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Home edition

previous: >>101520926

READ THE WIKI! & help by contributing:

>NAS Case Guide. Feel free to add to it:

/hsg/ is about learning and expanding your horizons. Know all about NAS? Learn virtualization. Spun up some VMs? Learn about networking by standing up a OPNsense/PFsense box and configuring some VLANs. There's always more to learn and chances to grow. Think you’re god-tier already? Setup OpenStack and report back.

>What software should I run?
Install Gentoo. Or whatever flavor of *nix is best for the job or most comfy for you. Jellyfin/Emby/Plex to replace Netflix, Nextcloud to replace Googlel, Ampache/Navidrome to replace Spotify, the list goes on. Look at the awesome self-hosted list and ask.

>Why should I have a home server?
De-botnet your life. Learn something new. Serving applications to yourself, your family, and your frens feels good. Put your tech skills to good use for yourself and those close to you. Store their data with proper availability redundancy and backups and serve it back to them with a /comfy/ easy to use interface.

>Links & resources
Cool stuff to host: https://gitlab.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted
RouterOS's: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Home_server#Custom
List of ARM-based SBCs: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PGaVu0sPBEy5GgLM8N-CvHB2FESdlfBOdQKqLziJLhQ
Low-power x86 systems: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LHvT2fRp7I6Hf18LcSzsNnjp10VI-odvwZpQZKv_NCI
Cheap disks: https://shucks.top/ https://diskprices.com/
Some info about PCIE: https://files.catbox.moe/id6o0n.pdf
>i226-V desktop NICs are not suitable for servers
>For more SATA ports, use PCIe SAS HBAs in IT mode

RAID protects you from DOWNTIME
BACKUPS protect you from DATA LOSS
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>guys really live in apartments like this and don't see any issue
What's the issue?
Post your racks

Nice rack bro
hot, noisy, dusty, literal housefire, also imagine having a systemd process literally inches from your brain... fuck that
NTA but I sleep next to a laptop running XMRig autostarted through systemD in the winter
Get one of those metal/alluminum stands too so it takes some heat off and run it docked with the lid closed
what hard drive brand is best
in order: toshiba, wd, seagate

but if you care about reliability, don't depend on a single drive
i read the reviews for the toshibas people saying they are extremely loud. but i suppose i can stick them in some closet
What do you do if you want a home server but you live in your car?

Portable ssd?
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Is there a begining to end guide on setting up Matrix? When I wqs trying to do this a few months ago they only covered the setup of matrix itself and I had no idea what to do for the domain side of things.
In a high vibration environment (running while in motion, or on top of a truck with a generator right next to it), SSD's are just one part of the puzzle. Spinning disks aren't that reliable, especially when you have to consider potholes and other obstacles.
Apart from SSD's, there are two major aspects that are different in a stationary home environment. Power, and connectivity.
Since you are limited in space and already have a source of power (12V), there is no need to go for Alternating Current. This means you can skip the inverter, and just power the NUC/tiny device from the local electrical system.
While this may limit the type of devices you can use, those tiny machines are obviously the best option available. Unless you're dealing with a mobile data center full of racks.
And then there's the connectivity/networking aspect. The power part is still relevant. If you're not using an inverter for the "servers", there's no point in getting one for just the networking gear. An "industrial" 4G router for external connectivity, another "industrial" switch to connect the device(s), all powered by a local battery, and wired with Ethernet (no point to rely on Wi-Fi if you need to run cables anyway), should result in a similar environment as a typical stationary home server.
It's a bit more complex due to the electrical work, but having a home server in a vehicle is definitely doable.
you have more important things to do with your time/money than buy toys if you're living in your car
it feels like hsg missed the boat to capitalize on local AI infrastructure, no dumpster setup can run small models like phi3 at reasonable speeds
A power supply that runs of 12v dc and 4 extra diesel truck battery's wired in series for a UPS . You'd still probably need something with a power footprint under 10W
i need more microminis
Am might do dual watercooled 3090's. Though I feel like by the time I get arround to it they may be too out dated. I have one in my main pc atm that I'm upgrading at the end of the year is why I was thinking of doing it.
are you sleeping with anc headphones
I read that's as micropenis
I'm about to buy this same setup, but with a 7543 instead. I'm building an AI rig that'll also be used as an automated backup server, self hosting my own APIs to use on my other machines, self hosting various apps, daemons, etc. Also, emulate ps3/switch to couch coop with wife on 4k.

