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Pink phone edition

>What phone has X and Y feature?
Don't ask, use these!

Good Resources:

>Frequency Checkers

>Visual Phone Size Comparison

>Everything rooting and custom ROM related
>Beware carrier variants with locked bootloaders

>Debloat your stock ROM

>Open source Android applications

>Android App compatibility list for de-googled phones

>Custom ROMs suggestions, privacy guides

>Recommended phones

>Try out Android on your iToy

>Post a mini-review of your phone
>Anyone aggressively promoting iPhone is an underage micropenis shill who should be ignored
>Discuss upcoming and current models
>Ask for help related to phones
>Tell us how many shekels you spent on a good/bad phone

Previous thread: >>101552691
buy an Iphone
stop coping
im not paying over 200 for a phone, if i did i sure as hell wouldnt get an iphone
>probably a virgin
> what are some good gallery and file manager apps?
Solid explorer.
>probably a homosexual
>I can't afford a $1000 phone every year
get a job
>I can't sideload apps
get a clue saar
Please follow this thread's rules:
>Anyone aggressively promoting iPhone is an underage micropenis shill who should be ignored
I can and I won't because I don't trust software coded by troons and virgins
t. EU Aryan, unlike you, you brown monkey
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No filesystem on iphone
and why do you need it?
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"global" phone vs american soil
idk I use it daily. If you have no need for it you'll be good with apple.
>EU Aryan
>and why do you need it?
the concept of having your own files is alien to the ijeet
how good is the samsung galaxy a25 if i want with a headphone jack that just werks
Decent phone if you dont play games.
the most intensive thing im going to do with it is watch youtube videos
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Telecom companies in the US are a mafia
Lust provoking video please delete saar
should I use ram boost or not?
Henlo /b/, which is the better buy:
$370 Zenfone 9 8/256
$400 Zenfone 10 8/128

I mostly browse 150+ chrome tabs to hoard porno pics. I am planning to circumvent the non existing card slot using OTG card reader.

Looking to replace my Xperia 5 ii which is starting to show gay pink dildos.
Will the pixel 9 have similar performance than an sd 8 gen 2?
I would want to go back to a pixel, but I really do some vidya on mah phone.
>Pink phone edition
Recommend me some pink Android phones.
no, fake ram is like 100x slower than the real thing
>Mole/Freckles on the breast

Where can I find more of this?
Some adults seriously use an android, incelphone, a toy made for Indian and Arab kids to play mobile games and watch soccer videos on youtube
Yeah some adults have a life. The others have an iphone.
whats the use case for file system?
apple products are for women and homosexuals
In third world countries
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>mogs your smartphone
Better oeganization
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Just bought a pixel 4a that I'm gonna use as a clock, music player and telephone. Is this the perfect poorfag phone?
nothing 2 512GB for 620 euro
poco x6 pro 512GB 320 euro
While they don't have the same CPU, from a few sites comparing the two CPUs one could see they are more or less the same. I also can't justify getting a phone that costs more than 450 euro, it just feels weird spending more on a phone.
Is the nothing/cmf phones good for phone calls? you might think im memeing but the entire reason i need a new phone is the call volume is too quiet on my xiaomi 11 (yes its on max volume). im thinking of nothing or cmf, or maybe just going back to samsung s10-24 (any of them desu)
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who here foldmaxing?
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As someone who liked Huawei's UI, would you recommend the Honor Magic 6 Pro?
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google, PLEASE, volume buttons on the other side OR below volume
Oh no they have a pink one?
Ah shit ah fuck.
>tfw colourblind
>tfw would never have known OP is pink, had it not been pointed out
Never saw color blind person, never heard of them.
Why there's so much colorblind in the West?
> volume buttons on the other side
To be honest when I bought s24 ultra it was by far largest issue on pair with lack of alert slider. Previous phone was OnePlus.

