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did he have a point?

I've noticed new technologies are released and go from a luxury to a convenience and eventually mandatory. There's no option to opt-out and still be a part of society.
Like what?
>inb4 pocket computers AKA phones
Cars, at least in America. Good luck being able to hold a decent job without a car, NYC and a handful of transit connected neighborhoods are the only exception. I believe we're at the early stages of this trend with AI.
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His viral marketing strategy for his ideas was morally wrong and crippled his cause forever, but everything else was sound.
Seems to me like they still fall under luxury and convenience.
you are a retard. i have been trying to get a job for the past 4 months. my 30 year old shitboxes have become too expensive to repair and i am completely dependant on taking the bus. as soon as the topic of transportation comes up, and I ask for my hours to accomodate taking the bus, I actually get looks of disgust from the interviewer. this is for fucking burger flipping jobs, mind you. they actually get pissy when you cannot drop what you are doing at a moments notice and show up at any hour they want you there with 5 minutes of a heads up. it is actually impossible to live without a car and ill probably end up homeless because of it.
I think his terrorism actually ruined the appeal of his philosophy. I mean of course it did since he got arrested and everyone thinks he's a violent psycho (despite being no more mentally damaged than the average person in America), but he had phenomenal writing skills. Had he put them into practice with writing editorials, books about the evils of technology and so on, I genuinely think he would have a larger impact in society since his sound reasoning skills aren't associated with being a terrorist.
If all you have to offer is low-skill labor you're fucked anyway. Basically, you seem as valuable as a Mexican and equally replaceable.
If you were applying to a job where the outcome depends on your personal skills, you could have options.
Essentially, you can't afford the most common luxury and convenience and you're upset with society due to your own shortcomings.
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nobody can opt-out of our extinction

you can kill yourself and life in the past forever or you stop caring and grow some nice weed
Ted's too antisocial to come up with that solution. The fact that he chose violence as a means to communicate showed how utterly clueless he was about humanity in general.
but aren't we aware of him and his ideas because of his terrorism? Obviously it was fucked up, but I've been around creative types enough (artists, designers, writers, journalists, etc.) to learn that the successful ones often come from privileged backgrounds or made connections with wealthy and powerful people some other way. Regular Joes just don't stand a chance of getting their voices heard by a large segment of the population.
and cars are just one example. Here's another one, the very thing we're using right now, the internet. If you don't have home internet with half decent speeds, you are fucked socially and economically. Depending on your internet plan, that's another $50-$100 dollars you are now on the hook for every month for the rest of your life.
>did he have a point?
He had a point. But it was a bad one. A point that paints the man-child as a victim. So the man-child worship him.
you are a nigger. where i live there is only "low-skill" labor. yes in the united states. next you will tell me to move to some faggot city. once upon a time it was affordable to live modestly. but faggots like yourself force everyone else to play this retarded game. yes it is entirely society's fault. i have no short-comings as i did just fine for 10 years. shove your "personal skills" up your ass retard.
he was a huge misanthrope and used reverse psychology to make us kill ourselves
>next you will tell me to move to some faggot city.
No, you couldn't afford it.
>once upon a time it was affordable to live modestly.
Doing what? Not flipping burgers.
>but faggots like yourself force everyone else to play this retarded game.
I don't think unproductives such as yourself should be compensated higher than anyone else willing to do the same job. Blame the other poors, not me.
>i have no short-comings as i did just fine for 10 years. shove your "personal skills" up your ass retard.
You are the only nigger here.
you are entirely missing the point you insufferable faggot. a car is MANDATORY, it is not a luxury. and i was a mechanic, until all the shops closed down because only dealerships are allowed to exist. you are an underage faggot pretending to know a fuck about the world. you have never worked a day in your life to say the faggot shit you have said in this thread.
if i speak...
>a car is MANDATORY, it is not a luxury.
Your impotent seething is hilarious to read but I better not hear any of it when you're loading groceries in the back of my SUV.
you are an underage faggot still living with your parents. quit pretending retard
I think we can learn from him without adopting his views entirely. Instead of being anti-technology and seeking to return to some primitive past, we can be skeptical of technology and rein it in to suit human needs instead of following the new shiny tech blindly.
A car is definitely treated as something an American adult is expected to have. There’s a few exceptions, but at that point you’re cherry picking edge cases to push your narrative.
I bought a car off of craigslist for $500 in 2018 just because it was a 5-speed.
Meanwhile, you're trying to be a goyslop assembler and failing. I bet you can't even imagine how people with an actual job live.

