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>How do I activate Windows?
HWID2 mimics a valid Windows installation to generate a permanent legitimate license
>and Office?
Same link, use Ohook option
You can also use Office.com if your needs are very minimal
or try OnlyOffice/LibreOffice and set it to save in MSOffice file formats

>What version should I install?
W10 Enterprise IoT LTSC 2021
-10 years support on IoT LTSC, EoL 2032
-5 years on LTSC
-Binary identical to Enterprise except no MS Store and no bloat apps
-If you need MS Store run this in cmd: wsreset -i
-ISO: 4.5GB

W10/W11 Home/Pro/Edu/Enterprise
-Only 1.5-2 yrs support
-No control over updates
-Preinstalled bloatware apps (games, music, news, weather, onedrive, start menu ads, etc)
*W11 specific
*Massive UI usability downgrades
*Removed features and reduced performance in Taskbar and Explorer
*Recall bloat
-ISOs: Home/Pro ~6.6GB, Edu/Ent ~6.5GB

W11 Enterprise IoT LTSC 2024
-Leak is an official pre-release OEM testing ISO, likely updates to retail on launch
-10 years support, EoL 2035
-Only if you fell for the 12th+ gen Intel meme and need the new CPU scheduler
-AMD C-Cores don't need new scheduler and use same arch as regular Ryzen
-Same UI downgrades as regular W11
-ISO: 4.2GB

Windows IoT LTSC https://pastebin.com/ywkasnhM
Windows https://pastebin.com/nUMgAr0b
Office https://pastebin.com/G8w5qu6z

>Should I debloat / build my own ISO?
If you need to ask, then no, you WILL break something
If you know what you're doing:

>Windows/Office install guide

>Portable programs & reinstall-proofing

>Useful programs (new install, essentials, utilities, adobe, etc)

>I miss Windows##

Change to .co if links don't work

Previous: >>101529242
me on the left shitposting on shamiko's t*itter
me in the center (inside the wall)
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I only use MS Edge on windows
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I love Win10 IoT LTSC 2021, if it was a cute anime girl I'd nakadaashi it.
10 LTSC would look like a mix of Nanami and 10-tan with a cute bow and glasses.
Just freshly installed Windows 11 Education. What should I do/tweak next to debloat and minimise data collect by Microsoft? I would have installed ITSC but I have some school software that might not work on it and I don't want to risk it.
If you want to minimize data collection, take a look at O&OSU10++, it brings together lot of the common registry edits people make to reduce the number of unnecessary connections Windows makes OOB.

I don't have any aggregator for debloat, I usually just start uninstalling shit I don't like manually
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I'm having a blast with this grandpa
I got a lenovo thinkcentre from a friend who's employer was going to toss it.
I'm trying to install a fresh copy of windows 10, but the USB I'm using isn't recognized by the BIOS. Steps taken to create the install media:
>torrent windows 10 iso
>format USB as exFAT using ubuntu's disk tool (I'm using mint but it's the same tool)
>write iso to USB using built-in image writer
Any suggestions for next steps?
Download ShutUp10++ and run its recommended toggles. A good couple click solution to disabling all the spooky shit, and because you're using Education you'll be able to disable all of it. Home and Pro can't.
If it has a Linux OS on it then you'd either need to use Ventoy, WoeUSB or manually make the boot USB if you want it to work. Other Linux-based boot USB makers or dd don't make them properly and stick you in "driver needed" loops that you can't get away from.
It has windows 10 installed. I'm reinstalling because it wasn't wiped so I can't log into it.
I'm going to try re-making the boot USB using rufus.
Well if you have access to a Windows environment then yeah you can just use Rufus.
Have you changed the device boot order from BIOS?
Didn't work.
Didn't work? Like you can't access a Windows environment to run Rufus? What environment are you using right now.
No I used a Windows environment, made the boot media with Rufus, but the BIOS still doesn't see it.
Sounds like at this point you might need to try another USB or try other USB ports.
>try other USB ports
Bingo. Thanks fren.
All good. That can always be a kicker.
Some USB ports just aren't ones you can boot from.
Why do so many people here hate on Ventoy? It's the greatest bootable USB tool I've ever seen, you only have to copy an ISO onto a filesystem and it just works.
Rufus and similar are fine but it takes so much longer and you have to redo it every time you want to boot a different ISO
Is there some downside of Ventoy I'm missing?
Well, looks like I spoke too soon. Apparently the hard drive has bitlocker installed and I can't install Windows without disabling it...
Use any linux live USB to wipe the drive first
Just FUD mainly cause the main dev is Chinese.