So far this is what I have in mind
2x 3090, 2x p40 (on risers)
H12ssl-I w/ epyc 7543
2666mhz ecc 16*8 ram
Lexar NM790 2TB M.2 SSD
Seagate IronWolf 4TB HDD
Noctua NH-U14S TR4-SP3 cpu fan
Dunno what case+psu to choose, it's actually cheaper to do dual 850w psu in parallel rather than a single 1650 but I don't know if they will all fit. I'm looking into a tower case. Any advice? Would a 4U be quieter? It has to be in the living room so I want it to be reasonably quiet when idle. I haven't built a server before but I've worked with one hands on cuz of my previous job.
Are you in the Netherlands? Looks very much like a Dutch house. What's the electricity cost per month?
I want to do ai as well, but I'm unsure what to do for gpu's. I've got the bottom slot where I can hang a card off the bottom, but other than that everything needs to be single slot. I was thinking of rtx a4000, but 16GB isn't much vram for ai. I don't really want to be spending much more than that on ai gpu's.
how many of you have actually read thru the wiki?
If you want redundant psus, you will want one of the chassis from Supermicro. Note that redundant means one psu could turn off and it would still power the system, not that you're relying on both to provide enough juice.
Also I hope you understand this doesn't need to be in your living room just so you can play some games off of it.
saw wendell talking about this in his new 100gb nic video, looks crazy, anyone try it yet?
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I don't know but it looks super cool. It also reminds me that I need to get around to optimizing my zpools, capping my arc, and maybe installing a metadata device.
I'm also a little more educated on why I'm miles away from being able to maximize the capabilities of a kioxia ssd.
Stolen solar panel & a thin client
I said in parallel, not redundant.

And it has to be in the living room because the only other real option is on the balcony.
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>Dunno what case+psu to choose
i reckon one of those mining 4U cases would be nice
Anyone use bcachefs yet? Let's say you're running a server which you don't care that much about, is it a good btrfs drop-in replacement?
hey /hsg/
I'm gonna do DDNS. do you have a domain registrar that you particularly like? I've used namecheap in the past and it's treated me well
Is this MD raid underneath or something different?
Ya I use namecheap and Ddclient and have never had an issue in 2 years
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How does this look?
I'm planning on building a new NAS. I'll get another 24 bay hotswap case with SAS backplanes.
Not included here is the case, 3 LSI SAS cards, and a 10GBe card.
To start with I'll get 8 of the new 24TB seagate drives. I think this time I'll run them as z1 + z1 with mergerfs on top of them. My last server had 20 4TB drives split into two 10 disk z2 vdevs, and I feel like I shot myself in the foot with that configuration. I want something more easily expandable.
I live on a boat and barely have enough solar to keep my one AMD rig up.
cool, I think that might be my setup as well. thanks
the seagate x-whatever drives are loud enough that I can hear them two floors down
>AMD rig
there's your issue
I know, I'm thinking about getting a smaller ARM/Celleron machine and then sshing to shore for the AMD machine.
How do you live on a boat?
It's like living in a house except the weather wakes you up and leaving is a complicated adventure.
Very carefully.
Opensense or pfsense? Enterprise FW's are not an option for me. Using a protecli 6 port 2.5gbps model hardware.
opn at this point
>6 port 2.5gbps
what nics are those m8?
How about not running retarded non-free software on things you own?
no shit it's loud with those tiny fans having to move enough air, anything from 2U and up can easily stay quiet in normal indoor temperatures
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If I'm only using my server for hosting media for smart TVs, what are the advantages of OMV over simply installing Jellyfin onto any ol' Linux flavor? From my reading, even if I installed OMV, I'd still be installing a Jellyfin server on top and using Jellyfin clients on my smart TVs. What's the point of OMV, then?
That will sound like a jet engine no matter what you do.
Two risers for the 3090s would give you plenty of clearence for other cards. Only thing is, you gotta find a big enough case (maybe dual chamber or box shaped) that has two nice spots for vertically mounted brackets. What's your budget, usecase and locale?
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>Would a 4U be quieter?
Compared to what?
>It has to be in the living room so I want it to be reasonably quiet when idle.
It should barely make any noise when idle, except for the HDD, not much you can do about that. Something like >>101578746 should be fine for noise as long as you don't have those pointless shitty tiny exhaust fans. Better yet, get a case with the biggest intake fans possible (more airflow, less high pitched noise). For bonus points, take the GPU fans/shrouds off.
Thank you.

