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What is the most comfy new laptop in terms of build quality, good keyboard, good screen etc.
thinkpad x230 with japanese x220 keyboard and coreboot firmware
I like the new HP Elitebooks. Much better value where I live. Only problem is QA.
get a latitude
>japanese x220 keyboard
Why though
G10 AMD. Good screen, good keyboard, good hardware. What is shit about it?
Of all the 'business' laptops I have used in the past years:

>Thinkpad T480
My main machine for now. I think it types wonderfullly, the 8th gen i5 is pretty snappy and will support Windows for quite a while (not important for me personally, but might be for you), and I really like the swappable battery. Screen is pretty washed out, trackpad is pretty bad, it's pretty heavy too.

>Apple Macbook Air M1
Probably the best 'just werks' device that exists right now. Fantastic screen, fantastic battery life, fantastic trackpad, pretty good webcam. I don't particularly like the keyboard (it's servicable), and it has pretty bad longevity (when the specs become too bad/apple stops supporting it, there's nothing you can do (except trying your luck in ARM-Linux land)).

>Dell Latitude 5440
Brand-new laptop that was provided to me by work. It's fine. Build quality is okay, trackpad is above average, OS feels snappy but not lightning fast, screen is bright but not spectacular. Personally really hate the feel of the keyboard, it's weirdly spongy.

>HP Elitebook x360 G2
Build quality is fantastic, Really liked the keyboard feel, screen gets so bright it'll burn your retinas, build quality felt really great overall. The trackpad was a little too small and 'meh' feeling. I had to stop using mine because the battery worked, but the indicator didn't (you'd never know at what percentage the battery was). Perhaps the QA issue as >>101578947 describes is real.

If you forgive the malfunction, I'd say the Elitebook was the best overall package.
smaller spacebar with extra keys around it, optimized for emacs
macbook pro
metal chassis, amazing display and keyboard, cope
cause he is mentally ill anime fag
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I’d get a MacBook if only it would be possible to run windows natively. Yes i know you can put it on a MacBook but fact is you’ll run into all kinds of issues. If that wouldn’t be the case the choice was easy.

Pic unrelated but it’s my cat.
also anime website LEL RETARD
do you not know what this board used to be? LEL
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>design unchanged since 2005
>models as late as 2023 still have cd rom drive and vga
>12 inch 16:10 display
>all of this besides modern features including thunderbolt 4
it was never a contest
the faster and more you buy the faster the manufacturer will start putting out even more upgrades and sidegrades
stop waiting for some global megacorporation electronics manufacturer to come along and make a good laptop in year 2024
framework is our only hope. That's a fact. I know you don't like them because linux mixracing tips invested in them but who cares. every single corporation has their fingers in some sort of investment you'd disagree with.
it's mainly for japanese corpos who can't bother to upgrade to hdmi projectors/screens and other forms of media storage
for that reason they're very hard to get outside of japan and not cheap at all but definitely worth it
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The durability of 2in1s is atrocious. Sooner or later that hinge is going to fail. I had one and never again.
I would go with Panasonic FZ-55 but that's just me.
Unfortunately Panasonic got so expensive milking on fat govt contracts it just ain't worth it anymore.
>elitebooks have been shit for like 8 years
you are mentally ill
pre-2016 elitebooks had 50 nits trash displays
>no numpad
one with a numpad
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Looking to replace my t520 actually.
new clevo laptop looks good I am going to try that out when its released
What the fuck do you want all that shit for? Just get pointing stick and good keyboard and good battery life. Use a desktop otherwise.
I have the M3 MacBook pro and it's really nice. 18gb m3 pro. I use it for music production. I was using an iPad but, I needed something a bit more. This is way overkill. It's totally airgapped. Runs a pirated copy of Logic Pro. I paid for logic pro to be preinstalled from Apple. No they require you to now login with an Apple ID and download it. It's in the app store under my purchases. I tried to download it on another machine and transfer it over, it refused to work. So I pirated it. It works and I'm happy. Why go through all this hassle? I don't want anything I record to be stolen. But the MacBook Pro is truly the best laptop on the market sadly.
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I have a HP EliteBook 840 G8 for work. They are expensive but can’t find a thing wrong with them. Except the position of the off key perhaps.
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Thinkpads are eternal
You shouldn't have replaced your current one
this. framework is the only worthwhile option on the market right now.
Wait, do you think that ThinkPads declined in quality? I was just about to get a T14 Gen 1 or Gen 2, as they go for okay prices used where I live. If you think they're bad, what was the last good ThinkPad? T480? T495?
I want one, but...
>no upgradeable ram
>no amd option
Everything else seems perfect.
Price is a skill issue that is easily solved by saving muh money.
They still make and sell new thinkpads
you dumb consoomer, yeah i can't wait to buy their special upgrade materials for their special product.