Try opening the Shift+F10 command prompt in the setup and run diskpart, then see if you can clean wipe the disk using the "clean" command. Even with Bitlocker on it, it should still wipe it. Just make sure to run "list disk" to see what number your disk is, which if it's the only hard disk it'll most likely be disk 0.
Apparently bitlocker doesn't prevent you from just deleting the entire partition...
It's the whole point really. Dunno the password/recovery code? It's pretty much useless and can only be wiped with diskpart and used again.
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should i update to windows 11? its very tempting
I mean sure, I guess. Nothing will really change that much between you going from 10 to 11 besides the UI changing and the settings menu looking different. You can disable shit like telemetry just as easy and the like.
Is there an easier way to change file associations?
If the program itself allows for large scale file association changes mainly. 11 purposefully made it more annoying so you'd accidentally use the first/third-party bloat apps by accident.
Not really, you are just bored and want something to do. These thoughts might hunt you from time to time.
Just arrange your files and disks for example and you'll soon notice you don't want to upgrade. Clean up some old data and archive useful data.
I just spend an hour installing Windows only to realise I was in MBR mode
Sucks to be you anon
good morning
burning winxp iso to cd, wish me luck bros
Should work just fine as that was how you always did it back when. The massgrave ISO index has the product key needed if you're using an XP VL ISO.
Winutil is probably the greatest piece of software ever created
Chris Titus is a pretty smart dude
win10 doesnt prompt me to delete a file, pressing delete instantly deletes
Thanks anon. Successful installation. Later I'll figure out XP drivers, updates and shit.
The retro build is one step closer to completion
>update bios
>activate and update windows
>get gpu drivers
>test hardware
>debloat windows
Anything else I should do for a new PC before I move my data over and start using it? Asked the same question in the pc building thread.
Sounds good to me.
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Am I getting something wrong? Why are those software not recommended?
Literally never had issues with ShutUp10
The LTSC guide in the OP lays out different ways to do the things that ShutUp10 or Privatezilla would do usually, so it says to not use them as it would get shit confused.
So it says not to use them IF you follow the guide of one of the tools listed there, right?
The guide doesn't use third party tools for debotnetting/debloating it uses .reg files, manually disabling services and using Group Policy. Peruse the rest of the guide.
Because of the guide telling you to debloat the ISO before you flash it to a USB, tools like SU10 will try to disable/remove shit that isn't even there anymore. That's why there's that warning.
>Install W10 IoT dude!
Alright, but how do I circumvent picrel? The MS store is the only place to get this program
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how comfy is to remote manage your retro windows pc
Install W10 IoT by booting from the ISO, not from within windows
read the instructions posted in the sticky: https://rentry.org/windowsinstallguide
I did that, direct ISO on USB, not even ventoys. OS Build as reported by Windows Settings is 19044.4651
ok but you're showing screenshots from the MS store.
if you're booting from ISO and installing windows there is no "OS build number" or MS store at all
you're not following the instructions in steps 3/4
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I was reading the Ltsc post-install guide and pic related came up. Isn't the xbox app missing by default in the IoT LTSC versions of windows?
I ran wsreset -i after installing to get the bloatstore. I did everything as described in step 4 besides the custom partitioning.(i forgor)

Tried through winget too but no dice. I’ll redownloading the ISO tomorrow
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Success, retro build is completed.
Gotta thank those guys that are making Supermium, what a project, might as well contriboot
It appears the IoT ISO provided in the links in the OP are all build 19044. It appears IoT build 19045 exists
>apply KB5040527
>noooooooo you can't compress this file because it has a special character in the filename
sasuga microcuck
Decided to not install win2k and vista because there are a lot of modifications needed in order for the system to work properly, further xp and 7 are esentially the same as those ones but more popular and with more support in general
if I install w11 IoT LTSC 2024 would it update to the official release in October or would I have to reinstall with the official iso?
For shits and giggles, I installed Windows 7 Ultimate to dualboot. It works on my existing hardware, and runs faster than 10 enterprise iot ltsc. What’s stopping me from running this full time? 11trannies need not reply.
>“It’s not secure!”
Give me an example.
>”Nothing works on it anymore!”
Steam and Discord are working, as well as Firefox and VLC.
I use it on every fresh install and even create a shortcut to the desktop
I wouldn't use it full time, Steam and Discord eventually will drop support and more software will follow suit. Just use it for fun but daily drive a modern OS, those are my 2 cents.
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what the fuck happened with nanazip
looks like shit now and is slow as fuck (takes 5 whole seconds to open for me, was instant before)
did they rush the latest release for any reason?
Building a new pc soon, which windows should I install?
If you're installing on a MBR-only platform, reminder to always try to install your OS to primary partitions, installing to logical partitions may cause you some trouble
>saw /fwt/ for the first time like a month ago and never heard about iot versions of windows before
>build new computer
>thought about going straight to mint but wanted dual boot and to be able to play Warzone so I gave this thread a try
>installed W11 IoT LTSC
>great windows experience
>no bloatware
>just had to manually install a few drivers and that was it
>Windows asked for activation to customize some colors and pc name
>activate in less than 10 seconds with same tools in massgrave site
>realize Windows is actually pretty neat without all that trash included in other versions
>realize the whole process is way easier than actually trying to install PAID versions of windows
thank you /fwt/ anons
What's install size for Win 11 IoT LTSC? I only have 50 GB free partition spared.
>forced update because shit windows scheduling >lose progress
fuck you
Hi guys, I'm not feeling too good. I followed this tutorial on migrating my boot drive, and of course it didn't fucking work. Now my pc boots into cyberlink file recovery, which fails. Then it restarts and does the same thing again. https://youtu.be/Z939daHclxY?si=6Jbp7Y8d86RtoIaw
I have it installed too with minimum softwares installed to keep it from bloating over time. I use it specifically to play some Steam games which surprisingly run smoother on windowed mode than on my main Win 10.
>I only have 50 GB free partition spared.
>he followed some kiketuber
lmao even

