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how true is this?
imagine being at computers
Yet another garbage thread by one of the resident tranny pedophiles.
a thread died for this.

>resident tranny pedophiles.
>buying water because the label says it's from france
Only an Applel would do this.
>Comparing hardware with a kernel
You're not the brightest lad, are you?
windows - coca cola
linux - pepsi
evian - mac os
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>food analogy
not in the slightest, Arch Linux is like pumping water and purifying it with a kit (pacstrap, genfstab, arch-chroot, etc.), Gentoo is like hand distilled water, Lfs is like handmade deionized water, Ubuntu is like Dasani bottled water (the shit with the weird metal taste) and MacOS is like Nestle bottled water pumped from the finest nigger tribe lands and resold to them for a profit. They're all still POSIX-compatible water deep down, but from vastly different sources with vastly different complexities and ease of use. Windows is like industrial grade ammonia you buy from the hardware store, nothing in common with the waters of the *nix types but still technically capable of maintaining life if you ever look into ammonia based life forms.
Why can Americans only make analogies via things they eat and drink
Linux - toilet water
Windows - Brawndo
Refined sugar is a hard drug, most advertising media is heavily obsessed with pushing it and a major source of it (corn syrup) is government subsidized. American children are subjected to classical and operant conditioning with refined sugar from a young age.
Their entire lifestyle is based around a cultural and chemical dependence on adulterated food and drink so they know nothing else that is more relevant and relatable.
ok fatty
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Linux is a dirty puddle.
0% true
Windows 7 is Coca Cola
Macshit is Pepshit
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Change the mac to be meth that makes you delusional and desperate for more of the thing that's actually killing you. Then it's accurate.
true if that evian is sourced from the ganges
always found evian has the purest taste ngl
Right is healthy, who still drinks garbage soda?
imagine buying bottled water when you have an infinite amount of it free from the tap, retard
that sure is some brand names on a png.

more like this
>left is caramel color and corn syrup filled goyslop
>right is pure healthy no nonsense hydration
very true
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I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're refering to as water, is in fact, fluoride/water, or as I've recently taken to calling it, fluoride plus water. Water is not a drinkable liquid unto itself, but rather another fluid component of a fully functioning fluoride delivery system made useful by the fluoride sources of sodium fluoride, fluorocilicic acid and sodium fluorosilicate comprising a full drinkable liquid as defined by the US government.

Many water drinkers drink a modified version of fluoridated water every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of fluoride which is widely used today is often called tap water, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the fluoride delivery system, developed by the US government.

There really is water, and these people are drinking it, but it is just a part of the liquid they drink. Water is the suspension medium: the medium is the delivery mechanism that introduces the suspended particles to your body. The suspension medium is an essential part of a particle delivery system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of particle suspension. Water is normally used in combination with fluoride drink: the whole drink is basically fluoride with water added, or fluoride/water. All the so-called water sources are really distributions of fluoride/water!
Windows: Coca-Cola (regular)
Mac: mocha frappuchino from Starbucks
Linux: water
>buy water to satiate my thirst
>label says it's from france
>throw it in the trash and join a dog drinking from the nearest puddle
>compact, environmentally friendly, robust
MacBook would be spring water because they are all about le sleek - le just werks hydration with all the electrolytes, high magnesium and stuff.
Linux would be tap water, you build the filter and acquire the minerals yourself.
Nobody runs an OS called Linux
I do
right, it's called GNU/Linux
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i need more like these lol
Comedy gold
Windows - Coke
Apple - Pepsi
Linux - Big Cola
God fucking lord, do we really need 5 fucking AI trash generals at any given time?
Although at least all the applel paid shill posts have stopped lately, this board became completely unusable every new apploo presentation.
its ogre
It should be unbranded Finnish water in a glass that says I am milk but otherwise yes, accurate
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>unhealthy for you
>drunk by people with no self control, who need their sweet treats right now
>chemically addictive
>removes your masculinity
>produced by oppressing the third world
>refreshing to drink
>produced by europeans
>transparent and easy to see inside
yep, it's accurate
adding these to coke
>brown in color
>only exists due to billions and billions of dollars of advertising
>>produced by europeans
do eurosharts really?
debloated Sinkch rice
ok fatty
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>macos is an unhealthy consumer product designed to addict
>linux is life giving water available freely from the tap
it’s very accurate actually
>life giving
you can literally drown in water
imagine being look at computers so fat you and see food
Linux sux though. MacOS is the best UNIX like system out there, hands down.
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No, this is Linux.
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how true is this
irl distrohopping, vgh...
This is windows.
Curious what this is supposed to mean
Stop thinking about food and soda you fat fucks
you can't get fat from evian water
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>tastes great, looks great
>however, if you don't consume it in moderation then you will turn into a fatty slob
>looks like every other water, tastes likes every other water
>you might think at least it is healthier than right, until you realize the microplastic turns you gay
I think it is quite accurate.
Mac - overpriced bottled water like Voss
Linux - tap water
Windows - generic bottled water like Evian
>MacBooks are unhealthy and taste like shit and make your teeth feel furry.
>Linux is overpriced

Amazing meme
>Linux: tap water
>Windows: filter robusta coffee
>Mac: shot of cum
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meanwhile in the real world
GN*ME is the unfiltered sewage of liquids
Ok I'll correct myself

>Linux: tap water with estrogens
>Windows: filter robusta coffee
>Mac: shot of cum
so fat you look and see food

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