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Previous /sdg/ thread : >>101562401

>Beginner UI local install
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Local install
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
AMD GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#amd-gpu
Intel GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#intel-gpu

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Run cloud hosted instance

>SD3 info & download

>Try online without registration
sd3: https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium
txt2img: https://www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest

>Models, LoRAs & upscaling


>Index of guides and other tools

>View and submit GPU performance data

>Share image prompt info
4chan removes prompt info from images, share them with the following guide/site...


>Related boards
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>mfw Resource news


>ViPer: Visual Personalization of Generative Models via Individual Preference Learning

>ComfyUI-Kolors-Translator: Translate prompts into Chinese



>SV4D: Dynamic 3D Content Generation with Multi-Frame and Multi-View Consistency

>Open-Sora-Plan Report v1.2.0

>Official global launch of Kling AI's International Version 1.0

>INF-LLaVA: Dual-perspective Perception for High-Resolution Multimodal Large Language Model

>FoRA: Low-Rank Adaptation Model beyond Multimodal Siamese Network


>Mammoth - An Extendible (General) Continual Learning Framework for Pytorch

>Differentiable Convex Polyhedra Optimization from Multi-view Images

>Cinemo: Consistent and Controllable Image Animation with Motion Diffusion Models

>Automatic Generation of Fashion Images using Prompting in Generative Machine Learning Models


>Intel AI Playground beta Official Launch

>SD3 Unbanned: Community Decision on Its Future at Civitai

>GenTron: Diffusion Transformers for Image and Video Generation


>PhotoMaker V2 Released with improved ID fidelity
New Update to Lora:
X-Men Evolution Style SDXL V2:

v2 changes: Much better faces and cleaner outputs.
Has character prompts now (if you want to force a certain character. Or have their influence)
>mfw Research news


>XMeCap: Meme Caption Generation with Sub-Image Adaptability

>Looking at Model Debiasing through the Lens of Anomaly Detection

>HumanVid: Demystifying Training Data for Camera-controllable Human Image Animation

>Deep Spherical Superpixels

>Revolutionizing Text-to-Image Retrieval as Autoregressive Token-to-Voken Generation

>LPGen: Enhancing High-Fidelity Landscape Painting Generation through Diffusion Model

>MemBench: Memorized Image Trigger Prompt Dataset for Diffusion Models

>When Text and Images Don't Mix: Bias-Correcting Language-Image Similarity Scores for Anomaly Detection

>Q-Ground: Image Quality Grounding with Large Multi-modality Models

>Diffree: Text-Guided Shape Free Object Inpainting with Diffusion Model


>PartGLEE: A Foundation Model for Recognizing and Parsing Any Objects

>MovieDreamer: Hierarchical Generation for Coherent Long Visual Sequences

>DreamVTON: Customizing 3D Virtual Try-on with Personalized Diffusion Models

>Harmonizing Visual Text Comprehension and Generation

>DreamDissector: Learning Disentangled Text-to-3D Generation from 2D Diffusion Priors

>Outfit Anyone: Ultra-high quality virtual try-on for Any Clothing and Any Person

>Channel-Partitioned Windowed Attention And Frequency Learning for Single Image Super-Resolution
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nice, how to get the clothing?
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do you people actually read all these papers? I usually skim the abstracts but even then, that feels overwhelming
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Ah, one of mine again. I guess they make good OP images because they're... plain, but cute.
there can't be more than a few people who actually read the news, especially when you consider who's posting them
She is carrying your nuts.
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no, I read enough to make a determination if it is relevant to imggen or might be interesting to people in the general, then I throw it into the pile or throw it in the trash. I'm pretty much too dumb to understand most of the technical stuff anyway; I'm just trying to play my part in circulating knowledge and sparking discussion

people are for sure much more interested in the resource news cuz thats where all the new toys and genAI drama shows up. but there's still people who like the research stuff. even for people who don't read it, its motivating/inspiring to see how much stuff is happening in the field
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"woman standing in a garden, white soft lace bandeau, short cloth around her waist"

Still not *quite* what I was going for anyway. I was envisioning a "skirt" that looked more like a bandeau, but with a lace trim. I'm not even sure how to go about that
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>sparking discussion
Can you link me to the last discussion about something in the news and anything relevant anon found?
>I'm just trying to play my part in circulating knowledge and sparking discussion
you are doing good work anon, I appreciate you
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Believe it or not, the Michael Jackson tipping was accidental. All I did was
>1girl, a girl wearing a bikini, dancing at the beach, long hair, digitigrade legs
Nothing is an accident in latent realms.
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its never happened yet but I'm hopeful today is the day