macrium 7 doesnt have this problem
If I want to put together an offline Windows 7 gaming PC, how do I download a "finished" ISO that just has all of the updates over the years preinstalled? Obviously I don't need security updates really, but any functionality updates might be useful.
how much space does a windows 10 iot ltsc installation take?
>offline Windows 7 gaming PC
just use w10 iot ltsc
they even fixed the starcraft color bug that vista/7 caused with its rendering older 90s games
ok how the fuck do i turn off windows auto correct?
Nice, good jon anon.
The open preview from massgrave is the official release. The ISO that was leaked a while ago was on the closed preview branch.
Last I remember around 21GB on first boot, then a couple more as updates are installed and such, so you'd probably be able to get away with 50/100GB space.
Like the other anon said you should've probably just used Macrium Reflect 7 as that one is basically foolproof and clones Windows drives properly first time. Even has tutorials on Youtube.
Can I configure Windows 10 to use a separate NIC for certain IPs?
yes you can add a custom routing table entry
A long time later and I got the bright idea to ask ChatGPT about this and it simply told me to enable it with Device Manager. It worked
What's the lightweight media player option? I almost never do streams but it would be nice
For videos? mpv.
on win MPC-HC, on linux >>101589964
Why would you use mpv on just Linux, anon? I mean if you need a GUI then use MPC-HC, or you could use mpv.net for mpv with a .NET GUI.
can MS suddenly cut support to IoT LTSC whenever they want? Like, I feel support until 2032 is way too good and people are going to find that trick next year so there might be a spike in installs, perhaps too big for MS's comfort. Of course it's just a thought but I feel like it's not unrealistic either
not without pissing off enterprise users who depend on it
Literally why would they when enterprise businesses are paying for it expecting the 2032 EoL? They'd be furious with MS if they decided to randomly shorten it.
and what about unauthorized installs? I feel like tracking down people that downloaded ISOs in unofficial ways would actually be way too petty but could manage to do it?
MAS's HWID activation is basically as close to "authorized" installs as you can get.
thanks based anons, I was thinking on trying that on some laptops for my family, they're too stubborn to try loonix
Well the IoT LTSC 2021 installs will last as long as those laptops' hardware does. Also if any of your family use Office you can just install 365 Pro Plus on whichever one and activate it with Ohook for permanent activation that doesn't need an MS account either.
>would ms do something they've never done in half a century?
im not that guy but its the 365 office the best option?
I installed it on my 2016 HP pavilion. i3-6100u + 16gb ddr3 ram. I used Rufus to disable to tpm & ram requirements as well as skip the privacy questions and required MS account. I even installed WSL. literally cures your distro hopping
It's the one that gets the latest updates, and with how easy it is to activate these days with MAS's Ohook module you might as well just use it.
Though if you don't want the whole Office suite you can just use the ODT option and make a specialized set of Office pieces that you need
Good for you anon, enjoy your puter.
And by the way the IoT LTSC variant of 2024 doesn't even have the requirements.
thank you anons. may the /g/ods bless you with a 6 figure wfh job
Is Windows Defender enough for these days? I'm paranoid about abandoning an antivirus
even on older hardware?
im trying to install it on a laptop from 2016
What is more important is your own actions
>do not download pirated software unless you know the exact source
>do not install every single bloatware you deem might be useful
And so on. Defender should be enough, in fact it's actually too much because it's normally bit too oppressive.
If you are in doubt you can always use VirusTotal which is awesome.
Defender is fine. The main thing you need is UBO installed in your web browser with most of the lists enabled so even if you accidentally click on a bad link it can't do anything.

