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How come AMD is so much better in the mid-range and budget segment of video cards than NVIDIA, and why do people still prefer NVIDIA at that point? The 4060 Ti competes against the RX 7700 XT in terms of price, but comes nowhere near in terms of performance. Even stranger: people would rather buy the 4060 Ti over the 7700 XT, even when fully realizing the difference. It reminds me of people buying the 1050 Ti over the RX 580, even with the massive performance difference.
>How come AMD is so much better in the mid-range and budget segment of video cards than NVIDIA
thats the section of the market they deliberately chose
it is the rational thing to do- earn money through volume of sales, not margin.

>why do people still prefer NVIDIA at that point?
humans are not rational creatures.
and marketing is CREATING A PERCEPTION
of a product.
iot doesnt matter if the product is good or not, all that matters is how its percieved by the potential client.

these two truths put toegether explain why the public percieves ngreedia products as being beter value than amd, despite amd being clearly the economically better option

but then again
we're talking about people crying about a 5fps difference between 195 and 200 fps
theyre not rational creatures
>I'll just ignore entirely the feature that Nvida cards have that AMD dont
nice cherrypicking anon
>reminds me of people buying the 1050 Ti over the RX 580
its not a new phenomenon

and if you look around, its not specific to computershit either
nvidia products just provide a better experience than amd. Amd cards just have bad drivers/work bad with lots of games, have weird microstutter or lag, no dlss, they run hot. Its just behind in every dimension
>what is CUDA
>what is RTX
>what is AI modelling
OP tell me how I know you're a gaymer who only looks at "muh FPS"
Mid-range to an adult means you buy a 4070/4800 and you would just be dumb buying an AMD card for reasons that are very obvious.
shills never sleep.
100% trying to create perceptions
its just that youre fucking bad at it
When broke non tech savvy people ask for buying advice I always force them to buy used nvidia so I dont have to be their tech support on random amd issues and none of those tech illiterate people have any issues with nvidia.
>I dont know what cuda or LLMs are even used for.
DIY builders are evenly split on amd and nvidia. Prebuilt buyers don't prefer nvidia they don't even know what an nvidia is.
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i actually write ml
generative stuff must be extremely heavy compute wise because for finance an rx 590 is overkill
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I'm sure the average gamer gives a fuck about CUDA and LLMs. You know, the ones buying that waste of silicon, the 4060 Ti, en masse.
most people dont go out of their way to choose nvidia or intel. that's literally all they are given when they shop prebuilt or go to a oem. you are more likely to see to see amd in consoles or boutique buiilds.
because nvidia sells at a massive fucking profit margin, especially after bitcon scalping showed them that retards are ready to pay just about any price for their gayming hardware
Because budget range products are for poorfags, and when a poorfag buy an expensive product like a graphics card, he is often terribly afraid that he will make a wrong choice, because he can't afford a mistake, so he makes the safe choice and gets what everyone else is buying, which means Nvidia. Same goes for Intel cpus.
no one is buying anything in that price range, the offer sucks for both parts
also I bought the 1050 because AMD was sold out everywhere for mining

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