When's the last time it happened?
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ask with a gen and I'll give you an answer :3
any gens to share?
>you MUST identify yourself when engaging with debo
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I implemented hunyuan DiT and properly packaged the model into single easy to use checkpoint files.
Newfag here, now Tensor.art is giving me exceptions whenever I try to generate anything using the same workflow that was working yesterday and I'm too retarded to figure out how to fix whatever happened because I can't even find a log of what went wrong. Is that a common thing on that site?
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based. any spoilers on whats up next in the queue?
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Can you answer >>101575573 >>101575645 ?
Why do you refuse to answer, Debo?
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>Hello anons! I hope everyone is doing well :]
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That comfyui data logger thing?
no it was debo including malware in the news
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no, actual malware.
the guy asked for their node to be included "just for fun"
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Okay, what? I admit I haven't paid much attention to the "news". Is there a link or something?
anime is gay you fucking faggot. embrace your own cultures. god fuck japanese yellow nigger shit. embrace Asgard and Olympus. embrace European western culture.
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I made a bmp

if you scrolled past the news without reading it, you got malware. I still think it was justified
>first chance to say "ah my bad"
>blames anon instead
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>Is there a link or something?
one of the hundreds of comfy nodes I included in the news started installing malware on people's machines. the malware was added after I featured it in the news but some people pretend that I somehow knew the node would have malware in it and purposefully spread it.
>people pretend that I somehow knew the node would have malware in it
Link to anon saying that?
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Anyone ever have 4chan refuse an image for seemingly no reason? Doesn't give an embedded file message or anything. You click post and the image doesn't go through and you get no message and if any new posts have been made you auto refresh and the new posts appear but the reply window remains open without posting the image. Ever had this happen? It's happening to me right now with two specific images. Even tried changing their resolution and encoding to .jpg. Bizarre. They can't be banned images because I literally just made them.
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I've seen other anons say thats happened to them. I haven't experienced it personally
Any links for >>101575938 ?
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I've had a thing where I click Post and see the upload percentage...then the button changes back to "Post". Click Post again and it says I got the captcha wrong
Yeah that's what's happening.
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Good work, Chang!
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Wow. Aggressive cropping didn't work. Changing to .jpg didn't work. Saving it with a completely different application didn't work. Clearing cookies didn't work. Changing IP didn't work.
Adding transparent borders to the sides got it to post.
Fucking bizarre.
Well that was a fun little experiment.
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Talk about being obsessed jesus christ
Doesn't Debo call you "Troony"?
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>hand clipping through hair ornament
Diffusion is /g/
anime is not /g/
Diffusion is not /a/, we'd get sent back to /g/
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Dammit, my IP range is banned on /v/
what's next? Kolors? AuraFlow?
You're not missing much. Been a shit hole over there for a long time.
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he got filtered by the webui install and now he's spending his time lashing out instead of being productive
>Masked in-painting in img2img using ADetailer only not working


My understanding is that it's now disabled for some reason? Why? Do I just have to now manually crop my image into chunks and run ADetailer on the individual chunks without in-painting?
Do you have any links for >>101575923 ?
>some people pretend that I somehow knew the node would have malware in it
It's a diffusion output. It's /g/.
Go back.
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Did not forget about you. I think she's picrel that you mentioned, but here's my upscales from this past week together

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>[:(detailed face:1.2):0.2]: When drawing high-quality faces, do not use the "detail face" tag at 0 steps, otherwise it may lead to deviation from the original semantics of embedding
Can someone explain this to a noob? What does that detailed face formatting mean? :1.2 is the weight but ():0.2 on top of that?
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No links for anon?
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>[:(detailed face:1.2):0.2]
this is a prompt editing sequence

'one' and 'two' are tokens. 'step' is the step when 'one' changes to 'two'. steps can either be an integer for a specific step or a decimal for a percentage of total steps

so back to your prompt. 'one' is an empty string, 'two' is (detailed face:1.2), and steps is 20% of the total steps. that means for the first 20%, there is no token, then from the other 80%, there is (detailed face:1.2)

>ok but why?
thats a good question. I guess the author found that (detailed face:1.2) causes distortion in the first 20% of convergence? it seems rather arbitrary but I guess he knows something we don't
Any links to back up your claim in >>101575923 ?
Thank you for the explanation.

