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I was thinking of getting a Proton Mail account but I was wondering if you guys would consider it reliable and trustworthy? If not, are there alternatives?
Yes. Host your own
>reliable and trustworthy?
>are there alternatives?
also no

pick your poison, there are no secure, private email providers. even if you're willing to pay, there still aren't any options. it's all shit the whole way down. choose the one that is least bad in your opinion.
It's reliable and you can trust it to send and receive emails. It's not anonymous though, nothing on clearnet is, if the police come knocking on their door they won't stand in the way.
I love it. Proton Pass has convenient email aliases/burner emails and it lets you use your own domains (so does proton mail)

I never really sorted my emails before I started using proton so I don't know if gmail and outlook have this, but protonmail has a great autosorting tool to automatically sort your new emails to designated folders. You can also toy with which notifications to receive.

Proton is the only non-gmail/outlook email provider I would ever trust with my emails.

Email privacy is a myth so I choose to go for the provider that makes me feel the best, and that's proton
protonmail doesn't support registration via tor but it supports signing in through tor, however their webapp requires javascript
there has also been a case in the past when they have enabled ip logging for a specific user post-facto
overall it's reliable but not trustworthy
better than the alternatives desu
Go for more privacy and get more headaches and work for yourself. If your current main email address is gmail or microsoft, yahoo, etc., it's a big improvement in terms of privacy.
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Just use mailfence
I use gmail and it's pretty good, never had issues.
It's also very secure with lots of 2FA configurations possible.
your account is gone if you forget to log in for 365 days
Gmail has never let me down
Email is very simply put, not a secure protocol, and it never will be. By paying for protonmail you do get a lot of data business off your back but it isn't fed proof.
Host your own shit if you are that paranoid. No email provider would care about your email if you don't sell drugs or trafficking human.
If you are a westerner, just use the mail services of Yandex or Baidu. Zero chance they would share your data with Western agencies.
There is no secure/private mail provider. Pick proton if you dont want to support fagman, but there already have been several reports of them collaborating with the feds afaik, which leads to many anons calling them a honeypot. I dont know really.

I would pick the provider you like best, or which represents you as a normal, moral human being (so pick a mail with either a custom domain or something like outlook, which probably is the best for buisness. Don't pick something like "hotmail" "gmail" "freemail" "posteo" which makes you look like a cheap fuck), even proton will make you look like a schizo, but you have the option for "yourname@pm.me", which is good, i think
Protonmail is awesome if you want alt email accounts for whatever reason because it's a real email provider that allows you to easily make infinite accounts and doesn't require your phone or anything
If you're sending super secret spy shit through email and you're concerned if it's secure you're already doing it wrong by using email
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Hello Mr. Anon. I'm sorry, but we have to cancel that $10 million contract we were going to award your company. We tried to send you an email to discuss project details but it came back as "Unknown server".
I would not recommend gmail for the simple reason if you ever try to log in from an unknown location/device, you could permanently brick your account and be unable to log in again, even if you have the password AND access to the recovery account. There will be no support staff to help you and no one will respond to your Google Groups pleas.
IMAP is a bit tricky, but it works.
Worth it for the anon@pm.me domain alone.
kiddie diddler
kiddie diddler
define reliable? i've been using a free account for 7 years. werks on desktop and my android via app.
define trustworthy? doing illegal things is not advisable on the internet. if you're trying to hide your pizza, i hope you get hit by a bus you fucking pedo
Use tuta, they are the only email provider using quantum cryptography at present.
there is no evidence ever that they can or have decrypted user emails. that said they might be able to
they will obey local laws (swiss in this case), which any email provider will do including /g/'s favs like cock.li. they did provide IP addresses of a user on at least one occasion. if you're planning on running a terrorist cell or darkweb market, tread carefully.
email is a wildly insecure protocol to begin with, unless both the sender and the recipient go to some effort to prevent that. I still use proton because they at least don't seem to sell my email metadata to advertisers
>automatically sort
Uhh, you mean "rules" ?
garbage service, will ban all your accounts at the slightest sight of multi accounting and the customer service is arrogant
>if you guys would consider it reliable and trustworthy?
Yes, the most of any email provider actually large enough that your emails won't just get bounced
If you're paranoid you should enable two-password mode and access it via a VPN (Proton's own VPN works since Swiss law can compel email services to log your IP but not VPN services)
There's only 2 options for zero knowledge encryption email:

1. Protonmail
>no IMAP or bridge on mobile

2. Mailbox.org
>located in (((Germany)))

Not quite happy with either.

