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I think I'm ready to try Arch. Right now I'm on Windows 10 IoT LTSC, before that I was on Debian.

I like Debian but I don't want to be stuck with ancient packages. I figured I could use Arch instead. What do you guys think?
Try Gentoo on an encrypted btrfs instead.
If you want Debian but with fresher packages just use Fedora, but if the idea of Arch appeals to you, use Arch.
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>I don't want to be stuck with ancient packages
Gentoo package age will probably bother you, too.
>I figured I could use Arch instead. What do you guys think?
Arch is the best. Feels so good to have literally every package I care about on its latest stable upstream release.
For arguments sake, why would you choose Fedora over Arch?

>Feels so good to have literally every package I care about on its latest stable upstream release.
Sounds good to me too. I just worry about having my system break on me a lot
That's the joke.

It has literally never broken on me. Maybe it's because I use AUR sparingly. Currently I have no packages installed from outside the official repos.
Give arch a try if you want to. But if you want updated packages you can still use debian but you have to setup the repos as testing.
>Nobody said "she"
>Nobody said a joke

I don't know why you need the official approval from the autist committee. Just do what you want.
Don't do this. You will often be woefully out of date on security patches. If you insist on Debian, use Sid. But even that seriously lags on consistent package freshness.

The girl in OP's pic is a ladyboy. I think OP was making fun of tanti-trans 4chan chuds because they like to say that Arch is only used by trans people or something.
anti-trans* lol
Why use Arch when you can use Artix.
>I think OP was making fun of tanti-trans 4chan chuds because they like to say that Arch is only used by trans people or something.
That's... a fairly big assumption/projection. What if, and just hear me out here, OP was simply posting a cute image of a cute ladyboy just because it's, you know, cute?
which init do you recommend?
I want the opinion of the autism committee
You'll be expected to updoot regularly and to read the updoot nootes. If you want more of a middle ground but still have new packages, consider Fedora or Tumbleweed.
I think your ladyboy
If you just want new packages there are a lot of options, to name I few I find distinctive enough: Fedora, openSUSE Tumbleweed, Nixos, and Clear Linux. You can't go wrong with Arch since everyone is using it but if you want to you can just try out every one of those in a vm.
Dinit or runit.
This might be a decent segway. Does it "just werk" or do I have to tend to it regularly?
you know what's cute? my load dripping out of her (his) ass while her (his) cocklet cums
It just works, as long as you stay on the older release and only upgrade it at/near EOL, which is every 6 months. There are regular kernel updoots, but if something goes wrong you just select one of the older ones in GRUB.

Blue board.
Fedora is high-churn distro. Not in version numbers (that's Arch), but in its patchset and incubating/adopting new technologies. Arch is more reliable.
i run fedora on my HTPC and arch on everything else i own. I like fedora because it works 100% of the time, 90% of the time.
I don't know why but I was almost filtered by that combination. I can install arch from memory in like 2 mins, encryption is easy, btrfs is easy, and I have a desktop with Gentoo running, no problem. But when I first tried installing Gentoo with encrypted btrfs it took me like 5 hours cause the Gentoo wiki has like 5 guides on encryption and all of them are wrong if you don't follow that one really obscure route. Somehow they removed half of the grub features and you can't set a decrypted root by UUID for example, even though you can do it from any other distro.

Ended up trying a second time and just copying a config file from another distro and it worked lol
Use Artix. You can install as seamlessly as debian, or do a tedious full-custom install from a desktop environment if you want to. You still get access to the same AUR, and getting normal Arch packages like steam is fairly easy to configure, but you get to choose an init system other than systemd and, consequently, you'll have more free memory for actually useful software.
Inb4 fartix meme from tranny distro copers
Cute girl
Gentoo is basically designed to mix and match different software versions. By default, you'll have the lts versions of everything but you can just say you want the latest version of some package and it'll just work. On other distros like arch you'll get a bunch of different packages in the AUR for different versions but that can cause some problems.

Of course if you don't care about any of that and you just want the latest stable version of everything then Arch is easier to use
>incubating/adopting new technologies. Arch is more reliable.
That's why Fedora gives you 6 months to upgrade to the latest release, so that whatever new package they've switched to has had time to be tested and fixed. With Arch you're either expected to enact such changes manually, or they just happen during any update and you're expected to have read the release notes.
Fedora confuses me. It's not really point release and it's not really rolling release either. Some packages are always the latest and then you get major upgrades that have all the downsides of major upgrades (you know, randomly breaking)
Non-system packages get upgraded thoughout, because they don't follow Fedora's release cadence and because Fedora is more about upstream testing than stability. The only system level packages that get upgraded throughout the release are the kernels.
yeah but fedora is a hardcore freetard distro so a lot of stuff will be broken like hardware video decoding and encoding recently. and the workaround? build it yourself...
>I just worry about having my system break on me a lot
that's a meme, use LTS kernel if you're still afraid of that and it's gonna be extremely rare unless you blindly do something to break it yourself like installing weird dogshit from AUR
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>you get to choose an init system other than systemd and, consequently, you'll have more free memory for actually useful software
Damn, how memory-constrained is your system? 13MB RAM isn't a lot these days. Which init are you running? Post screencap matching the commands in mine.
What happens when you run Arch and you don't regularly update?
It fucks itself up, just like any other distro.>>101578681
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Stock Arch kernel is super solid. I'm guessing you have out-of-tree kernel modules or NVIDA or something?

Not sure that I understand. Arch requiring occasional systems administration is different to Fedora pushing custom patches or new configurations/technologies.

>Fedora confuses me
Fedora's goals often don't overlap with a typical user's goals. That said, it is generally a fine distro, and a major force in the Linux world.
>I'm guessing you have out-of-tree kernel modules or NVIDA or something?
why do you think that?
Just because I haven't had it break on me, but I have heard those things cause issues with Linux in general.
>yeah but fedora is a hardcore freetard distro
It's not. RPMfusion being a separate repo is a technicality, designed to appease US Govt, which is Red Hat's biggest cash cow. As far as I know, the issue where a codec got moved from mainline repo to RPMfusion only affected the latest release. GPU encoding, especially if you're on Nvidia, is entirely separate from the distro.
maybe you replied to the wrong person then because I have no idea what you're talking about
they said on the list that no one there has interest in maintaining a separate mesa package. its a pretty big deal tied to a lot of stuff in these "stable" distros. on arch and even manjaro you can easily drop in your own but elsewhere package dependencies will break everything
There's no interest because most people who care about hardware video encoding use Nvidia anyway.
Bloody hell. That was supposed to go in the Chris Watts thread on another browser tab. Sorry!
that's a dude
its a rady boy
Nta, but I'm currently using openrc. Why dinit over openrc?
That’s a woman (with a penis). Hot.
nooooooo, i am ladybooooyyyy
it doesn't sound good when you download an app, discord for example, but everything looks like ass and you can't see emojis because you didn't download x font
it's just unnecessary tedium
I think a lot of the shitshow regarding trannies could've been avoided if we would've just adopted the age old of classification of "men too effeminate to function as men and as such occupy a third social gender role" instead of this trans women are 100% women absurdity. Femboy is trying to mend this, thankfully.
she cut her penis off btw. its over.
Nah, I think idpol is is a broader issue. Transsexualism is just a convenient, trendy excuse for narcissism, manipulation, and Unwarranted Self Imporance.
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this. my heart sank. who even likes post op axe wound
>Right now I'm on Windows 10 IoT LTSC, before that I was on Debian
at this point you can consider Haiku or TempleOS, you aren't going to use it for work either

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