Now that got me thinking since I didn't know that was possible before. Let's say there's an object lora I like but it tends to fuck with the style of the gen too much and lowering the weight tends to ruin the results specific to the lora. Would that sort of one two step approach possibly help in fixing that?
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you can't use prompt editing to add/remove a lora because the lora effectively gets appended to the model before sampling. if the model was trained with an activation word, maybe you get some toggling control? I've never been exactly clear on how that works tbdesu
Chronic idiot strikes again
Do you have any links to the claim that anons said you knew there was malware in the news >>101575923 ? Also, how do you feel to only have uninformed newfags take your advice?
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It has an activation word. I guess I'll have to play around with it to see what effect it has on the end result.
do you guys activate your cuda stream ?
it says it might speed up the genning but it feels slower when my almonds are activated
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yes, I do morning yoga with my GPU to activate my cuda chakras. hte cuda flow definitely makes a big difference in bot how efficient it runs as well as how creative the gens are. I'll never go back to unactivated cuda
Did you just make a false claim in >>101575923 or do you have any links to back it up?
>I'll never go back to unactivated cuda
Alrighty, thanks bre
I do feel like the quality improved but hard to say
Any gens, anon?
Can't post them on blue board.
im >>101576978
sadly at work + they are very nsfw :s
You can always upload to catbox and post a link here and jannies wont care.
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I don't have catbox.

I'm not a furfag or a p*do. Not sure what else you might be implying.
>Not sure what else you might be implying
oh nothing that sinister, just coomers kek
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Any style loras that are similar to ma-ko's style? There doesn't seem to be one for his style specifically.
Oh I read too deep into it. Yes I must admit I am a coomer. And for now I'm a pleb proompting off buzz on civitai so I must carefully choose what to spend it on. Coomslop tends to win out. I used to do sfw proompting on bing but they restricted it too much and took all the fun out of it.
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Coomers? On 4Chan? Think of the advertisers!
Inspired by the bikini gens above I whipped up something I can post here.

Absolutely delicious butt.
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what is this style?
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gn sdg
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Who would've guessed this...
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A new paper suggests that training an AI with AI pictures is a really bad idea
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Hey debo, remember when you asked for proof that training a model with synthetic data is retarded? Well here it is.
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baker, add this paper to the op, more morons need to see this
Right away, Sir! I am sorry I didn't reply immediately. Won't happen again.
i'll be turning your bread into cream buns the next time you fuck this up, understand?
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bro, hentai is gonna be amazing in the next few years
i miss schizo anon
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if you trained on shit irl images you'd get basically the same. curation and filtering is a thing
read the paper, it's not that simple, no matter how good the filtering is, it will act as a poison to your AI anyway
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Can't believe we need a fucking paper to convince people that training an AI with synthetic data (that garbage data has an inherently inaccurate anatomy/perspective/illumination) is a dumb idea.
big booba
> We find that indiscriminate use of model-generated content
the paper makes no mention of filtering or curation. it's yet another instance of researchers stating the obvious
does that mean AGI is DOA?
any recursion would be a downward slope
There seem to be a discution about that on twitter
>does that mean AGI is DOA?
if you use synthetic data to train your model yeah it's DOA, but if you go for real picture, the limit that can be achieve will always be reality
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And gun
>SD3 blocks your path
shit in, shit out. simple as
Replacement for nitter? Thanks.
yeah it's the best nitter-like server I found, It works great
>It's 2024 and we discovered that recording a VHS on a VHS makes the result worse than the original
like using a key cutting machine on each new copy
Only when we get local versions
>Press any key to continue . . .
keep getting this bug when I try to gen something
The best local model we have so far is OpenSora, it's shit and asks for 67gb of VRAM, there's still a ton of work to do to get there...
Were there any new good anime models in the last 2 months or so? The last time i checked it was all pony autism mix.
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Coomer here, say I wanted to make stuff like this but with my Skyrim characters. How many pics of them would it take to train the model? Hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands?
Also, I bet I already kow the answer, but can this shit be done on an AMD card at all?
And yet all """open source models""" work by taking Llama, then automatically training it on GPT outputs.

