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dont care
ooga booga
Give it back, Runway AI.
boo hoo go gobble tim cocks cock more and maybe hell do something about it
>training a computer to be a corporate shill
Half of /g/ is out of a job
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i hope he sues and wins. these ai companies could have easily paid for license content and chose to steal from creators instead. complete degeneracy
>make video publicly available
>Someone from the public uses it
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Did he ask for permission to make reviews of other people's products (and make money with it)?
The funny thing is he probably did
>white man steals back
the worst thing about it is that the ones training it are tech workers. it's like they never learned one of the basic rules of this job: never train your own replacement.
not only that, they are really happy about it kek.
It's a shill youtube account getting money and review samples to shill products to normalfags
Is this real? Did Tyrone actually give it back?
when jamals vocal bike gets taken
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Wtf I thought they shot all those videos themselves. This is an outrage
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based, you shouldn't need permission to train on publicly viewable content.
oh no now they will shift delete the weights... right?
Companies send him stuff to review because he's one of the most popular channels on Youtube
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Whenever I hear some "news" about how a model was trained on content from X, Z and Y platforms without consent.
That's not how he started and you all know it. Besides reviewing free samples is how you know everything is fake and gay
>I think it's great
>no I didn't buy it I got it for free
Useless. No skin in the game.
>boo fucking hoo
If it's on the internet, it's free game.
>easily paid
They're probably trained on billions of videos. How many billions do you think they have to fork out? Training is expensive enough already.
markass brownass
Those 404 faggots are against us normal folks even using AI at all. why are you even giving those steins and bergs clicks? Idiots.
>How many billions do you think they have to fork out? Training is expensive enough already.
All of it.
If a company sues you, an individual, for copyright infringement, they'll sue you for more than $10 per infringement. It'll be more like $1000 per infringement.
These AI companies have decided the rules don't apply to them.
what permission negro
the videos are free to watch
Like wads of cash and free samples? Thanks Tim Apple!
You can have AI or you can have copyright, but it's foolish to pretend we can have both. AI companies basically take the collected product of all humanity and privatize them, abolishing copyright entirely would at least kneecap the profit motive for these companies while still allowing development to continue.
This nigger deserves it
Based. Death to AI slop
>putting shit on the net
>not begging for AI slop to steal your shit and turn it into bigger slop
if you can watch a youtube video and analyse the colours on screen then an algorithm can too. there is no reason to licence it.
>technology will one day make knowledge free and accessible to everyone!
>Someone makes a video inspired by videos created by other people
>AI makes a video inspired by content created by people
>Waah muh internet videos gravy train is under threat
You'd think as a 'tech journalist' he'd be happy to help advance technology.
>abolishing copyright entirely would at least kneecap the profit motive for these companies while still allowing development to continue.
the AI has now learned how to read spec sheets. its over.
No! Not the hecking rich tech niggerino!!!
He made his start stealing articles from tech websites and repackaging them in video format.
I can't wait libtards demanding to make learning illegal.
if i'm allowed to watch a video and learn from it, then so is my computer program
>without permission
Intellectual property doesn’t exist
Does that mean the AI is POC?
Based and true
corporations are people and ai are people. people consume and people produce. i don't see the problem.
Reproducing without consent. It's LITERALLY rape.
Training AI is not piracy
But it's funny how companies cry foul when it's their data being used
This issue has been solved, academically speaking. Training AI on copyrighted material is not even fair use. It's simply not relevant to copyright law because it does not violate any of its precepts. Courts will come around.
You dont ned permission to consume youtube videos retard
showing one's bits is a form of consent. you might even say they were asking for it.
AI companies don't claim copyright on the shit they generate at all. It's the user's.
every single AI company is scraping the shit out of everything on the internet, how is this new?
this and its a damn shame what they're able to do with it
>if you embed copyrighted material to statistical model, it's ok
nigger experiences being on the receiving side of the act of stealing
How do these idiots expect to train something so large without data? You put your shit online, and you no longer own it.
He wasn't actually deprived of anything so technically didnt get anything stolen

All his videos are edited and scripted by his handlers anyway
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>All the broken glass windows at the back because the AI model trained to associate black people and stealing electronics prompt to have the BLM riots broken glass windows
Nobody cares.
ChatGPT literally runs of insane amount of stolen data, but it got so big and is now used everywhere, no one can do anything about it.
>it's totally not because rioting or something similar was in the prompt
Ok, jerome.
Surely looting wouldn't be associated with broken windows.
>ChatGPT literally runs of insane amount of stolen data
Just wait till they run all the artists and creators out of business. Then it'll have no choice but to train on data made by other AI. Like a snake eating it's own tail or an incest baby, it degrades into nothingness at that point. Modern AI are powerful but very flawed tools.

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>Jews stealing for their own ends.
In more shocking news... tomorrow follows today. More on this shocking and reveal story at 11.
Go fuck yourself . You put it up in public on youtube for anyone to watch. Its fair use to write an algorithm to search for and download every public youtube video about Richard Stallman, and then another that compares how many are favorable to him by using terms like "GNU/Linux" and "Genius" and how many are hostile by counting terms like "Toejam" and "Toxic" or "Neckbeard", grepped from YT's subtitles (or for that matter, using speech-to-text engines ) on the videos, and then use all that data to write a script for either a patreon-supported youtube video of my own analyzing that there's more people talking about his social awkwardness than his technical competence with the inflection point at X date and then hypothesize why this happened, or even make a paid medium/substack post talking about it! All of that is under fair use and it should be, and what "AI" is doing is often less complex than that.

Finally, some sense in one of these threads.

You know this only ends up giving more power to the copyright/content cartel types at MPAA/RIAA , right? This is right up there with
>Uh if we detect you block the ads or leave the room when the commercials are on you are STEALING, we have an invasive monitoring system and we can sue you
levels of stupidity. Also it ensures that the only AI models of any performance will be owned by megacorps, so its the wider benefit of AI and FOSS models and training data that will suffer. It won't hurt so called "OpenAI" who are happy to throw money around to license everything for eleventy billion dollars knowing that future competitors outside of a handful of other megacorps won't be able so they gain a new monopoly on high performance AI while also keeping it secret and proprietary; everyone else needs to pay them and abide by their rules without any real alternative etc
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just like "real" creators do? we all know all content is recycled, specially on big youtubers, it is known that big youtubers have all teams working 24/7 on finding hot/viral content to prepare their videos, youtubers are originals as their video thumbnails

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