Anyway, don't buy pixel. It will be shit anyway.
most people don't know until they take a test
> most people don't know until they take a test
Most people so know that they can't see pink
It's got better battery life than the poco and cleaner software. Those are probably the biggest advantages over it.
Color blindness doesn't have to be extreme, for a lot of people a few colors just blend together
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Hello, fellow colorblind
but does those two worth the almost double price?
Depends on how much you value those things
>I don't trust software coded by troons and virgins
>uses apple
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I posted in the last thread, it eventually charged up and turned on.
It does have a browser but doesn't support modern 4channel. Also sucks hard for scrooooling
Gonna have to look harder for info on it, it can be rooted I guess but not sure what that means if there's homebrew for it
In case you guys were wondering, this is what OP's image looks like to Deuteranomaly color blindness.
And this is Protanomaly
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protan here, can confirm it looks basically the same as OP

always wanted one of those tshirts
I don't care who else uses android, anon, if iPhone was the better phone, I would get it but it isn't and every single time I ask in these generals what factual advantages iPhone has to make it worth purchasing I never get an actual answer.
>saars every detail about pixel 9 has released!
>no mention regarding their fingerprint scanner having actually gone ultrasonic instead of optical
Are iPhones still locked the fuck down via iTunes sync or can you just drag-and-drop audio files onto the filesystem like a normal person now?
Is it true that chinks made a law forbidding their phone manufacturers from unlocking bootloaders and custom ROMs fucking died because of this?
Thinking about buying a new phone (currently using Poco X3 Pro), checked Xiaomi and a couple more Chinese brands - none of the devices I looked up had any AOSP-based ROMs.
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Forgot to attach the pic btw
>Live in London
>Regularly get my phone stolen by joggers
What phone should I get that is good but not that good to the point that joggers would throw my phone back to me when they see its not a good phone?
This specifically applies to phones running the chinese firmware iirc
I do want muh grapheneos though
nokia 215 4g
is there a phone like cmf nothing phone 1 but better, i just wanna make sure there isn't better stuff b4 i buy it. preferably snapdragon but idrc and also micro sd/sim slots
Been using my cmf 1 for a week now. Shit is tight, only thing I miss is my headphone jack.

The custom skin is kind of reddit but most of it is invisible after changing the home launcher. Battery and display are amazing coming from an old poco with IPS. Also no Mi account required.
>for CN devices
That's your answer, if you have global version you're fine.
Both groups, Global and CN, can unlock their Xiaomemes. They just need to use their respective accounts and follow their own steps.
Only global China rom users are screwed.
sir please do the needful sir
source sir please
I'll wait for p10-p11 probably. Let's hope the Gemini AI stuff is local.
Why pixel always owned by weird people? Quite popular among 40+ people for some reason.
I saw man driving Cherry Tiggo Pro Max 8 (that's real name of a real car) and he paid with pixel phone in a drive through.
Once I saw old lady with pixel.
Youngsters usually have A series Samsung or Xiaomi Redmi phones.
Recommended by others. Unless you need performance, they are solid phones.
I didn't even post one because it's so rare. The shade of pink to you is a tiny bit more pale and I honestly think it looks much better.
just werks + no bloat + no ads
no fucking way, maybe gemini nano or gemma
What will I really gain if I upgrade my 13 Pro to a 15 Pro?
Camera improvements, mainly
Which app do you use as a replacement for Tachiyomi? I know that I can read online but i still like to download cause I don't have much 5G data.
IMO custom roms started dying on 2020, this is another nail for the coffin.
This BL policy its for China phones only, for now.
BUT, with Goolag becoming more strict to pass Integrity, it's about time we end up on the same situation.

About Xiaomeme phones:
I was thinking of importing a Redmi Turbo 3, or a K70. Specs and price were very good, but if bootloader is locked it no longer worth it, it's nearly the same price as buying locally and getting warranty.
(Unlocking the phone is around is +70$)