No instead I'll buy the factory surplus parts of shit people sold as ewaste and it'll be near free and it'll just WORK with plentiful e-waste repair material.

you can buy an old sloppad for 100 bucks and batteries for 15, mainboards for 30, screens for 50, etc. etc.

Fuck off.
There aren't any good PC laptops right now. I have like 4-5 ThinkPads depending on your definition of working. I have a Dell XPS 13 Developer Edition, MacBook Pro and Razer Blade. I'm not completely satisfied with any of them, but I believe these are the best options at the moment.
I'm looking at the Tuxedo InfinityBook Pro 14 Gen 9 AMD as my next machine. But it's not out yet.
The last great PC laptop was the ThinkPad T42p/T43p. There's been a lot of trash since then.
Looks good but I need to run modern software and web pages. So 8-series Intel or an AMD equivalent minimum.
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What about the Lenovo yoga slim 7? I don’t care about the missing sound output, i only use Bluetooth headphones anyway. Seems to tick everything else
Spent 400 dollary doo's awhile back for a t480s, i7. Had the 2k screen which was unadvertised. I immediately installed mint and it's my daily work machine. I could not ask for more and can't see myself needing to upgrade anytime in the near future.
Surface pro

Hate me for it but it’s one of the best right now
Do you think that ThinkPads or Dells better if we compare the current models?
What is your current favourite in terms of build quality?
MNT Reform
Probably still ThinkPad. I only have an XPS because it came with Ubuntu preinstalled and I wanted to run Linux with no fuss. If ThinkPad had that option at the time I probably just would have gotten that.

From the ones I own, probably the Blade. It definitely feels the best. But it's 17" so I don't really travel with it. It's almost like a desktop. The keyboard isn't great but I almost always use a mechanical keyboard with it. The newest ThinkPad I have is a T470. It's not bad quality either, but it's too old and slow for me to use every day.
Apple MacBook Pro
Ok thanks. I think I'm going to get a ThinkPad then. No point getting a bulky gaming laptop, as I already have a desktop at home.
Macbooks if they had good keyboards and if their M chips could run everything
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It would be perfect if it had the clit.
I want battery life. I hate being tethered to an outlet, I want the freedom to go anywhere. I also want it to look good. What laptop do I get?
I always buy chromebooks I can coreboot now. It's easy to find a linux laptop with 16GB, ssd, and a i5/i7 for about $500 that way
My last few laptops having been asus gaming laptops and it's been comfy
Wow I didn’t know about this anon, thank you.
Keyboard is mushy, trackpad is chode-sized, and no trackpoint. I can overlook it having soldered components, but taking it apart is a pain in the ass compared to servicing a ThinkPad. It having a CD drive is a plus though.
Framework is for faggots, and I'm inclined to consider anyone who mentions it a shill. Say the nigger-word to prove you're not a shill and post your framework you hold in such high regard, sir.
>Cells blow your balls off
>Framework is for faggots
Thanks, I'm going to check it out then.
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Pretty heavy tho.
I’m thinking about that Lenovo yoga slim 7
Any other suggestions bros?

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