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I have discovered the model
for the Arch Linux logo
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Arch btw.
You're late
He uses opensuse though.
I like his videos.
I detest his videos, most boring slop out there. His entire life seems to revolve around the system he runs. Which, let's be honest, is pathetic.
I didn't give you permission to post my picture, please take it down.
Is he the only Lintuber that reviews distros by actually daily driving them instead of reading patch notes and checking out wallpapers on a VM?
boogie? is that you?
>His entire life seems to revolve around the system he runs. Which, let's be honest, is pathetic.
>Most likely he has autism
It's over for him.
isn't he dating a tranny?
please do not spread rumors about this alpha chad
First video I watched he warned me himself that he was a retard so I stopped watching
I started programming in high school, and as I was more and more interested in "how computers work", I naturally started to tinker with Linux. After a little distro hopping, I wanted to dive more into the inner workings of a Linux distribution and Arch was the distro of choice. I fell in love with the rolling release, the always up-to-date packages, the wiki, and the AUR, among others. I now run Arch not only on my main laptop, but on my experimentation machines as well. I tried to go further, explored Gentoo and LFS, but I sticked with Arch as the distro allowing me to best tailor my computers to my needs while being fast and simple (who doesn't hate compilation times?).

With the time I familiarized myself with the AUR, adopted a package I was using that was orphaned, and started submitting my own packages. I ended using a lot of little-used packages from the AUR, such as pentesting tools (for Capture The Flags) and fancy stuff related to my PhD. Most of these packages were orphaned or had bugs, and I started the habit of regularly looking for abandoned packages that I was using and picking them up on the AUR.

A few times, I stumbled on outdated packages in the extra repo (ruby-iostruct and LLVM are the ones I remember), and I thought that if my beloved Arch was sometimes not up-to-date, maybe I could help and make Arch a little better. That's why I'm sending this mail today! Alongside packaging, I helped on other topics around Arch, such as becoming a package tester or improving a few articles in the wiki.

Alongside Arch, I'm involved in OSS in general, contributing to various projects I use. All can be found on my GitHub and GitLab profiles, but big projects I have contributed to are LLVM, GitLab and YunoHost. When I'm not coding something or maintaining my homelab, I'm running or reading to clear my head.
10 posts before the t-word.
It's an improvement.
i swear i remember watching a video of his where he talks about "her" and was trying to brag about "women, you know my fellow human male?" to his quest he had on
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Arch is the most normalfag Linux flavor you fucking retard
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Tbe OP must be a fed
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Oh look a crypto fed promoting Arch by tying it to Chinese cartoons and wojaks

I believe there is a word for it

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Last I checked, he became an OpenSUSEfag.

For whatever fucking reason, tons of people watch that kind of slop, too. In fact, I would say that the majority of popular Linux-related youtube channels almost exclusively center around pandering to serial distrohoppers. Like, I don't get how people can tolerate Distrotube either--who the fuck gets excited to watch an Ubuntu installation for the billionth time?

I respect the grift, though. Must be nice to get paid for such low-effort content.
Pretty easy to understand, lot's of people trying linux, almost all of them go back to windows/mac. So while there's lots of audience for the former there's barely anything for the latter.
why they so cute tho
I hate seeing this fat fucking retard show up in my feed constantly. Sometimes I forget and see an interesting titled video, and then I see his fat fucking face and click off instantly.
Not being a shitter btw.
Just because he's fat, that's my only reasoning. Is this reasoning poor? Absolutely, but seeing a fat guy in his room with his camera pointed at an awkward angle just turns me off.

If that's you reading this, perhaps change the camera angle a little bit.
That's a weird reason to hate someone anon.
Arch sisters. Why won't they leave us alone? I just want to delete pacnew files in peace
I love video games but it seems like these guys suddenly got viewers when Proton happened. It's just the most nontent shit imaginable.
Lunduke is actually watchable, high effort and not about to troon out any time soon.
Most people aren't power users. A lot of people just want to rice their desktops and be comfy when editing configs. Linux normies exist just like they do for windows.
distro hoppers aren't normies, THOUGH
Same except I did watch his videos. It's extremely boring and it's just this fat retard rambling about his opinions on the new Linux topic of the day. It's the most low effort, shit-tier Linux YouTube slop you can make. Also this >>101571648
Arch grills
>no fursuit
>no molested plushies
>no childhood trauma
clearly doesn't daily drive it
He is Arch hater and SUSE corpo cuck. Pick another target.
The second video keeps on getting recommended to me for whatever reason and I hate it so fucking bad. Tried to press not interested, another normalfag video about arch showed up and so on. Now I just nailed an RSS feed on the youtubers that I watch and whenever a link comes on I just MPV into it

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