Check phones released in 2023 with MIUI, those can still be unlocked: Redmi k60/Poco F5 might be a good candidate.
Didn’t know there were so many people here who are literally experiencing poverty
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This asshole loser pisses me off.
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thanks bro
Just get a Moto G Stylus 2024.
Zenfone 9 just for the extra storage. If you can get either one at 512GB, go for it.
How's the micropenis hanging?
what's the user experience of iphone se 2022?
any ebook reader
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thanks guys you reminded me I was gonna search for tachiyomi alternative
I use tachiyomi J2K
While the other anon might be on the extreme end, I literally just spent 248 usd on a phone with HDR10+ panel with 120hz 1.5k res screen, UFS 4, D8300U, wifi 6, lpddr5x ram, 5G.
So things might end up getting even more interesting on the sub 300 bracket in the future.
Not to mention flooded used markets of phone that had 5-7 years of promised support.
What controller is that? Is it any good?
>try to use new bezel-less phone
>it is harder to reach stuff, cramps fingers more and prone to accidental touch
Why do normies not complain about this shit? Is it really just me?
what do you do on your phone? I can't understand why people care so much about phones, i just use mine for whatsapp, alarm and taking photos of documents with the camera
how is it better than the a25
I'm into photography thanks to my phone and my phone is my current main camera
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I dunno, a bit of everything. Using gps and maps, messaging apps, taking photos, reading mails, listening to music, reading manga, taking notes, banking, using loyalty cards, 2FA, public transport apps, looking stuff up in a browser, etc.
I don't use my phone much when I'm at home, but when I'm out and about I like having access to all that.
What can you spend those points on?
$10 for in app purchases
Name recognition.

>Oh, I use Google everyday. Might as well get the Google phone.
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I kneel saar
Better processor and 8GB RAM standard.

A25 is decent though, make sure it at least has 6GB of RAM.
God fucking dammit, I'm this close to pulling the trigger.
Is there really nothing else on other (non-chink) brands that comes close to it for the price?
why do you people have to be snowflakes and buy all these meme phones.
The back glass is replaceable, but it now cracks really easily with a little force.
iphone se 2020*
I bought a used s23 and it has a few screen nicks, but I have the impression that it has a screen protector. Does anyone have high res photos to check that for comparison? Is the front face supposed to be completely flat?
Try spinning the 3D model on GSMARENA - >Pictures.
>phone and tablet displaced my laptop
Sufficient, but I only bought them to flip them for Apple gift cards (I would buy at $100, and they usually gave $160 for them).

