it later. Default X11 grey or a picture of a pet/relative are optimal.
Artist iz gishiki
>anime wallpapers
You're supposed to have a small widget of your favorite anime girl on your homescreen, what happened to class and decorum?
that's the spirit
Here's my homescreen.
I like this one because you can just ignore everything else and focus on the subjects of the wallpaper which is the focus of these threads. I will not set a wallpaper.
How's Krita on Android working out for you?
Too many icons. How often do you directly click on the dialer? The settings? And even the gallery?
A nigga @s the wrong person and y'all have a mental breakdown. Yeah, I meant this guy >>101582601 ... Fucking brainlet

Didn't ask with enough education. I thought you'd know this by now, the more educatedly you ask someone to not do something online, the more likely they are NOT to do it, right?
And you're retarded if you're actually calling wallpapers bloat. It's visually pleasing and nice to look at unless you're a fag caveman with no sense of aesthetics
Kek, what a clown.
>sees big txt
>can't comprehend half of it (no family guy playing in the background)
>the little he understands have no possible comeback
>gets worried he looks retarded
>tries to type something while shaking and in clear discomfort
>pretends he's finding it funny
"Kek, what a clown."
Calm down schizo.
>nigga @s
uhh, newfag-kun
You forgot to talk about the touching grass activity!!! Loooooooool

Not new here, been here probably longer than total amount of years uve spent looking at your monitor all alone with your parents clearly full of your parasite life

Talk less and posts papes. You are contributing nothing to the thread.
Just try to avoid posting anything illegal while you're browsing through your lolis wallpaper folder eh!
can you post subway suefers? Next
kill yourself
Which one if ulyou said this?
Identify uorselfs faggot!
I am new to this thread
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Been using this for quite a while,
I need a new wallpaper
Ok, are you this guy? > >>101584829
If you are, I'm not mad for you telling me to kms (even tho I'm a bit disappointed jeje) but I'd recommend for you to scroll up and read from the first few messages so yiu get a clue of what's happening here.
I hate drama and shit laike tjat but you can clearly tell these guys (maybe it's just one (1) idk .. I'm nkt a jannie lol) are teying to portray me as schizophrenic, which i am not.
They are stupid faggots also, keep that in mind

Now if yiu are not the new guy here I'd recommend yiu get mentally hospitallized because you might have serious sexual dysfunction issues and you're clearly projecting on this thread. Please don't try to respond furthur (unless you'd comd out and say whcih one of yiu told me to kms) as it would fill the boars with gibberish.

Sorry for typing for too long, I just had tk let it out there, would feel good with myself or any of you faggies jf i didn't share my sentiments.
>They are stupid faggots also, keep that in mind
I believe you
good bost :DDDDD
What's a boost? (I'm not the schizophrenic guy btw (nit staying he's schizophrenic either(not defending cus I'm him, I'm not)))
the duality of /g/
I feel bad for triggering an episode for schizo-anon. I was just saying my normie friends actually do know what anime is and they all think it's cringe.
>look maa! i replied to everyone! now what?
kys cretin.
/g/reetings fellow kvaeitso users
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I forgot to put this in my first reply, but you can change the way to get to the app launcher.
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idk y i have all his stuff saved as nadegata. maybe it was his old name
Yeah but there's no "swipe up" gesture for app drawer.
So you end up not being able to have drawer below mainscreen
I just stopped replying at one point because I couldn't even figure out what he was mad about.
Thank you for somehow having empathy for a rando online, that you thought was having a schizo episode.
He probably wasn't tho so dw about it :)
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sup ick bubble nerds
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I love ryza
Pape please?
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