Yeah it doesn't matter. And Office 2016 is basically what *all* current Office is based on.
ublock origin + VPN + don't be a retard and click on any sus links and you'll be fine
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why is it recommended to enable Allow Telemetry in https://rentry.org/ltsc?
You enable the Allow Telemetry group policy to set the option to 0, which means no/security telemetry.
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>ancient deprecated kernel
>BSODs if you do the slightest hardware change
>best compatibility with older software and games
>best UI of modern windows

>very current kernel
>driver and hardware detection on boot to prevent BSODs
>excellent compatibility with software and even fixes some problems w7 had
>retarded XML UI but is tolerable

>latest kernel and dx features though they wont get widespread use for probably 10 years
>equivalent compatibility with w10
>completely fucking unusable laggy atrocious javascript UI and abominations that are the explorer and taskbar rewrites

it's all so tiring
Do you use local accounts without admin privileges? I was considering enabling the default administrator account so I could enter its password in other accounts without admin rights to run processes requiring elevated permissions all for the sake of reducing the surface of attack but enabling this default admin account does exactly the opposite of what I want to achieve. Is there any workaround? Maybe enabling it but preventing login using a group policy?
tried it for a while, it's pointless
just think twice about what you're running when a UAC pops up
>IoT LTSC 2024 for 11
>IoT LTSC 2021 for 10
I was about to say to use 7 Enterprise via the Gen 2 ISO on Archive using VxKex to extended the 7 kernel so more shit runs on it but the VxKex git has been 404'd for some reason, so whatever I guess.
I wonder how that mas is still up on github
It has a bitbucket mirror if that's ever the case.
Do I need windows store installed if I only want to install stuff through scoop/winget?
No you don't, you can just install winget with the winget-install script via PSGallery.
It installs winget and all its dependencies and lets you download from the msstore source without needing it.
I just realized I can do almost anything with scoop alone. Even installing winget if I need it for some reason
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i'm trying to install a windows iso on qemu with:

qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -machine q35 -device intel-iommu -cpu host -cdrom ./en-us_windows_10_iot_enterprise_ltsc_2021_x64_dvd_257ad90f.iso -boot order=d -drive file=./windows10,format=raw -m 8G

i get picrel, why is it saying welcome to HP Inc? i cant find a way to go through to make a local account
sha256sum a0334f31ea7a3e6932b9ad7206608248f0bd40698bfb8fc65f14fc5e4976c160
What the fuck? That's kinda odd.
Which ISO have you used? None of the ISOs I've used off of massgrave's index welcome me to HP Inc.
it's happened on two different isos now...
1. official windows 10 (multi?) x64 from the microsoft website
2. en-us_windows_10_iot_enterprise_ltsc_2021_x64_dvd_257ad90f.iso
How do I change my windows username in my file directory?

C:\Users\Micha isn't what I want, it should be Michael.
There's no obvious place to change it. I can't rename the folder as there isn't an option for it. If I go to the folder's properties, it's also greyed out.
Honestly anon I have literally no idea what is triggering this, sorry.
give the iso back jamal
I literally just used that iso an hour ago to do a clean install on my laptop. Check the signature and see if it matches with the ones here https://files.rg-adguard.net/file/d4af271c-9bfb-7457-fba3-b600a921d9cc
This is probably some weird QEMU configuration mimicking some HP machine by default for whatever reason
It's a huge hassle to change the name of a user everywhere. You can change the name in the control panel user account settings but to change the name of the user folder you gotta do some security/permission tweaking in the properties folder. Though even then some things in your AppData might still want the old name so like I said.
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the exact same signature lmao, huh... kinda weird qemu is doing this... it's not like my host is a OEM locked machine either...
It might be something happening within the qemu-system-x86_64 command your executing that's doing this. Dunno what it could be because I've never used QEMU, and I've never had an issue with Virtualbox loading up a IoT LTSC 2021 ISO as a HP OEM system.
Don't do that, simply live in the doomed OS you have created.
Is it worth learning Windows Server?

If yes,
Already got a Windows 10 PC acting as my server, should I switch it to Server or is 10 just fine?

If I should switch to it,
How do I get the latest one for free?
I use windows server a lot at work, it's great in the sense that there is nothing to learn if you already know windows anyway. IIS is so shit though.
What do you mean by acting as your server? What are you doing on it that switching to windows server would improve? I'd guess nothing.
Why the hell does edge randomly decide to open itself on startup and bitch to me about enabling co-pilot? (Windows 10 Education, I think 21H2; installed it years ago and that's what the system information is telling me.)

Search results only tells me to turn off "restart apps" in windows settings > accounts (it is off), or "startup boost" in edge settings > system and performance (it is off).

So why is edge randomly deciding to open itself on startup? Maybe being triggered by an update to edge?
I don't necessarily want to disable edge completely (I use it very rarely as a third option browser), but I might if that's the only option I may do so.
w10 doesnt update file status like filename or file deletion unless I refresh
wasnt like this untill I installed irfanViewer or something

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