This is why I hope base Llama improves a lot; I'm not going to trust Shitstral to do more than finetune it on GPT slop with a particular focus on questions known to appear on benchmarks.
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169m, from only ~2.5 months
7m, ill check dates to be sure but pagination stopped on one node, must be all they have
350k actors
still no downloads on 274m set, i guess filtering is too difficult
i thought there would be interest in doing large scale comparisons of sampler, cfg scale and everything else, maybe there's a reason some images suck in the first place. or idk detecting anomalies and fixing them
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It's fun to look through old images and pick up old prompts. Seems like a big regression happened during this year or something. Brainrot I guess.
>Seems like a big regression happened during this year or something.
I think it's genuinely just >>101577617
I was referring to my own enthusiasm and interests... old setups are cleaner and more organized, prompts are more interesting and so on.
>Also, I bet I already kow the answer, but can this shit be done on an AMD card at all?
check the op, there's a link to some guides for AMD gpu. Apparently it's better under linux but can still work on windows.
with the exception of fal nobody is indiscriminately training on ai outputs, even then, the general reception is that the model is ok and they just needed to filter out the fat cat blocked generation images. look at lexica and playground, theyve finetuned on their own outputs but with curation, its created a unique style that people love and all they had to do was allow users to indicate whether they like an image. even if there's not a like button the good ones are tracking which generation out of a batch that you download, that's why they give you 4 images at a time
Thank you for your work, do you plan on implementing native pixart support?
it's still a retarded idea to train an AI with pictures that have innacuracies when real pictures that are perfectly accurate to reality exist
thanks, captain obvious
>captain obvious
so "obvious" everyone is still training their models with synthetic data, looks like the world is surrounded by retards yeah
>train on inaccurate images
>get inaccurate results
hmm.. it must be all synthetic data that's the problem, can't possibly remove the inaccurate images, it's not like training on real world inaccurate images produces inaccurate results
Did he really say that?
>it's not like training on real world inaccurate images produces inaccurate results
the fuck does that mean? a photography is always accurate to reality, unlike AI that will always have some mistakes on lightning, anatomy or perspective
>mistakes on lightning, anatomy or perspective
right, i forgot, these mistakes never exist irl
how can they exist, a photograph is always accurate to reality, the fuck anon?
photos are always true to reality
this doesn't apply to shitty r34 art tho
yes of course, it's impossible to take a bad photograph, every real world image is extremely high quality
nta but image gen is not at the point where it can compete with real images and art, there's always little flaws that appear in ai art. there is a reason why ai slop appears so uncanny while real art and images (even if they are bad) do not. the human brain prefers the flaws of reality (photos) and human mistakes (art) over ai shit.
double down, king
maybe this way reality will bend to your will
that's ironic because an AI needs diversity of data to be great, so having bad photos and telling the AI it's bad photos is required to get some good training, especially if you want to put "bad quality" on the negative prompt. But if you add AI pictures you tell the model this is the perfection it should achieve when it's not, then you're being a retarded nigger that doesn't know shit about life, I really hope you're not in the 2nd option anon
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Nice castles
you made the animation with kling?
>newsfags trying to have an honest discussion with thread schizo
never gets old
eu hours are so dumb
No, using Kong instead.
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you should try kling, you can get 6 free "image to video" process per day
thread schizo is asleep but will be up in maybe 3 hours
this was his last post >>101577008
>hans, ivan and pierre trying to figure out why their model still sucks
just 2 more billion images
Mon ami...
but we're all the thread schizo
we are all schizo anon but there is only one thread schizo
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kek this,

G'mornin Anons,
>mfw posting in the debo containment thread
>eu hours are so dumb
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it's img2vid with animatediff, which comes with infinite free processes per day,
and I finally stopped being lazy and set up masks so I can define the parts of the image that I want to animate. No more morphing buildings and mountains.

Btw is it possible in ComfyUI to set the behavior of the ctrl + scroll mousewheel combo in the mask editor to zoom on the mouse location instead of the top left corner of the image?
that looks really good, good job anon
sure thing "anon"
Nice work.
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is this the onegirl thread?
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That's right!
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Thanks anons
is there some saoirse in that prompt somewhere?
What is she scheming?
we needed a research paper to realize this?
anything special about looping or just a masked i2v workflow?
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good eye

