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why godot has to suck soo much?
(((Juan))) is worried about anything else except making a proper game engine.
>animation: broken
>ik: broken
>c# api: broken because of gdscript garbage legacy api abstraction
>file handling limited to extreme levels because of Juan's kikery
>gdscript = garbage
>physics system: broken
everything is broken except for graphical stuff and yet their most popular and successful game Cruelty Squad don't make use of any of the graphical features.
also making a fork of the engine is not gonna fix any of the problems because those problems are too ingrained into the game engine source code and the base code is running with duct tape spaghetti
Using a game engine is söydev-tier.
nah, my hobby is making videogames not game engines, you have different focus, i need to complete my game and then i can think about making my own engine.
>open source
>had a massive wave of support due to unity exodus
>still a piece of shit that doesn’t work

Hows open source working lads? Whats the commit log look like, 99% pajeets changing the readme and 1% variable changes?
Does Godot still legitimately suck (as in GIMP tiers of garbage)? Non-ideological answers only please, I just wanna make a game.

For some reason every open source-software has a cadre of rabid zealots who try to mindfuck everyone and themselves that the problems with the software do not infact exist and try to bully everyone who claims it does. These people are more often than not are nodevs as well. Cherry on top if these people actively wage war on corporations wanting to support the project and people wanting to make money using it.

These people are the main reason open source software does not improve and can languish in a broken state for decades and nobody outside the cult is willing to touch it.
>Does Godot still legitimately suck (as in GIMP tiers of garbage)
Sucking is not one dimensional. It doesn't suck in the same way as gimp, it's intuitive and nice to use and it's by far the best option for 2 day jam games and similar small projects. The dimension in which it sucks is if you're trying to make a "real" big game and you need good 3d rendering to be there out of the box, good animation systems, and other advanced features.
no, is like the linux experience, everything looks alright in fresh use, but once you start utilizing it, things and features that just works in other engines don't work there and you start to questioning if godot team decision were the best.
compare this api
to unity api
dear god.
I don't understand, the whole point of Python is to make everything simple and elegant to write. Why make a language that's almost like python and come up with this abomination for an API?
the worst part is that C# suffers from inheriting and copying the gdscript api as you can see so you don't get any of the benefits of using the last .net version
Yeah these issues is why I've been using libraries like raylib and flecs for my games. In terms of upcoming tools, I've been learning zig, and the mach game engine built on it seems to have a very good philosophy when it comes to how they want to design their engine.
then write your game without a game engine and dont write a game engine? are you dumb? why do you think one needs to write a game engine to write a game?

and no, writing a renderer and some systems to write your game, is not a game engine.
no it's pretty good actually, if you want to make a 2D game or a light 3D one
it's easy to learn and easy to use
but the only "serious" game, ie with money, made with it is cassette beasts, a pokemon like in 2.5d with cool art and animation
too bad that zig is still an unsuable broken mess and the mach engine only has a shitty core variant that is not even close to production ready.
notice how I said upcoming and not production ready.
notice how i didnt correct or disagree with you and just stated my grievance with zig and mach
damn my autism strikes again
i hear you brother
its the common pitfalls when you don't make a game or sell a product you keep on reinventing the wheel instead of working on the things your user want. Its not going to get better you are better off looking at other engines if you aren't willing to fix the problems yourself. Heapsio for example is a good start.
i've heard of heaps and looks like a neat toolset.
It has a pretty horrendous architecture with the worst OOP and design patterns pitfalls ("server" lmao), that is the root cause of godot constant 5k bugs/issues count on github since 2017.
They were warned a lot back then but they arrogantly denied the problem even existed.
That have superfluous architecture where they shouldn't have it and don't have it where they absolutely should.
Typical OOP brain.
>but think in the super advanced light system i'm doing, every body praise me now
Some people want to make a game and an engine provides tooling to do so.
kill yourself /pol/tard
why the fuck are you opening your mouth you nodev dumb fuck retard? sterilize yourself so your braindead genes don't have a chance of accidentally propagating with some dumpster slag who doesn't know any better.
I'm starving right now, I don't have all the time in the world to make a whole ass engine from scratch

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