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I remember a long time ago I was having crashes in pso2 and when I looked in the readme it said to stop using nvidia gpus and switch to radeon and see if things improve lol.
Source from buildzoid lmao
your potato is permanently cooked. time to update your 10 year old PC
i have the exact same cpu, it's literally over for me
just tell intel customer support and you'll get a new one for free
>game makes fun of you for buying a shit cpu
even if there's nothing wrong with it currently? it's probably gonna fail right when the warranty runs out with my luck
why did you buy it if you don't like it
these issues weren't well known at the time, i was upgrading from a 4th gen intel
devs high fiving knowing they have a slam dunk to blame their shit code on
>Problematic CPU Detected

Did the same upgrade but went for a 7800X3D, should've judged better
Sucks to suck. Just rma the cpu until you give up I am on fourth cpu and had to lower the clocks to 50x multiplier and disable e-cores. There is no hope for this shit generstion of cpus for my system I am so fucking done wasting my time with intel customer support and getting back cpu that only dies faster than previous one did.
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>problematic cpu
oy vey! that's antisemitism!
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>Problematic CPU Detected
My sides.
How the mighty have fallen.
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100% real!!
Not something that OP made! I swear!
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>Problematic CPU Detected
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Reminder, the damage is permanant and microcodes wont fix anything
I hate that problematic has become a loaded term, especially since my first thought when I saw the word was "Oy Vey!" and I'm not even particularly racist, just misanthropic.
Who said it would? It's clearly a hardware issue.
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>intel users getting jewed
>five dollar footlong
Lol imagine telling some kid in the 2050s how we used to be able to get sandwiches for $5 and he just looks at us like how we used to look at old people who would say that a pack of gum used to cost a quarter.
buildzoid rambling about 14900k again

minecraft datacenter server hosting edition
Good chunk of people are still in denial.
So how do I check whether my CPU is an affected model?
My grandpa used to tell me about getting breakfast in a small town in the late 1960s or early '70s and he came from Washington DC where prices were (for the time) higher. So he was shocked at only paying $1.85 for 3 eggs, toast, hash browns, and a few cups of coffee.

These days you couldn't get anywhere close to that cheap even with wholesale pricing on the ingredients and no labor costs on cooking it.
13th/14th gen Intel desktop CPUs.
ALL of them?
CPUs on the B0 stepping die
what percentage of 13th/14th gen cpus are failing?
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This is just persecution and racism. I feel like a Palestinian kid in Weimar Germany :(
On top of that the synagogue doesn't even let me undervolt for having a HH series laptop cpu.
50% failure rate
got a source?
Link goes to a newegg page with an AM5 board and Ryzen CPU
Advanced marketing devices got to them
Lmao, I was buying CPU last week and was couldn't choose between this and ryzen 7 7700x, went with ryzen and these news dropped next day, bullet fucking dodged.
>sloppy programming
>game crashes
>if cpu = intel then blame the cpu
The 13th gen i7 isn't even affected.
oy vey!!!!!!!!!!
Nigga tell that to my fourth i7-13700k not stable again after two weeks of gaming.
Low effort trolling
CPU failures are one in a hundred
Intel has had hardware bugs before that they have patched (worked around) with microcode updates
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Sure thing ayyyymd bro.
GamersNexus and Level1Techs.
50% chance of failure with heavy usage.
25% chance of failure with normal usage.

Oxidation cannot be fixed with a microcode update.
I know, I meant that some hardware issues can be fixed with microcode updates, but not this
>50% chance of failure with heavy usage.
>25% chance of failure with normal usage.
Used to be able to get BigMacs for 25ct back in like 1998 on Wednesday....
>13'th gen
>10 year old
bait or mental retardation
it IS practically 10 years old with how many vulnerabilities it has, how much it overheats and how often it crashes
Still on a 12th gen CPU. No crashes whatsoever.

Feels good, man.
True, it's 100% and 80%
13900k B0, 96GB DD5 at 6400, 24/7 on for a year with heavy usage. zero crashes.
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>He fell for unreal marketing
Not a problem on my 4790k with Windows 10 LTSB fuck jannies don't at me
>13900k B0, 96GB DD5 at 6400, 24/7 on for a year with heavy usage. zero crashes.
sure thing shlomo. I guess the climate in Israel is more conductive to those specific CPUs
>bought a 12700k which has no problems
>has never crashed
>will be fine for the next 5 years

Should have known intel was going to shit the bed and bought a new cpu earlier anon. You're fucked.
>he thinks we will own sandwiches in 2050
sorry bro, prepare to rent your footlong
well unforunately you have to upgrade any forever, intel

everybody suffers, arm will as well

i've seen it irl
what an amazing artefact
im only interested in the wallpaper
Will this kill Intel?
intel will probably find a microcode "fix" that let's your cpu hobble along with 30% fewer crashes and 60% less performance, to trick people into not demanding a replacement
13900ks B0, 96GB DD5 at 6400, 24/7 on for a year with light usage. crashes in yet games.
Just buy a new one.
>buy a new one
>sockets changed again
Already sold my 13th gen when the news broke out in April and changed to ayymd
I made out like a bandit
>Who said it would?
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> things that never happened
profound mental retardation, inoperational.
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You get what you pay for.
why is barberino so gooferino, frenderinos?
kill all upgrooders, my 4790 lasted 7 years before i changed it for a 12400f next cpu will be a 14th gen in 6 years
Lucky my last build was based on Intel i7 12700kf even though 13th was already out, i only buy tried and tested hw and u should too
oy, stop noticing.
Any 13th or 14th gen CPU that runs above 65W.

But that's just what we know so far, it's possible that even lower-power CPUs are affected, it just takes so long for them to degrade that no one notices.
>The 13th gen i7 isn't even affected.
It is though. Intel's already confirmed those are affected.

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