Protecli website and the vault-6-port model.

What non-free retarded software would you suggest?
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I am looking to finally switch from a desktop tower case to something I can put in a rack. Thinking of just buying the Rosewill 4U server racks. I have 6 HDDs at the moment but I do plan to slowly upgrade to 16 HDDs. Problem is they don't have 16 Bays and max they sell is 15. Should I just buy two 9 bays, $140/ea and only have room to add 2 extra HDD if I ever want to OR buy the 15 bay one for $250 and when I need to have that last HDD slot I can buy another one and have 14 more bays for the far, far future? I don't really see myself having more than 16 HDDs but if it does happen I don't have to think about getting another case.
>Protecli website and the vault-6-port model.
they dont say which model it is
Have any of you ever used https://github.com/alist-org/alist
The issue is that his rack appears to have doors on it and you can't open them because of the bed. Yours is a much better setup.
This is literally all I want in life
>>101579787 (me)
Thinking about it some more - the seagate 24TB drives are ÂŁ410 each. I can get mystery meat 16TB drives for ÂŁ140 each on ebay.
For roughly the same price as 8 24TB drives, I can buy 24 of the 16TB drives.
It wouldn't even matter if they failed at a higher rate.
It's been a while since I looked into generic chassis like that, but there are other options out there if you don't mind buying used. Supermicro has some cases with ridiculous amounts of 3.5" bays and sometimes you'll get lucky and some decomissioned custom chassis will hit the market en masse. I feel like Backblaze was one provider that occasionally dumps their old hardware onto the market and they're designed first and foremost to hold a lot of 3.5" disks.

I guess another question is do you really need 16 drives? Or could you make do with a smaller amount of larger drives? If you're counting system drives, you might consider PCIe to M.2 adapters.
Why 16, specifically? Is it just autism?
You can get 12 in a 2U. Surely that's enough, right?
what's the best industrial sff case for a nas that you can get used on ebay, best meaning
- many 2.5/3.5" bays
- low power consumption
- by dell, fujitsu, lenovo, hp
You can set the motherboard to quiet
It should ramp down those fans and increase based on temperature.
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there are a bunch here

This is desktop class hardware, not server class hardware. Start over.
Where's your ECC memory, redundant power supplies, server class CPU, remote management (BMC), enterprise storage with consistent fsync performance that doesn't shit itself under load?

