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>ITT: software that nobody hates, except for that one anon
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>something something stalling
Well, yeah, there's no need to hate something that has become irrelevant.
You're the ONLY person making windows 7 threads and alternate between pretending to support it and pretending to oppose it
You see, what I hate is not Windows 7, but rather (you) for never shutting up about it.
New Win7 circlejerk already?
Oh ya dude, I remember running Roblox at max speed. It kept giving me the BSOD. I was impressed with how Windows 7 kept fucking up on my Dell PC.
i wish there was a way to make windows 10 look like 7 completely
can do so desktop-wise.
sussy, fr
>40 bucks for windowblinds and start11
>"full package" bundle is a yearly subscription
jesus christ they really know how to extort aerofags huh
Hmmm yes, it would be a shame that
pirates know how to crack their software.
The peak of UI
>never had to be on the receiving end of baby-duck anon's autistic sperging
newfrends, albeit
It was really weird. I did not understand.
Nobody *hates* Windows 7 that much, even the most convinced updooter would still admit to some fond memories when it was the latest and greatest.
Those shills were out of this world, I personally think it was glowies trying to phase out Windows 7 faster from the West and make modern software not run on it anymore, because the Rooskies and Chineezusses still use it, and the Ayyyrabs probably as well, you can never trust those sand-niggers.
it was just some retarded autist trying to start shit, i guarantee the feds do not care about people using windows 7.
openshell is free

no, I remember who he is and how long he's been making the same goddamn thread from back when I was a w10 late adopter
NTA but openshell is broken as shit, if you try to uninstall it it just breaks your whole computer
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Windows 7 spies on the end user the same as windows 8, 10, and 11 do, including LTS and Enterprise variants. Hardcoded requests to IP addresses which circumvent hostfile and dns blocking.
im not a pedophile so i dont care about that shit, i just hate flat corporate design thats been with us for literally over a decade and isnt showing any signs of going away.
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I just revived this dinosaur. It was collecting dust until one of my buddies gave me his 650Ti for free because he knew I'll find a use for it.

And here I am, shitposting about it all over /g/ like it is my new box. I wasn't able to fully enjoy it at the time I got it so might as well do it while it still works, some shit I'm planning to do
>Develop something using old Visual Studio
>Install Creative Audigy Rx card to try out old games with EAX
>Install additional retro OS like Visa, XP and 2000
Oh forgot.
>Make it a pirate games station

captcha: 2PJS
Why would Jews spy on eachother?
I am using windows 7 right now, and I hate it with every fiber of my being.
Based I have visual studio 2010 on my 7 box and a trove of old pirated games.
It's there a good resource for me to study up on this switch to Windows 7 thing? I basically just need to know how to make newer programs work on it
you might want to take a look at documentation of Windows' userland API, the NT kernel's and system calls as well. Also you might want to learn how to decompile and/or analize those calls that your application is making and failing under Windows 7, then compare to a working Windows installation and implement those features for 7

just thinking out loud here, I might be wrong so anons feel free to correct me
You literally just install VxKex and hope whatever you're trying to run works. Past that, you're going to need to know how to reverse engineer software or compile it from source.
i just wanna play my games on it
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What was the process to get 7 running on the 13700k like? Do you have to disable the estrogen cores not to run into scheduling issues?
Depends which way you want to go. One is the manual method and the other is a package that does it all for you.
eCores are enabled and Windows 7 treats it as 2 CPU's. No scheduling issues.
>eCores are enabled and Windows 7 treats it as 2 CPUs.
that's strange but interesting, seeing older operating systems working on new hardware is pretty fascinating
baby dick syndrome
wtf is that souless bar, yikes
Yeah. Newer CPU's will work on about any OS. It's the drivers that are the problem. What the guy likely did in the article was run a PCI USB or PS2 card, old GPU etc.