If one lens, LCD screen, and A13 processor is all you need you should be fine.
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How big is too big?
a knoife loicense
The question isn't how big it's how retarded.
Just got a pixel 8 and pixel watch as a gift. What should I know?
Graphene OS also where do I get friends/family like yours?
Catfishing on FFXIV. I am 100% serious.
I could settle for a side grade, the chip is gen 2 which I don't mind and the camera isn't telescopic but I'd have more RAM and the same space and more batter + faster charging. Seriously thinking about picking up the 12R and testing it for a week then returning it or keeping it and selling my S23U
Why can't I have a wallpaper carousel for my lock screen on Hello UI? Samsung did this shit years ago and it was pretty nice
i ddidnt get one because spyware and poco is legendarily bad with just stopping working after a while
This nigger probably pays for spotify and streaming services like a faggot
Some of us like to use our smartphone as a SMART PHONE. You know like a computer in your pocket. It's kind of nice if your computer has a file manager
S24 ultra isn't big at all.
If you like using terminal emulators or loading custom roms onto your phone iPhones are not for you. They treat you like a child, and only let you use apps blessed by Tim Cook himself on the appstore
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Here's a question: what do you think about magsafe? In terms of usefulness through accessories, mounts and other stuff. I'm well aware that wireless charging is a meme. But magnets, man! Fucking miracles.
Huh I did mine after seeing yours and got one too. I thought Google might be broken but the gal only got three points. Womp womp. Wonder how many of these they are handing out today
I rarely see anyone actually using magsafe. Just a gimmick feature.
How do you go about cleaning an S-pen? won't the hole become all nasty even if you clean the pen? Is this the same with women? Do their holes also become more and more gross as the years pass?
Why is everyone copying the iPhone... again
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post wallpapers
I know the s24 ultra camera is fucking awful and the pics and videos look like absolute shit. But if I install gcam do the photos and videos turn out nice or are they still shit? Cause the Pixel 8's pics and videos are shit.
>legendarily bad with just stopping working after a while
that's every android phone. and every iphone before 2018
I used my poco f1 for 5 years and it was still working fine at the time I switched it. Maybe later models are shittier.
This nigga turned a fold into a nds
F3 and X3 lineup were the deadboot generation.
Is dimensity actually good or it's all paid shills
Every phone camera is the same, it's the processing afterwards that makes them good or bad. So Gcam will make it nicer, but if you don't like Gcam there's no benefit
is there anything like an oppo or honorcam then?
Nvm I went ahead and got it for £800. Not bad for a 512gb device that has all the bells and whistles, plus a secure face id unlock and fp scanner.
There's no point in buying expensive phones when all you're gonna use it is for casual browsing of social media and phone calls. Just buy a cheap ass Chinese smartphone and install a custom rom in it.
reminder that this general is filled with brown subhuman monkeys from brazil, india, china and usa
that's why
>the most shilled phones are cheap (below $200, basically a pocket change) and come from chinese brands
>custom roms coded by indians are popular
>android is most popular
>apple is hated
>gaming is popular
Battery life wise they seem to be really good.
>the most shilled phones are cheap
>custom roms coded by indians are popular
>android is most popular
Yeah it's called good taste
>apple is hated
Yeah it's called good taste
>gaming is popular
0/5 do better next time
I'd rather buy a cheap smartphone and put all the budget into buying a premium tab. Smartphones are useless. At least tabs are peak media consumption devices.
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Just swapped the back glass on my S24 Ultra because I didnt like the purple. Even with tools included the price was still less than half of getting it swapped at an authorized place. Took me 30 minutes to do and I never done anything like this before.
>rip water resistance
dont care. Them charging triple the price for applying some cheap glue all around that will last a year is a fucking scam. I can do that myself if I needed water resistance that badly
I just don't the point of spending $1000 on a phone that you only use to make calls.
don't understand*
Cope. Your beloved Apple is aboosing chink labor. And outsources customer service reps to thirdie wagies.
Kys so you don't suffer the pain of near irrelevancy.
Every tech company abuses thirdies
6.5'' should be the upper limit.
Any longer and your shitty phone is just larping as tiny tablet, and doesn't satisfy neither phone users nor tablet users.
>Any longer and your shitty phone is just larping as tiny tablet, and doesn't satisfy neither phone users nor tablet users.
It does make watching videos and playing gayms and even displaying pictures to others way better tho
Why the fuck would you watch videos and play games on a phone
Because phones aren't just phones anymore. They are replacements for computers. Jack of all trades, all in one devices.
Nta that's the issue with zoomers. People should use different device for different purposes. Phones for social media usage. Tabs for videos, reading books, taking notes. PCs for gaming and coding and actual productivity stuff.
Why do you limit yourself to a boomer-era mentality? I barely use the laptop anymore since most of what I need, besides Steam, is already in my phone?
Even sadder fact is that I use the Jewgle-less Huawei tab more than my Win10 laptop.
Phone screens are tiny, even the large 7" ones and android/ios don't really have good games.
Also they are short on internal storage and microsd cards are pretty slow
It ain't that bad. I live thru the Nokoa java and Symbian era so these newer ones are no longer a problem for me. And my tab is 11 inches btw.

Microsd card slow speeds are not an issue if they're not gonna be used for installing apps. Rom, movies, mangas etc don't need fast speeds to be utilized. Emulators can still run those roms and the mangas load effortlessly and are readable on my 1.5k res screen with 120Hz HDR10. Something that my 250 nits 1080p 60hz thinkpad doesn't have.

And for those that lacked sd card slots, UFS 3-4 storage exists. And in miche cases, external NTFS support like that of the Asus Rog Phone 8.
Lol same. My tab s9 is not as powerful as my PC but it's just more comfy to use and satisfies all my needs so I barely use my PC.
As is deserved
Why didn't you like the purple?
I use my phone far more than a tablet. Also, I can't bring myself to buy a plastic phone (which 99% of budget phones are). They just feel cheap and toyish.

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