Nobody "builds" a DIY NAS if they need a NAS. Normal people buy a NAS appliance, or go hyperconverged with big name OEM servers.
Faulty hardware with desktop class i226-V NICs, broken EEE functionality that cannot be fixed in firmware, only disabled. Read the OP.
>i226-V desktop NICs are not suitable for servers
As for software, even then it's a no brainer to see that pfsense has enterprise support available and long-term support software releases available, while OPNsense does not.
16 because eight now I have a 2 post SAS HBA and I plan on adding another SAS HBA which adds another 8 SATA, hence 16.
Isn't 2U really loud? While I don't have it up 24/7 the noise will probably get loud when I use it.
Also I don't really know where to look for server chassis. A lot of stuff on ebay costs a lot more than Rosewill one.
A 1U-2U rackserver is still dimensionally SFF, although nobody calls it that.
>muh ecc
>muh redundancy
man, fuck off
I currentely have a case, a Fractal d7 xl. I want the sound dampening for the 14 hdd's that I'm going to have, but having all that gpu is going to be a thermal issue I imagine. It looks like it could work with one card hanging off the bottom slot, and then a riser to the vertical mount position, but the 3090 is really tall so I'm pretty sure it would interfere. I think I'll just stick to something smaller for the virtualisation and transcoding usecase. This is primarily a media server after all. If I want to mess arround with the larger llm's I can buld a new server.
How many HDDs can this case fit, max? I'm one of the people here looking to switch from a generic case to a 4U rack case. But maybe this is a better option.
So if you were to get a second HBA that lets you do a total of 16 drives, you'd be really annoyed if your case only lets you do 12 drives? Even if you don't necessarily need more than 12 drives?
18 if you're autistic, 16 if you're reasonable. It comes with brackets that allow you to mount 3.5" or 2.5" drives or pumps/reservoirs to fan mounts. Though in the back it fits 16. Two of those 16 are in conflict with the 2 5.25" bays though. It also doesn't come with all the drive trays. It just comes with 6 mounting locations in the box, plus those two universal brackets.
>you'd be really annoyed if your case only lets you do 12 drives
>Even if you don't necessarily need more than 12 drives?
at that exact moment I plug in a second HBA card? no I don't need 16 drives at that exact moment. but i do see myself growing my drives as i hoard more and more stuff off the internet. which is why im planning for 16 drives.
So why not get a 4U case that lets you do 24?
You can one day add a third HBA and not have any mismatch between ports and slots that you seem to be autistically obsessed with. The bigger fans in a 4U would also help keep the noise down.
I mean, sure if it's under $500CAD. But aren't 24 bays expensive? I'm not ready to drop $3000 on one yet.
what's a good base to throw opnsense onto to make my own router? would an hp prodesk be enough?
Which NIC is it? I have a few dual-port 100 gig NICs in my servers and a 100 gig switch
remember you want to have at least one bay left open so you can replace a drive without failing it out of the array first.
Why doesn't the dude show friendly names for most of the machines?

have I cocked the configuration? mikrotik hex s practically all of the stuff and runs the dns server alongside dhcp server

I wanna achieve something like unifi diagrams in the controller but I don't have the faintest idea where to start.

Grafana + Prometheus + something?
You mean you want to leave it with an unused hot spare... right? RIGHT?
Stupid question here. Can I use single disk vdevs in a single zpool without striping the data across them?
So that I can take advantage of a zil and zlog, but without striping anything.
maybe if it's spun down and not wearing out, but then it's more of a cold spare than a hot spare, isn't it? And even if drives don't fail then you might want to replace some with larger ones - in which case you want an empty bay so you maintain full redundancy while the replace is running.

Only if you use a single disk. You can add several disks to a pool as one-disk vdevs, but if you do that you essentially get a RAID0. ZFS will stripe data across every vdev in a pool and afaik there's no way to make it not do that.
The real reason marriage was invented - So guys would eventually move out of this micro-apartment into a house where they can hide racks in every room and move this rack to their "man cave" where they sleep when the wife has a headache
>"erm anon, what are all those things behind your bed?"
>"and whom do they serve?"
>ZFS will stripe data across every vdev in a pool and afaik there's no way to make it not do that.
I thought that might be the case.
My plan was something silly anyway
>single disk zfs on 24 drives (for compression and to take advantage of the ZIL and ARC)
>snapraid on top of that with 6 parity drives
>mergerfs over the lot of that

I don't so much care about the lack of the ability to expand zfs that easily. Or the read speeds gained from data being striped across all vdevs. The problem I have is that scrubs and resilvering take an absolute age, while also being the most risky time (since every drive is read constantly for 40+ hours). I'd rather only have the potential to lose a single drive of data instead of maybe having 3 failures cause a catastrophic data loss.
It doesn't necessarily stripe them (unless you tell it to), it's more like a span, unless something under the hood is treating it as striped. Adding vdevs doesn't rebalance, suggesting unless you threw them in there from the beginning, it's probably taking them and spanning them. You could have a mirrored vdev, a striped vdev, and a single disk vdev, and it would just put data wherever free space is available.
What do you use a rack for at home that can't be accomplished with regular PC hardware, aside from drive bays?
Looking cool on 4chan
you're right that it has no equivalent of btrfs's balance command, but it will smear data all over all vdevs in the pool that have significant free space.

