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Look at all the infighting and complaining happening in distros, gnome and wayland just to name a few. Is it really over?
/g/tards in general
Here's a serious response; money was found in linux, and that conflicts with nerds who genuinely find fun in learning
/g/ isn't an example of anything. It's just shitpost.
here's another wacky linus quote from 2005 that feels like it was written today
The Linux™ model of handling FOSS project is not sostenible, it will colapse.
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unironically? IBM/RedHat is poisoning the well, just check how many of those "community managers" on mastodon are openly commies and how they react when someone does not worship their ideology
No, not even close. Shit stir-ers are happiest when plebes repeat their shit.
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>community managers
you mean the creator of the kernel?
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like sure people fight because of code since the very beginning, but these filth are trying to make linux a leftist political movement little by little with hired clowns to bring "diversity" and slowly boil the frog. pic related

why you ommit obviously retarded chud who was annoying linus with "HURR DURR IS LINUX WOKE???" so that you can only show what its convinient?
Glowie infiltrators and Feminist entryists that paved the way for woke entryists.
M$ engineered the fall of GNU/Linux with Marxist trained woke infiltrators
It's over
I think M$ poisoned itself also with those and they are spreading it. Look how low quality their products have become.

FOSS could have a chance of reedeming itself if people wake up and care about what it is important and not DEI/ESG/Globohomo.
hello from poast
Ugh, another /pol/ branch thread.
>Pournelle's Iron Law of Bureaucracy states that in any bureaucratic organization there will be two kinds of people: those who work to further the actual goals of the organization, and those who work for the organization itself. Examples in education would be teachers who work and sacrifice to teach children, vs. union representative who work to protect any teacher including the most incompetent. The Iron Law states that in all cases, the second type of person will always gain control of the organization, and will always write the rules under which the organization functions.
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linux had too much to drink
>follow up
>Gnome seems to be developed by interface nazis
I didn't know this but it 100% reflects my IRL experience. Thanks!
Kek that quote is so timeless that if you posted it without a date I'd believe it was written yesterday.
I remember trying Gnome back then (I was 12 and had a hand-me-down portege running FVWM2) and thinking it was slow, terrible, ugly and never using it again.
Gnome was never good, people just keep getting used to how bad it is and then they find new ways to fuck their users over again.
>Linus Torvalds
>literal communist
is anybody going to tell him
I guess inflation and home ownership actually does matter with foss
FOSS does not work due to many reasons but mostly simple economic realities. Open source is a scam by big tech. It is time to try something new, because none of what we currently have is really working.
OP you realize that picrel applies to you?
There has always been infighting its just about productive infighting vs unproductive infighting. People were fighting about vim vs emacs back in the "good old days" and nobody viewed it as a problem.
>Unproductive infighting
The problem as I see it is one people are bringing their politics to FOSS and it has no place in a technical forum. These activist and job seekers lurk looking for successful projects so they can nag the maintainers into letting them write their Coc or readme with inclusive language. Which mostly is just being gender neutral and telling people not to be mean to transpeople. This is mostly harmless at first, but the problem starts to happen when they use this as an excuse to push out their political opponents.
>This maintainer isn't 100% approved by the LGBT mafia you have to remove him or else you are a biggot
This creates a schism and an unwinnable scenario. If you side with the mafia you'll remove that maintainer and open yourself up to more people being removed and permanently damage your projects reputation or you side against the mafia and lose all the lefties both maintainers and naggers. Personally its better to just kick them out, but it sucks because now things are political instead of technical. The other annoying thing is that most of these "activist" are just western pajeets who can't code, but want to get a job by contributing to a major FOSS project. The biggest problem with FOSS is it became a good metric for hiring people which just left to a bunch of grifters trying to game it.
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>everything i don't agree with is pol!!!111
there need to be more orgs like FUTA that give money to non-DEI 'cancelled' projects like hyprland and ladybird.
It's literally just glowies and Feminists, and then the successors to Feminists.
>moved on to project
>tech lead away on holiday
>see how fucking shit everything he’s built is
>redesign it to be better in every way
>tech lead comes back
>scraps everything I’ve done
>im now currently complaining about every single issue he brings up and how my design would’ve fixed it
I’m so tired
>Is it really over?
If you kick out all the woketards who only care about politics and agenda, then no, it won't be over, but as it is right now, it's on a complete decline, since actual talent is punished.
>actual talent
The problem with actual talent is that they are easily manipulated due to being socially retarded.

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