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I, for the life of me, cannot figure out the pinout on this thing. Ive looked at like, 5 different images that are supposedly the pinout, they are all different. I've tried sending HIGH and LOW using digitalWrite on like, 5 different pins and none of them do anything. Last time i used arduino was a decade ago but then, the pinouts were actually accurate? I have no idea what is going on and I've been at this for 4 hours just trying to send a damn voltage on and off
It's printed right there on the PCB. Take for example D0, to use it you need the following code:
void setup() {
pinMode(0, output);

void loop() {
digitalWrite(0, HIGH);
digitalWrite(0, LOW);
D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 3V3 GND D5 D6 D7 D8 RX TX GND 3V3
Doesnt do anything
To clarify, neither using 0 or D0 do anything
OP here, I figured it out. Jannies please delete the thread
First, is your board actually the one from the picture? And second, connect the output to a 220 ohm resistor in series with a LED.
Are you trying to program this as an Arduino or ESP8266?
Is it even getting flashed?
>Are you trying to program this as an Arduino or ESP8266?
>Is it even getting flashed?
I've tried both generic ESP8266 as well as NodeMCU ESP-12E, neither work
>connect the output to a 220 ohm resistor in series with a LED.
i cant actually find my leds, but i have a low voltage solenoid that can be powered from the 3.3v output
to confirm, yes its being flashed, i have it connecting to wifi as a startup procedure and it prints output when it tries to turn a pin off and on
The board needs to have an Arduino bootloader stored in flash. You probably need to download the ESP tools and flash an image first, because the flash memory might actually be empty and you won't be able to use the Arduino framework.
Stfu faggot i just ran through every single pin D0-D8 and not a single one worked except D1 crashed the arduino
do you have more info on this ive never heard of that, im using Arduino IDE and i can connect to wifi just not send anything to any pin
Do you even know the steps to load sketches to your esp? Hint it involves the two buttons near the serial
If i can tell it to connect to my wifi, and print when its connected and the ip address, then loop through every single pin sending a high signal then low and i can read the serial output for each pin and see its mapping to different pretty sure thats not the damn gpio pins, pretty sure thats not the issue...
Okay tranny, reinstall bootloader and verify you're using the right board in your ide. Ditch the Arduino ide. Retarded compiler.
Not OP but what do you suggest using for Arduino development? Just the command line tools?
I've actually never used an ESP board with Arduino so you'll have to read the documentation. What board is that? There's an official Arduino Nano but it has an ESP32, not and ESP8266.
Vscode, eclipse, terminal even. Arduino ide lets you make really dumb mistakes and loads the program anyway
>reinstall bootloader
how, where, where is the bootloader? Google tells me nothing other than a github page espressif.github.io/esptool-js but then again, where is the bootloader, where do i get it, do i have to compile the code first? Shouldnt arduino ide be doing this???
>What board is that?
NodeMCU ESP8266 ESP-12
Check this out:
>something i already did
>which was made painfully obvious when i said "I've tried both generic ESP8266 as well as NodeMCU ESP-12E, neither work"
Then I don't know. You have a chink board without documentation so you'll have to throw shit at it until it works.
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I'm tired and 100% convinced that anons here are more retarded than I am

I bet the next suggestion will probably tell me to set pinMode for the pin to output or something equally stupid. I'm going to bed, reddit can probably give decent advice
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Did you try this one? it says D0 is arduino pin 16.
Arduino IDE sucks for this crap, use vscode with platformio instead.
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doesnt work
Do you have 5v and 3v3? If not then maybe your aliexpress clone was DOA
Turn your LED around, just to be sure.
Which way are you holding the board, maybe the pin it is the opposite side
Lol you probably fried the driver transistor inside your MCU.
>i have a low voltage solenoid that can be powered from the 3.3v output
Bruh, buy the cheapest chinkshit digital multimeter you can find, JFC, you should have had a DMM before you have an Arduino.
And never connect inductive loads directly to microcontrollers.
Setting aside this retarded question, ESP32 is "fun" in terms of pins with caveats. It's all documented, but it can be a trap for beginners when they try to use a pin which can't be high/low during startup and they wonder why it bootloops.
I got one of these tiny esp-01s that you can hook up to an equally small relay board but during boot the fucking relay pin switches on and off several times making it useless, piece of shit has like 20 pins and they had use the one oscillate on boot, had to cut the trace and solder a wire straight into the 5mm chip with 0.1mm pins.
>40 seconds to compile a blink sketch
First time it has to fetch dependencies, Arduino IDE wasn't made for all this crap.
Should I be impressed?
Making the led blink is the equivalent of yellow world.
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no but its a quick way to check if uploading is working and the ports are ok (change the pin assignment for each port, move the led line to that port and reupload).

more fun to setup the esp webserver and turn on/off led (eventually put a relay in the place of the led to power cycle the cablemodem which was is on the other side of the house).

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