>My plan was something silly anyway
yeah that does not at all strike me as a good idea. ZFS does redundancy well, especially if you don't care about expansion, so cut the whole snapraid thing out of the equation instead of using two dozen single-disk zpools.

at least for me it's more of a matter of keeping several machines organized in a nice space-saving manner. Also rack cases mostly have sane airflow setups, desktop cases these days mostly don't.
Yeah, that's more akin to spanning or sparse distribution. It doesn't perform like striping even if you use a trick to rebalance it. Learned that the hard way when I enlarged my pool.
I'm leaning towards this case after all for my build (the 2x 3090 2x p40). Wouldn't the bottom slot interfere with the psu though? How can I check whether these will fit?
>especially if you don't care about expansion
I probably worded that badly; I do care about expansion. And the possibility of increasing the size of the drives without having to do it to every one in the pool before I see the benefit. Though I'm not sure if that is still an issue with zfs, it was the last time I used it.

Plain zfs, with perhaps 3x 8 disk raidz2 vdevds, would definitely be a better choice for redundancy and speed. Still I could lose everything with three disk failures if they were in the wrong place. I could split them up into different zpools completely though - then I would only be risking one pool if 3 disks died.
With snapraid I wouldn't lose anything if 3 disks died. And the worst that could happen anyway is losing a single disk, after all the partity disks die (unlikely). The downsides are reads being slower, and parity being calculated on a schedule rather than in real time. And the lack of compression, though that would only be a minor gain for most files.
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Nope. It's very spacious inside.
What mobo is that?
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supermicro h12ssl-i
why is it so expensive?
>just worship a jew raised by a cuck, goy
I don't think I will, servers are cool though
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i got angel homu
Has a vga port
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Compared to what? The cpu's you can stick in it still go up to thousands of dollars.
>>101587564 I got old Homu.
hagnmu its over
yuck a retard
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just set up netflow
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Any advice on setting up an Apache Solr search engine on my home server?

I've got ~400gb of PDFs, Word cocuments, emails, etc, that I'd like to make searchable, Solr seems like the best option, but I'm completely unfamiliar with the area
I have no advice, but I can tell you that solr is fucking awful

t. someone who used it on petabyte-scale data
>also imagine having a systemd process literally inches from your brain...
You're a basement-dwelling spiteful mutant.
On second thoughts, I could get the benefits of both by splitting things up a bit.
Perhaps 4 disks in a mirror vdev. Anything I'm seeding would live there, along with more precious data.
Then the remaining 20 disks could be 16 + 4 parity with snapraid. With mergerfs on top of everything.
4 parity for only 16 disks seems a bit much
Personally i am just waiting a few years until things like
Actually work as they should
Does it? That's what snapraid recommends. And it's in line with my current setup of data striped across 2 10 disk raidz2 vdevs.
Whats your guy's DNS / webserver / routing situation?

i was a frontend develoepr for 12 years but i want to learn backend for next few months (too many steve jobs wanna-be ceos who think they are gods gift to design)

right now im using

PORK BUN - dns
CLOUD FLARE - just dns

Reverse Proxy - Caddy

WebServer - echo + go + htmx + etc

im not really attached to cloudflare or porkbun. not sure if theres better options. i had kinda had a lot of trouble adding new endpoints and stuff.

Should i move to traefik or FRP?

FRP seemed to have some cool features, and maybe i could remove cloudflare.

basically i was trying to make a fabric of 6-12 server boxes of anything from nvidia jetson or a raspberry pi, or a thinkpad with a broken screen.