been a while since I've done this, hard to find gens with acceptable hands. Also need to learn how to upscale properly again so I don't get extra torsos
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To turn this thread into 1girl anime central!
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Good morning
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this is lovely, ty
Don't touch it... it's mine!
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Looping is set with the Context Options - Looped Uniform node. Context length is 16, overlap is 2, and the animation is 28 frames. Otherwise it is a standard animation workflow (with ipadapter, depth controlnet, and freeu). I couldn't get it to work properly until I used the InpaintModelConditioning node and Multival Scaled Mask.
some git metal
>You seem to have mistyped the captcha.
Your robot sucks, actually.
good morning
i hate trani
thanks, i will probably get into 1.5 again just for animatediff
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I'd suggest one of the humu models in case you haven't tried them. both v1 and v2 seem to get the cleanest results of the 1.5 models I've tested.
Does anyone know where I can find a tutorial on how to write custom postprocessing scripts correctly in WebUI?
The wiki is meh and I couldn't find anything useful. Even chatgpt seems incompetent.
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>8 users generating 66724 images of "man in gym"
>7369 generations of the same prompt from 1 user
This can't be true. Unless...
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This is so nasty and magnificent at the same time.
>join the doxxcord guise
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my stuff tends to have that effect on people
you can and should come back, I am willing to let bygones be bygones
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not interested in joining the discord, i tend to spam too much, and go on about my depressing life, and i dont like that catjack person much
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community is good for your mental health
Yeah, same for me.
>i tend to spam too much, and go on about my depressing life
If you are aware of the problem you have no excuse to continue behaviors.
Sorry you got triggered for being asked a normal question regarding your pedophile behavior
Please stay locked in doors and away from children
Is this supposed to be good looking?
This is a conspiracy to build a moat. Because otherwise open source models will can just clone the outputs of Dalle3 and Ideogram and others and destroy their businesses by providing them for free.
holy jeebus
>but enough about trani
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so obviously i wont be rejoining.
the discord trannies seem really desperate for new drama lately. I wonder why
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are there local installs of video creation?
what kind of card could even process that, or would i need like 6 cards to even make it work
doubt my 2060 could deal with it
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12gb is the recommended amount of vram to have to do videos comfortably. 8gb is minimum for stuff like animate diff or svd. the newer video models are real piggus like tooncrafter at half precision taking 16gb
man you really didnt make any progress at all in the last year besides using a tool someone else released lmao
what a loser
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>the newer video models are real piggus like tooncrafter at half precision taking 16gb
is that an inevitable trend going forward or is there room for optimization to keep memory demands lower?
schizoanon seems extra pissy today, must've had a hard week
waiting on top 1m subset to finish zzz
>says the guy genning 1girl using someone else's ui
please delete this
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kinda cursed but cool to see someone trying this out. is this liveportrait?
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NTA, but my guess is that VRAM will only be optimized for older models - there will always be a new generation that will create much more coherent videos and that everyone will want to use as they make the old generation look absolutely terrible in comparison.

So nobody will want to use the optimized models; everyone will want to use the shiny new thing and produce things that look good.
And that will always require a ton of VRAM. And Nvidia has no reason to make that affordable.
yeh LivePortrait
>is that an inevitable trend going forward or is there room for optimization to keep memory demands lower?
that's really the goal but there are so few teams trying to do anything actually new. there was a runway dataset and training code leak apparently but I'd wait for a post about it for the news
Is >>101577651true?
actually, here is the PC gaymer article
cant wait until trani gets fired (yet again) :]
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>some people pretend that I somehow knew the node would have malware in it
Do you have links to back up what other anons were saying? Or did you just make this up?
Anon called you an idiot, not that you knew. And the fact that you doubled down and blamed everyone else is quite telling.
>schizo desperate for drama
>Because otherwise open source models will can just clone the outputs of Dalle3 and Ideogram and others and destroy their businesses by providing them for free.
The paper says the opposite, it literally says that if you spam synthetic data to train your model it will become absolute shit
me too unironically
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is which part true?
did I think synthetic training data is retarded?
no. there are drawback but also valid applications of synthetic training data

did I ask for proof that it was retarded?
maybe. if there is interesting studies or projects that provide insights, I'm sure I'd be interested

did I remember asking for proof?
apparently not. though its likely I would have came across relevant studies before anyone else

now, on the topic of the linked article specifically, it seems people didn't even read the abstract. its not generally talking about synthetic data, its talking about recursively generated data -- particularly, long-term learning. it's also focusing on LLMs. you can assume there will be similar collapse problems with diffusion models but it wasn't explicitly mentioned or studied in this paper

if you're interested in reading more on synthetic data in training, here's some additional papers to check out

Is Synthetic Data all We Need? Benchmarking the Robustness of Models Trained with Synthetic Images

The Unmet Promise of Synthetic Training Images: Using Retrieved Real Images Performs Better

SynthCLIP: Are We Ready for a Fully Synthetic CLIP Training?