As for scheduling, if anything.. Windows 11 is worse.
Windows 10 would just trickle down each core where as Windows 11 would use 6 of the P cores and 1-2 of the eCores for games and 1% lows would be kinda funky sometimes.
qbt stalled for me constantly until I set the cpu priority to low. I assume it's certain chips that have issues with it.
I love Windows 7. I would still be using it, but I rely on drivers that aren't available for it. I'm stuck with 10 LTSC IoT
>all torrents stalled even though there's hundreds of active seeders
I really want it to be good, but it just doesn't work most of the time.
the only crack i could find is loaded up the ass with trojans
nobody is hating it, it's just that you probably shouldn't use it on bare metal half a decade after it stopped getting security updates

if you want to put it in a properly sandboxed virtual enviornment and larp like its 2011 then the world is your oyster
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why are 10troons like this?
several possible reasons:
>they think you're genuinely putting yourself at risk for viruses and think you're a stupid boomer
>they think you're retarded for not just switching to linux instead
>they think you're a schizo paranoid right winger (who is also too stupid to switch to linux instead)
You need a computer old enough to run 7. New hardware doesn't work properly. Enjoy your Chinese spyware drivers I suppose. I don't hate 7 but I wouldn't trust it with anything.
>quack quack
>b-but muh security and gayming
>you will install bloatware and be happy
post haircut
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Most of us dont really have anything against windows 7 itself. I started using Windows when XP came out and 7 was neither great nor terrible. The root of the problem are obsessed NEETs who still try using it in 2024.
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Weirrd to think that the thing that came after 7 was 8, then we had 10
>damn neets and their inability to ask grandma for like 200$ to get a brand new windows 11 pc

i wish thirdies would stop pretending updooting is some kind of signal for high class/wealth. every low spec slopbook put out in a store in 2024 has wintard11 on it
yes, I love having multiple security backdoors on my OS as well, based
Fuck you 7igger trash, kike, faggot, ape, cunt, cuck, beaner, tranny, cocksucker, sack of shit, dirtbag, cuck, asshole, fucker, motherfucker, son of a bitch, son of a whore, lardass, fatass, greasedrinking sissy
basically this, OP is both a kike and a troon
you know what the real tragedy is? Not knowing if OP is a kike shll or some extremedy retarded anon.
so why are you using any of the following
>any version of microsoft windows
>any version of os/x
>any amd cpu after 2013
>any intel cpu after 2006
fucking retard
>damn neets and their inability to ask grandma for like 200$ to get a brand new windows 11 pc
This but unironically. A computer that oficially supports 11 costs like 200$ nowadays and there is a chance that your current machine can run it just fine (if you have at least sandy bridge/bulldozer cpu).
>i wish thirdies would stop pretending updooting is some kind of signal for high class/wealth.
Its a signal for being a reasonable person. Using outdated software on purpose when you can update is a signal of severe braindamage. And I am european btw.
> every low spec slopbook put out in a store in 2024 has wintard11 on it
absolutely based baby duck hater.
Yeah, Win 7 was bloated as fuck, it was basically Vista SP3. I never got the praise. For me it's just the proof that when you rebrand a shit product, 90% people will suddenly praise it like the goycattle they are.
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>ah yes, I will post a random deadshitos screenshot, that will show them!
>muh windows backdoors
>muh cpu backdoors
Delusion. No such things.
You basically contributed nothing to discussion, crybaby.
lmao kys troll faggot
neither did u crybaby fagget malding over the GOAT OS
>nothing but a bootloader to spermium/old games
Post a verifiable proof that modern CPUs or Windows are actually backdoored or btfo. Your gut feeling doesnt count.
So how is your job again? oh wait, I forgot...

This will only happen with certain updates installed. It is possible to successfully secure it from any outside snooping or manipulation.
to be honest ever since I moved to Linux I really don't quite get the use for something like Windows 7. Debian KDE is a perfectly good replacement. You can even use the built-in Oxygen theme for your ugly Frootiger needs.

I would certainly not login to my mail on a PC running a browser made by who-knows-who, on a custom kernel made by who-knows-who, installed from an ISO gotten who-knows-where...