Eventually i want to add like 1-2 cloud servers to practice horizontal scaling or adding flash-compute for like 24 hours to process batch jobs.

to accomplish this, i was gonna use a golang service on each machine, which orchestrates a bunch of VMs, containers and hardware bits like sensors, cameras, and my roomba. kinda like k8 but just for 10 servers instead of like 2000

like in the past, i used vercel, or stuff like FLY.io, heroku, digital ocean, even AWS/GCS and they all had this shit taken care of.

But i want to try to roll my own devops/architecture/setup. I dont mind if it takes a long time to learn, i just want to get really good at making changes, especially the ones that would be unfeasible on cloud systems like AWS.

like all the startups can use the cloud cause they dgaf and are spending other peoples money and they have to get traction in 6 months or fail basically.

but i dont really have any goal or deadline.

and i think there are certain things you can do with self-hosted that are like 20-30x cheaper if you do it all locally, rather than in the cloud.

like at my previous job, we had services that managed like 50pb of data every day, and i did the math and itwas like 30k to do self hosted, but we were spending WAY more on aws.
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I mean, if you feel 'safer' with 4 disks then just stay like that. With 20 disks and 3 parity you're still within 15-21 drives. But still, up to you.
>connect a wan port of ap router to a port in isp modem
>Set up a lan with dhcp, the router gets ip and dns from modem
>But when I connect a device to that network it cannot connect to the outside (internet) despite dhcp working and ip and dns being set correctly

It works when modem is connected to a lan port and then router acts as an extender by default but I want to lans
i asked a question
I have a proxmox device with a few VMs, some of which run several docker containers.

Should I ignore docker and just to full VM backups weekly? How often to you update your docker containers, apply VM OS patches, and update proxmox itself? How often do you do backups? Should I try to do docker-level backups or just ignore it for now? I'm just eager to get something setup for backups since it has been a while since I started and I have real data now.

Also, I have a separate, dedicated NAS, but it currently runs NextCloud on it. Should I not use my NAS to run services, since I have the separate proxmox device? Seems like a better idea to just use the NAS for backups.
I went with one of the Lenovo USFF devices for mine. I could throw in whatever NIC I wanted (you generally want intel based for opnsense, otherwise you'll have a driver obstacle on OS install), and I just wanted a small form factor in general since I was trying to shove the router, the main switch, and a UPS in a cabinet. I got a separate WAP as well.
i kinda want to put 9front on my network
righto /g/entoomen, give me your opinion please
system monitoring: what am I using? something that can proactively fix would be a bonus
I've been considering setting up k8 just as a learning experience
Anyone have experience/opinions on what way is the best to make a reproducible configuration?
Like terraform or some other stuff I can have in version control
fluentd -> logstash -> elasticsearch -> lucene -> kibana

also netdata
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>new to home server
>buy prebuilt NAS
>install drives, plug it in
it works fine but im a little disappointed in retrospect. building one probably would have been more fun
do you already back up the things on the NAS somewhere else, like the cloud or a secondary device?
Not yet. i'll probably end up doing that soon though
you're probably looking for something like Ansible?
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I really want to get some of those cheap blade servers you see everywhere but the fan noise and power consumption makes this a stupid idea...
Prometheus + Grafana is probably the de facto, most used/popular way to do this.
seconding ansible, managing a k8s cluster at my job with it, pretty painless, have a git repo with all ansible playbooks
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what are some approved /hsg/ core youtube channels?
not a blade

why do people call rack mount servers blades, is this some youtube guy thing?
you can get 28 in 2U if you have big people money and get a dell R7X0 xd2
>That will sound like a jet engine no matter what you do.
no way, all those fans are at least 80mm and you could swap them with regular silent fans
is there a downside to using cloudflare tunnels to expose your home services instead of raw dogging it?
i know they mitm your traffic but what if i don't care
Blade is just a generic term for any 1u/2u server as they are thin like a blade and only have CPU and RAM resources
I'll give it a go, thanks for the advice
Latency is an added issue on top of the mitm cuckoldry
i wonder if you could just put a fanless sff board in there and attach the backplane to it
use an angle grinder if you have to
found the dumbass

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