Scaling Laws of Synthetic Images for Model Training ... for Now

Training on Synthetic Data Beats Real Data in Multimodal Relation Extraction

On the Limitation of Diffusion Models for Synthesizing Training Datasets

as you can see, its a very well-traveled topic in research with a variety of different approaches, applications, and conclusions. imo, the jury is still out
>he thinks his links non peer-reviewed papers is equivalent to a paper posted in Nature
damn, why are you always this retarded?
Do you have any links to back up your claims? >>101581845 >>101575923
>its not generally talking about synthetic data, its talking about recursively generated data -- particularly, long-term learning.
Why are you moving the goalpost? This isn't the topic we're discussing about
Ignore the schizo desu
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thank you for providing links and doing legwork, debo, regardless if I agree since effort should always be mentioned
>did I ask for proof

>did I remember asking for proof?
>apparently not.

forgot your gen
Who are you? I've never seen your images before.
Nobody has ever seen your images because you've never generated any
>there are drawback but also valid applications of synthetic training data
What do synthetic data offer that real images don't? That's the question we should be asking ourselves.
>switching topics when losing an argument
like clockwork
thread belongs in b with all the self dox and pedophilia innit
>there are drawback but also valid applications of synthetic training data
Except that using real pictures have 0 drawback, that's why it will always be a better choice than synthetic data, that's the point.
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I ignore him most of the time but that offered an opportunity for me to touch on that nature article and talk a bit about synthetic data

ty. the topic is interesting.
also, idk if there's anything to agree/disagree with cuz the research still seems inconclusive on the worth of synthetic data

>What do synthetic data offer that real images don't?
it offers a large wealth of data and usually more metadata with, since you know the parameters going into the outputs.
its also an inevitable problem to contend with as more and more synthetic data seeps into datasets
>your opinion doesnt matter if i dont know who you are!!1
nyet comrade all image is same!!
>it offers a large wealth of data
that's vague, can you elaborate on that?

>and usually more metadata with
what does that mean?

>since you know the parameters going into the outputs.
what are you talking about???
What the Anon you're replying to is saying is that this paper is a lie, made up by the big AI companies to dissuade people from using their AIs output to train their own AIs to catch up.

So they're saying that the AI companies made this paper and its conclusion up to stop others from catching up.

No, I don't believe Anon is right.
So you were lying in >>101575923 ? If what you say is true then it should be trivial to pull up links. Why do you lie like that? Do you think anon forgets easily?
who's that?
>what is RLHF
>the research still seems inconclusive on the worth of synthetic data
only peer-reviewed paper matter anon, and the only one we have on that topic is the Nature paper one, and that one says it's retarded to train models with synthetic data, and that's kind of obvious, why would you train a model with pictures that inherently have mistakes on anatomy, perspective and lightning when you can use high quality photos that accurately represent the world and reality.
Don't call him that. He is Debo, he's not an anon.
desu I would be ok to use synthetic data if you label those pictures as such on the training dataset. Like saying "this is a AI picture from Midjourney" or "this is an AI picture from Dalle3", that way you could make your model understand that AI pictures are different to real one and if you want something real, you could put "AI picture" on the negative prompt
>talking to thread schizo and expecting honest answers
newfags, all of you
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That's really impressive, probably one of the first short films that actually looks like it could be professionally produced.
you notice how peaceful and active the thread was when debo was asleep kek
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>when you can use high quality photos that accurately represent the world and reality
Which dataset is this? LAION? DataComp?
I'm talking aesthetically, for the caption yeah you have to work and use something like GPT4V, that means not being a lazy ass and just scrap AI pictures that have anything inside yeah
>synthetic captions
You're praising synthetic pictures that has innacurate captions (because no AI generator will perfectly stick to the prompt you asked for) and aesthetic (bad anatomy, perspective and lightning) but you draw a line on synthetic captions? How can someone be such a retarded nigger?
>example #527472 why the basedbin of frenship should replace the discord in OP
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Do you like her? Let's call her Eva
still too uncanny imho and the tracking was bad but that is on the editor
I doubt it actually has ever had a job.
Ur gay and nothing you say or do adds value to anything.
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X-men Evolution PONY LORA

Best Quality BY FAR!!!!
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Tried remixing an image on my other lora showcase reel here:
with the Xevolution LORA.
fuck's sake julien your gens are still the same fucking shit after 1 year of developments in the field?
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