All that and you still won't have any more privacy than you initially had since email cannot be private
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>I was thinking of getting a Proton Mail account but I was wondering if you guys would consider it reliable and trustworthy?
If you want to be put on a special glowie watchlist then knock yourself out.
It's much much better then gmail or other free providers. Not perfect, it will still have to comply with law enforcement but people posting lists of fails are posting the exceptions. It's reliable and that is what matters. Get the paid stuff and you are paying for service with money rather than your data. Email is important enough to pay for.
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Good enough if you don't want Google or Microsoft looking through your emails.
As far as honeypot posters are concerned: if you're being targeted by the feds or state level actors, you're already doing it wrong by using email over clearnet.
>He's not on at least three lists
What is wrong with you? Just posting here puts you on at least two.
nice argument bro, highlighting the links different colours really BTFO all that evidence
vile jew
privacy larpers on suicide watch
>he posts on chinz using his real ip in current year
it's joever
Being Swiss the only thing law enforcement can actually make them do is hand over your IP
There is an exemption to this specifically for VPN services so you can just use their own VPN with the same login and they are legally able to hand over nothing
no. riseup, followed by disroot, are the only actually trustworthy email providers, which are used by actual targeted political activists instead of /g/ larpers.
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>I was thinking of getting a Proton Mail account but I was wondering if you guys would consider it reliable and trustworthy? If not, are there alternatives?
- Swedish intelligence partnered with CIA.

- Use any provider that supports IMAPS. Use Thunderbird with PGP, super easy.

- Never rely on "E2EE" when it is managed by the vendor. That is Fake E2EE. FE2EEEEEE.
This is a plus in my book. I wish every company were forced to comply to something like this. I live in EU so they kinda have to (iirc it's five years or so) but the corpokikes have come up with shoving a free service on you and which you can't cancel without jumping a ton of hoops, so they can keep you as their 'customer' ad infinitum. My ISP from fifteen years ago calls me like every two months or so trying to sell me shit.
>inb4 block the number
No use, their telemarketers don't have fixed numbers.

If I had three buttons of which one kills all jews, the other one all the niggers, and the third one all the telemarketers and those annoying face-to-face marketers on malls, I'd hammer the third one with all my might.
100% this
>you could permanently brick your account and be unable to log in again, even if you have the password AND access to the recovery account.
Fuck I hate this bullshit. I've been locked out of accounts because the last time I was logged in was either ages ago or a past phone. It's happened with Yahoo emails too.
is mailfence any good?
The only real thing that matters in email is to grt your own domain.
>all emails get marked as spam because unrecognized domain
That's a skill issue. Relying on a single way of communication is bad business practice
>>no IMAP or bridge on mobile
self-hosting is an option
It's not the domain that's the problem, it's the reputation score of the sending server's IP. There's literally no way to cheat this if you self-host, you are going to get bounced by spam filters regularly, especially if your "self-hosting" is on a popular cloud service.
I’ve used it for years it’s simple no BS and based in Belgium, they’ve never cucked to the authorities. All encrypted
What made you look into protonmail now? Are you also looking into SimpleLogin?
500iq advice desu

Pretty sure the Russians know about all my degenerate porn searches
This is highly illegal against TOS
>it's a real email provider that allows you to easily make infinite accounts
Not really. They use IP and browser fingerprinting and will ban duplicate accounts, they're very clear in TOS that they will wipe that shit out.
That has not been my experience. Is this new?
Only happens to free accounts, paid accounts exist indefinitely.
If you had a free account before the new inactive accounts policy, you've got an extra year or until April 2026 to log in preventing deletion.
based honey bear
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Proton is a partnered with the WEF.
It's regulated and overseen by the EU (most anti freespeech government in the western world)
There is no such thing as private and anonymous email, it's a flawed protocol by design that constant leaks metadata by design.
VPN is snake oil.
If you are using all those proton services, you are just swapping a giant globohomo company for another. No difference in relaying completely on jewggle.
To create an account it requires a globohomo email, defeating the entire propose of an alt tech email.

If you want privacy, selfhost everything locally.
If you want private communication, use XMPP.

Proton mail is even worst than gmail because it gives retards a false sense of security.
Anyone know if non gmail/outlook/yahoo/apple adresses get blacklisted by potential employers? Im interest in using mailbox.org as a personal email for job applications but worry that maybe i wont get emails or places wont recieve my emails
proton is such a scam
you can make a new account with captcha

Bruh don't use mailbox
>Email is very simply put, not a secure protocol, and it never will be.

Why is this? Would email simply not work if it were encrypted?
Gmail the most private secure because everyone uses gmail.
>need phone number to sign up
>Google unironically scans your emails
Yeah, very private
>If you want privacy, selfhost everything locally.
>If you want private communication, use XMPP
Why? Elaborate please. I am looking at their site, it's over my head.
Is this like Signal where both/all recipients need Signal or?
F-Droid has multiple XMPP clients. Does this negate selfhosting?
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I like proton (free) especially for the aliases
I don't think much of privacy but those throwaway emails for shady websites are a godsend. If one gets compromised it's easy to delete it

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