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Why is this retarded piece of shit board not able to process a normal standard h264 mp4 video?

>ffmpeg -i input_video.ext -c:v libx264 -b:v 800k -preset slow -crf 28 -c:a aac -b:a 96k output_video.mp4
File: 1000001635.webm (3.99 MB, 1080x1920)
3.99 MB
3.99 MB WEBM
eat ze bugs
size optimized h264 sucks for streaming
it always amaze me that animals are able to cognize other animals, and discriminate between an animal of their species and animal completely different.
me debugging
Absolutely based monkey. Fuck bugs.
Damn sometimes I wish I could have a monkey. But it probably maul me to death at some point.
File: mongodb_100166.png (289 KB, 460x406)
289 KB
289 KB PNG
The US government does not have the resources to make changes this year. Please accept the alternative to set up and host your own altchan. Many of them support mp4 by default.
smarter than some people
4 chinz culture
Baboons are omnivorous, I'm kinda surprised he didn't eat the bug (unless it's poisonous and he had learned of it somehow). But I guess the boi needed his carbs.
We have enough altchans, what they need are users.
we went from getting this question every week to twice per day
>using ffmpeg's native AAC encoder at 96 kbps
I guess that's good enough if you are deaf
also why are you specifying both crf and variable bitrate, and why add libx264 when it's already the default?
oh yeah I forgot you are retarded sorry
Funny how every other imageboard supports mp4 without paying royalties. Stop making excuses.
Well really you can't say if you're not a lawyer. It is true that MP4 is patented and licensing it does cost money, but if you are only using it for distributing free videos online I don't think it costs anything (vs charging for views).
Things like 4chan being a company that makes profit via advertisements served next to said videos may make such videos classified as "nonfree" or something though and require royalties, really you'd have to just read the full license terms to know for sure.

With webm this legal ambiguity is not there, VP8/9 are fully open codecs and there's no royalties or licensing or anything, so it's easier to just use that.
Plus 4chan likely does not want to have CPU time burnt up by transcoding videos if they were to automatically do it anyways, it's better to defer that cost to the user and support only a single format if you're going to pick one like that.
are you retarded?
no other imageboard is nearly as big as 4chan, they don't go after the little guys
You are mentally ill.
>I'm kinda surprised he didn't eat the bug
I'm (un)surprised he didn't squish it.
Even on the second go, where it wasn't on his "plate" anymore.
In 15 years he has never support this, why are you complaining?

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