>A car is definitely treated as something an American adult is expected to have.
In the same way that owning a house is expected.
The standard of luxury has shifted so hard that owning complex machines that are widely available to improve your life is viewed as an expectation? People have more capability to do whatever they want, eat whatever they want, and go wherever they want now than any point in history.
That doesn't make it mandatory, despite the drawbacks.
Cars are only cheap if your time is worthless and if the car is required for practical transit and living, then that is a significant impediment to children, the disabled and the elderly.
Why did you even make this thread? You're obviously not asking for advice.
>that is a significant impediment to children, the disabled and the elderly.
As opposed to not having a car...?
His philosophy is contradictory, because he has this weird dichotomic idea of nature vs technology. He claims to stay on the side of nature and sees technology as the enemy. But what is technology? The invention of fire is technology, the hand axe is technology etc. If he believes, that primitive technology is good, then his ideology can't be anti-technology. What about language? Isn't language also technology? Maybe we should go back ti a more primitive way of communication, making noises and grunts? So this is my criticism of Ted, he can't really explain what technology is, yet he opposes it.
> he believes, that primitive technology is good, then his ideology can't be anti-technology.
read the manifesto before speaking retard, 90% of niggas problems with ted (other than muh violence) can be fixed if they actually sit down and read his tiny fucking book, he clearly covers this when talking about large scale technology vs small scale technology
i mean he was in MKULTRA so makes sense he was unhinged

interestingly, whitey bulger was also in MKULTRA in prison.
that was a psyop
the thing is, small scale technology can't be the solution, because it's very existence will lead you to large scale technology sooner or later. This is why ted's philosophy is flawed, he doesn't think consequent enough. His ideology is actually reformist, not revolutionary.
well yes, it was.
> it's very existence will lead you to large scale technology sooner or later.
youre not arguing that ted doesent know what he opposes anymore youre arguing that technological progress in inevitable. technological progress which leads to large scale technology is largely guided by the ideology of technical efficiency, when the revolution happens the revolutionaries will insist on an anti-technical way of life, which would not lead to large scale technology. of course others will resume technological progress after a few centuries but then it can just be dismantled again, (also for the amount of time there is technological progress resources to continue technological progress will thin making it harder and harder to resume)
I don't know what his views on it were, but any of his modern day followers seem to have fallen for aesthetics and have completely missed the mark. The worst period for human quality of life was pre-industrial agriculture, and it shocks me how people can romanticize such a time. Agriculture is no more natural than smartphones, and may have had disastrous effects on human quality of life when adopted.
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technology peaked 20 years ago.
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>did he have a point?
He was right from day-1. His mistake was his actions.
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>did he have a point?
No he was literally a libtard tranny and 100% of his "philosophy" is plagiarized milquetoast talking points from other authors.
He is a faggot that killed innocent white people for no reason.
He could have target the jews that actually OWNS the logging and oil companies. Hell he could even had target the people behind his mkultra. But he chose to kill innocent white small business owners and random white workers.
His ideology is paper thin and his methods didn't accomplished anything.
Fuck him, I hope he's burning in hell now.
But I will give him this, at leas he is not a hypocrite, he actually lived what he preached, putting his "money" where is mouth is, so to speak. Showing more conviction and dictation than 99.99999% of libtards.

Also global warming is a hoax.
all American infrastructure revolves around cars. People expect you to go these long distance at speeds only a car can go at. It is firmly in mandatory phase.
i read his manifesto. Of course he had a point. it's one of the real Inconvenient Truths, like the fact that the real cause of all eco planet sustainability bs problems is that there's simply far too many of us.


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