Yes. I currently run Debian 10, and only use Windows 7 for a few select programs that won't run in WINE.
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you have to use uefiseven and some older or hacked usb3 drivers
also performance will suffer as anything below windows 11 just see the hrt cores as normal cores
vista was stable by sp2 also if anything 7 runs better than vista on more powerful hardware
only took this long for the linux shill to start preaching the floss
it's not so much preaching as it is genuine curiosity, apart from running a few programs that don't run on linux, I don't understand what purpose Windows 7 serves in 2024 as more and more things stop supporting it.
Using it in 2020 or 2021 when it was just a year outta date, sure, but in 2024, going on 2025, when almost no modern hardware supports it, and almost no software from the last 2 years supports it...

Unless you're running it as a nostalgia time capsule, if you intend to use it day in day out and you have to fish for bizarre kernels and strange offshoots of Firefox or Chromium... perhaps it's time to move on.
remember who you are talking to. You only fuel their autism by saying this. If you want to actually get them offline, you would have to 'ox them and smash their c2d PCs with a hammer.
Any safe cracked releases? Like the other anon said, they're all infected with trojans.
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ITT: Terminal mental illness.
What's that? Oh no, I would never
pirate a software like that on Rapidgator. Although, I do know
someone that has a clean copy of it, I could try to
fetch the Rapidgator link.
Yes, my friend @Duckx2Go has the link. Try asking him
i miss win7 like you wouldnt believe
>You can even use the built-in Oxygen theme for your ugly Frootiger needs.
I would rather have the Aero functionality with a classic theme.
>Gaymers, Normalfags, OEMs
The unenlightened masses, they cannot make the judgement calls.
You stingy fucks need to just set your upload speed to at least 100kb/s. Qbittorrent stalls on purpose of you set your upload to 0
>people that do something in life are le bad beause... because they just are, okay?
>daily windows seethe thread #382348238328
get newer material for your echochamber
In other words, no leeching
Is there any existing record of list on last known, newest patch for programs to work on W7. Something like:
>latest driver version that support W7
>latest patches of Firefox, qBittorrent, etc.
>latest MS Office is 2016, etc.
retro build is complete anons, got a triple boot
>xp pro
>7 ultimate
>kubuntu 24.04

next is pirate some old games with EAX enabled for the weekend
>I could try to
>fetch the Rapidgator link.
That'd be nice anon. I gave their 30 day trial a go, but the software was kind of unstable. i wouldn't pay for it.
>Terminal mental illness.
Talking about yourself?
The (completely artificial, mind you) lack of support doesn't change that it's the greatest Windows release ever.
Not him but you need to understand that legacy support costs money and time, therefore a lot of developers decided to remove support for deadshitos because they noticed that its not worth supporting it just to make their program run on 2% more computers out there, especially when most people demanding support for those are one of the most annoying faggots on earth. The fact that you have to unload your frustration every hour on /g/ since years only proves that point. People offered you various solution to your retarded use cases, like using rufus to bypass Windows 11 requirements or giving linux a try but you always say that this is not enough for you, probably because mommy and daddy never taught you to cope with reality. You all just seem to enjoy being miserable, pathetic cunts for some reason, maybe you just miss those good, old days when you came from school with your face beaten every other day.
the fuck are you talking about with it being a "yearly subscription"?
>willingly using windows 11
aerofags have open source ways that look pretty much 1:1 compared to this bloat
I have upload speed limit set to 5MB/s.
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8.1 was objectively superior
on what
>le faulty cpu faec
Weird cope from AMD kool-aid drinkers.
Works on my machine.
Such as? Nothing else emulates aero.
>fucked the OS in an attempt to save power
>still suffer from those issues 12 years later
Beginning of the end
Yes anon, we willingly use Windows 11 to get our work done and call it a day. We may not like everything about 11 but we still use it to earn money, pay the bills and focus on what we want to do, since at least for me, most of my interests are not related to computers. If you ever decide to get a decent job, you will understand.
god i miss that sheer snappiness
just incredibly fast. second to none
Wallpaper, please?

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